I Told You So 410


So, you don't think that the lefty upper class trash conspire or work together to do their evil?

I don't normally listen to Alex Jones but in this Louder With Crowder video he has some very compelling evidence of what the lefty upper class trash have been planning for decades to set up their global dictatorship and part of it is happening right now. You might want to pay attention to this.

He also shows what I have been telling you about them trying right now to finalize their global dictatorship. They are right now in the last phase of their plans they developed decades ago.

They are right now moving to implement their plans to where you either take their killer vaccine to kill you off or they take you to their death camps to kill you off.

Maybe I should listen to him more often?

You will either keep an eye on this or it will kill you. You don't have much time left, just like I have been telling you.

BTW, remember that I have been telling you that they are going to get rid of lefty activists, trolls, leaders, and other lefty vermin once they get the control they want to purge those they no longer need?

This video shows the PM of Nazi Australia resigning in what is obviously a forced resignation (it is out of her control) for corruption during their national emergency. Gee, what a coincidence.

Those of you lefties who have been committing crimes, they know your crimes and can use them to get rid of you at any time. You watch, this will happen at an increasing rate as the upper class trash gain more and more control so that they need fewer and fewer traitors to do things for them, you know, like with Cuomo.

When the upper class trash natural elites no longer need you lefties any more, you are dead. Hey, no one can trust a traitor, baby, not even another traitor.

This video makes some very good points about what is going on and teaches you that I have been right in calling the lefties evil. They are right now trying to murder most of you off, they are evil.

Also remember that I have been telling you how corrupt the upper class trash are with the corrupt members of the business world working with the corrupt members of the political world to commit their crimes?

This video shows just a tiny bit of that corruption. This corruption is what we call "crony capitalism", where the government and corrupt businesses work together to commit their corruption and is definitely not free market capitalism.

What they expose here is called "insider trading" and is a crime because, if you do it, you go to prison but the upper class trash are above the law.

Do you still think the upper class trash don't conspire to do their evil and commit their crimes?


I am seeing an increase in both lefties and conservatives wanting to just divide the nation in two so the commies can do what they want without them forcing us to do it also.

This has to be a con to cause us to divide and weaken the US so it will be easier to conquer. Hey, you can bet China is loving this too because, with fewer people, you won't have enough money to fund as strong of a military to fight China.

Dividing the US won't solve your problems, it will only make them worse.

First, many of our major businesses are in the blue zones so they will have control over your economies and be able to starve you into submission.

Note how he points out that the blue states are already using economic warfare against red states.

Second, what about people like me who are caught in a blue zone, can't move (my health and poverty), and will be forced to submit to their communist dictatorship, probably resulting in our deaths?

You are being played by the left to weaken you (you will definitely be weaker without the conservatives who are trapped in the blue zones - united you stand, divided they kill you) so they can more easily conquer and murder you off.

Listen, once you give the lefties permanent control or dictatorships for the blue zones, they will be able to focus ALL of their attentions, efforts, and resources on taking control of the rest of the nation, especially with there already being lefties living in your red zones and you should know by now that they will not be satisfied with what you give them. They want it all, you know, the entire planet, and they will not be satisfied with anything less. You will be helping them win the first half of their war against you, which will make the second half much easier for them to win.

Right now, the left is losing this war against a united nation but, if you give them an easy win over part of the nation, that will turn the war around in their favor.

What you need to do is for enough conservatives to grow enough back bone to stand up and take your nation back. You don't let them divide you so they can more easily conquer you.

Don't be simple minded fools and suckers. You will need those trapped blue zone conservatives in the coming fight.

When I see conservatives falling for such obvious sucker punches, it makes me want to just give up and go find my own planet but I know the lefties would just come after my planet next because they can never have enough wealth or power. We MUST take this fight right here, right now or we lose it all.

BTW, this attitude is what God warned me about when He told me that we would end up letting the lefties have a small country in the northeast corner of the US instead of all out winning the war. God keeps being right about crap like this.

I used to be concerned about how some of you would be upset at me for saying that the left will get to keep a small part of this nation but now I see that most of you are willing to GIVE them a much bigger chunk of this nation.

My opinion of those who want to cut and run like cowards instead of standing and fighting for freedom and rights is that they must be cowards. Don't be a coward, but, hey, that is the short term easy way out and the long term way to losing everything. You better bet that, if you give the left a chance on this, they will use it to play you for suckers.

