I Told You So 434

Great Sounding Stupid Ideas

This video tells about the failure of another great sounding stupid idea dreamed up by our lefty academe smoking their dope in their white palaces out of touch with reality.

In that video, he is mostly talking about the problems being caused by drug cartels and how they are increasing the cost of law enforcement by many fold when the academe had promised that the taxes on legalized pot would create excess government funds to stuff in their greedy little pockets.

Yeah, that worked out well, didn't it?

I have told you about other crime problems created by legalizing pot and the costs that came with those problems.

I can't think of any great sounding idea of the left that has actually worked in the last half century, much less even close to how the all-knowing, all-wise, intellectually superior, natural elite lefty academe promised it would work.


Remember that I told you that the lefty commie traitor politicians do not care about anyone but themselves and their bank accounts? Remember that I told you that their homelessness and poverty programs to "fight homelessness and poverty" are just money laundering rackets to launder your tax money into their greedy pockets?

This video shows a few ways they do that by paying themselves and their crony capitalist friends huge amounts of your tax money for expensive buildings built for a few homeless people at a time. They are very clearly laundering your tax money into their bank accounts via these over prices buildings to "fight homelessness."

And do they decrease or solve the homelessness problem?

No, it keeps getting worse so they can launder more and more of your tax dollars into their greedy pockets with their racket and they have no reason to stop making all of that money until you stop them.

This is just one of many ways the upper class trash use the racket called the lefty run government to launder your tax dollars into their pockets and they always come up with new ways every time they come up with a new lefty crusade that won't help anyone but themselves at your expense.

Pay attention to how he pointed out that the legal firms and even judges are involved in these corrupt rackets at your expense.

Also remember that I keep telling you that the upper class trash and their puppets cause better than 90% of your problems.

They don't solve any problems; they never do, because that would mean shutting down government programs used to launder your money into their greedy pockets. No, they want to keep those programs laundering your money into their pockets forever at your expense.

Remember that I have told you that greedy people can never have enough wealth so they can never steal enough from enough people fast enough.

Also note how they are using "drug prevention programs" to buy the upper class trash manufactured dope from their chemical companies with your tax money and give it to the dopers for free. Gee, I wonder why the dope using lefties support these corrupt lefty politicians.

You don't think these sub human spawn of Satan are buying doper votes, do you? Did you notice that their dope "prevention programs" are also increasing dope use in those areas? You don't think that is so they will have more dopers to sell more dope purchased from their chemical companies with your tax dollars, do you? Are you getting the picture yet?

Upper Class Trash

Remember that they have been saying that, after they take back Congress, the GOP is going to start a lot of investigations of the upper class trash criminals?

This article shows that, following this last election, the investigations and prosecutions have already begun in a big way at the local level because it was a local election. It looks like the Republicans have finally realized that the Commierats are no longer playing the same old games and are staging in insurrection to set up their commie dictatorship, while obviously planning to leave the Republicans out of it.

This is already getting interesting.


Remember that I have been telling you that the left is in the process of staging a coup or insurgency and is right now consolidating power?

This video shows how they are trying to do that with a new law wrongly and deceptively called the "Freedom to Vote Act" is actually designed to impinge on your right to vote and to make it easier to rig the elections.

Do you believe me yet this is a coup by the left to set up a dictatorship?

Also remember that I have been telling you about the corruption of our government?

This video shows just one of many ways the upper class trash and their puppets are abusing the government to stuff more loot in their pockets because they can't steal enough from enough people fast enough just like I have been warning you for years.

It points out that a number of these criminals bought stocks in murder vaccine makers. Gee, I wonder why they are trying to force everyone to get the vaccine. Oh yeah, they are using the murder vaccines to launder your tax dollars into their pockets.

Also note that Rand Paul was 15 months late in reporting his wife buying stock in such companies. Gee, I wonder if that is why he didn't work harder and sooner to take down Fauci while just putting on a good show.

Note that the video was a good report right up until the idiot giving the report decided to bless us with his stupid opinion at the end. Remember that I have an M.B.A. and what he was magnificently suggesting as the solution would never work because it would be way too easy for the upper class trash to get around, you know, all they would have to do is call the people managing their trust fund to share a little intel. He should have shut up while he was ahead.

They are so corrupt that it makes me sick.

Human Extinction

Based on my observations and research, the human race is rapidly approaching its natural extinction, well, at least part of it is.

For example, back in the 1950's and 1960's here in the US, there were orphanages all over with an abundance of children that were having to advertise for people to "please come adopt children" to decrease their growing populations in those orphanages. Part of the problem was that there were few people who needed to adopt because almost everyone could conceive and bare children.

So, why adopt?

