I Told You So 423


Remember how bad I have been telling you these tyrannies are getting closer to be consolidated?

This video shows just how bad they are already getting, especially in Australia.

People, this very clearly has nothing to do with science and health and can only be about control and power.

It is like Tim says, this is just one more step in the direction of the Nazi Germany death camps. It isn't if but when will their evil leaders start murdering people and their bad cops and military are helping enforce these tyrannies.

The very fact that the upper class trash would design and command such places be used should tell you how evil they are.

Also, they just gave away something very important that I bet most people won't catch. They have started construction on another concentration camp that won't be finished until this coming late spring and early summer.

What should that tell you?

The upper class trash are planning for this fake pandemic to last longer than that, which means it is all planned out and orchestrated.

Get the picture yet?

They are telling you with their plans and actions that this is a real conspiracy and not just a theory. Just like I have been telling you they are waging biological warfare against you in order to force you into submission to their dictatorship and to murder you off.

There is no other reason for them to plan, design, and build a camp that will not be finished for another 6 months. They are going to make this fake pandemic last longer than that to finish gaining complete control of you and murder you off.

The more I learn about what is going on, the more evil I know these things are. I am absolutely convinced that Fauci and the rest are easily the worst criminals in history.

Do you believe me yet that this is in the final stages of their power grab for their global dictatorship? Do you believe me yet that they are very evil and have no good intentions?

They only use "good intentions" as a cover to commit their crimes against you.

You better pray long, you better pray hard, you better pray often and you better lock and load.

Do you understand how it will be much easier for the Muslims to conquer the entire planet during the first 3.5 years of the Tribulation, you know, after everyone else murders off a few billion of their people and especially their militaries?

This is all moving towards fulfilling Bible prophecy but not in the way the satanic lefties want. You just know that the Muslims are ecstatic about the stupid Western upper class trash murdering off their militaries with their murder vaccine.

Just think, in about a decade all of these evil things will be burning in Hell while Jesus is setting up His millennial kingdom. That is why there will be peace for the next 1,000 years under the rule of Jesus. None of these evil upper class trash or their stooge puppets will be anywhere except in Hell, where they can't harm anyone.

Jesus is going to use the Tribulation to purge these evil lefties and other spawn of Satan from the face of the Earth so He can set up His very peaceful Mellinial Reign without them to cause all of the problems they have been causing for thousands of years.


This video shows something very interesting and telling. It seems that their wickedness is driving the lefties nuts and he cites a number of different studies confirming that the lefties tend to be nuts and less happy.

This will open an eyeball or two and it fits very well because they are not rational, in touch with reality, and tend to be unstable, which is by definition insanity. They really are nuts and this is absolutely not surprising after spending decades studying them.

This also helps explain their behavior, which is also irrational. It is like all of at least the upper class trash, their puppets, and activists are demon possessed.


This video shows something very interesting about Trump running a "shadow government" that is running the GOP but is also being involved in international politics. He is obviously building up his government to hit the ground running when the GOP regains power to undo everything the left has done and bring the nation back to being a true republic again.

He even has regular "cabinet" meetings with his former Pentagon Chief of Staff telling me that the good guys in the military are involved in this, you know, just like God told me and I told you years ago.

What I have noticed they are doing is preparing to completely replace all of the hidden deep swamp bureaucrats who took Trump by surprise last time in just one swift move and kept Trump from achieving more. He is building a complete government that can just walk right in and replace the criminals we currently have running our government.

This "shadow government" will be in charge of our safe zones God told me about following Obama seizing control of the government.

Every day we get one day closer and I increasingly see it all coming together but first God wants to make sure you know just how evil the left is. Please pay attention so we can get this over with.

This video shows that more and more red states are preparing for this escalating war by creating their only military force that is not under the control of the Pentagon but is under the control of their state government, called a state militia.

In military terms, this is ramping up for war because they are building their military forces for what they know will be a shooting war. There are now 23 states with state militias.

Note that he mentions that increasing numbers of people, especially the young people, are realizing this is a war and are concerned about it. God is opening eyes just like He told me and I have been telling you.

Now that they realize there is already a war being fought, many of them will look around and find out that it is the left who started this war in 2012 under Obama when they formed the BLM.

Upper Class Trash

Remember that I have been telling you that the upper class trash cause better than 90% of our problems with their great sounding stupid ideas?

This video shows you how the evil upper class trash are intentionally increasing crime in our middle and lower class neighborhoods, causing the deaths of many people.

Personally, I think they should be considered accessories in those crimes because these crimes would not be happening without the help of these evil upper class trash.

Note that they actually have organizations working to cause these problems so, yes, they are real life conspiracies to destroy our lives and murder people. They are causing the problems they are causing on purpose therefore it is intentional homicide but the DA's they own won't bring charges against them so they will get away with their crimes against you and your families while living in their mansions.

