Remember that I have been telling you for years that the lefty media tell you what they are paid to tell you, regardless of truth?
This video Shows you very clearly what I have been telling you for years. They are all sent down scripts to read as news.
I noticed this in the news decades ago and the way they get away with it is because they know that most of you will only watch one TV news and not see they are saying the same thing the other TV news shows are saying. It is only when you watch different TV news stations covering the same story that you can see this.
That video makes it very obvious that their stories are all scripted by the teams the upper class trash employ and sent down for all of the TV news to read on air. They know that, if you believe what they want you to believe, you will do what they want you to do.
Remember that I have been telling you that the media are aiding and abetting the crimes and treasons of the lefties and are accomplices in those crimes?
This video makes that very clear and I am wondering if this is all just talk or will they finally hold the lefty media accountable for being complicit in the left's crimes? If they do hold the left media accountable for their crimes, then will they also hold the media accountable for other such crimes such as lying to start WWIII? Did you know that, at the Nuremberg Trials, they hung the media for doing the same things the lefty media are doing right now?
In this video he tells you that the biggest problem why the lefties will not wake up to the fact that the lefty upper class trash are the cause of most of our problems is because of the media covering up and siding with those corrupt upper class trash political puppets and their crimes.
Do you understand why I call California Commiefornia?
This video provides more evidence that the media are just propaganda organizations and they get their "marching orders" from the upper class trash. Pay close attention to how they all use the same talking points for the same story again and again. That is no coincidence.
That is because the upper class trash has a team working for them to put these lies together and then those professional liars send those lies down for all of the media to tell those lies. They DO NOT all tell the exact same lies at the exact same time for the exact same stories by magic coincidence.
This is why, you can't believe a thing you see on TV or from Hollywood.
I Told You So
In this video he tells you a number of important things I have been warning you about. Pay close attention.
First, he warns you that the people running our nation and the Pentagon are very stupid and they have not won a war since at least Reagan. He points out that these people just lost a 20 year war in Afghanistan against goat herders. They are clearly every bit as stupid as I have been warning you.
He also told you that these clowns in office don't have a clue what they are talking about, which should be very obvious by now. They should not be making decisions about things they are completely ignorant about.
Then Wright told you to do what I have been trying to get you to do by putting aside all of the hatred the upper class trash have been teaching you and do an objective strategic analysis. That is going to be at least one of the most important tools you will use in such decision making. You NEED TO KNOW the truth.
Making your decisions based on emotions and not the truth will be disastrous.
Do you believe me yet?
I love the way he put it and you should watch that video at least twice and think about us going to war with Russia. It won't be purdy and we won't win. When we lose this war because of our idiot leaders who couldn't win a first fight in a sandbox, we can lose everything. People are not getting just how critical this mess is that the upper class trash have caused.
It isn't that our troops are bad but that our leaders are terrible.
Do you believe me yet that NO MILITARY can be better than its leaders and our leaders are proving they are among the worst in history, if not the worst?
Look at just how much our stupid leaders have already screwed us up in this war in less than a month with such things as driving other nations into the Eastern Alliance against us and destroying the Petrodollar.
Do you believe me yet that my farts are smarter than our current leaders?
You better pray long, pray hard, pray often and lock and load.
Why isn't China quickly committing troops and money to aid Russia for invading Europe?
That is easy, she wants to give the idiots ruining the West confidence in her not joining Russia so the arrogant fools will go to war with Russia to tie down Western troops so China can feel free to engage in war too. China wants as many of the Western troops as possible tied down fighting Russia before China commits to the fight.
China knows that, if she openly aids Russia in this war, the West may not start a war with Russia and tie down their troops in mass so China won't be as free to also engage in war with the West. China is trying to stack the deck against the West before the fighting starts.
The military calls it psychological warfare and, on the street, we called it a sucker punch, and our Afghan genius leaders are stupid enough to fall for it.
Do you want to see just how incredibly brain dead stupid the upper class trash x-spirts are who got dem duh right degree from duh right unkneeburcity?
