The biggest reason why the US has been protecting Taiwan is because Taiwan makes most of our most important chips, especially for the military.
The fact that the Congress just passed a bill to pay for chip manufacturing in the US along with China threatening the US if Pelosi visits Taiwan is telling me that the US is probably about to let China have Taiwan. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Afghan Joe sold out Taiwan for a few million dollars.
If Afghan Joe does not protect Taiwan, we won't have any allies the next day, especially after Afghanistan and Ukraine. It will be us against the world.
I would not be surprised if our lefty commie traitors have also agreed to let China have South Korea, and other countries in the West Pacific Ocean area like the Philippines, Japan, and who knows who else.
Then I found out that the trip has been confirmed and she asked two senior members of Congress to go with her but they both refused (do they know she is going to be snuffed by the Commierats and their pal, China?) and the US Navy is ramping up with a carrier task force and other increased forces in the area to "protect Pelosi".
Then I found this video, which tells me they are very close to replacing Afghan Joe because they are making him look absolutely terrible and a threat to national security and, therefore, also Pelosi and Kruella to get them out of the way.
It would be very difficult to put together a more condemning video of Afghan Joe. He is going under ye ole bus but, first, Pelosi. If they won't resign, they will be resigned.
Then I found this video that was even more devastating to Afghan Joe and was run later. It really looks like they are getting ready to dump Afghan Joe for someone else. They are really laying into him like they did with Nixon and Carter.
It is really looking like the upper class trash royals are getting ready to shove quite a few people's butts under ye ole royal bus. It is about to get just a wee bit crowded down there.
BTW, part of the reason why they would choose Meghan and Obama is because Meghan is half black and a woman (the first female president) while Obama is also half black and they are clearly trying to get back the black and female votes.
Keep an eye on this.
China has increased their threats.
Listen, if China mixes it up with us, the first thing we need to do is put a stealth cruise missile with a mini nuke warhead into the CCP meeting hall when they have a meeting and a second one into their military headquarters.
You have to kill bad guys from the top down. If you kill far enough down the ladder, it creates a power vacuum that will cause the remaining leaders to turn on each other for power and control, which will buy you time and you can help them kill each other until you can find and put in power a puppet that will leave your nation alone or you could put a group of puppets in power dividing up China so that those smaller leaders can't fight you because they have to be ready to fight each other.
You don't have to defeat the entire Chinese Military, you just defeat enough of the leaders so the rest of the leaders will use that military to fight each other, while you take out their nukes.
That is normal human behavior and history proves it. It is called "divide and conquer".
Keep an eye on this.
Remember that I have been telling you that the Euro-American royals created the EU because they just knew they were going to use it to set up the one world government and one world church of the Tribulation and God will destroy it because it is not true?
This video is mostly about a pending election change in Italy that would radically change Italy back to being conservative on a massive scale but at the end he tells just how fragmented the EU is and that it is right now on the verge of blowing completely apart into individual nations just like I have been telling you will happen for years.
Man plans, God laughs.
You need to keep an eye on this because, if this happens, then Russia probably won't have to invade Europe and may even be able to back down the US and UK, bringing about peace but even that won't cause the power mad royals to stop for more than a few years because they will just turn to join forces with Iran to form their one world government and one world church dictatorship or Muslim Caliphate based out of Mystery Babylon just like I have been warning you about.
BTW, the EU, especially Germany, is already rationing gas because they know Putin is about to cut them off and they are trying to build a store of gas for when that happens. They are doing things like cutting off hot water, street lights at night, water fountains, and anything else that uses energy. They are desperate and panicking.
Keep an eye on this.
Remember that I have been telling you that the left can't keep up the lies about Ukraine forever because their lies will eventually be proved wrong by Ukraine losing?
This video tells us that those lies have just been found out by a lefty medium, the "Washington Post", and that EVERYTHING I have been telling you about Ukraine has been true while the media, politicians, and military industry have been lying their butts off.
Finally, the truth is coming out.
I told you that in the first few weeks Russia destroyed better than 60% of Ukraine's tanks, better than 60% of Ukraine's planes, better than 1,500 air defense systems, and better than 1,500 artillery pieces, meaning that they also killed at least 100,000 troops using or maintaining those weapons systems. By definition, that is a sound defeat.
