
I was recently studying ancient American Indian history about the Anasazi and Mississippian people cultures and noticed some interesting similarities between Indian history and history from around the world, especially Europe, which explained some interesting things.

The Anasazi are believed to have occupied the Southwestern US from about 700 AD until about 1130 AD and the Mississippian People are believed to have occupied the Eastern half of the US from about 700 Ad to 1600 AD. These all seemed to be city state communities and were very civilized. At the peak of their civilizations, these cultures were as civilized as the Aztec Indians were when the Spanish arrive in Mexico in the 1500s and these US Indian civilizations were originally built on low lying fertile land along streams and rivers.

The Anasazi lived in pueblos of from hundreds to thousands of people and traded from the Pacific Coast as far south as Baja California to as far east as the Mississippi River and from current Mexico City to Canada. The Anasazi are believed to have ceased to exist in their very advanced culture in about 1130 AD. There is heavy evidence of warring between the different cities, possibly invading groups such as the Utes, Shoshones and Paiute people, who may have originated in what is today California, and even some cannibalism, showing probable starvation caused by the collapse of their culture and a serious drought. This warring forced the pueblo Indians out of their fertile valleys to the tops of rocky mesas for protection and then, finally, into very dangerous cliff dwellings for about 30 to 40 years. It is believed that the Anasazi eventually relocated to become current pueblo tribes such as the Hopi, Zuni, and other pueblo tribes throughout the area.

Shortly after the fall of the Anasazi civilization, the area was easily invaded by the Apachean People (Apaches, Navajos, and Comanches) from the US Northwest, Canada, and Alaska, which continued to raid and pray on the local pueblo tribes until these nomadic tribes were finally conquered and settled by the US in the late 1800s.

The Mississippian People built large walled cities of up to 50,000 people per city and traded from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rocky Mountains and from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada. The Mississippian culter was at its hight at about 1400 AD but some of the cities, especially a few large cities, had already been evacuated or started to decline between 1300 and 1400 AD. By the time of Hernando de Soto's expedition of 1539-1543, the Mississippian civilization was in serious decline. Along the Atlantic Coast, de Soto found some cities which were friendly and others that were hostile but de Soto easily defeated the later. He even negotiated a truce between the Pacaha and the Casqui, showing that at least some of the villages were already warring against each other.

When de Soto explored west ward into the Mississippi Valley, he found that most cities were still doing better than along the Atlantic Coast. The Mississippi Valley Indians soon started fighting to drive de Soto and his army out of the Valley. By the time de Soto was killed, he had already lost about half of his 600 troops and the rest decided it was a good idea to get out of Dodge so they fled the valley. When the Juan Pardo expedition arrived in Florida (1567-1568), they built a series of forts and were there for only 18 months before the Mississipian People attacked six forts killing all but one person out of 120. Clearly, in the mid 1500s, the Mississippian People, who were still using stone tools, were strong enough to drive out the Spanish in spite of the Spanish superior technology, such as guns and steel weapons.

By the time the first English settlers arrived in Virginia in 1607, there was almost nothing left of the Mississippian culture. A few cities in the Mississippi Valley, such as Natchez, managed to survive until the 1700s but the rest were all gone, partly because of the die off caused by the diseases brought by the Spanish soldiers such as measles and small pox but also clearly caused by the Indians' own internal problems, which had already started the decline of their culture before the Spanish had even arrived.

The interesting thing is that, when you study the after math of both of these two cultures falling, you find almost exactly the same thing which happened in Europe when Rome fell. Europe was over run by invading groups and wars breaking out between different highly splintered indigenous groups in what was called the Feudal System, which was small kingdoms constantly waging war against each other. Both of these Indian cultures falling caused the Indians to also break down into smaller warring groups called tribes, the American Indian version of the Feudal System.

This is very important because smaller feudal civilizations warring against each other can't present a coordinated front against and stop invading armies. The invading armies will conquer and enslave or kill off the indigenous people just like the Vandals, Goths, Saxons, Franks, Vikings, and Muslims did in Europe, the Utes, Shoshones, Paiute, and Apachean people did in the US Southwest, and various tribes and the Europeans did in the Eastern US.

Basically, by the time the Spanish arrived in the US Southwest in the early 1500s and the English had arrived in the Eastern US in the early 1600s, the previous Indian civilizations had fallen and the American Indians were experiencing their own version of the European Dark Ages making them much more vulnerable to invasion by other people. If the English settlers had arrived just 200 years earlier, in the early 1400s, the Mississippian People would have been strong enough and organized enough to have driven the English settlers out of the country and prevented the English colonies from even getting a foot hold in North America. If the Spanish had tried to conquer Northern New Mexico 600 years earlier, they would have been driven out by a more organized, coordinated and stronger Anasazi civilization.

"But," you say, "didn't the Spanish defeat the great Aztec civilization?"

And I say, "Only because the Spanish had already made allies with a number of large tribes who hated the Aztecs and helped the Spanish fight and defeat the Aztecs causing today's historians to wrongly think the Spanish defeated the Aztecs only because of the more advanced technology of the Spanish." Without the Indian allies fighting against the Aztec Indians with the Spanish, the Spanish would have lost that fight, you know, the way the Spanish were twice defeated by the Mississippian People at about the same time, because the Spanish didn't have other Indians helping them fight. Even with the Indian allies, the Spanish barely won that fight against the Aztecs with a very bloody fight that lasted days.

Another example that techonolgy alone is not enough to win is that the Zulus in South Africa wiped out an entire British battalion armed with rifles, canons, and cavalry against nothing but Zulu spears and clubs. Having better weapons does not guarantee success, i.e. Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. You must have a strong, organized, and unified force to defeat your enemies.

What is very important about this is that I have already pointed out in detail that today's Western civilization, Rome II, is falling right now and we should expect the same things to happen, which have happened to everyone else. Not only is the EU on the verge or breaking up, but most of the most important nations in the EU are themselves breaking up right now, such as Britain, Spain, Italy, and Belgium, with states right now working to secede from those nations. Quebec, Canada has been trying to break away from the rest of Canada for more than 200 years and will probably succeed when Britain fails, there are at least one or two dozen states which are seriously considering seceding from the US and parts of some states working to secede from those states such as California breaking down into six new states.

It should be increasingly obvious that, when the working people of this nation and the EU break away from the lazy socialists who insist of using us as their slaves so they don't have to work for a living, wars and fighting will break out with the lazy people waging war against the working people to steal from and enslave the working people so the lazy people don't have to work for a living. We call this civil war/revolution and I believe that those ancient American Indian civilizations had their civil wars to fight off their lazy people who wanted to steal from their working people so those lazy people didn't have to work for a living, you know, just like today's lazy people.

These failed American Indian civilizations prove again that, if our working people and the US military don't do something quickly to fight, capture, and kill our lazy socialists who are forcing slavery on us, then we will have no better end than our ancestors who failed to do the same. History teaches that we are right now heading for our Dark Ages and we need to plan to survive it or we may not.

Isn't it interesting how it is always the lazy people stealing from and enslaving others to work for them so they don't have to work for a living who destroy all of the good things the working people build?

It is increasingly important to....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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