Today, the infertility rate has increased (I have seen this documented by at least half a dozen different studies since the 1970's) to where it is very difficult to find children to adopt. I keep reading articles about couples, who are not able to reproduce, searching for years to find a child to adopt, with many finally finding a young woman who is pregnant and doesn't want her child so they sign a contract with her to pay for her medical bills for the pregnancy and birthing and them keeping the child, you know, while the really stupid lefties are murdering babies with abortions so they can make millions selling dead baby body parts.

You can also see this with the slowing population growth rates, especially in the intellectually superior West (the smarty pants are outsmarting themselves).

God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they have made themselves fools."

In the US, the population growth has slowed so much that, without the immigrants coming into this nation, we would have probably already hit a zero population growth rate years back.

Note that it is the Christian population that is still growing quite well with the lefty pagan population actually quickly declining. Without the Christians, the US population would already be in the decline and even some of the "intellectually superior academe" have started noticing this and are literally concerned about the extinction of man.

Even China has had to stop limiting the reproduction and encourage the reproduction of humans because their population had reached a point to where there were signs of decline because of their brilliant pagan ideas.

What is causing this?

I have been observing this for decades and the answer is complex but can be mostly explained by one word; paganism or God and Christian hating paganism. They are killing themselves off with their pagan ideas and behavior and hatred for God's Laws and it is God's Laws that are keeping the Christian populations still growing and much healthier.

The biggest of a number of culprits is thousands of years of inbreeding because of the damage done to the gene pool by inbreeding. You have to understand that too much close inbreeding causes infertility just like it caused the demise of the Hapsburgs hundreds of years ago. They kept their inbreeding within a very limited and tight royal family group "to keep their blood line pure", this accelerated their inbreeding problems, it resulted in them all eventually becoming infertile and not being about to reproduce, and the last of them finally died off hundreds of years ago without children to replace them.

I am seeing symptoms of the same inbreeding within the upper class trash royals today but not only within the royals, within all pagans.

For example, in a few paintings of the last Hapsburgs, you can see that they had very tall, thin skulls with a protruding lower jaw commonly referred to as "the Hapsburg skulls" caused by their inbreeding and I see that same skull structure in a number of the inbred upper class today today without yet having the protruding lower jaw such as Prince William, Prince Harry, both prince Edwards, Prince Michael, and Zuckerberg with Zuckerberg's skull shape being the closest to that of the Hapsburg skull shape.

Other symptoms include increasing infertility, especially in pagans, decreased intelligence, increased insanity, and other "inherited medical problems" like hemophilia and the potential for other cardiovascular problems. We are really screwing ourselves up with that family sex thing but, hey, they got to keep ye ole "blood line pure" and it feels just as good to screw family.

I have also seen the inbreeding problem within middle class. About 50 to 60 years ago, if a brother and sister married and produced children, about 50% would be retarded. About 20 to 30 years ago, all of their children would be retarded. I have recently seen several such cuples who can't even conceive children.

It isn't just inbreeding that is causing this genetic damage. Recreational drugs and sexually transmitted diseases from committing adultery and bestiality (having sex with animals plus often drinking animal blood as part of their satanic rituals) are making the matter worse very quickly.

Keep in mind that almost all micro organisms that cause harm to or kill humans come from animals.

Syphilis is normally found in sheep and causes them no harm and we originally got it from having sex with sheep, drinking sheep's blood in pagan rituals, and getting sheep's blood on open wounds.

HIV is believed to come from certain types of monkeys in Central Western Africa and they believe we got it by having sex with those monkeys, drinking their blood in pagan rituals, or getting their blood on open wounds.

Better than 90% of the flu viruses that cause harm to humans come from birds with less than 10% coming from pigs. COVID 19 came from bats but had to be "engineered" to adversely affect humans.

We get a number of parasites and other organisms from a variety of animals, which is why I won't eat any raw or rare cooked meat like raw oysters or sushi or drink the blood of any animal. It can get you killed.

Amazingly, eating raw oysters kills at least dozens of Americans in the Southeast every year because of an organism they can get from the raw oysters and they just keep right on eating them raw. Hey, that is one way to get rid of stupid people.

When I taught science in high school a few decades ago, I was surprised at the radically increased number of "mentally challenged" children in our schools as compared to the 50's and 60's. I talked to 4 different special education teachers independently about this and they all found that the parents of these children were using recreational drugs before they had children. It seems the drugs damaged the DNA in their reproductive cells causing the very significant decline in the children's intelligence along with other problems.

We are really taking great care of our children, aren't we? /sarc

Remember that your children are your future.

The Bible and biology give us some very important information concerning our genetics and inbreeding history.