They are just trying to divide conservatives to conquer them a fewer at a time. Don't be a sucker. United you stand, divided you die.

How God Works

God spent the last year causing me to slowly stock up on my food and cat food in a way that I didn't create any shortages. I didn't realize what was going on until about 6 months ago and thought that maybe I should start intentionally working on this.

One of my rules was that I would not take the last item on the shelf to stock up.

I just finished getting stocked up for about 4 to 6 months into the future and then I saw this video that explains it all. God knew the pandemic and illegal mandates by the lefty tyrants would cause this and that, from the time it got bad, it would take about 4 to 6 months for it to clear up.

I hope this information helps you.

What God did was cause me to start buying little bits more than I use with the stimulus money the left was giving us to control us but God was using it to prevent them from controlling me. Each week, I would buy some extra things I didn't use the next week so my stock was gradually building up.

Hey, I had a little more money coming in so I would buy a little of this or that I had not been able to buy for a few years of rationing my food, while I kept rationing my food because it has become a habit so it built up.

When I realized what was happening, I just sped it up a little and it took me about a year to build up a rotating stock that should last me about 4 to 6 months of not buying anything else.


Remember that I have been telling you that God is right now punishing us for our sins, we need to repent of our sins, turn back to God, and call on His name for Him to save us? Remember that there are preachers teaching us today that God will not punish us for our sins?

"Hey, Jesus paid for our crimes against His Laws so we can now do as we will, baby, you know, live by Satan's one law." Yeah, I am sure Jesus wants us to live by Satan's law of "Do as you will." /sarc

Just because God paid for your crimes against His Law, does not make it alright to commit more crimes.

These preachers need to explain why God said He will judge and punish us in the end times during the soon coming Tribulation. It just kind of contradicts their preaching.


Remember that I have been telling you that the different sects of Islam have been waging war against each other since Muhammad died, especially the Sunni and Shiite (Shia) Muslims?

In this video it tells you that ISIS (Sunni Muslims) are waging war against "Shia" or Shiite Muslims. They just murdered about 50 people and injured about another 100 people with a suicide bomber in a Shiite Muslim mosque during their prayer services.

What started this war?

Right after Muhammad died about 1,400 years ago, there was a family power struggle for the control of Islam. Muhammad's son-in-law took over the Muslims in the north, today's Iran, Iraq, and Syria and formed the Shiite Muslims. Muhammad's uncle took over the Muslims in Saudi Arabia and formed the Sunni Muslims. They both consider the other to not be true Muslims (the man said ISIS considers the Shia or Shiite Muslims to be atheists) and fair game for anything they want to do to the other, which is usually murder them.

The Taliban is Shiite and ISIS is Sunni so this is a continuing 1,400 year old family war. Note that Al Quaeda is also Sunni but the Taliban protected Al Quaeda because they played a major role in driving Russia out of Afghanistan and then started waging war against the US, who helped form and fund Al Quaeda.

I am waiting to see what Al Quaeda does with no foreign powers now in Afghanistan and remember they sent 17 operatives into Western China about 15 years ago, who started waging war against the commies by setting off bombs in factories, which is why the commies are now waging war against the Muslims in China.

Will Al Quaeda turn its attention to helping the Muslims in China wage war against the commies or to resume waging war against the West or into a power struggle in Afghanistan or some combination of the 3?

Obviously ISIS is waging war against the Taliban for power.

I am keeping an eye on this.

Nazi Australia

Remember that I have been calling Australia "Nazi Australia" and telling you that their cops are their nation's Gestapo?

This video shows you some of the reasons why in the first few minutes of the video. Their Nazi government is using the Nazi cops to shut down and silence the rebelling people. The people of Australia have no freedoms or rights, especially to free speech.

This video shows more about their government's abuses of power and just how extreme it is.

"Why, how dare you speak out against our Nazi abuses of power? Vee vill teach you to be obedient little Nazi slaves. Send in zee Gestapo!!!"

That is what our lefties are right now trying to do to our government and we have too many law enforcement and military who will play ye ole Gestapo with the lefty media reading Goebel's rule book on using the media to control the people. We are very close to being enslaved the way the Australians are today.

