Remember that I have been telling you that we are being judged on a global basis and that you need to get right with God?
This video tells you that very clearly. If you want this crap to stop and want sanity to return to this planet, you have to live by God's Laws He gave us to protect us from ourselves and our sins. Our sins are destroying us RIGHT NOW!
The best thing that could happen to this planet right now would be for us to accept a Biblical theocracy living by God's Laws so that no one could lie, steal, enslave, murder, or commit adultery, which are required to cause you harm. Satan's spawn use those things that God forbids to cause you harm and the lie is Satan's most powerful weapon against us.
Remember that I have been warning you that God is also going to punish California for its sins?
Take a look at this video and see the hand of God punishing Commiefornia for their evil sins. Gee, what a coincidence that at the same time God is punishing the north and east with a bomb storm, He is also punishing Commiefornia with severe flooding caused by another storm.
They tell you that this was "record setting rainfall", you know, like the bomb storm did record setting snow fall. Gee, what a coincidence and they are predicting even more of the same in the near future.
They tell you that this storm is causing highway flooding because of runoff and high tides. Those are some pretty high tides. Then they are having problems with lots of fallen trees and mud slides because the ground is saturated.
They made it sound like it is just happening in San Francisco most of the time but it is all over Northern California.
Are we under storm assault by God?
Remember that Northern California also just had a 6.4 quake on December 20 and another 5.4 quake today.
This should tell you that this phase of their punishment is just getting started.
One thing to keep an eye on is that geology tells me that all of that water soaking down through their many faults is going to cause those faults to start breaking loose and causing massive earthquakes like they already have had.
Gee, who would have figured?
This video shows more information about the damage done by that storm. It was pretty extensive from about mid Commiefornia up into the north. It tells us that this is only the first of several more storms expected like this just this week.
The flooding scenes are pretty bad and from quite a few areas in that video. It is going to be even worse for them this week.
Maybe they should trade their electric cars for electric submarines?
That video also shows that this punishment has been going on for some time, with droughts during the summer and heavy and damaging rains and snowfalls during the winter. You add to that the increasing forest fires and earthquakes plus the damage their really horrible pagan lefty government is causing and Commiefornia is under siege by God. God is really laying waste to the lefty West Coast.
This blows my mind.
It should be obvious by now that the evil upper class trash did the COVID thing to destroy people's lives, jobs, and wealth to impoverish them for easier control.
This video shows the idiot upper class trash complaining that people still have money, are spending money, and being able to get jobs because those people doing well is slowing the Stock Market. Yeah, like they really care about you.
"Why, it is terrible that our COVID crap is backfiring and people are not impoverished so we can more easily control them."
Man plans, God laughs.
I am looking for someone that can help me help these people in this video because I don't have the health or wealth to help them myself.
What we need to do is send in some professionals like growers, who can do an analysis of which food and other plants like cotton can grow well in these areas, provide starter seed, and teach them to farm and manage these crops and farm animals. They can also teach them things like turning cotton and wool into thread and cloth and then into things like clothes.
Just sending them money or giving them food would be stupid because they will just use that up and be right back where they are now. You teach them to care for themselves and provide the starter resources they would need.
Let me know if you can help me help them. This breaks my heart.
I am going to pray about this to see if God will show me how to help those people.
Do you see some of the things God shows me with my boating and other videos?
I regularly pray for the people I see in these videos, especially for their salvation but in all ways. Maybe I can find a church to do some missionary work there for me. They could also take an economists to study their economy to help them improve their beach economies. If they provide me with intel, I could provide them with consultation.
Some ideas we could build around would be to build some small churches for a base of operation as offices that could also be used for classes to teach farming, animal husbandry, crafts, cooking, building, reading, writing, math for the children, economics, and to have community meetings. With just a few professionals and resources, we could do a lot for those poor people.
Upper Class Trash
Remember that I have been telling you that the upper class trash are out of touch with reality and are obsessed with their plans for their evil globalist dictatorship?
This video is interesting in that they show that they know about the upper class trash and what their evil plans are AND that they understand and they talk about how the upper class trash are out of touch with reality just like I have been telling you.