Just watch this video where the x-spirt says that we should sanction China even though all of the other sanctions against other nations have already backfired on us.
Learn from our mistakes?
Nah, that would require thinking and you know that none of those x-spirts would do that. It would probably hurt too much.
Now, let me see if I can figure out what would happen if they sanctioned China. China would simply stop all exports to the US, sell all of that stuff to other countries like Russia, and you have not seen empty shelves yet.
What US economy?
Right now, economically, China has the upper hand on the US. We are right now at her mercy because of our greedy upper class trash and China knowingly used that greed to gain that upper hand. China played our upper class trash for the fools they are.
Do you believe me yet that the lefty upper class trash have been inbreeding too long and are dumber than rocks?
I had just finished watching the movie "The Mummy" again and, afterwards, was thinking about all of the mystical power of Satan and his demons because both the Bible and paganism teach that Satan and his demons do have powers. All paganism is based on using incantations to worship Satan and his demons to get Satan and his demons, often under the name of different pagan gods, to use their powers to do things for the pagans.
As I thought about this, I realized something very important that the Bible tells us about power, which is that "All power comes from God" and its meaning.
When God created all of His angels, including Lucifer, God gave them all certain powers or they could not have any power.
When Lucifer seduced one third of the angels to follow him in rebellion against God, they all automatically lost the wisdom of God or common sense, which means, they instantly became fools before God. That is why they still believe they can overthrow God and still have power or even just exist.
The pagans who choose to follow and worship Satan and his demons also automatically are denied the wisdom of God or common sense, which is why they always eventually fail at everything. That is why the God hating lefty pagans today are failing at everything they try; they don't have any common sense or the wisdom of God.
You see, if all power comes from God and you could destroy God, then there could be no power or even existence so they would stop existing and there would be nothing. Therefore, it should be obvious that no one, not Satan and all of his demons, can possibly overthrow God and seize control so Satan and his demons are so stupid that they have been trying and failing to overthrow God for 6,000 years and they still have not figured that out.
This means that Satan and his demons CANNOT win this war they started, have been losing for 6,000 years, and are still fighting against God, Yahweh. The arrogant fools lost before they began. Be careful whose side you choose to be on.
You think there isn't an international conspiracy by the upper class trash to seize control of this entire planet and set up a global dictatorship?
Watch this video and they show you who the conspirators are.
What is going on is not some magic coincidence. They are increasingly openly conspiring or working together to do their evil. They are not even trying to hide it any more, proving that they feel they have established enough power and control that they feel they cannot lose control now and that they are finalizing their dictatorship.
Remember that I told you in my last post that, if I were Putin and wanted to stabilize the Ruble, I would make people pay for Russian exports with Rubles?
Then I found this video which says early in it that Putin stabilized the Ruble by making people pay for Russian exports in the Ruble. Gee, what a coincidence.
He tells you that the Eastern Alliance has turned 25% of the global population from SWIFT to CIPS, and that, when a number of Western credit card companies sanctioned Russia, the Russian MIR card became very popular along with a Chinese credit card. He also told you that Russian oil and gas exports have continued with both the US and Europe continuing to buy Russian oil and gas but now in Rubles instead of in dollars.
Wow, those sanctions really worked well!!!! /sarc
Do you believe me yet that the Western nations are being run by idiots? Do you believe me yet that Putin knew this was coming and planned very well for it, out thinking our intellectually superior, natural elite upper class trash smarty pants? Do you believe that the Eastern Alliance has almost completely destroyed any hope of the West setting up their evil global dictatorship? But do you think the evil, human demon, spawn of Satan Western upper class trash will quit?
Of course not. The only thing that will stop those evil things is death.
Now, do you believe the Western propaganda that Ukraine is beating Russia in this war?
BTW, it looks like Biden's call to Xi was to try to get Xi to make a commitment to not start hostilities, if the West engaged Russia in a war and completely failed. China is now all in with Russia.
Also, he pointed out that India has been pushed by the Western sanctions to join the Eastern Alliance. That puts about 35% to more than 40% of the global population is now in the Eastern Alliance, with three of those being among the biggest economies in the world, with most of the rest of the people still being neutral but I am sure our upper class trash will solve that soon.