The Australian people made the mistake of letting their commie government take their guns away from them so that the people don't pose a threat to their evil tyrannical government making the evil tyrannical government feel free to do as they will to the people, especially since the evil Nazi cops are more than willing to wage open warfare against the people instead of arresting the evil Australian Nazi tyrants.

There are no good guys left in the government and, if the rest of you don't stand up to your evil tyrants soon, the same will happen to you. Read the writing on the wall.

Where is the Australian military?

Oh yeah, they are evil Nazi SS helping protect the evil tyrants from the oppressed people. Their entire government is failing the people and has turned against and is oppressing the people.

This is very clearly an abuse of power by their upper class trash.

I would never want to go to China, North Korea, Iran, or Nazi Australia any time in the near future. Tyranny is tyranny, I don't care what excuses they use because ALL tyrants use excuses for everything evil they do. It is always "for their good".

We should not waste one soldier's life protecting Nazi Australia from invasion by another dictatorship like China because it won't matter to their oppressed people whether their own dictators oppress them or China's dictators oppress them. Besides, it would be a good thing for the world if China did conquer Nazi Australia and execute the Nazi Australian evil dictators because then there would be fewer evil dictators in the world to oppress people.

Heck, the evil, traitorous Australian Nazi military won't fight to protect their people from their own dictators, why should we fight to protect their people from other dictators? What, we Americans should be the only ones to care about the Australian people?

The Australian people will still end up living under an evil dictatorship and we shouldn't sacrifice even just one of our young soldiers' lives for that. We fight for freedom, not tyranny.

Besides, if we let China and Nazi Australia fight it out, it will weaken both militaries and make it easier for us to take them both out and give the people of both nations their freedoms.

The rest of you Westerners better learn from this because you are making the same mistake doing the same things that got the Australians in this dictatorship mess. If you keep doing what they did, you will end up in the same mess.


Last night I stayed up until about midnight going through the Bible with my daughter concerning these end time prophecies, especially the things I have been warning you about. She learned quite a bit and it confirmed what God has been showing me is going to happen.

For example, when the lefties, you know, the descendants of the Roman Empire portrayed as the legs of iron in Nebuchadnezzar's "legs of iron" in his vision, converted to Islam in 2012 under Obama, that fulfilled that part of the prophecy about the feet made up of iron mixed with clay (Islam).

When Muhammad set up the Muslim Caliphate having a ruling council made up of 10 leaders or kings, that fulfilled the prophecies about the 10 horns and ten toes.

When Muhammad made the number 666 the most holy number in Islam and said people should put it on the backs of their right hands and on their foreheads, he fulfilled the prophecy about the "Mark of the Beast" being the number 666 and that it should be placed on the backs of their right hands and on their foreheads. The Muslims will WILLINGLY put their most holy number on the backs of their right hands and on their foreheads during the soon coming Tribulation and have actually being doing it to a limited extent for 1,400 years.

When Obama started the rebuilding of ancient Babylon in early 2008 and the building of modern or Mystery Babylon, he began the fulfillment of the prophecies about Babylon being the capitol city of the end time one world government and one world church and the destruction of Babylon by God.

Many of those prophecies most people believe are still to come have either already been partly fulfilled or are right now being fulfilled and most Christians don't even know it because they are still believing Satan's Euro centric interpretations of those prophecies.

We are right now watching the world, especially the Muslim world, prepare for the soon coming Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, which will result in how I told you Israel will create a divide between Western and Eastern Islam, fulfilling the rest of the prophecy about the two (divided) feet made up of Iron mixed with clay and Putin will help by taking Turkey for the reasons I told you before, after Erdogan is killed in the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 and Turkey's Army is almost completely destroyed.

This latter revelation caused me to also realize that Israel will not be that tiny little country we know here today as Israel right now during the first 3.5 years of the Tribulation. She will stretch from the Euphrates River to the Nile River down to the Indian Ocean until the Antichrist (Mahdi) and Islam force most Hebrews to convert to Islam and Israel to surrender to their one world government just before mid Tribulation. It is going to be a pretty good size nation from the end of the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 until the Muslims take it over, after the Muslims have conquered the rest of the world, as predicted in the Bible. Remember that "the remnant will flee into the wilderness where God has prepared a place for them."

People, this is all happening right now as we rapidly approach the soon coming Tribulation and it is overwhelming to watch it unfolding before our eyes. We are close, very close. You just might want to get right with God.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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