Intel 2

Biological Warfare

Remember that I told you years ago that the thing you should be most concerned about is biological warfare and not nuclear warfare?

That is because, if you nuke a city like Hiroshima, you kill a few hundred thousand to a few million people, there is a little problem with fallout from the nuke down wind, and then it pretty much goes away but, if you turn a killer bug loose, it will keep killing for decades and will kill many more people.

Do you believe me yet?

We are going to do a little math on what is really going on and I have been using my training and experience in science and espionage to work through this. It ain't pretty, people.

First, we need to do an analysis of their "Gain of Function" research to see what is really going on there. They say it is to develop new vaccines in case someone evil like them attacks us with a biological weapon like COVID 19 or one magically appears out of nature. They have obviously been doing this research for at least 20 to 30 years, you know, right after the fall of the Soviet Union and death of their commie dreams for a global communist dictatorship they have been dreaming about for much more than 100 years now.

Develop vaccines, really? Then why have they been doing this research for decades, they have worked with at least dozens of protists, and they have not developed even one vaccine?

People, it should be blatantly obvious they are not trying to develop vaccines or they would have developed at least a few by now.

Also, note that in one of my more recent videos I shared with you, that said that they had been working on Ebola but I kept forgetting to point that out to you because I kept having so much else to tell you.

People, they were doing "gain of function" research to enhance the lethality of Ebola, which has a mortality rate of better than 90%? Really? And they didn't develop a vaccine for it?

Then, in one of those videos, they stated that they had been working on a virus that could depopulate the planet by better than 60% and still no vaccine? And yet they have increased the lethality for a number of organisms? Gee, I wonder which they are really working on?

Note that they keep talking about viruses but Ebola isn't a virus, it is a bacterium (bacterium is singular and bacteria is plural.) Therefore, the proper biological terminology is that they are doing research on protists (single cell organisms) and not just on viruses. From this point on, I will refer to this as protist research because they are obviously researching at increasing the lethality or deadliness for a variety of protists or single cell organisms.

What they are really doing is what we used to call "biological warfare research" under the false name of "gain of function" so they can claim it isn't for biological warfare but is to "develop new vaccines". The "gain of function" is just a cover for their biological warfare research so you won't figure out what they are really doing, which is waging biological warfare against the entire planet, including you.

What obviously happened is that, following the fall of the Soviet Union and with the lefties like both Bush's and Billy Boy Clinton in the White House, they didn't have an enemy to use biological weapons against to justify continuing biological warfare research, so they changed the name and "stated" goals to "gain of function" research and "to develop vaccines" but they have not developed one vaccine so it was all a lie and cover for continued biological warfare research, which has increased the lethality of a number of organisms, and the new enemy they planned to use it against is you, the people, so they can still set up their global communist dictatorship without having to share their planet with you.

They obviously began planning and working towards their goals between 20 and 30 years ago, right after the fall of the Soviet Union. This is still biological warfare, I don't care what you call it and you can see it with what they are using it for now.

You are about to find out just how evil these upper class trash really are and they are easily the most evil people in history. Their clear strategy is that they know there are too many people on the planet to be able to conquer the planet and maintain control of the planet so they plan to depopulate the planet or commit global genocide to get the population down to where they believe they can conquer and maintain control of the planet.

What they have done is that they have turned your cities into their death camps so they won't have to load you onto trains and buses to carry you to your death camps. They have locked you down in your homes, where they plan to murder you just like I warned you years ago. They are right now committing the most horrible crime against humanity in the history of mankind.

Food For Thought

If the lefty upper class trash want to depopulate the planet like they claim, why would they not just let people not take the vaccine and die from the virus? Hey, why not depopulate the planet naturally instead of committing global genocide? Maybe because they know the virus won't kill you but their vaccine will?


Remember that I told you that Biden and his treasonous pals in the Pentagon were bringing terrorists to the US to help finish their insurrection and coup of the US because their Antifa and BLM thugs are not violent enough?

I know a young woman who is a cashier and talks to people about what is going on. She told me that a military man told her he was in Afghanistan and saw terrorists mugging people who were trying to get out of Afghanistan for their passports and papers so those terrorists could take those people's places on the planes out of Afghanistan.

This means that thousands of those 150,000 people coming to the US from Afghanistan are not who their passports and papers say and they are really terrorists.

Those soldiers would have told their superiors and that information would have quickly made it all of the way to the Pentagon so you know that Biden and Milley know about it. This means they are intentionally bringing thousands of terrorists to the US.

Was this part of their negotiation with the Taliban? How many of those people, who are supposed to have been helpful Afghans, are actually terrorists, all of them?

People, Biden and his traitorous pals in the Pentagon and elsewhere are knowingly and intentionally bringing those terrorists to the US to murder and terrorize you into submission to their dictatorship. They are bringing this terrorist war against us to the US. In the military, we don't call what Biden and Milley are doing stupid, we call it treason.

Remember that I told you that I read they were sending 50,000 Afghans to Holloman AFB?

It turns out that news item was a little wrong but not by a lot. They are splitting that 50,000 up between about 5 or 6 military bases in key areas, they already have at least 5,000 at Holloman, they are building them permanent free housing (the locals are working 12 hrs/day, 7 days a week to get those houses built fast enough), and Biden and his fellow traitors will be paying them $2,500/mo of you tax money plus other expenses (and here I am living on $715 Social Security, I would be making more than 3 times as much if I were a terrorist, wow, they really care about us, don't they?), they can leave any time they want, they can travel to town for free any time they want.

Remember that I told you that this move tells me the Pentagon was probably going to use these terrorists to seize control of the facilities here at the White Sands Missile Range that could stop their insurrection and this was probably meant to stop the good people in the military from stopping their insurrection?

The officers here are sticking those people out in the middle of the desert miles away from Holloman and White Sands Missile Range facilities. It looks like another lefty move might already be failing.

Remember that I have been telling you that this is going to get much worse before it gets better?

It just got very much worse and is going to get even worse because you should get ready for the inevitable terrorist attacks that will start very soon. You can expect to see Biden and company using this to terrorize the people into supporting the left grabbing guns and to increase their control over you by shutting down this increasing rebellion against the upper class trash lefties.

These Muslim terrorists are here, right now, and you can bet they are already making plans with the lefty upper class trash to start murdering and terrorizing you and your families. The lefties are waging a ruthless war against you right now.

Do you believe me that the left converted to Islam in 2012 under Obama?

Just wait, you will soon.

BTW, if you know the lefties and their dirty little tricks at all, you know that they will soon allow these Afghans who just came over to bring their "families" over later, which means the terrorists will be bringing their terrorist pals over by the thousands.

Keep an eye on this.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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