Ukraine is NOT going to recover from that much damage, especially since they bought almost all of those weapons from Russia before the war started and Russia is NOT going to sell them replacements while the war is going on and the West wasn't selling them one tenth of what Ukraine needed plus they would also have to quickly replace more than 100,000 trained troops to use the replacement weapons. Duh, hello!!! I don't care how many tanks you send Ukraine, if they don't have the troops who know how to effectively use those tanks, they will just be Russian target practice.
This war is 5 months old and Ukraine lost it more than 4 months ago.
BTW, maybe Her Zelensky can negotiate a peace deal from Kiev, England, which was just another Western lie. You watch, we will soon find out about that too.
Then I found this video, which is very interesting because it is by "Sky News Australia", which always puts out the usual military industry and Western propaganda about the Ukraine War but, in that video, he really digs into Zelensky about not being such a great person or leader and talks about the things Zelensky has done that caused this war, without saying they really caused the war.
Again, it looks like they are getting ready to shove Zelensky's butt under ye ole royal bus.
Remember that I have been teaching you how corrupt most academe are?
This video shows you that many of our universities are quickly becoming even more corrupt and common sense should tell you that a degree from a corrupt university will be worthless because they are not going to teach the children, they are only going to brainwash the children.
The lefty universities are just getting worse and not better.
Something I am watching is that, in his first term, Trump didn't get rid of enough bad people in the government bureaucracy fast enough and they kept him from doing as well as he could have done. This time, Trump has said he will very quickly fire something like 70,000 bureaucrats to prevent that from happening again.
We know that he has been working with elements in the military and you can bet they have been gathering intel on who they need to get rid of very quickly and probably have a list of at least a few waves of scheduled firings.
Keep an eye on this.
I am also keeping an eye on whether God plans to continue to use Trump to clean up this mess or whether God has plans to replace him with someone else. It looks like God still plans to use Trump but we will see.
COVID Vaccine
I am still watching this video while writing this. What I am doing is making notes as something is told in the video.
The first note I want to make and point out is he said that a fake research report was intentionally posted to stop the use of an effective treatment drug. Yes, they were trying to kill as many of you as possible.
Do you believe me yet that this is a murder vaccine?
Second, notice that he said a vaccine is used to prevent illness from a disease not as a treatment to prevent the disease from being worse. This proves what I told you about the COVID vaccine not working because you still got sick and spread the disease, therefore, the vaccines do NOT work and that is by biological and medical definition.
Gee, you don't think Fuaci kept promoting the use of a vaccine that doesn't work because he was making money from its use, do you?
He even told you of an effective treatment they already had and were using before the vaccines began being used so they didn't really need the vaccine.
Are you getting the picture yet?
The vaccine is not a treatment and does not do what it is supposed to do and they already had an effective treatment.
Then, very importantly, he explains in detail how the hospital fraud I warned you about was taking place.
Gee, who would have figured?
Notice that in his proof for fraud, he also proved that Fauci is lying to you about the vaccine protecting you from hospitalization. He explains why it doesn't work. Almost everything Fauci said was a lie.
Do you believe me yet that Fauci and a bunch of others belong in prison over this?
Then he explained in detail why you are more likely to get COVID if you are vaccinated than if you are not vaccinated. Oops! He even told you it is called "reverse efficacy".
What that should tell you is that the first shot suppresses your immune system for fighting the virus upon infection permitting the infection. Wow, that works well. The only reason to get that failed vaccine is to make someone lots of money or to kill you.
Then he pointed out that they found out that the booster shots suppress your immune system even more increasing the probability of you getting COVID.
So he is telling you that my statements were conservative and it is even worse than I told you, you know, as usual. All of my statements and estimates are ALWAYS conservative so you should know it will ALWAYS be worse than I tell you, ALWAYS.
He told you about watching for red flags and I have been warning you about red flags for years. Gee, it still works.
Then he told you just like I told you that the ONLY reason to consider getting a vaccine is to stop transmition and that, in the summer of 2021, it was made public knowledge, even by the CDC, that the vaccines DO NOT STOP TRANSMITION of the virus, which means they don't work.
The only reason for Fauci and others to continue to insist on vaccinations was because of money because they don't stop transmition and they suppress your immune system INCREASING your risk of infection. I want to see Fauci's off shore bank account because it must be huge.
