I just found out that Russia is using American military equipment that they either purchased directly or indirectly from Ukraine or captured from Ukraine. They don't know which and it could be either. He tells you about it in this video.
It is probably some combination of Russia buying and capturing those weapons.
Remember that I have been telling you that the Kiev the upper class trash are "risking their lives" to visit Zelensky in is Kiev, England and not Kiev, Ukraine?
I also found out that, when Afghan Joe "visited Kiev" they had tape on the ground showing Biden where he was to stand and their sirens blared almost the entire time he was there in spite of the fact that Kiev was not under attack at that time. Yeah, it was very staged.
As a matter of fact, Afghan Joe "visited Kiev" as a distraction from the terrible problems he is causing in the US. Hey, I guess they ran out of balloons so now the question is, "How many conservative media will take that bait too?"
It makes me wonder how many of you have been openly discussing what I have been saying about them being in Kiev, England and they tried to prove otherwise?
People, I think you have to be a simple minded idiot to believe they let Afghan Joe go to the middle of a war zone in the middle of an ESCALATING war with Putin, one of the two greatest militaries in the world, on the offensive and attacking places all over Ukraine, including Kiev.
What? Were they trying to get him killed to get rid of him?
And the idiot media are buying this fake story to distract them from important news just like they did the balloon and UFO stories, wasting time reporting on it instead of reporting on important stuff. I really wish one of you would find and expose Kiev, England to put an end to that crap.
I have been looking very closely at the videos and all I see are Afghan Joe, Zelensky, and his wife, security guards, none of which looked like US soldiers or guards (what did they do, take a break in the middle of a war?), and the media with otherwise empty streets, you know, just like on a movie set.
They did have a few parked cars on side streets though but no crowds of people to see Afghan Joe.
Just in case you didn't believe me, at the same time as Afghan Joe's visit to "Kiev", this video shows you what real life is like in Kiev, Ukraine, you know, as a follow on to Afghan Joe visiting Kiev. Note all of the people, cars, city noises, and craters, that weren't there when Afghan Joe visited. Oops!
Did you notice the destroyed armored vehicles on the plaza in the snow where Afghan Joe just walked across with NO destroyed armored vehicles and it also had some civilians on that plaza? Do you believe me yet?
Note that, in the video with Afghan Joe on the plaza, just off the plaza in the background and at the corner of the street going by it is a small security guard house but, in this video, there is NO security guard house, just a couple of parked cars. You have to pay attention to ALL of the little details.
Note that she said that Kiev, Ukraine has been under attack for months.
I am amazed that Reuters, a lefty propaganda source, posted that video the same day that everyone else was posting conflicting videos of Kiev, England. They just proved me right. Bwahahaha!!!!
This is really great. We have not found Kiev, England yet but we did find out for sure that it isn't in Ukraine.
Yeah, I think it is pretty obvious that some of you have been talking about what I have been saying concerning Kiev, England or they read my site and are trying to prove me wrong with Afghan Joe visiting and them blaring their siren. Nice try, turkeys, but no brownie points.
At least we know they are consistent at failing. I told you it wasn't if but when we would find out the truth because God said, "Be not deceived, your sins will find you out" and their sinful lies just found them out. I thank you, God. This made my day.
Remember that I told you that it was only going to be a matter of time and someone was going to expose their Kiev con?
Then I found this massively important video that completely exposes the West's Kiev con, also by Reuters (coincidence?). I don't know if it was a patriot(s) trying to expose the globalist lies, a globalist(s) trying to expose and get rid of the constantly failing upper level leaders in their globalist organization so they could seize control, someone trying to expose the Ukrainian War lies to stop the lefties from starting a war with Russia, or who or why but they busted the lefty upper class trash big time proving my observations and hypothesis big time about Kiev, England being true.
That is two Reuters (a lefty propaganda organization) videos released on the same day Afghan Joe "visited Kiev" exposing the truth.
What is going on? Is there a rebellion within the royal ranks like I told you would happen?
For you, I watched all 1:57:51 of this video to see what was going on (you are welcome). You have no idea how much time I waste every day scanning through news and videos to get you the truth. I bust my butt almost 7 days a week 10 to 15+ hours a day writing this blog for you.
The title said, "View of Kyiv as U.S. President Joe Biden makes surprise visit to Ukrainian capital", meaning that someone in Reuters video recorded the front of the buildings in Kiev, Ukraine Afghan Joe was supposed to meet Zelensky in front of for almost 2 hours WHILE Afghan Joe and Zelensky were meeting to prove that they did not meet in Kiev, Ukraine, absolutely not. There was no show by Afghan Joe in that video for the entire time he was supposed to be meeting Zelensky there.
The lefties are lying to you!
There was no Afghan Joe, no Zelensky, no Zelensky's wife, no red carpet, no armed Ukrainian military guards, no Ukrainian honor guards or anything else you saw in the propaganda videos of Afghan Joe meeting Zelensky in "Kiev" at that location. It did not happen in Kiev, Ukraine because we saw what was going on in Kiev, Ukraine while they were meeting.
