Rome II
Do you believe me yet that my estimates are always conservative so that no one can claim I am exaggerating or fear mongering?
It is always worse than I tell you.
I have been watching this mess for more than half a century, but especially since the fall of the Soviet Union.
You need to know that the idea of US allies is just an illusion because we have very few allies who could contribute in any significant way to a battle, much less a war, which are pretty much limited to Israel, Canada, and UK in the West and Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea in the East.
You have to understand that, following the fall of the Soviet Union, the European nations saw the threat go away so they began raiding their military budgets to stuff the money in their greedy pockets while justifying it by saying "the mighty US Military will protect us from any other threats". They did not stop to think that the greedy lefty idiots in the US would do the same thing to fill their pockets too and set up to establish the global world government. Even after the US began to openly doing that, the Europeans just kept raiding their military budgets to fill their pockets and give free stuff to their stupid lefty voters. Hey, we gotta buy those votes with free stuff.
Bush I was the first to begin tearing down the US Military following the fall of the Soviet Union and Billy Boy Clinton did even worse damage leaving Bush II with less than a one front military so that the US could not have fought anyone on just one full front, not Russia, not China, not anyone.
Bush II was forced to rebuild the military to wage war against Al Quaeda and a total of 5 nations but the idiot and his idiots mismanaging the Pentagon only rebuilt the US Military to a 2 front military to fight in five nations, you know, not the smartest move in the world proved by him never completing even half of his goals. Bush II didn't even get 40% of his goals done proved by the current situations in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Great job, Bush. /sarc
Then Obama tore the US Military back down to a one front military but Trump returned it back to at least a 2 to 3 front military and finally Afghan Joe returned it to a one front military not capable of handling our current situation, requiring at least a 6 front military, and leaving the arrogant fools running Europe fully exposed.
And you think the upper class trash royals are smarter than you?
For example, the richest nation in Europe is Germany and the last I checked she couldn't even get half her fighter planes off the ground and only had 4 subs, none of which had left the dock in years because their greedy upper class trash had laundered so much of their military money into the upper class trash pockets and have been giving "free stuff" to their idiot socialist voters that the German military doesn't have the money for parts and maintenance. This is pretty much true for almost all over Europe.
If you combine all of the functional militaries in Europe together, including UK, you won't have a one front military capable of stopping Russia so I hope they enjoy their fat bank accounts and free stuff because, when Russia, Belarus, and the rest of their allies sweep through Europe, you know Russia will sack them.
Does this brief video sound like Russia is being devastated and is in withdrawal?
I just saw that Germany now has a "massive 100 billion Euro military budget". Also, I am seeing that NATO is "encouraging faster military spending". You know, "Russia's coming, Russia's coming!!!"
Then I later found this video that I am finding hilarious.
Oh, the Germans are not in a panic to save their butts, are they? Has reality come home to roost for Germany's upper class trash?
You bet they are in a panick. Just like I told you, he tells you that, during the Cold War, Germany had about 360 Tornado aircraft and are now down to 90 Tornados and I read a year or two ago that only half of them could fly because of a lack of money for parts and maintenance, meaning that, before they just got this "massive" (his word) increase in their military budget of 100 billion Euros, they only had an effective air force of 45 old Tornados that might be able to fly, you know, because of their corrupt upper class trash and politicians having to stick all of that military money in their greedy pockets just like I have been telling you.
Note that ALL of Western Europe did this, completely depending on the US to protect their butts with Britain doing it only slightly less.
Do you get the picture yet?
Now they are buying 35 nuke capable F-35s and 15 Euro Fighters for electronics warfare and are certainly going to bring the rest of the Tornado aircraft back in action.
Then, keeping in mind this video is an aircraft channel, he still briefly mentions the rest of the German military or Bundeswehr, showing ground forces. I really love the comment, "The Bundeswehr will be significantly more capable than it is today." Note that they stated they want to "rapidly increase the operational readiness of our arm forces".
In a hurry, are they? Don't you just love it when the corrupt upper class trash finally get run over by reality and it scares the crap out of them?
Finally got scared, did they? Need to suddenly ramp up for war really fast because they didn't properly maintain their military? How much of that will actually make it to the German and other militaries and how much will go into greedy pockets? Is it in time and how many other European nations are also running scared enough to build up their militaries?
