I Told You So 201

Remember that I told you that the pagan lefty commie traitors have invented infinite stupidity because their stupidity is never ending? Remember that I told you that being stupid is like being drunk because stupid people can't figure out they are stupid because they are stupid and tend to think they are really geniuses who are smarter than the rest of us even when most of them can't pass freshman and sophomore level hard science courses?

Let's examine just how infinite their stupidity is but we will only look at the most critical and glaring examples of their infinite stupidity because I really don't care to write an infinite essay, therefore, this is the nutshell version of their infinite stupidity.

Let's start with the most obvious and glaring example of lefty stupidity, abortion.

You have to be an absolute idiot to permit, much less help and encourage your voters to murder off your future voters because any sane, rational, and intelligent person would realize that ain't going to end well. This is especially true when you realize that the vast majority of the people who will murder off those unborn lefty voters will be lefty mothers and fathers. Conservatives, who are against abortion, are very unlikely to murder off future conservative voters.

Smart move, lefty morons; but, hey, it gets better.

After they have murdered off more than 50 million future lefty voters in just the US and have had to start bringing in illegal aliens to replace those murdered lefty voters, the stupid lefties don't get it and continue to INSIST that they should keep murdering future lefty voters.

I know, your brain is probably already hurting but it gets better because you are about to find out that the stupid lefties are killing themselves off with their pagan lefty infinite stupidity. We are talking terminal infinite stupidity here, people, AND the lefties are so stupid they have not figured it out yet. Pagan lefty Marxism is suicidal.

Then the stupid lefties decided to promote the idiot idea of "free sex", you know, adultery, with more than 100 STDs around the world, most of which will kill you.

What, did they think that because we found treatments and cures for a few of those STDs we would quickly find treatments and cures for the rest? Didn't happen, did it? I guess the stupid lefties figured wrong...again?

As a matter of fact, the few STDs for which we found cures have developed even stronger treatment resistant strains because you can't beat God and God said, "Thou shalt not commit adultery".

So, recently, I have seen different studies telling me that more than half the women in the US have HPV, more than half the people in the US have at least one of three other STDs, more than half of the people in the US have at least one of two other STDs, AND there are still dozens of other STDs out there that you probably have not heard about. In other words, the lefties have not just created a pandemic of STDs but have created a pandemic of pandemics of different STDs. This is easily the worst pandemic in history and it is being covered up.

Remember that I told you that, when I first got to Korat AFB, Thailand, the squadron commander had the hospital do a slide presentation on the "29 most common deadly, untreatable, and incurable venereal diseases in Thailand"? Remember that I told you that they told us that, if you got one of those bad boys, they rushed your butt off to a quarantined ward in the LA VA hospital where you died while they did research for a cure for that STD while they sent an MIA report to your family and then dumped your body in the VA cemetery in LA?

You can bet that, with all of the tourists who go to Thailand every year to run the whore houses so they can screw children, those Americans have brought those STDs back to the US and, if you get one, you are quickly and quietly rushed off to a quarantined ward in some hospital to die while they do research for a cure. Those STDs are definitely being covered up by the media with the media and x-spurts even telling us that the terrifying "Black Clap" is just a myth when I saw hospital pictures of GIs who had the Black Clap and were already dead by then.

Just a wee bit of a cover up, don't you think?

Let me give you just a wee bit of a hint here, people, NOT ONE, NONE of the STDs improve your health. Think about that for a while. Every STD at least degrades your health and makes you more susceptible to death by other diseases with many of the free sex people having more than one STD, which is why they are called diseases. Almost ALL STDs will eventually kill you.

And who is most likely to get those STDs and die from them?

Why the pagan lefty free sex people who have many sexual partners, that is who, you know, those pagan lefty voters are killing themselves off with their beloved free sex.

Do you think they will learn and stop?

Oh no, they couldn't even think of giving up their free sex in spite of the fact that it is killing thousands to millions of lefty voters every year. They just demand that science find a cure so they can keep spreading their STDs and killing each other and the upper class trash are at least as sexually perverted and involved while encouraging their voters to keep killing themselves off with the free sex thingy while they have to keep bringing illegal aliens to replace those quickly dying lefty voters.

Smart move, huh?

Then we have the pagan lefty drug problem where the lefty voters are killing themselves off by the thousands every week with their recreational drugs and the stupid lefty upper class trash encouraging them to keep killing themselves off while making it legal for their voters to kill themselves off by legalizing recreational drugs.