First, the Bible tells us that Adam and Eve were created to be immortal, which biology tells us they had to have perfect, self healing DNA to repair any and all damage done to the DNA and cells. It is biologically not possible for a human body to be immortal without perfect, self healing DNA.

Then the Bible tells us that, because of sin, God caused them to stop being immortal "causing death to come into the world" and He also caused some plants to start growing thorns.

All of that requires genetic changes causing the human DNA to stop being perfect and self healing to prevent death and aging. The fact that humans continued to live for from about 500 to almost 1,000 years old and biology tells me that the DNA was changed to near perfect for the human body to live that long. It was probably only slightly downgraded so the body could suffer permanent damage and eventually die but it took a long time to accrue that damage, therefore the DNA had to be very good or near perfect DNA.

For the first 1,600 years of life, man was required to heavily inbreed because God only created two adults so the children had to marry each other and reproduce together with almost no genetic damage, which required near perfect DNA. The proof for this is that the lives of the people did not significantly decrease during this time, therefore, the DNA was not degraded significantly by the inbreeding, requiring near perfect DNA.

After the Flood, man was once again subjected to very intense inbreeding but God had degraded the DNA further to 1) decrease the life expectancy further and 2) turn man and some animals into meat eaters, which biology requires changes in the DNA.

The inbreeding was that there were only 3 pairs of parents from which all mankind came and the males for those couples all came from Noah and his wife. The Bible also tells us that the inbreeding was more severe than most people even want to believe because it tells us that, as those three families grew, they maintained autonomy as "tribes" so that they did relatively little cross breeding with the other two tribes. Almost all of their breeding was within each of their 3 families or tribes.

We know this because the Bible later tells us that, when the people finally began to move away from that area, the different tribes went in different directions so they still had their autonomy as a family group a few hundred years later.

You also see this with the autonomy for the 12 tribes of Israel since the 12 founding fathers were born about 3,900 years ago. That is 3,900 years of inbreeding within EACH of those 12 tribes to keep their tribal autonomy until now and the Bible makes it very clear they did not marry from outside of the 12 tribes with other peoples.

If you study history and archaeology, you find out this was going on all over the world for the same reasons the Bible said the Hebrews or Israelis did it, to "keep their blood lines pure" and they didn't have many other people to breed with. The royals were the worst about this because of their pride and arrogance with them actually believing they were superior to everyone one else and they "dared not breed with ye ole peasants".

For example, the Pharaohs were required to marry their sisters with some of them instead marrying either their mother or daughter in order to "keep their blood line pure" and they were not the only ones where fathers married daughters and mothers married sons. This practice was kind of common and continued until a few hundred years ago in the royals and, if you dig deep enough, you can find this in history. The practice still continues in the lower classes today throughout much of the world with most people just looking away.

Now the DNA began to degrade and we see this in history. At first our DNA began to degrade very slowly but as the damage began to accrue, it began to degrade slightly faster with a very gradually accelerating rate of degradation.

The DNA degrading is why, after 9 hundred years, God gave Moses the Law requiring they stop certain types of inbreeding the people were still doing all over the world in order to slow the rate of the DNA degrading. The most important of these was that men were supposed to stop marrying their mothers, sisters, and daughters so the inbreeding wouldn't be genetically so intense.

Now the Hebrews were supposed to teach these Laws to the rest of the world or the pagan Gentiles by example. They were supposed to live by the Laws so they would have better and healthier lives and then teach those laws to the Gentiles so they would have healthier lives too but the Hebrews didn't do their jobs very well.

The 10 Northern tribes let most, but not all, of them be seduced back into paganism where everyone just screwed everyone like they had been doing for more than a thousand years so God scattered them throughout the world. Then the 2 southern tribes also failed to do their job so they got a 70 year vacation as slaves in Babylon and, even when they got back to Israel, they didn't really do much better.

Because of this, the Gentiles never learned about God's Law to slow their inbreeding problems and never stopped the intense inbreeding they were doing, more rapidly damaging their DNA.

Because of the Hebrews not doing their jobs, 2,000 years ago and, after 2,400 years of post Flood inbreeding, Jesus ordered his Apostles to carry God's Word and Laws to the world, to the Hebrews first and then to the Gentiles.

God used this to get the Gentiles to carry His Word and Laws to the entire planet over the next 2,000 years but the trouble was that not everyone who was conquered by these nations spreading Christianity converted to Christianity with an estimated 80% to 90% of them just pretending to convert to Christianity and remaining closet pagans so they quietly continued their intense inbreeding.

Hey, it was fun to screw everybody in the family because sex feels good and they had been doing it for more than 2,400 years. Why change now, baby?

