Something happened to me in Alamogordo yesterday that has me stunned and it is purely criminal and unconstitutional with the crimes being committed by the corrupt city government. I am still stunned at what that viciously corrupt city government did to me and is doing to many others.
One of the reasons I am writing this is because I realized at about 4:30 am that one or more of you might be able and willing to help and it is not just me who needs very quick help but also all of the other poor people in this town. These poor people don't have the resources or knowledge to help themselves against these extremely evil upper class trash, politicians, and bureaucrats.
For decades the city has had a "code enforcement" program to dictate what your property can look like. It is unconstitutional because it is based on forcing on you the likes and dislikes of government officials and the upper class trash while using code violations to make the rich more wealthy. These codes contradict science, contradict each other, and the entire process is unconstitutional for a number of reasons. There is nothing constitutional about the program.
Not having the money to fight them in litigation, I had worked with them to meet their dictates designed to make the local oligarchs money for more than 20 years, while staying within the limited moneys God was providing me, but this last spring they became much, much more aggressive in writing people up for things that were acceptable months before. They just make up things that are unconstitutional and it is "law", which is unconstitutional and a federal felony.
What they are doing now is like a blitzkrieg to very quickly make a lot of money in fines and even steal land from poor people to sell to rich people fleeing California. It is easily the most vicious crime I have seen outside of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and Communist China. This is pure evil.
My land was code compliant a year ago but this spring almost everything about it became in violation to code to the extent that I do not have the money or health to fix things to make them code compliant in time and they know. I would have to completely redue everything on my land. They saw me as easy prey.
I worked up my defense case and spent weeks trying to shoot holes in with it getting stronger every day. Remember that I also studied law and my defense was looking like a slam-dunk when I went to court. Their entire program was unconstitutional and should have been dismissed in a real court.
That court trial was so rigged, rushed, and unconstitutional that it made a "kangaroo court" trial look legitimate. They never let me get more than maybe 25% of the way through my total defense in the entire trial. They kept interrupting my defense and changing the subject mid sentence to just hurry through their rigged "trial" without letting me put together my defense so that my defense was completely broken up. They kept making up charges and anything else they felt necessary to say during my defense.
For example, they determined that an entire row of plants I planted were weeds, a fire hazard, and a rodent hazard and, because they said so, it was law. When I pointed out that anything was unconstitutional, they just ignored it and kept talking. They never argued or said that anything was not unconstitutional.
It was ABSOLUTELY nothing like anything we were taught was law in college and they don't allow any recording of their court proceedings so it can be used against them in a real court. They don't even keep court records concerning the proceedings.
I had not even begun to present my defense when the fake judge stated that he had heard enough to make his decision telling me that the "decision" was predetermined and I was guilty of a crime they had made up this last spring and didn't even exist a year ago.
Their racket is that they charge you with code violations as a crime they can make up at any time, even during the trial, and you are quickly and unconstitutionally convicted in their fake court, and then they charge you a running fine of $500 a day until the total fine gets large enough they can justify seizing your property to sell it to rich people fleeing California to make lots of money very quickly.
It was nothing but a pure and simple government hijacking pretending to be a court trial. The upper class trash here have gone greedy nuts. It is easily the most corrupt government actions I have seen anywhere in the US history. I am stunned that this unconstitutional and illegal government action is happening in the US right now but it will soon be happening everywhere as our governments get more corrupt and/or aggressive. They meant it when they said, "You will own nothing." They plan to kill almost all of you off anyway. You have been warned.
If any of you can help the poor people here, please do so quickly.
Remember that I told you that there is a village 7 miles north of Alamogordo named La Luz that is one of the 5 most holy communities in the nation for Satan worship and witchcraft. They regularly have satanic rituals in the mountains just east of that village and people warned me about that when I first got here.
That means that the people who have taken over the local government are Satanists and witches so that this government is purely satanic and evil. These are some of the worst people on the face of the planet and, for almost 25 years, I have wondered why God forced me to move here and I figured that, sooner or later, I would have work to do here to clean up this mess.
Remembering that, I am no longer stunned and surprised.
You better pray long, pray hard, pray often because Satan's people are making their move for complete control and wealth right now. Satan's fecal matter is hitting the fan right now and billions of people are going to get hurt and killed.
Then I feel I must say the following to the glory of God:
"If I am a prophet of God, Yahweh, then God will send a plague on these evil people in this government and community and only on the evil people to protect the good people and do so quickly. Fight for your people, my Lord!"
I guess it is time to go to work and fight the holy war for God and the people against Satan's evil human demons. Pray for us all. The fight is on. Hey, I have been wanting to get into this fight; I'm here!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....