I Told You So 487

Major I Told You So

Remember that about one or two years ago I proved to you that COVID 19 was developed in a US lab and transferred for release to the Wuhan Lab in China, using the Wuhan Lab as a front for the release?

This video confirms what I told you and it is now getting out into common knowledge. They may be about to hang Fauci and some others in that government organization for their crimes against humanity.

And God said, "The truth will be made known," and it is being made known.


Some people tend to believe they are reincarnated because they believe they have some memories about another life.

This can easily be explained by demonic possession because, if the same demon possessed a person from before you were possessed by that demon, it is only common sense that the demon can share memories from that person with you, making you believe you lived another life before or are reincarnated.

Therefore, if you have memories from a "past life", it is very likely you are just demon possessed by a demon who possessed someone before you and they are sharing that person's memories with you.

You are not reincarnated like that demon may be trying to get you to believe so you won't believe in damnation and salvation, but to get you to believe in reincarnation so you will reject a need for salvation, causing you to become eternally damned.

If you have past life experiences, you just might want to review your life to see when you might have invited a demon into possessing you, maybe without you realizing it, and get the demon possession thing taken care of.

Eternal damnation will be horrific forever with no hope of ever escaping it.


I agree with this video completely but what most people are missing is that these arrogant upper class trash are mostly royals who are raised to believe they are better than you and should not have to live by the laws they force on you.

"Why, you are just chattel to them that they can do with as they please." You know, Satan's "do as you will" thingy.

Once you understand that most of the arrogant upper class trash are royals, who have been raised to believe you are beneath them and they are the next thing to gods and even some believe they are gods, then everything falls in place.

They want you to also believe and treat them like they are gods, who are above the law. Many of the royals have believed that for thousands of years, which is why many of them, like Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, all of the Pharaohs, all of the kings of Babylon, all of the kings of Assyria,and most of the others, have had themselves deified. They really believe they are gods, especially the pagans, and you are no better than live stock they can do with as they will, including murder you.

I have been explaining this to you for decades.

Remember that I told you that all of this media coverage being given to the British Royal Family over the Queen's death and funeral is to get as many stupid people as they can to want to have a monarchy instead of a republic?

Here is an example of the media selling the monarchy to the people. "Why, you will be so much better off with the magnificent, superior, wonderful, natural elite royals taking care of you." What a con.

Guess what, it is working as this video shows because almost half of the people in Britain are stupid enough to fall for this con.

Don't worry because the US probably has the same percentage of stupid people who are right now wanting a king and queen instead of a republic because of all of this media hype, you know, with Princess Meghan and Prince Harry having stated they came here for her to run as president, the lefties having stated they want to use the Speaker of the House to replace Afghan Joe, Pelosi getting ready to resign to take the position as the US Ambassador to Italy they have been saving for her so they can use Speaker of the House to replace Afghan Joe, and they don't have much time left.

Just a few too many coincidences at the same time, don't you think?

The stupid people have been falling for this con for thousands of years and they are falling for it again. Guess what percentage will want to have Meghan and Harry as their FIRST queen and king for the US because it will be "stabilizing" because the media said so. I expect it to be almost all of the lefties with a bunch of moderates and a few really stupid Republicans.

If they do it before the November election, it could make a significant difference in the outcome of the election. Keep an eye on this.


There is so much I wish I could tell you to help you prepare for this rapidly escalating war but I just can't because I don't want to give our enemies ideas or information they can use against you. When the time comes, I should be able to get much of that information to you either directly or indirectly and other good guys will be able to get some of it to you.

There is just so much to know right now but, if our enemies know it, they can use it against you. I can't do that to you.

Upper Class Trash

The lefty upper class trash are mostly whites, they just dropped off 50 Latinos in a mostly white upper class trash neighborhood called Martha's Vineyard and those upper class trash whites rejected those Latinos and shipped their butts out to a military base very quickly. Remember that most of them are royals who think they are gods and you are beneath them.

An easy prediction is that it ticked off a lot of Latinos who are now going to vote Republican.

The upper class trash are their own worst enemy and they just keep showing the ugly truth about themselves more and more.

What should the GOP do in sending these illegal aliens to other states that are "sanctuary states or cities". They need to properly equip those illegals with things like tents, sleeping bags, 30 days provisions (food and water), camping equipment like small cooking stoves and such and then just drop them off in the biggest rich neighborhoods in the nation like Malibu and Hollywood, you know, so the upper class trash can show just how compassionate they are for the surfs and peasants.

I would focus on getting volunteers from Latinos, blacks, and Muslims to drop off at or near top homes involved in supporting permitting illegal aliens into this country like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, Zuckerberg, Gates, Soros, lefty media, and others.

If these criminals want to bring these illegals into this nation, you know, aiding and abetting them in their crimes, then they should be directly responsible for helping the illegals after they are here. Basically, the lefties need to put up or shut up.


Remember that I have been telling you that you no longer live in a constitutional republic?

This video tells you what I have been warning you about for years. He flat out says that "we no longer live in a Constitutional Republic."

This is a country in the early stages of being a dictatorship or tyranny and they are trying to consolidate power to turn it into a complete dictatorship to have absolute control over all of you and not just the conservatives.


I got this from Market Insider by Zahra Tayeb:

"The German government on Friday seized three oil refineries in the country owned by Russian energy giant Rosneft, in its latest effort to deal with a mounting European energy crisis stoked by Moscow.