In their evil minds, they live in another planet or dimension and believe fairy tales that cannot be true so their decisions, plans, and tactics are going to fail again and again and again just like they have been failing for years, yet they don't get it because, in their insane world, it can't be them failing. They have been given over to reprobate minds.
They tell you that the upper class trash judgment has "been degraded" and it has become a "psychosis" or form of insanity just like I have been telling you. They really are inbred nuts.
He tells you that the upper class trash won't step back and evaluate our actual situation because the upper class trash and their idiot puppets really believe their own propaganda just like I have been telling you. They can't tell reality from what they want to believe. The upper class trash are now incapable of sane, rational thought. They have brainwashed themselves stupid with their great sounding stupid ideas that are not based on reality and cannot work but they refuse to give up on those great sounding stupid ideas.
"Hey, dey sounds so good dey gots tuh be right."
They tell you that it is inevitable that this crap is going to collapse. It isn't if but when and it is collapsing right now with the decline of our nations, you know, with Rome II falling around us.
They also discuss our declining military and its now bad politically based leadership that couldn't fight their way out of a kinder garden sandbox. They talk about today's military leaders being kiss butt politicians who support anything the militarily ignorant upper class trash say just to get promoted.
He even teaches the flaws in the military schools' training programs and teaching with part of that teaching was to appease the civilian leaders to keep ye ole money flowing into the military to support their life styles. Basically, they were taught to sell out to the militarily ignorant upper class trash.
Just look at the generals at the top who believe we can defeat the Russians, the entire planet, the solar system, and the galaxy verses this colonel who knows better and is rational.
He told you something that I told you but everyone else tells you otherwise. The media and left tell you that, what we gave to the Soviet Union during WWII was "negligible" but he told you that we gave "thousands and thousands of aircraft" to the Soviet Union. We also gave thousands and thousands of tanks to the Soviet Union and many other weapons. They could not have fought that war without the massive weaponry we gave them.
Note that they mentioned that the West might let eager Poland openly go into Ukraine against Russia and that will definitely cause Putin to invade Poland with him knowing that he will have to finish the job against Europe and the US because of NATO. Once he goes into Poland, Putin can't stop before that job is done and he clearly knows it.
This is the best all-around discussion by knowledgeable people I have heard concerning the current situation. They say a lot about a lot of important aspects concerning this war and its potential. Basically, they keep saying our leaders have their heads up their arrogant butts but Putin doesn't because he is in touch with reality.
Our current leaders are committing the greatest military sin by over estimating themselves and under estimating their enemy, which always leads to failure.
Don't be an optimist or pessimist, be a realist. Be in touch with reality and not just believing what you want to believe.
He also addressed the change in our universities and military academies being for the worse and they are the cause of our current problems. We can't depend on graduates from those institutions to provide us with good quality leaders anymore because those educators have become idealistic idiots teaching insanity.
He told you that the upper class trash (he calls them elites) own everything including the universities, media, nonprofits, government, and everything else and it not being good just like I have been telling you. They are the ultimate cause of our corruption and problems because, just like I have been telling you, the upper class trash are obsessed with power at your expense. Dey just gots tuh hab der global dictatorship at any cost to you.
They tell you that the only solution is what I have been telling you, which is that "the current elites are all removed and replaced with elites from a different venire." That is because the current leaders and their puppets will never quit with their insanity. The only thing that will stop them is death.
At the very end he said that is tied up with what happens next and the other person said, "that is a revolution", you know, just like God told me and I told thee. That is the war I have been telling you that you must win.
So, what has God told me is going to happen?
He is going to use the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 to get rid of the worst of the upper class trash along with many of their followers and supporters and then, to regain control of most of your nation, you must fight a revolution just like God told me and I told thee. I am just the messenger, they just confirmed what I have been telling you and they just discussed it in detail.
The God and Christian hating lefties love to tell you that Hitler was a Christian because he publically said so a number of times to get the people to support his anti Christian behavior and words but most of them know that he was really a practicing pagan "Luciferian" behind closed doors because he worshiped Lucifer in private, which means he hated Christians because all Luciferians hate Christians just like all other pagans do.
