This is easily one of the most critical essays I have ever written and you MUST send links for this essay to ALL of your families, friends, and others for them to read. You MUST all know this.
Yesterday, I saw a video of one of the Commie-rat presidential candidates explaining in more detail what their plans are for their "Green New Deal" and the biggest light bulb in my life instantly turned on as it all came together.
The person said that, "to save the planet" they are going to put people into "CONCENTRATED HOUSING" to "decrease carbon emissions", which is exactly what AOC is talking about when she talks about "rebuilding everyone's homes" to make them more environmentally friendly.
Stop and think about that. What they are OPENLY talking about is turning your cities into massive concentration camps, you know, with "concentrated housing". That is EXACTLY what a concentration camp is, everyone living in concentrated housing within a restricted area under the absolute control of the government. That is why they are called concentration camps AND the lefties are now OPENLY admitting that they want to turn your cities into concentration camps, you know, with concentrated housing, to "save the planet"
"Saving the planet" is just the smoke and mirrors to fool you into falling for their trap, baby.
Forget about them using FEMA camps and shipping you off to those camps because that would be too obvious. No, what they are really working on doing RIGHT NOW is turning your "CITIES AND HOMES" into their concentration camps and the smoke and mirrors for doing this is that you will ALL get brand new, free housing that is "MORE ENVIRONMENTALLY COMPATIBLE" to "protect" you and the planet, you know, so they can "take care of you" but not in a good way.
With their Green New Deal, you will be living in government owned and controlled housing, using government owned and controlled transportation, using government owned and controlled energy, eating government owned and controlled food, drinking government owned and controlled water, and you being completely, absolutely government owned and controlled humans or slaves. THAT is the Green New Deal but it gets worse.
Part of the smoke and mirrors is that they are not going to create concentration camps somewhere else and ship you off to those camps but that they are going to turn your cities into concentration camps with "concentrated housing" to have absolute control over you.
But, hey, it is free, baby...except that they keep talking about EVERYONE having a guaranteed government job, you know, you being government slaves. But, hey, to the Commie-rat upper class trash, slavery is a job.
Remember that I have been teaching you that, if you want to control the people, you control the land?
Their smoke and mirrors for this has been well thought out and is very good AND very evil. First, they are not creating concentration camps and shipping you to those camps to murder you. They are planning to turn your cities into those concentration camps with them controlling all transportation so you can't run away. Therefore, they are not calling these concentration camps but are calling them "your cities", even though your cities will be their concentration camps.
Nice little slight of hand, huh?
Second, they don't tell you that ALL Marxist dictatorships used concentration camps to control and murder more than 100 million people in less than one century. They only point out that Hitler had "death camps" and the rest of the commie dictatorships had work camps, you know, the usual commie word or semantics games they always play to fool people, you know, more smoke and mirrors.
First, Hitler wasn't the first one to use concentration camps to control and murder people but they make it look like he was the only one, you know, "them dirty Nazis".
Linen, one of their Marxist gods, was the first Marxists to use concentration camps to control and murder tens of millions of people and they were called Gulags or "work camps", not death camps, you know, ye ole lefty semantics game to fool people.
Linen had already come, murdered tens of millions of people in his concentration or work camps, you know, with concentrated housing, and gone by the time Hitler had gotten into power AND Hitler got his idea for his concentration camps from Linen but Hitler only murdered about 12 to 13 million people in his concentration camps while Linen murdered at least 20 million people in his concentration camps, probably more.
But, hey, Linen ain't no bad guy, only Hitler is.
Hitler didn't call his concentration camps, you know, with concentrated housing, death camps either. He also called his concentration camps "work camps", you know, just like Linen did to fool the people. Hitler's concentration camps started out actually being work camps and had over the main gate in every one of them the German words "Arbeit Macht Frei" or "Work Makes Free" to further fool the people into believing they were not death camps but were innocent work camps, you know, ye ole Marxist semantics game to fool people.
Gee, what a coincidence.
Also,WHILE Hitler was ruling Germany with his concentration camps murdering millions of people, Stalin, one of the lefty Marxist gods, was murdering tens of millions more people in his concentration camps, you know, with concentrated housing, just next door to Hitler AND Stalin also murdered more people in his concentration camps than Hitler did. They conservatively estimate that Stalin murdered at least 20 to 30 million people while Hitler was only murdering about 12 to 13 million people.
Hey, Hitler was small time, baby. No wonder the lefties look down on Hitler.
BTW, ALL THREE of them were Marxists. Hitler was the socialist and Linen and Stalin were communists. Gee, what a coincidence.
Then, in the 1950s, Mao, one of the lefty Marxist gods, started his concentration camps, you know, with concentrated housing, calling them "education camps", you know, ye ole commie semantics game to fool the people.
Mao murdered more people in his camps than all of the first three Marxists combined with an estimated 50 million people, probably many more, being murdered just by Mao AND today's communist China is still using those concentration camps to control and murder millions more people than all three of the first three Marxists did with their concentration camps.
Hey, the Chicom learned well from and improved on what the three Marxists before them did.
Between just the four of them, they murdered over 100 million people in just a little over three fourths of a century, some estimate more than 200 million, but it gets worse.