Do you get the picture yet?

Note that Soros isn't the only one and there are at least tens of thousands and probably millions of them financing the crimes against you. Hey, more people funding the evil makes it harder to follow the cash flow to the top.

Founding Fathers

Remember that I told you that the Founding Fathers were afraid to try to do away with slavery because they would lose the support of many other royals in the colonies they needed to successfully revolt against the British Crown to form a republic if they did do away with slavery and that would have caused them to lose the war for freedom from Britain?

This video gives you details on that. Note that in his first two drafts of the US Constitution Thomas Jefferson included 1) a portion to end slavery and 2) a portion to stop more slaves from being brought into the Colonies but they were both rejected because of pressure from southern slave owning royals, whose support the Founding Fathers needed to win the revolution.

The Founding Fathers were given a choice by the southern royals I told you about who later caused the US Civil War that either they got a republic with slavery or they didn't get a republic. It came down to being that those were the only two choices they had because of the southern royals, you know, just like I told you.

When their descendants did finally try to do away with slavery in the 1860's the southern royals, you know, the leaders of the Democratic Party, tried to secede and we had to fight the bloodiest war in US history to keep the nation together and finally do away with slavery.

If they had tried to force the end of slavery on those southern royals during the US Revolution, those royals would have helped the British defeat the Founding Fathers and we would have never had a republic.

Note that the Founding Fathers only gave into the southern royals until after they had their freedom and a republic and then continued to do away with or eat away at slavery a little at a time until they finally had to fight a terrible war to win the freedom of the slaves.

Do you get the picture yet?

Going Public

Remember that I told you to NOT take your business public because the upper class trash will quickly buy enough shares to gain control of your business and destroy it?

This video tells you why Rumble just screwed up really big by going public.

What happens is you get a business up and growing enough that the upper class trash notices you and then one of the upper class trash investment houses comes to you and promises you a fortune, if you go public with them. The owners then get greedy, can only see dollar signs and short term reasoning, go for the big dough just before their business gets taken over and destroyed by the upper class trash.

It always works that way because the upper class trash KNOWS that aspiring entrepreneurs will always get greedy when offered the big bucks and open the door for the upper class trash to take over by going public.

One reason why this works every time is because the brokers lie to the business owners telling them that, if they retain majority ownership, they will retain control but fail to tell them that you only need for enough of the bad guys to buy enough shares (15% +) and they can force you to do business their way.

You have to understand that these lying brokerage houses make big, big bucks by getting naive business owners to go public and they do not care about what will happen to your business later and will even work to help the upper class trash take over your business. The upper class trash own those brokerage firms and will even go after promising businesses they want to destroy.

And God said, "The love of money is the root of all evil."

Just like they said, Rumble is dead but it will take a while so they have not yet finished kicking. The upper class trash destroy everything they touch.

Do not ever take your business public because the Stock Market is rigged in favor of the upper class trash. It is not if but when will they own your butt.

Judicial System

Remember that I have been warning you that the lefties have almost completely corrupted our judicial system so that it is often a big part of our problems and needs to be cleaned up?

This video goes into that very well explaining the problems the lefties have caused with their corrupt judicial system.

Media Corruption

Remember that I have been telling you that the media are corrupt?

This video tells you part of why it has been getting worse for decades.

Fake Pandemic

Remember that I have been telling you that this fake pandemic is manufactured and managed for control and money? Remember that I have been telling you that this is just the dry run and that more and worse is coming?

I got this from AP via CenturyLink by Danica Kirka:

"LONDON (AP) - One of the scientists behind the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is warning that the next pandemic may be more contagious and more lethal unless more money is devoted to research and preparations to fight emerging viral threats.

In excerpts released before a speech Monday, Professor Sarah Gilbert says the scientific advances made in fighting deadly viruses 'must not be lost' because of the cost of fighting the current pandemic.

'This will not be the last time a virus threatens our lives and our livelihoods,' Gilbert is expected to say. 'The truth is, the next one could be worse. It could be more contagious, or more lethal, or both.'"

Talk about fear mongering extortion for control and greed. "Why, if you don't give us more money 'for research', we will turn something really bad loose on you!"

These government and chemical company scientists are just as evil as their upper class trash overlords. They are willing to murder millions of you for control and money. "You submit to us and give us all of your money or we will murder millions more of you."

Do you believe me yet?

Satan must be very proud of his spawn.

Commie Bus

Remember that I have been warning you commies that, when you are no longer useful to the upper class trash, they will quickly shove your butt under ye ole commie bus?

Both Cuomos, who thought they were irreplaceable in the commie scheme of things, are now riding in ye ole commie bus basement with it looking like Don Lemon will soon join them probably because so few people believe anything the liars at CNN are saying that they have become useless to the upper class trash.