Hitler only said he was a Christian in public to fool the people because most people at least professed to be Christians then, just like all poser Christians do, you know, just like Muslim Obama did, to get the support of Christians in spite of his unchristian behavior and words and that caused many Christian preachers to denounce Hitler and get put in the death camps. Just like all poser Christians, he talked the talk but he didn't walk the walk.
The pagan lefty media, academe, and upper class trash love to lie to people, telling us that the Holocaust was about racism, with the Nazis trying to wipe out the Hebrews.
Really? Hey, why don't we use the truth to do the math?
I am so sick of that lie.
First, they lie and tell you only about the 6 million Hebrews that were killed and, when you point out that there ware another 6 to 7 million people killed in the Holocaust that were not Hebrews, they quickly say, "Yeah, but those were all homosexuals."
The "Yeah, but..." tells you that they KNEW about the other 6 to 7 million and were lying and deceiving you.
Also, if all of the other 6 to 7 million others killed were killed because they were homosexuals, then it couldn't have all been about race, right?
That should also tell you that they were lying to you and deceiving you about it being about race. Then you have to understand that they tried to cover up the first lies and deceptions by telling you another lie, which is normal for Satan's spawn.
After all, with homosexuality being a pagan thing, why don't they also tell you about those other 6 to 7 million homosexuals? If that were true, wouldn't they have been telling us about them to make Christians look even worse?
The reason they hid them is because most of the other 6 to 7 million were not homosexuals, only some were. It turns out that almost all of those other 6 to 7 million were Christians. They sent a number of Christian preachers and church members to those death camps and, in some cases, they sent entire churches to those death camps for taking a stand against Hitler and his Nazis because they didn't walk like Christians and those Christians were pointing it out. The Christians were also sent to those death camps for helping Hebrews get away.
Now, was the Holocaust really about racism with at least half of those murdered being non Hebrews?
Of course not, it was really about religion with Hitler, a pagan Luciferian, trying to wipe out Judeo-Christianity or Judaism and Christianity because he hated them but the pagans don't want you to know that because then they couldn't blame Christianity, which they also hate, for the Holocaust, when it was really paganism that caused the Holocaust.
Did you know that a number of Hitler's top staff he worked with on a regular basis were openly Hebrews that also hated God, Judaism, and Christianity?
When I first found that out, I was stunned because it didn't fit with the rest of their lies that Hitler's Hebrews were helping murder other Hebrews, you know, just like Hebrew George Soros, a member of Hitler's SS helped identify and round up Hebrews to send them to the death camps because George clearly hates God and Judaism.
Not all Hebrews love God and practice Judaism or Christianity and that has always been true. That is why God punished the nation of Israel a number of times by doing things like the carrying away of the ten northern tribes into slavery and the other two tribes being carried away as captives into Babylon for 70 years.
God didn't punish the Hebrews because they all loved God and were practicing Judaism. Many Hebrews hate God just like many Gentiles because we are all human.
I was really surprised when I found out that Hitler openly had a number of Hebrews, at least 3 or 4, in the upper levels of his administration he worked with on a regular basis.
If it was about racism, why didn't Hitler send those Hebrews to the death camps?
Obviously, it wasn't about racism, it could only have been about religion and God, which is why the pagan lefties lie to you and deceive you about there only being 6 million Hebrews murdered in the Holocaust, when they know there were actually 12 to 13 million people murdered, mostly non Hebrews, killed in the Holocaust. Just like all deceitful pagans, when you point out the first lie, they try to cover up that lie with the next lie.
They know Hitler was a practicing Luciferian pagan but they love to blame the Christians so they can use that to make Christians look bad and paganism look good by lying their butts off.
You can't believe a thing the pagan lefties tell you.
Long Videos
Remember that I have been telling you that I just do not have time for watching long videos?
Most of the time, if it is more than 20 to 30 minutes, it has to be about a very important topic that I can't find the intel for somewhere else in much less time before I will even consider watching it.