Now I got some more important intel from that video. For example, during the entire video, you can hear the Kiev traffic in the background with occasional horns and police sirens that you NEVER hear in the Kiev propaganda videos. That tells me that Kiev, England was built far enough away from cities and highways so you cannot hear the traffic in the background. It was built WELL outside of London, probably with a heliport to quickly come and go to the big cities. They probably built it out in the country or in a forest somewhere to hide it so you would probably have to use a drone or airplane to find it.
Then you can regularly hear flocks of ravens cawing that you can never hear in the propaganda videos. They also have pigeons walking around the area that you never see in the propaganda videos.
There are lots of tourists with occasional cars passing through that are not in the propaganda videos plus you never hear those church bells ring.
Note that, during that almost 2 hours, the air raid sirens didn't come on once in that video like they did in the propaganda videos telling us that those propaganda videos were not shot in Kiev, Ukraine.
Now, some brave people did what I told you would happen by exposing the truth about the left's Kiev con.
Who will be the brave people who will find and reveal the exact location of Kiev, England?
Now, why is lefty propaganda tool Reuters suddenly exposing the truth about the lefty lies? What is going on?
Keep an eye on that.
Note a little hypocrisy here in this video when the US stated that China sending weapons to Russia to use against Ukraine was China entering the war but the US sending weapons to Ukraine was not the US entering the war.
Also note that Afghan Joe read off a pretty lengthy and impressive list of weapons being sent to Ukraine (when, next year?) like 700 tanks, thousands of other armored vehicles, 1,000 artillery systems, 50 advanced rocket systems, and 2 million artillery rounds (we don't have). We are talking a full scale army for a full scale war and where are they going to get the trained soldiers to use those weapons? Oh yeah, NATO.
You don't think he was trying to bluff and scare Putin, do you? I wonder where they are going to get the tens of thousands of trained Ukrainian soldiers for all of those weapons?
The US is also getting ready to send F-16s to Ukraine, which will take trained pilots a year to become trained to use. They really believe they can bluff Putin and back him down because of their arrogance. I told you the arrogant, greedy, power mad lunatics, who wouldn't know a strategic analysis if it ran over them with an M1 tank, would push this into WWIII. It isn't if, it is when. This is what happens when you let arrogant, greedy, power mad, militarily ignorant civilian leaders make decisions about war.
Right now, the West is very concerned about the pre-invasion barrage in western Ukraine to cut off the NATO troops in Ukraine from reinforcement, resupply, and retreat, like I warned you was going to happen right where I told you a year ago it would happen. It seems to be growing in intensity and damage with the West wondering when Putin is going to invade the west of Ukraine from Belarus going south through Lviv.
You know, while Afghan Joe took a train from Poland to Kiev right through all of that bombardment. And that train ride was reported as being a 10 hour train ride and he still made it back to Poland the same day to see the leader of Poland and other leaders, after a 20 hour round trip train ride.
Let's see, if Afghan Joe left Kiev, Ukraine at 10 am for Poland and the train ride lasted 10 hours, he wouldn't get back until 8 pm or after dark and, after 20 hours of train riding along with a few hours of meeting with Zelensky, he would have been kind of tired even if he slept on the train? Maybe the train ride back was a lot shorter because they took a shortcut?
Here is another question that our simple minded stupid journalists are not asking. If Putin would not have attacked Ukraine, while Afghan Joe was there, why did Afghan Joe have to take a 10 hour train ride to Kiev instead of a 2 hour flight to Kiev? What? Putin wouldn't attack Kiev, while Afghan Joe was there but he would shoot down Afghan Joe's plane? Really?
Their stupid stories just don't make sense.
If they could get Putin to not attack Kiev while Afghan Joe was there, why could they not get Putin to just not shoot down the plane? Do you get the picture yet?
I told you that sooner or later all of their lies, misinformation, and propaganda would come back to haunt them and it is right now.
And the idiot media keep singing the same song all of the way into bankruptcy. Most of the news I see about Ukraine is just senseless with the journalists assuming things that are not true, what may happen, and it is just sickening what they believe and say. I try to get the truth out but it is very frustrating when I see the stupidity of almost all journalists. They don't know what they are talking about.
Is the government playing our idiot media or are the idiot media complicit in the con and playing the people?
Maybe the same people who refuse to believe the government lies about everything else should at least question the government lies about the Ukraine War?
Nah, then the upper class trash wouldn't make so much money via the military industry.
Here is another lie they are telling you. Afghan Joe, the mighty warrior, is bluffing China that they better not provide Russia with deadly weapons for Ukraine. I found out that China already provided Ukraine with military drones before the war that Ukraine was using against Russia so China provided Russia with the intel to take out the drone operators, just like I told you they can do and Russia did. Then China started providing Russia with drones to kill Ukrainians.
For Afghan Joe to try to bluff Xi about them providing deadly weapons to Russia is stupid because Xi knows Afghan Joe is just bluffing and it will only embolden China to get more involved and to invade Taiwan. The left keeps doing the wrong things and they keep failing, emboldening our enemies to be more aggressive.
