All of the experts keep talking about Greece and some of the other bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries leaving the EU. Let's get something straight, NONE of those bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries are going to leave the EU as long as they can keep getting free money from Germany.
What is currently going on in the EU could be best described as a socialist racket being run to keep getting free money from Germany. It works this way, the Germans have loaned huge amounts of money to these bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries and the Germans keep loaning these bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries more money in hopes those countries will become more responsible, get their countries in fiscal order, and start paying back the money those countries were loaned by Germany. But those bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries have found that they can use the German fear of losing the German money already loaned to those countries to keep Germany giving those countries more money which those countries have absolutely no intention of returning.
Basically, the irresponsible bankrupt socialist countries have found they can keep forcing Germany to give them money by using the scare tactic of threatening to 1) default on the loans that Germany currently has outstanding to those bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries and 2), if that stops working, threaten to leave the EU which would cause the EU to implode causing Germany to lose ALL of the money Germany has loaned to ALL of the EU countries. All of the bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries are running an extortion racket to keep Germany giving those bankrupt countries money and those bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries, simple mindedly, think they can keep this racket going forever. The bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries are playing the German politicians and people for fools and suckers to get free money or steal money from the Germans. So far, it has been working.
These simple minded socialist fools running the bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries don't realize that even Germany's economy can only stand to lose so much money before Germany also goes broke and the socialist house of cards will implode. But there are two end games to their little money racket. First, Germany going broke and everything in the EU going to pieces. Second, Germany realizing the money they have already loaned to these bankrupt irresponsible socialist fools is gone and it is insane to keep paying those bankrupt countries more money in hopes of getting their money back. Currently, the Germans are dumping money down a rat hole which they will never get back and the situation will just keep getting worse until the Germans realize that money is gone. Germany will not get that money back.
When the Germans realize the money already loaned is gone and any additional money loaned will also be lost and that the bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries are only using the threats of default and leaving the EU as extortion to keep the Germans giving those bankrupt socialist counties even more money which those bankrupt countries have no intention of returning, then the Germans will write off as lost what they have already loaned to those bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries and leave the EU causing the EU to implode because the EU won't have Germany propping the EU up.
The only country which will leave the EU, will be a very angry and ripped off Germany. Absolutely none of the rest of the EU countries will leave the EU as long as they can keep using their EU membership and the scare tactics of threats of default and leaving the EU to keep stealing money from Germany.
Then what?
Some experts are already saying that the bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries continuing to extort money from Germany will eventually cause Germany to go to war to get the German money back or simply "take it out in trade" by taking the land possessed by those bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries to pay the debt owed to Germany by those bankrupt countries.
But, if the German politicians get really smart (they will have to find new ones), they will simply quit giving money to the bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries, leave the EU, and let those bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries go completely broke. After those bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries no longer have German money to keep those bankrupt countries propped up, those bankrupt countries will go very broke very fast with the worst depressions in modern history. They will not have enough money to finance a standing army much less pay for a war to defend themselves against Germany. And, if Germany uses the money they are currently giving to those bankrupt irresponsible socialist countries to build up the German military while those dying socialist countries are imploding, Germany's army will be able to just march right into those bankrupt countries, seize control of those countries, and annex those countries into Germany to pay for the debts owed.
Add to this that those bankrupt countries will also go into a state of chaos when their socialist house of cards implodes because there are different factions within those countries which already want to separate themselves from those countries, many, if not all, of those bankrupt countries will fall apart into even smaller countries which will make it even easier for Germany to just march in and take what Germany is owed from the people who used socialist to steal from Germany. Don't be surprised if Germany rounds up the socialist politicians who did the stealing and either executes those corrupt politicians or uses those politicians as slaves to work off the debt owed. Personally, I like the latter idea better because just the thought of those pompous, arrogant socialist thieves working in coal mines makes me smile. :-)
In other words, the power mad, greedy, idiot socialists are digging their own graves and Germany will eventually be more than glad to toss the dirt on their socialist coffins. So, how long do you think it will be before we start calling Europe the United States of Germany?
If those arrogant stealing socialist fools stealing from Germany were not God haters and were half as smart as they think they are, they would......