Note that he points out that this is just the beginning of their normally very lengthy process but also keep in mind that NATO is telling them to hurry up. Keep in mind that the aircraft have to be ordered, built, and delivered, which will take time. We will see if they can do it fast enough to save their butts. It depends on how scared they are.
It is going to take much more than that to hold off Russia and will take at least a year to properly rebuild their mismanaged militaries, maybe 2 or more years.
The corrupt European nations finally figured out that they cannot depend on the corrupt US Government for their protection and they better be able to defend themselves, especially with Afghan Joe dumping so many allies.
Now, are they going to be smart enough to arm, train, and organize their people into militias?
They just keep proving me right because I do my homework and God keeps showing me things.
Here is some irony in this mess that has been created by the greed of the upper class trash royals.
Did you know that the Goths, who sacked Rome, came from Russia and it is Russia who may soon sack Rome II? Does God have a sense of humor or what?
The fall of the West is happening for the same reasons Rome fell because ye ole greedy royals refuse to learn from history. The Roman upper class trash started sacking Rome long before the Goths, putting ye ole defense money in ye ole money purses. They got to where they didn't want to spend enough money to hire Romans as their soldiers so they started hiring people from other nations. Then they got to where that was too much money for the upper class trash to not stuff in ye ole coin purse so they hired the Goths to be their soldiers and army.
One day, Alaric, leader of the Goths, looked towards Rome and realized there was nothing between his hired army and Rome that could stop him, they got tired of fighting and dying for the table scraps and sacked Rome to get it all, just like I have been telling you will soon happen to the West.
Putin is our Alaric and the Russian Army and their allies are our Goths.
You better arm yourselves, organize into militias, get trained for combat, and secure your red zones like I have been telling you because this is going to get worse than bad and you can thank all of your idiot lefties for this mess.
If the upper class trash were one tenth as intelligent as they think they are, they would not still be trying to disarm Americans. They would be pulling a Ukraine II by arming, training, and organizing Americans into militias to save their butts, you know, the way the US Military has been doing now for more than 20 years.
The stupidest thing the wealthy upper class trash could do right now is disarm the American people so those people will not be able to fight and protect the upper class trash and their wealth from being sacked.
If the European upper class trash were one tenth as brilliant as they love to pretend they are, they would be right now arming, training, and organizing their people into militias to try and stop Russia and her allies but the upper class trash are too stupid to do anything that intelligent.
This is an extremely important video because it shows Nigel Farage of Britain warning us about the West causing trouble for Russia 8 years ago. This proves everything I have been telling you and that you are being lied to in mass.
Note that Nigel stated that Russia was our ally in fighting terrorism and our leaders betrayed our ally because Russia did not want to be ruled by a global dictatorship run by our corrupt leaders.
I had to think about this one because he says a few things I disagree with but he says a lot of very important things here so this video is a good watch and worth thinking about. Remember that I am a veteran who has been telling you for a long time that this crap was going to happen and why.
It is almost completely the middle and lower class people who pay for the greed and lusts for power of the upper class trash and this has been true for thousands of years. Too many people are just now finding out the truth and some are refusing to believe the truth. The most important reason why I actually want these evil people cast into Hell is so they can never again cause harm to other people again. They all choose to do what they do and it causes harm to so many other people and it is always for greed and power so let them burn so they can never again cause harm to anyone. I am fed up with them and their evil and, from what I am seeing, so is God.
People, the upper class trash sins are about to "find them out" because they are about to get their evil butts sacked just like the rich Romans did because the greedy upper class trash are too stupid to learn from history. They are RIGHT NOW repeating the history for the fall of Rome.
This is funny. The evil, greedy, power mad upper class trash in Australia only recently disarmed their people so they could set up their fascist dictatorship and, with China moving into the Solomon Islands, you know, for an obvious invasion of Australia and New Zealand, the corrupt politicians are so scared they are now talking about arming teenagers to protect against any threats to Australia.
What? Their great sounding stupid ideas didn't work out? Maybe they should give the people their guns back?
Nah, that would be admitting they were wrong and are stupid. The upper class trash would rather get conquered and sacked than admit they were wrong and are stupid.
BTW, I have been keeping an eye on it and it appears that they are using a double or two for Putin, which is normal under such circumstances.
Will Smith
BTW Will Smith is catching so much flack for slapping Chris Rock that they will have to publically admit it was staged to save Smith's career. Keep an eye on this.