Wow, everything the intellectually superior upper class trash are doing is failing really bad. It is the West that is imploding and not Russia.
The question now is; has all of this caused the West to back off, leave Russia alone, and accept they won't get their global dictatorship the way they want (probably not because I don't think they are that smart)? If not, will Russia invade and take over Europe to drive out the upper class trash to put an end to it and, if Russia does invade Europe, will China send troops and money to aid with that campaign?
Remember that I told you that, if Russia chases the insane royals out of Europe, they will flee to Iraq and Iran to begin plan B to setup a Muslim global dictatorship or the one world government of the Bible, which is very likely.
Keep an eye on this.
Why is the Ukraine War still going on?
Because the West refuses to back off on turning Ukraine into a NATO nation so they can station nukes there to take out Moscow to get rid of Russia so the West can set up their global dictatorship and their puppet Zelensky continues to do what he is told by standing up to Putin instead of backing off for the people. The West (under control of the lefty upper class trash royals) doesn't want peace, they want their global dictatorship at all costs, you know, costing you everything, and Russia is in their way. Don't forget that because that explains it all.
Data vs Science
Remember that I have been telling you that data is NOT science because data can be manipulated to say whatever you want it to say but science cannot be manipulated to say what you want it to say?
This video shows you some of those manipulations by the CDC. Gee, what a magic coincidence and just blame the coding so you can cover up for it.
My question is: how many more of those deaths were not caused by COVID 19 that we may never hear about?
Oh, hey, it was their coding's fault, yeah, that is the ticket, it is the coding's fault.
Always remember that, at the very start, our government set up a system to BRIBE healthcare workers to falsely report patients as having COVID 19 because, if the patient had COVID 19, whether they died from it or not or even whether they were infected before coming to the hospital or while in the hospital, that healthcare provider got another $3,000 per patient.
Hey, falsely claim 1,000 more patients and you get another $3 million. Gee, there is no motivation to lie there.
From what I have been able to find out, many hospitals didn't even try to isolate their COVID wards so the virus would spread throughout the hospitals to infect as many people as possible to get those hospitals as much money as possible.
And God said, "The love of money is the root of all evil."
Always remember that doctors and hospital managers are all human and there are good humans and bad humans in almost all professions, especially including the medical industry. Heck, people, there are obviously evil poser Christian preachers so you know there will be evil doctors and hospital administrators who will lie for money.
Remember that I told you that Russia is going to help Iran get around the West's sanctions by helping Iran build their nukes?
This video shows you that is exactly what Russia is going to do and earn $40 billion (sanctions? What sanctions?) rebuilding Iran's NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM.
Biden has agreed for that to happen?
Yep, Israel? What Israel? How much of Hunter's art did Iran buy? The corruption is kind of obvious, isn't it?
Biden has to have a new motto; "Our allies for sale; cheap."
Note that his stuff about Gog and Magog is based on the false interpretation that Gog and Magog means Russia when both communities are in Turkey and not Russia, which has been calling for all Muslims to come together to destroy Israel.
This is all making me wonder if some deal was made by the West and Russia permitting Russia to invade Ukraine to take it back while providing a distraction from the Iran nuclear deal because, except for true Christians, the West hates Israel and wants to see her destroyed, you know, for their oil producing Muslims budies.
Remember that I told you in 2012 400 million lefties from the West converted to Islam between April and October of that year?
Something is going on here and I will pray for God to show me so I can show you. One thing is sure and that is that the US lefties are clearly selling out Israel.
Is this the West giving up on their global dictatorship and making a deal with Iran to be part of their global dictatorship or Caliphate based out of Babylon? Is the Western upper class trash buying seats on the council of 10 for the Muslim Caliphate to rule the world out of Babylon, which Iran controls by way of her control over Iraq?
It really looks that way.
Here is something to keep in mind. All of these big and powerful corrupt corporations, governments, armies, and other groups COMBINED are not even close to being as big and powerful as God.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....