Increasing numbers of these YouTube channels are putting out 1 to 3 hour videos that blow my mind. They do that so they can add advertisements into the videos to make more money. They could easily provide you with most of the same information in a fraction of the time and some of them will spend much of their video just rambling and not saying anything important.
Are there really that many people who have the time to just sit and watch one video for that long?
For example, I just counted that Kent Hovind just posted 70 hours worth of videos that are 1:40 to 2:40 long and it blows me away. It would take me at least a week or more to watch all of those videos to get information that could be covered in a few hours and most of which I already know.
I intentionally keep my essays as short as possible and to the point because I know that you don't have all night after getting home from work or taking care of the family to read one essay. I apologize because my essays have been getting longer because there is so much more going on right now.
You would be amazed at how much crap I have to sort through to get you good intel, which is one reason why I will occasionally post a video with some important intel and tell you I didn't watch the entire video. There is so much going on now that I regularly sort through at least 40 to more than 70 videos a day plus read through written news and still have to write my essays, post them to an html page, edit, upload, and check my links and I even don't write about topics I know are well covered somewhere else and are not as critical and most of the videos I do watch are just 5 to 15 minute videos. I probably spend 10 to 15 hours a day 7 days a week getting you the best intel I can find and I don't make a dime from it.
I could write books on this stuff but you don't have time to read one or two books a night so I provide only the most important intel as briefly as possible. That is also why I increasingly run sentences together to get as much intel into one sentence as possible. I don't want to waste your time with rambling and I don't make any money from this site.
US Allies
Remember that I told you that the US needs to give South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan a couple dozen tactical nukes each for defensive purposes?
This video shows that the Eastern Alliance members are increasing their nuclear capabilities and it is only a matter of time until the West must help our allies like South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and others have a few dozen tactical nukes for at least self defense.
Let's say that North Korea launches a bunch of nukes at one time against South Korea and Japan to overwhelm their air defenses to get some nukes through and cause a lot of damage. It only took us 2 nukes to win WWII because they did a lot of damage.
If South Korea and Japan have a few dozen tactical nukes each and they realize a nuclear barrage will overwhelm their air defense systems, then all they have to do is put one or more tactical nukes with remote or vicinity detonation devices in the area of those incoming missiles and you don't have to hit those missiles to sweep them out of the air. The nuke warhead will take care of that by just getting near those missiles before detonation and blasting them out of the air. That will also take care of these over hyped hypersonic missiles. You don't have to hit them; all you have to do is get close.
The way things have gone, the people in the Pentagon have to be idiots to not give certain allies tactical nukes that can be used for defense in a variety of ways, especially to stop a nuke attack.
But, hey, we already know that the ones in charge are idiots, don't we?
They keep proving that every day.
Note that he wrongly told you that the Korean War was a civil war but it wasn't. They already existed as North and South Korea when North Korea, a communist state, invaded South Korea, a democracy. Dividing Korea into two nations was done by the idiot socialist Truman working with communist Stalin, after they took possession of Korea from Japan following WWII.
I only got about 2:30 into that video and quit watching it.
Remember that I told you that, with China's expansion in the Pacific Ocean, the US would have to start militarizing Polynesian Islands for defensive purposes?
This video shows you that they are doing just that on the island of Palau in the West Pacific. I saw a surveillance system like this on a US Army Base 10 miles west of Udorn, Thailand, when I was there in 1974.
That system they are setting up on that island is designed to track all Chinese and other hostile activities from at least China to Australia and from the Indian Ocean to the middle of the Pacific Ocean for intel gathering purposes.
I expect to see at least a few more others go up probably somewhere around Kure Atoll and Palmyra Atoll. They already have US Coast Guard navigational equipment on Kure with a runway and a US Navy Base with a runway on Palmyra. Kure would provide coverage for the north and west Pacific and Palmyra would provide coverage for the south and east Pacific. I also expect them to station US Navy units at Wake and Midway atolls for area defense (they are wrongly called islands because they are both atolls with 3 islands each). They both already have some facilities, including runways and Wake has an Army missile testing unit there.
Remember that this is where you get tomorrow's news today.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....