BTW, by the strangest coincidence, Chris Rocks comedy shows are selling out for increased amounts for tickets and he is making a killing because of him being slapped so maybe he won't be willing to tell the truth to save Will Smith's career?
Then I found this video where he makes some very good points concerning potential for marketing and as a distraction, all of which it could be. Don't be surprised to find out that both of them got paid by Pfizer.
Then I also found this video that tells you what I told you including that Will Smith walked off smiling, you know, like he was very angry. /sarc
People, it is extremely obvious it was staged and it is amazing how many people don't see that. You can't believe 5% of what you see out of Hollywood.
Keep an eye on this.
Transgenders in Women's Sports
About 50 years ago, I studied the history of modern sports.
In the early 1800s, there were no sports in the universities and some of the kids decided to put together unofficial sports teams for their universities to play other universities just for fun but the academe abhorred it because their big ego thing was that they were superior to the rest of you because they were "of the mind" (literally their term) and them having to be even remotely related to anything physical like sports was an insult to them and beneath them. "Why, how dare you bring sports into their universities."
Because of this, when they found a student who was playing on a student sports team from their university, even though it didn't officially represent the university and was an outside activity, the student was expelled from the university.
A lot of those students grew up and became the big money donators to the universities, donating the money those academe love so much. Their former students used those donations to force the universities to officially accept sports into the universities.
This really ticked off the lefty academe and they have been trying since to come up with a way to get rid of college sports without stopping the donations they love so much.
While I was in college in the late 1960s, I was aware of them having regular big meetings for trying to find a way to get rid of college sports but they kept failing. When I went back to get my M.B.A. in 1994, some of them didn't know I was a marathon athlete and coach and they invited me to one of those meetings but I turned it down. Before I said anything about it, I asked them a lot of questions to make sure I knew what it was really about and they made it very clear what the meeting was all about and told me that they held such meetings every month all over the nation. They were very proud of their efforts to destroy college sports.
Then they came up with and got Title 9 passed as law, I think in about the 1970s, which stated that women's sports had to be promoted on par with men's sports even though, at that time, most women were not interested in sports. Basically, Title 9 says that, if the women's sports are not as available to women as men's sports are to men, then all men's sports have to be done away with in the university system. It was done under the false pretence of helping women.
The lefty academe were absolutely certain this was finally going to kill collegiate sports because there were so few women's collegiate sports at that time and so many men's collegiate sports. I remember how excited they were when it passed into law.
When the sports organizations within the universities saw them trying to pass that into law, they knew what was going on and organized nationally to adapt. When the law passed, they did away with almost all of the minor men's sports to have the money for women's sports and began to aggressively recruit young women students on all campuses for the new women's sports programs and it worked, to the chagrin of the lefty academe. Ye ole academe were super ticked.
I watched all of this happen.
What they are doing with this transgender thing is they are trying to chase women out of women's sports to destroy women's sports so they can use Title 9 to finally get rid of all collegiate sports because of their arrogance. They passionately hate anything physical like sports in their universities. That is what is really going on.
I tried to explain something about this on someone else's post saying that as long as the male has a Y chromosome, his body would produce testosterone 24/7 and some twit who tried to fake me into believing he is a biologist or knows biology and clearly gets all of his information from TeeBee or sports magazines said, "Yeah, but daze gots blockers." and he obviously doesn't have enough common sense to realize that Thomas is proving those blockers are not working too well because he is trashing women's swim records by as much as 7 minutes, which is insanely huge.
Studies have shown that men on those blockers still retain a 12% to 16% advantage over women, which, in sports, is massive. At best, they are just weak men. Please use common sense.
Hillary Clinton
I posted on FB about Putin currently using at least two different doubles for his own security for people to keep an eye on and then posted that Hillary was also using a double.
One of the people on my friends list stated, "The Hillary double was obvious."
So I decided to have some fun and posted a hypothesis about Hillary:
"I have a hypothesis about this and, if you have any intel about it, please let me know.
My hypothesis says that, since Hillary became so severely ill, she may have died and they are using her double full time now, you know, a new puppet for the upper class trash because they don't care who they use, besides then they can keep the Hillary thing going.
I am keeping an eye on this because she sure got well awfully fast after the election, especially for as sick as she was. At the end, she could barely walk and was getting worse very quickly and then suddenly was very well.