Remember that we currently have a opioid epidemic in this nation, which is currently killing off about 5,000 lefty voters each week and the lefties are screaming that Trump find a solution to this problem so the stupid lefties can continuing abusing the drugs without killing themselves off? What, you think that is the only drug that is killing off thousands to millions of lefty voters per year? What, you mean the lefties have created ANOTHER deadly pandemic of recreational drugs killing off millions of lefty voters every year?

Let me give you a little clue here, lefties, NOT ONE, NONE of the recreational drugs improve your health, they all at least degrade your health and almost all will kill you. Even their beloved pot has been shown for decades to kill people and cause many other problems like schizophrenia.

So now we have the stupid lefties killing their voters off with abortions, with free sex, and with recreational drugs while importing illegal aliens into the US to replace those lefty voters INSTEAD of just stopping killing off lefty voters? How bad does your brain hurt now? Are you getting the clue that the entire lefty thing is suicidal and a terminal illness?

The stupid pagan lefties are RIGHT NOW in the process of wiping themselves out by getting what they want AND it is your fault.

Oh, but it gets better because, as if the upper class trash can't kill off their lefty voters fast enough, some of the upper class trash are using the power of the states to make assisted suicide legal in those states.

And who do you think will be most likely to kill themselves off in assisted suicide? Gee, you don't think it will be the lefties who have screwed up their bodies with their STDs caused by their free sex thingy or the lefties who have screwed up their bodies with their recreational drugs thingy or the lefties who have screwed up their minds with the lefty psychology and philosophy thingies, do you?

It sure ain't going to be conservative voters, baby.

It really made my brain hurt to see those stupid lefty politicians posing before the news cameras to sign their stupid lefty laws into law to make it possible for even more of their stupid lefty voters to kill themselves off faster while thinking and purporting that they was is are being so bril-lee-yunt. They were actually strutting like a bunch of stupid roosters like they were just the smartest people on the planet while passing laws to make it possible for their stupid lefty voters to kill themselves off even fast so the stupid lefty politicians will have to import even more illegal aliens to replace those stupid lefty voters.

I was DUMBFOUNDED at just how stupid lefties can be.

But, hey, it gets better because you know that this is just one step away from those same stupid lefties using the states to set up death panels to kill lefty voters off whose health has been destroyed by STDs and recreational drugs EVEN FASTER!

And that is just scratching the surface of the pagan lefty stupidity.

Do you believe me now when I tell you that lefties have invented infinite stupidity because their stupidity is never ending? Kind of obvious, isn't it?

We are talking well beyond rock stupid because even rocks would not do anything as stupid as the lefties are always doing, while thinking they is are be smarter than the rest of us sane, rational humans.

Do you believe me yet that stupid people can't figure out they are stupid because they are stupid and they can't tell how stupid they are because they are stupid? Kind of obvious too, isn't it?

Listen, it is not possible to exaggerate the stupidity of lefties.

So, after the lefties finish killing themselves off with their great sounding stupid ideas and bringing in illegal aliens to replace them, it will turn into a fight between the conservatives and illegal aliens for control of our nation because there ain't going to be any lefties left by the time the stupid lefty upper class trash finish with their bril-lee-yunce.

Oh yeah, here is another brain pain; how about these idiot lefty business managers who support the lefty agenda, which is killing of those business managers' customers and will continue to decrease the profits for those businesses, you know, like Zuckerberg? And they think they are smarter than you? Really?

Only an infinitely stupid business manager would support the infinitely stupid pagan lefty agenda to kill of their lefty clients.

Do you believe me yet that the stupidest people in the world have gained control of the planet and are running everything? Do you believe me yet that the upper class trash having more money that you does not mean they are more intelligent than you and all that having more money than you means is that they have more money than you, usually stolen via crony capitalism and government corruption from you?

People, let me give you a hint; lower and middle class conservatives are not that stupid, which is why they are conservatives.

Do you better understand now why the upper class trash plans keep failing?

It is because all pagan lefty "wisdom" is based on worldly or Satanic wisdom and not based on the wisdom of God and, therefore, is foolishness before God. The stupid lefties have proven scripture because they have obviously been "thinking themselves wise while making themselves fools" just like the scriptures say.

Here is an easy prediction based on biology: when those STD pandemics caused by the great sounding stupid lefty free sex thingy mature and hit full stride, lefties are going to start dropping faster than flies. We are talking that we are RIGHT NOW in the early stages of a major biological die off that will mow down lefties like a great lefty lawn. Within the next few decades, hundreds of millions of pagan lefties will die globally just from the STDs and not including their other suicidal tendencies. Lefty culture is VERY self destructive. Pagan lefty Marxist culture will, by nature, always eventually bring itself down.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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