The idiots are going to get us in a war and millions, possibly billions, will die.
Today Putin pulled out of the nuclear treaty with the US, which means Russia is now free to do whatever she wants in the way of nuclear weapons. She is clearly preparing for war with the West, otherwise she would not have pulled out of that treaty so she can make more nukes war ready. Keep an eye on that.
But the idiot leaders in the West are so used to them bluffing everyone that they think Putin is also going to bluff and the idiots have not learned yet that, just because they bluff, does not mean Putin bluffs.
There is a saying in the military that you should know your enemy and the West does not know its enemy.
Then, the next day, I found this video, which states in the early part that he believes the upper class trash may be wanting to start WWIII to depopulate the planet for them and that is very likely and probably.
They all believe they will survive in their nuke bunkers, not realizing that Putin knows where those bunkers are and how to take them out. And, if they do survive and Putin/Xi win this war, they will just send their troops around to hunt them down and kill them for starting this war.
Hey, everything else the upper class trash have done has failed, why should you expect that to succeed either?
Remember that man plans, God laughs.
I think I told you before that SAC taught us that the Soviet Union built underground nuke bunkers in Russia that can save better than 80% of Russia's people with stores, factories, and other structures to continue their economy and support a conventional war following the nuke war.
Europe and the US don't have enough bunkers to save 50% of our people, though the war probably won't kill 50% of our people. I just hope that the evil people who cause this war die so they won't cause any more harm to any more people.
People, you have to understand that Putin knows who he has to kill in order to stop all of this evil against him and Russia and he knows everything about everyone of them including where they will seek nuclear shelter. He knows he has to kill everyone from King Charles down to everyone in the US Congress and UK Parliament along with all of top leaders in our military and paramilitary organizations, plus everyone from the controlling owners and others down to the journalists in our lying lefty media, our lefty college professors and academe, and all others involved in causing this war with Russia.
He does not have to kill everyone in the US or UK but he does have to kill everyone in those countries working to wage this war against Russia. If he kills them, the war stops.
I believe that, right now, it is about a 90% probability or greater that our upper class trash royals will cause a nuke war because of their arrogant stupidity and great sounding stupid ideas.
You better pray long, pray hard, pray often, secure your red zones and lock and load. Things are just going to keep getting worse until God moves for us and takes out at least most of the upper class trash royals and their evil puppets.
African Union
I just found out that the reason for ejecting the Israeli diplomat from their meeting is really because the Union supports the Palestinians and not Israel. That clears a lot up.
Also, France's military just officially left Burkina Faso in Africa with "declining relations" with Paris. Hey, maybe next month Burkina Faso will be sending troops to Paris.
Right now South Africa is involved in naval drills with Russia and China in the Indian Ocean off the coast of South Africa. They are preparing for war like I told you would happen. South Africa is a member of the African Union.
In this video she says that the US wants other nations to abide by "its dictates but it doesn't work that way", you know, like it used to because the West has destroyed their own military and economic power and ability to force other nations to do what the West wants, just like I have been telling, but the West refuses to admit and deal with it. They are about to learn that lesson the hard way.
What these other nations around the world are doing is refusing to live under the global tyranny of the Western royals but the royals refuse to give up on their global dictatorship of the world, which they will use to cause WWIII.
They just had another 6.4 quake in Turkey, it was probably an aftershock, that is a very strong aftershock because the original quakes were also very strong, and there will probably be aftershocks for weeks.
Since I wrote that this morning, they have had 2 more earthquakes with at least one being 6.4.
Satanic TV
I was just watching a brief video about the Satan worship on TV with the Grammys and remembered that I told you decades ago, right after I started this blog, that TV was using weekly witchcraft TV shows to seduce people into and conditioning people to accept witchcraft, Black Magic, and Satan worship and here we are almost a quarter of a century later.
It worked, didn't it? Did I see that coming or what?
Hey, Satan and his evil bunch are not finished yet. They want all of you to burn in Hell with them.
Remember that I have warned you about the intellectual academe being wrong and screwing things up so much, that they cause most of our biggest problems?
This video confirms that. They have been wrong many more times than they have been right because they are out of touch with reality in their white palaces smoking their dope but they will never admit they were wrong one time.
I have been watching and studying the academe be wrong for more than half a century and have studied the history of the errors of their great sounding stupid ideas in such things as the history of economics, where academe theory after theory has been proved wrong for centuries.
They are the ones who keep dreaming up the crusades to save things that don't need to be saved to make money selling books, giving lectures, and getting better paying jobs for being so very wrong.
They think they are smarter than they are, that you are dumber than you are, and that is what this globalism is all about. They and their idiot royal students, who were not intelligent enough to think for themselves and question the intellectuals, insist on forcing the worst of their great sounding stupid ideas of globalism on all of us.
It is the great sounding stupid ideas of the intellectuals that the upper class trash keep trying to do things by that keep failing and they are so stupid they can't realize that, just maybe, the intellectuals are not intellectually superior to everyone else and are even inferior to you because the intellectuals are out of touch with reality and irrational, which is the definition of insanity.
Do you get the picture yet?
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....