Do you notice a little pattern here?
Communist North Korea has been using concentration camps, you know, with concentrated housing, to murder millions of people since the 1950s.
Since the 1950s, Communist Cuba has used concentration camps, you know, with concentrated housing, to murder millions of people.
Communist Vietnam has used concentration camps, you know, with concentrated housing, to murder at least hundreds of thousands of people, possibly more than one million.
Communist Pol Pot of Cambodia used his concentration camps, you know, with concentrated housing, to murder more than 2 million people.
Do you notice a little pattern here? Gee, what a coincidence.
Now our Marxist leaders are OPENLY talking about tearing down our cities, building "concentrated housing", and shoving your little government owned slave butts into their concentration camps to have absolute control over you WHILE also OPENLY talking about planning to "depopulate the planet" down to a maximum of 500 million people, you know, murder off a few billion people in their concentration camps, you know, with concentrated housing.
Are you getting the picture yet?
And please note that that is their goal for the "MAXIMUM" (their word) global population and NOT their goal for their desired target global population, which is probably even smaller, especially with Ted Turner talking about depopulating the planet down to 250 million, which means they are RIGHT NOW working to butcher more than 7 billion people globally, the greatest human slaughter in history happening RIGHT NOW!
But, hey, it is to save the planet, you know, from their imaginary crisis, so they ain't bad butchers like Hitler; they is are be good butchers.
Throughout history, they ALL had their great sounding excuses to justify murdering tens of millions of people.
Do you believe me yet that these people are evil, satanic monsters?
But, hey, they are doing it to "save the planet" and they are "going to take care of you", though not in a good way.
Do you get the picture yet?
Nothing has changed except that they are going to have bigger concentration camps "with concentrated housing" to murder billions of people instead of just millions of people. They are clearly the most evil, wicked, and satanic people in history. They are right now OPENLY working to butcher more people than all other human butchers in history COMBINED!
But it gets worse.
Remember that I told you that they have been purging their lefty commie traitor minions since at least the 1960s, probably longer, with great sounding things like abortion, not having as many children, drugs, government health care, and assisted suicide, while using those stupid lefty minions, with promises of free stuff, to help them set up their lefty commie traitor global dictatorship?
Yeah, they have the stupid people voluntarily building their own gallows, putting the ropes around their own necks, and tripping the trap doors. Think about that.
But it gets worse.
They are not just bringing the illegal aliens into the US to vote for the lefty commie traitors, while replacing their current stupid lefty commie traitor minions they are already purging, but to also move people from all over the world into their concentration camps in the US for termination, you know, systematically depopulating the planet, their stated goal.
You see, they are using the globally known fact that the US is the richest nation in the world to lure people from all other nations to the US for free stuff and to be as rich as Americans, the bait, AND into their concentration camps or cities, you know, with concentrated housing, to murder those people with the least possible resistance.
Hey, millions of those people are taking the bait and voluntarily moving into their US concentration camps to be murdered; all for free stuff.
You see, if the upper class trash murder off enough of the people from other nations so those other nations can't field armies large enough to protect themselves from invasion by the US, those nations will be forced to submit to the global rule of the Commie-rats without firing a shot, so the upper class trash are luring those people to the US for free stuff to murder them off, you know, "depopulate the planet".
This is a huge global sucker punch.
The globalists are telling everyone what they are doing but no one is listening or connecting the dots.
Please note that they are also in the process of purging the law enforcement and military people to prevent those people from stopping the upper class trash coup. To do this, they are turning the people against the law enforcement and military, while decreasing the power and abilities of the law enforcement and military.
Think about this: After they have disarmed all of the people and moved them all into their concentration camps, they can easily justify taking the guns away from the law enforcement and military, "who won't need them anymore", so the upper class trash CNSF can easily replace the law enforcement and military and purge them too.
Hey, the law enforcement and military AND their families will already be living in their concentration camps or cities under the upper class trash control.
Listen, their plan A of taking over the EU and using the EU to set up their global dictatorship is failing and they only have plan B left. When plan A started failing, the lefty commie traitor upper class trash globalists regrouped, reorganized, and continued with plan B, while still fighting to save plan A, which is using the EU to do the same thing.
Their plan B is to seize control of the most powerful nation in the world, the US, and use the economic and military might of that nation to FORCE everyone else to submit to their global dictatorship.
You have to understand that their plan B is their last hope so they MUST seize control of the US at all costs or they lose it all forever. They are extremely desperate so they are taking extreme risks, to gain extreme control before it is too late for them. They are panicking because they are watching their desired global dictatorship, power, and wealth slip through their greedy fingers. The lefty commie traitor upper class trash are RIGHT NOW staging a desperate, last ditch coup to achieve their evil goals AND they are already resorting to violence.
It has reached a point to where you, the people, MUST wake up, stand up, and fight for your freedoms, rights, AND lives or you will soon lose EVERYTHING.
Global warming or climate change is not a threat to this planet, the upper class trash are the greatest threat to this planet. The global warming/climate change is just the smoke and mirrors. You better be more than a little concerned about these crazy people. They are so evil, they make Hitler look like a saint.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....