The move puts shares of the refineries - PCK Schwedt, MiRo in Karlsruhe and Bayernoil in Vohburg - under the control of a government agency, Germany's economy ministry said in a statement."

This move by Germany pretty much insures that Russia will invade Europe by way of Poland, Germany, and France. The leaders of Germany just got really stupid and they just escalated WWIII and made it a certainty.

I was hoping that Germany would play it smart and jump ship to join Russia for gas but they prefer to get a lot of their people and themselves killed off in a war with Russia.

The upper class trash just keep making it worse faster. We are getting so very close to the worst war in history and now it looks like it is certain. You better order your lead lined underwear.

I should have guessed this was going to happen because Germany recently said that they need to build the German military to be the largest and most powerful military in Europe, which will take years. You know, like Russia is going to wait a decade or two for them to do that before they invade.

The idiot upper class trash don't get it that they don't have the time to ramp up their militaries that much. Putin isn't going to wait for them to strengthen their militaries to provide him with more resistance, no sane person would.

Maybe the upper class trash should not have spent decades laundering their defense money into their greedy pockets?

I warned you about that for years and told you the greedy upper class trash will pay for their greed. Now, just like I told you, they don't have militaries that can protect them and their stolen wealth from an invading force. "Hey, let's play sack the rich, baby."

And God said, "Be not deceived, your sins will find you out."

Do you believe me yet that greed and corruption destroy common sense?


Remember that I told you that China keeps shutting down cities to stop production and shipping to Western nations to weaken our economies before this war?

In this video he tells you that it has been stopping shipping of goods to other nations and is hurting the businesses depending on those products so those businesses are moving production out of China, you know, a day late and a dollar short.

This means that, with China losing that control over those businesses and the Western countries, China will more likely go to war with those countries sooner before those businesses and countries can recover their economies. China probably has a lag time of a year or more but I don't think she will wait that long.

The upper class trash are so stupid that they don't get it that Russia and China are not going to wait for the West to regroup, reorganize, and rebuild to where the West can defeat them. Russia and China are going to hit while the West is still vulnerable.

He talks about a number of things in this video but at the very beginning, Steven shows a video of what is supposed to be Chinese troops going from Russia into Ukraine and that Russia and China have made a deal that Russia will tie down US troops in Europe while China takes out Taiwan, you know, just like I told you would happen.

Hey, people, I have been warning you for years that China was working to spread out US and UK forces all over the world so she could pick them off one or two at a time instead of taking on the entire force at once and she is doing it right now. Surprise, surprise, surprise.

I think that everyone is underestimating Taiwan's Military. Taiwan has a better chance of surviving an invasion attempt by China than anyone I have seen say and even staging a counter offensive or invasion after neutralizing the Chinese invasion, which would leave China open for a counter invasion. Everyone just thinks that China is going to walk all over Taiwan with ease because China is a bigger nation and that isn't going to happen.

Remember that China has her troops spread out all around the world, while Taiwan has her only slightly smaller force concentrated to defend Taiwan. To succeed with the invasion, China needs to field an invasion force at least 3 to 5 times larger than Taiwan's and China's forces combined are only 25% larger than the Taiwan forces, with most of them scattered all over the world. Do the math.

Let me help you with the math. Taiwan can field 2 million trained troops for defense so China would have to have a force of at least 6 to 10 million trained troops directly involved in the invasion. China can field a total trained force of 2.5 million trained troops with many of them scattered around the world.

Do you get the picture yet?

China would need another 3.5 to 7.5 million trained troops for the invasion for it to succeed, if China pulled ALL of her forces from around the world and they were all involved in the invasion.

The only hope China has is that she has been drafting about 2 million people a year, who are trained and serve 2 years and get out to create a ghost reserve of veterans. If she can quickly arm (if she can't arm them, it won't do her any good) and field at least 6 to 8 million of those for the invasion of Taiwan, she might be able to do it.

If the US would give Taiwan just a few dozen tactical nukes, China wouldn't have a prayer.

BTW, that is how you do a strategic analysis that NONE of your idiot journalists, few politicians, and very few college professors know how to do. The idiots don't know what they are talking about because they can't do the math.

Third Temple

Remember that I told you that more than 20 years ago, the Temple Institute said that they have everything they need to build the Third Temple on flatbed trucks in warehouses ready to drive to the Temple Mount to build the Third Temple and they could have it completely constructed within 3 days.

All of that stuff has been sitting there ready and waiting for the government to give them the go ahead to build the Third Temple.

I keep telling you that we are getting very close to a number of things happening and this video shows you that is very true. Those red heifers are required as sacrifices to sanctify the new Temple and they just got into town. Think about that.

I don't know whether the building of this Temple will cause the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 or whether God winning the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 will free Israel up for building it and cause them to build it but it is time for them to build the Third Temple to fulfill Bible Tribulation prophecy. It will happen soon.

The fulfillment of Bible prophecy is about to start happening in a very big way. God has let me know that ALL of the key people mentioned by the Bible concerning the Tribulation are here on this planet alive right now preparing for the soon coming Tribulation including the two Tribulation Witnesses, the 144,000 Virgin Hebrew Males, the False Prophet, and the Antichrist. It is all coming together right now!

Yep, right now, these people are walking around on the same planet with you breathing the same air and you may know one or more of them.

All of these people will soon be made known to everyone the same as Mystery Babylon will soon be built.

Keep an eye on this because this is huge.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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