Do you believe me yet that Fauci should be hung because, as an MD, he was killing people, he knew he was killing people, and he kept killing people and you can bet it was because of money. Fauci caused more harm to more people than the infamous Nazi Dr. Joseph Mengele. In my opinion, Fauci has to be the worst criminal in medical history because he easily and intentionally caused harm to more people than any other MD in history.
One important thing I have taught you and he teaches is that not all doctors are the same. They don't all know or believe the same things and it is like one doctor taught me in the late 1970s, "Always remember that half the doctors finish in the lower half of their class", meaning they didn't learn as much plus they don't all have the same common sense and many of them follow health fads that don't work. I have seen too much of this over the last half century.
If any doctor says something that is serious and you don't know the science so you can interpret what you are told, ALWAYS get a second opinion WITHOUT telling the second doctor about what the first doctor said to keep the second doctor as objective as possible. Don't even let the second doctor know that you saw another doctor until after the second doctor tells you what their opinion is.
Doctors are not perfect and they don't all know the same thing. I have seen too many lousy doctors over more than half a century. They are human and no two humans are exactly the same. That is why I question EVERYTHING I am told by a human regardless of degrees. Think about it.
God is the only being who is perfect and knows everything.
Even I don't know everything so I research and learn more every day. My goal is to get closer to knowing everything every day. I know I won't get there until Judgment Day when "everything will be made known" to each and every one of us. On Judgment Day, all of you will know more than I know now but, for now, I write to teach you more when you need it most.
Pay close attention to what he says in the last few minutes. He tells you that the vaccine is very dangerous for a number of reasons.
Do you believe me yet, when I call it the "murder vaccine"?
It is a real killer and doesn't do any good, none. But, hey, it is making some rich people more rich.
Afghan Joe
BTW, I have seen that Biden is reactivating building Trump's wall on our southern border to win back voters. That is admitting failure of the Commierat policy and proving they know it.
One thing that has to happen to tick off enough people to be mad enough to storm ye ole upper class trash castles is that it has to become very obvious that our government has failed, you know, like Republicans joining forces with the Commierats against the people. People have to realize in mass that the normal government processes will not fix things because it is too infiltrated and corrupt.
Keep an eye on that. We are getting there.
Remember that I have been telling you that the left is destroying the US so they can seize control?
This video is telling you something much, much worse than he actually tells you. They are doing several things at once.
First, they know they will soon be out of power so they are sacking the US while they can with big spending and tax bills. They are filling their pockets as quickly as possible.
Second, they are sabotaging the economy of the US in a way to blame the GOP. These huge spending and tax bills will take effect next year when the GOP is in control of Congress and will devastate our economy under their control. The left is sabotaging the US economy and will blame the Republicans with the help of their lying lefty media.
Expect them to do this as many times as they can between now and next January to devastate the US economy and fill their greedy pockets. It is just another case of treason by the left.
Also, the evil upper class trash want all of you peasants to give up your cars, while they are still flying around the world in their private jets, to "save the planet".
Concerning the coming elections, the left is getting extremely dirty and deceptive to fool as many stupid people as possible. They are pulling no punches to eliminate everyone who is even just considered a threat to their dictatorship.
This video shows you just a sample of that and how desperate the left is to keep the control they have until they can consolidate their evil power.
Keep an eye on this.
I am seeing more people waking up to the upper class trash destroying everything around the world and causing all of these problems. They are figuring it out and getting closer.
Remember that quite a few African nations joined the BRICS international banking system with Russia, Brazil, China, India, and other nations to keep from being controlled by the West's IMF international banking system?
This video shows that the West is using extortion to try to control and force African nations to take the West's side in the Ukraine War against Russia and it is turning those African nations against the West.
I also saw somewhere that Russia signed the grain deal with Ukraine because Putin knows that much of that grain will go to Africa so he is helping feed them and he has troops and other people in Africa helping with other matters.
I wonder who is going to win that one, the bully or the savior?
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Putin is trading the African nations grain and money for the African oil and gas the West needs so bad, which is probably what is causing the Western bullying of Africa, and that Putin is selling Russian weapons and munitions to those African nations so they can defend themselves against Western aggression.
Keep an eye on this.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....