A common argument against creation and Noah's Flood is that dinosaurs, especially dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus Rex, were so fierce that man could not have survived very long on Earth with them. In this essay, I will question and examine that statement.
Actually, I don't think T-Rex was as frightening as the movies make him out to be for several reasons. First, the scientist who specialize in studying T-Rex say there is a problem with him having been a predator. He has very long teeth with very shallow roots. Most scientists now believe that, if he were to sink his teeth into another animal to kill it, after the first bite, he would have to gum the animal to death because his teeth would all be pulled out with that first bite.
More and more scientists are beginning to believe he was a scavenger. But they also admit that he would probably lose all of his teeth just from biting into a dead animal.
We first thought that he was a predator because his teeth are similar in shape to the crocodile but they didn't think about his extremely shallow tooth roots. I saw a really interesting lecture on this by a biologist who is also a creationist. He pointed out that there is another animal with the same shape teeth with shallow tooth roots. It is the Australian Fox Bat which is a fruit bat. He hypothesized that T-Rex may have actually fed on those giant watermelons which got up to over 100 pounds before the flood. Is it possible that all of those "fierce" bipedal monsters we see in the movies were actually herbivores.....like the elephant? Yep.
Second, a T-Rex was only about 10% to 20% larger than an elephant and is estimated to have had a running speed of approximately the same as the elephant. They used to show a really great show on PBS about a tribe of pygmies. It showed these tiny people, of whom a large person was only five feet tall, kill a full grown bull elephant for dinner with nothing but sharpened sticks or very primitive spears. They didn't even have stone tips. It was very interesting studying their hunting techniques and how they worked in teams.
Keeping all of this in mind, which would you rather have to kill, a raging bull elephant or a raging T-Rex? I used my knowledge from hunting, physiology, anatomy, and kinesiology to answer that question. I would take the T-Rex any day and I will explain why.
When hunting such large animals, the primary target is always the heart. To kill a bull elephant, you can only get at its heart from its left or right sides. You can't kill it from the front because it is a quadrapedal animal and its very thick skull is between you and the elephant's heart. This presents an incredible problem if it is charging you. You will probably lose that one if all you have is a spear or even bow and arrows.
But a bipedal animal like T-Rex is much easier to kill because you can hit the heart from its right side, left side, and the front because it is standing up right with it chest and heart fully exposed. Therefore, you can stick a spear in the heart of a T-Rex when it is charging you killing it. Actually, I would prefer arrows so I could down him from a distance so he would be less likely to fall on me.
A second reason why I would prefer hunting the T-rex than the elephant comes from having watched the pygmies kill the bull elephant. It took them over an hour because they had to wound three legs to get the huge quadrapedal animal to fall down so it could not defend itself while they stabbed it in the heart. With a bipedal animal, you only have to wound ONE leg for it to fall down and be at your mercy. The T-Rex would be three times easier and faster to bring down and kill than an elephant because you have to disable three legs to bring down the elephant and only one for the T-Rex. Therefore, it would be easier for primitive men to have hunted, killed, and even killed those "fierce" bipedal monsters into extinction than quadrapedal elephants.
It would even be easier for primitive man to hunt T-Rex into extinction than whales because, when hunting T-Rex, we are in our natural element on land where we function best. When hunting the whale, we are in its natural element, water, where it has the advantage. Plus the whale is larger and has a thick coating of fat for cushion. Can men with spears (aka harpoons) hunt whales into extinction? We almost did. Then we should also be able to hunt T-Rex into extinction.
God taught me along time ago that the most fierce and efficient predator in the history of the world was not a dinosaur but man. We have hunted more species and even "monsters" into extinction than all other predators combined. Hmmm, it sounds like we are the real monsters.
Is it possible for man (our size) to have existed with dinosaurs like T-Rex? You bet. They could have even hunted them into extinction after the flood with no problem. Especially after they developed the bow and arrow. Much easier than the elephant and we have hunted them into extinction from off of most of the Earth where they used to roam.
Then how about this little critter called a velociraptor which was portrayed in the movie "Jurassic Park" as being a terrifying monster? Let's compare it to many of the other predators man has hunted into extinction or near extinction over the past few thousand years. It was supposed to have stood 5 feet tall (about the height of a small pygmy), weighed 150 pounds, and had a top running speed of 30 to 40 miles per hour. Remember that bipedal animals are easier for man to kill because the heart is exposed and not hiding behind the head like a quadrapedal animal.
Do you think that little runt would even compare to a 160 to 170 pound quadrapedal cheetah which can run at speeds of up to 70 miles per hour? We have hunted the Cheetah into near extinction. Or how about a pride of African lions which weigh from 300 to 500 pounds, run at speeds of 30 to 40 miles per hour, are strong enough to break a water buffaloes neck with one hit, and hunt in prides of half a dozen or more. We have hunted the King of Beasts into extinction on most continents where it used to roam.
Maybe we should compare it to the might grizzly bear which stands up to 16 feet tall, weighs 2,500 pounds, and can run at speeds of 30 to 40 miles per hour. Do you think that little runt velociraptor would have a chance against good ole griz? Of course not. We have hunted the grizzly into almost complete extinction in the continental US. The American Indians hunted it with primitive spears and bows and arrows. One famous pioneer is alleged to have killed one in a fight with just a very large hunting knife. Or how about the largest, most fierce, and most aggressive bear in the world, the mighty polar bear. Eskimos using stone tipped spears hunted it for food. They successfully hunted this huge predator with only one to three Eskimos at one time.
I know, let's compare it to the great sperm whale. It is the largest predator to have ever lived on the planet Earth. Its mouth is so large and powerful it used to bite whaling boats in half and swallow whaling men whole. It eats giant squid that are estimated to be as long as 40 to 60 feet or more. Hunting it requires men to go into the whales element, water, which puts man at a disadvantage. Yet, the mightiest of predators, the sperm whale was no match for fierce little man who almost hunted it into extinction with nothing more than a fancy spear (harpoons.)
Now do you really think man was afraid of an over grown turkey called velociraptor? Absolutely not!! I personally would have hunted it with spear, bow and arrow, or a good broad sword. Who needs a gun to kill such easy prey? The idiots who tell you that man could not have survived with the "mighty dinosaurs" need to study the history of man hunting. They need to study anatomy and kinesiology from a hunting perspective. I believe that, according to the Bible, we did live with these animals and hunted them into extinction just like many other animals. You want to know why the dinosaur is extinct? Go look in the mirror.
Gives you a different perspective, doesn't it? Definitely makes you think. Anyone want to go hunting for some bipedal monsters? :-) When you think about it, dinosaurs aren't really so scary, are they?