If they can fit under that commie bus, so can you. Just look at all of the upper level commies who have ended up under ye ole commie bus in just the last 10 to 20 years and I have been watching them eat their own for about half a century now.

And God said, "Be not deceived, your sins will find you out."


I keep seeing news and videos about increasing numbers of robots replacing human workers because too many human workers are being paid too much to stay home. I am watching and wondering if this is the upper class trash replacing workers with robots in such a way that it won't cause workers to protest so no one will noticed when those same workers start dying off.

Keep an eye on this.

Drafting Women

The lefties claim that they were working on drafting women into the military to "make women equal".

That is bull crap. The real reason they want to draft women is because, in a war, more women will be killed off and every woman they kill off will be one less baby maker.

You have to understand that, if you have one man and 100 women, you can have 100+ babies but, if you have one woman and 100 men, you can only make 1+ babies.

Therefore, killing off women will help them depopulate the planet faster. It is a sucker punch to women and mankind in general.

The upper class trash don't care about women and they prove it every day with this transgender thing oppressing women's rights. All the upper class trash care about is themselves and their bank accounts so their true agenda is designed to take care of both.


Remember that I have been telling you that the increasing CO2 in our atmosphere would increase plant growth, which would increase the conversion of CO2 to O2?

This video shows that it has been confirmed that the planet is "greening up" but it shows much more disproving almost every bad fear mongering thing the left is currently screaming will happen. Basically, we just saw ANOTHER lefty fear mongering crusade or two be proved wrong.

Watch it to the end because he has some very interesting information proving that the left does not know what they are talking about. The information in just this one video disproves a number of the left's fear mongering crusades.

"Gee, you lefties wasted millions of dollars on worthless books written by ye ole all-knowing academe."

And God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they have made themselves fools."

Also, remember that about two decades ago I warned you about something that God showed me and I originally called global warming until the left came up with their phony global warming crusade and then I change the name of my hypothesis to "Continental Drying", which was about our continents drying up because of the rate of drainage and evaporation of water from our continents exceeding the rate of precipitation on our continents replacing that water causing our continents to dry out and provided the evidence for it?

Note that, in that video, he said that the CO2 caused by our increasing use of fossil fuels is increasing precipitation on almost all of our continents, reversing the water loss and loss of vegetation, even in most deserts.

God is using our increasing the CO2 in our atmosphere with our fossil fuel use to increase precipitation on our continents enough to reverse that damage being done to recover the lost land to prevent the potential crisis by now causing more precipitation on our continents than loss of water from our continents. That is amazing because God is actually using our use of fossil fuels to SAVE OUR PLANET!

And the arrogant, intellectually superior, over educated, natural elite, over paid, upper class trash think CO2 is destroying our planet?

God just proved them to be the biggest fools in history. They don't know what they are talking about. GOD.SHOT.THEIR.BUTTS.DOWN!!!! Crash and burn, baby, crash and burn! It is better to seek the wisdom of God than it is to seek the wisdom of man, which is foolishness before God.

Remember that I also showed you futile efforts by men where they were doing stupid things like planting trees and building ponds to decrease the amount of water draining or evaporating off of the land that were failing because the solution was what I taught you, which is to increase the amount of water being put on our continents in a manner similar to rain?

Remember that I showed you a system where you could desalinate water from the oceans by solar evaporation in big solar stills and return that water to the land using a sprinkler system that would function very much like rain?

That is what God is doing. He is using solar energy and the increasing warmth of the planet caused by the increasing CO2 to evaporate or "desalinate" water from the oceans and depositing that water on the continents with precipitation or rain. Gee, what a coincidence and it is working.

Hey, man tried but couldn't fix it so God is fixing it.

Intelligence Tests

Remember that I told you that Western intelligence tests are culturally biased and there are many people from other cultures who test poorly on those tests because they are not familiar with our culture but are more intelligent than many people who test much higher?

This video confirms that and he adds further comments about it stating that we need to know who is best suited for certain tasks within our culture.

My point is that we should not look down on people from other cultures who test poorly on our culture biased tests because our tests will not accurately portray their intelligence. There are geniuses from other cultures who test poorly on our tests so don't think a higher score on our tests means you are more intelligent than them because you could easily be wrong.

One thing is that almost everything the left believes is being proved wrong and a big part of that is because of their arrogance causing them to make bad decisions.

And God said, "Pride goes before the fall."

The Mess

Remember that I have been telling you that the upper class trash are the cause of almost all of our problems and you have to solve these problems by getting rid of the lefties from the top down.

In this video the LA cop says the same thing I have been telling you for years. You have to clean house from the top down. You simply cannot solve those problems without getting rid of the upper class trash.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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