Today, the pagans are regaining control of their nations and fighting the Christians back with them more openly inbreeding. That is now 4,400 years of post Flood inbreeding with the DNA degrading faster and faster, which is right now clearly beginning to show its negative effects on the pagan populations.

For example, I told you about the Hapsburg royals who inbred themselves into extinction "to keep their blood line pure" hundreds of years ago because their inbreeding became very intense.

That is the biggest reason why the pagan fertility rates are now rapidly dropping off so fewer of them can reproduce.

People, you have to stop the most significant incest crap because it is driving man into extinction. You need to start living by the Law God gave us to protect us from ourselves and each other because it really is a better way to live healthier and happier lives. Definitely no more screwing your children, siblings, and parents, you know, the way the pagan cults teach, especially the occult sects.

Based on my observations, I conservatively estimate that the pagans are not going to be able to survive another 200 years, especially the royals, and we could end up with almost nothing but Christians left within just 100 years.

And God said, "Be not deceived, your sins will find you out" and they really are right now.

After the Battle of Armageddon and at the start of the Millennial reign of Jesus, with all of the pagans dead and burning in Hell, everyone who is saved and comes back to Earth from Heaven along with all of the dead people who did not get a chance to be tested and accept salvation through Jesus along with all of the Judeo-Christians still living on Earth will be given new bodies with perfect DNA just like Adam and Eve originally got.

How do I know this?

Because the Bible tells us that those people MUST all live 1,000 years so the untested can be tested AFTER MORE than 1,000 years, which will mean they will live longer than any human in history, which biology teaches will require perfect DNA for immortal bodies to live that long.

Yeah, that news will surprise even most preachers but the Bible and Biology require it to be true.

Then, after Judgment Day, all saved people going into Paradise with God will also be given immortal bodies with perfect DNA to be able to live forever. Biologically, that is required for them to be able to live forever.

Neat, huh?

And the intellectually superior upper class trash are trying to obtain immortality by trying to find a way to imbed their mortal brains in Cyborgs that will wear out? Really? And you think they are smarter than you?

Hey, if you want real immortality, just accept Jesus as your savior. God knows what He is doing. The stupid humans are just guessing.


Remember that I told you almost 2 years ago that the masks don't work?

Well, the lying lefties just admitted that the "cloth masks" don't work and are trying to make everyone wear N95 masks because "dey do woiks".

No, they don't work because you will still get the virus in your eyes, hair, skin, and clothes. When the virus gets in your eyes, you will be infected. When it gets in your hair, on your skin, and on your clothes, you will carry it to your car, contaminate your car, drive your contaminated car home, carry the virus into your house, contaminate your house, take your magic widdle maskie off, and get infected. Wow, that worked well.

Then you have to know that reusing the same mask again and again will cause you to get infected.

Remember that, even if you use an N95 mask and medical goggles, if you do not decontaminate before you go anywhere or remove the mask and goggles, you will still get infected. Unless they send you magic widdle medical goggles and a decontamination chamber to pull around behind your car, the mask can't work. You are still being lied to, people.

What? The magic widdle masky will protect your eyes too?

But, hey, the stupid people will believe it and it will be an ignorance based excuse to spend your tax money on more magic widdle maskies to make them more money at your expense. It is just another lefty money laundering con.

Remember that I told you that the upper class trash will never stop because their lies and plans failed?

They will always come up with another lie and then another lie and then another lie and they know that the stupid people will not think for themselves and will believe every lie they are told forever no matter how many times the lies fail.

The N95 mask thing is just the next lie that you know the stupid people will run off chasing after because "I seen it on TeeBee so it gots tuh be true." People, I went to town yesterday after we had been told a few days ago that the cloth masks don't work and the stupid people were still wearing cloth masks that don't work. Think about that.

Also, if the magic widdle vaccines work, why do we need N95 masks?

I have noticed that one trick that is working very well for the upper class trash is that, by persisting in the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats seizing control of your health care from your doctors, they are convincing more and more people that the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats should be in control of your health care, which is increasing their control over all of the people.


Why did the upper class trash let Biden give a press conference knowing how bad his mental health is?

To show people how bad his mental health really is so they can justify getting rid of him before the election so the GOP won't be able to as easily get rid of their puppet president after they take over control of Congress. It is just a deception or sleight of hand and most people fell for it.


About half the liberals think that, to protect them from you, that you should be put in camps.

What you need to do is change it around to get them to believe that the only real way to protect them from you is to put them in their camps, you know, where this relatively harmless virus won't be able to get to them. It will be like them hiding safely from the virus in a anti-virus castle.

Put the lefties, their corrupt politicians, bureaucrats, academe, media, voters, trolls, thugs, and others in the camps to protect them from the virus so you can clean up their mess.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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