If you know anything about it, please let me know. Thanks."
Then I realized that some of you probably have the technology to prove this, which I don't have. All you have to do is a comparison between Hillary and her double before the election to identify which is which and then use that information to analyze the current Hillary to determine whether she is the real Hillary or the double or both.
If you provide me with convincing proof concerning this, I give credit where credit is due, besides, you will probably become rich and famous if you expose a fraud like this. Let me give you a little advice on this because you should not start out to prove fraud but to find out if there is fraud because, if your proof is biased or fraudulent, they will quickly expose it as being fraud. Thanks.
This should be fun.
I already told you some about inflation because most people think it is only about major corporations increasing profits so I tried to show you other reasons for it too.
This video shows you some about it also having to do with greed of major corporations AND also shares how it is also being caused by government greed I have been talking about.
Basically, our corrupt politicians don't serve you, the people, they serve themselves and who ever pays them the most. They don't care about you, the people, no matter what they say.
The upper class trash, their attorneys, our corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, the media, the academe, and a lot of others have worked together to make our system extremely corrupt and they keep working to make it more corrupt because the raving lunatics just can't steal enough from enough people fast enough.
Eyes Opening
I have been telling you that God is opening eyes and more people are now paying attention to what is going on. This is causing the nation to turn back to being more conservative and destroying the left's plans for a US and global dictatorship.
This video shows the left is losing ground in most states every day. The conservatives are finally fighting back and taking the fight to the left in many ways.
This is going to make the left more desperate and more violent so keep your eyes and ears open and be prepared.
Note that he blames you for all of this good news and forgets to give credit to God. You need to thank God for opening eyes and turning things around.
Hunter Biden
I have realized there is another possibility that the left is getting ready to shove Afghan Joe under ye ole commie bus and are using Hunter and his crimes to do it so keep an eye on this.
Ukraine War
If you watch the news and most YouTube videos, it looks like Ukraine is winning the war and destroying a thousand or more Russian tanks and aircraft.
This video tells you that Russia has only lost about 214 tanks from all causes and about 6 of them are T-90 tanks. That is not even one quarter of 1,000 tanks and remember that Russia has more than 12,000 tanks.
That is less than 1.8% of their total tanks and Russia is losing the war? Have you noticed in the same videos they never tell you where all of the Ukrainian tanks and planes are?
You never see any combat pictures of any Ukrainian tanks or planes.
Also note that the war drum beaters are always telling you that the Russian forces are in retreat and defeated but then that Russia is shelling their top cities like Kiev in siege warfare, which means they can't be retreating.
They also keep telling you that Zelensky is more and more willing to give Russia more and more of what Putin is demanding with Putin not giving in on the key things he wants, telling you that Russia is not losing the war or in retreat.
Mean while, The West, you know, NATO, the US, and UK are making mad deals with Iran and madly trying to build up their military to fight Russia in the event that Russia invades Europe, you know, after Russia finishes losing to Ukraine. /sarc
These war drum beaters don't make any sense at all and are clearly lying their butts off without concern you might figure it out, probably knowing that you eventually will. After Russia defeats Ukraine, they won't be able to lie about Russia losing any more.
This video shows you that is already beginning to happen. He proves everything I have been telling you and shows that even the lying lefty media are finally being forced to admit the truths Turley and I have been telling you all along.
Remember that this is where you get tomorrow's news today and you get the truth every day regardless of what the lying left makes popular.
But they want to keep this war going as long as they can so they can make as much money from it as they can. I believe that these criminals should be charged with war crimes because they are openly committing fraud to keep the war going and people dying so they can make more money.
Remember that I have been telling you that the upper class trash have rigged our system so that they are above the law?
This video tells you that the Clintons just admitted to a crime they should have gone to jail for and only got a "slap on the wrist" for that extremely serious crime. They had to pay a fine that was pocket money to them.
Do you believe me yet?
They act like royals because they are royals and rigged the system just like royals always have. Laws for thee but not for me. He even tells you that at about 3:15 into the video.
As long as they keep getting away with the crimes, they will keep committing worse and worse crimes.
Corrupt Courts
Remember that I have been telling you how corrupt our courts have become?
This video shows some of that corruption by judges, especially against good judges. He tells you how, for years, they have been harassing and punishing a judge for being a good constitutional judge.
The upper class trash just never stop their evil.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....