Remember that I have been telling you that all of the royals are very inbred and they have been inbreeding for more than 3,500 years, only marrying within the royal community or family?
To fool you, the royals and their royal cousins, called the "academe", have come up with a deceptive little thing they call the "consanguinity coefficient", which uses math to provide surprisingly low numbers of how inbred they are with almost all of them being shown as being below 10% inbred with a very high being 25% inbred. "Why, dey ain't inbred much."
This is in spite of the fact that, except for very few of them, they have not bred with anyone outside of the family for more than 3,500 years, with most of them being cousins marrying cousins and some even having been siblings (brothers and sisters) marrying each other or parents marrying children.
For example, King Tut married his mother, while most pharaohs married their sisters as per their law requiring them to do so for about a 1,000 years and the Egyptian leaders were not the only royals to do that.
People, the consanguinity coefficient is pure bull crap because almost 100% of their family genes or DNA has come from the same international royal family for the last 3,500 years so that, genetically and biologically, they are almost 100% inbred, probably at least 99.99% inbred. By now, they have seriously damaged their gene pool and have even inbred several branches of the royal family into extinction like the Hapsburgs because inbreeding eventually destroys fertility.
You need to know that, until the last few hundred years, only the royals were educated, were religious leaders, were educators, were government leaders or bureaucrats, and were rich. If it was a position of power or influence, especially if it required reading, writing, and math, it was always held by a royal. Yes, all of the Popes, cardinals, bishops, monks, priests, and even nuns were royals. Many royals hid in monasteries and nunneries to keep from being killed by family for power and some were even dragged out of those monasteries and murdered to prevent them from challenging for power and control later.
Most of your ancestors couldn't read, write, or do math until after the printing press was invented a few hundred years ago. In most countries, until very recently, the royals intentionally kept your ancestors ignorant to make it easier to control them. That was one of the most important control mechanisms designed into the Peonage system to control your ancestors; the royals didn't let the peons learn to read, write, or do math so it was more difficult for them to realize they were being screwed. The more ignorant, the easier to control them.
And you still blindly believe what you are told by the royal owned media? Really?
Today, we are the best educated people in the history of the planet and the bad royals (there are good royals like the US Founding Fathers) are doing their best to undo that along with brainwashing you so you will be easier to control, which is why they, as a family, control all of the significant media and public education. Gee, what a magic coincidence.
In the 1850s, less than 200 years ago, just here in the US, at least 95% to 98% of the people were living in third world poverty, with most not being able to read, write, or do math. About 2% to 3% of the population was the rich upper class and they were all royals, you know, those plantation owners with slaves and owners of banks and major businesses. Only the royals went to college until about the 20th Century so that ALL of the academe were royals, including people like Karl Marx and Charles Darwin. Almost everyone who made it into your history books was a royal.
The royals have made up about 2% to 3% of the population for more than 3,500 years so that, in 1804, when there were one billion people globally, 20 to 30 million of them were royals and, today, there are probably about 150 to 250 million royals globally and they know who everyone of them is because they keep secret family records on ALL of the royals.
All of these rich people pushing the "One World Government", "Globalism", "New World Order", "The Great Reset", and the WEF are royals who want their planet and slaves back. I told you that Klaus Schwab's father was a German royal and officer in Hitler's military.
There are few peoples on this planet who are as or more inbred than the royals.
They have been inbreeding so long and their royal family is so big that Meghan is related as a cousin to her husband, Harry, by 200 different family lines and that information was made public by the royals following that wedding. I believe her father is a descendant of King Edward III.
Remember that I also told you that inbreeding decreases intelligence and increases insanity, which explains almost everything bad going on right now because the royals are running almost everything right now. When you understand that, everything else going on becomes much more clear.
Do you get the picture yet?
Remember that I have been telling you that the left has been over estimating China and under estimating Taiwan in a conflict?
This video does a very good job of showing even more of the problems that China would face in such a war. I want to use the video to show some of the problems he didn't tell you about.
One thing he did show was the inferiority of China's weapons like I have been telling you but there are more than he showed. One thing he didn't tell you is that ALL aircraft carriers, even UK carriers, that use the ramp to launch aircraft have to have their planes take off with a less than full load of fuel, decreasing their range, and less than full load of munitions, decreasing the damage they can do to the enemy.
This means that all US carriers can position outside the range of China's carrier based planes and the US planes will be able to attack and destroy the Chinese carriers and their planes without a serious threat to the US carriers.
For this reason, the third carrier China built, the Fujian, to be like the US carriers with a catapult, but the ship isn't even run on nuclear energy so they cannot run or fight as long without refueling like our nuclear carriers. This means she can't get or stay as far from the shore or for as long, which gives our carriers another advantage. When she stops to refuel, she is target practice because she has to slow down to the speed of the ship refueling her and keep a straight line.
He also pointed out that the Chinese carrier planes simply cannot carry as much fuel or munitions as US (Taiwan) planes (I have told you for years that Chinese planes are inferior to Western planes) so they are no match for US and other allied planes. China can't even use her carrier planes to attack Taiwan AND, before the Chinese carrier planes can get close enough to attack Taiwan, her carrier will be within range of Taiwan's land based planes and missiles.
China's carriers can't get close enough to anyone to fight anything.
Then he told you why China didn't even test their surface-to-surface missiles during their military exercise because they are so inaccurate that they can't hit crap and could hit their own ships in friendly fire.
He explained that, during an invasion, China would have to use their inaccurate missiles to soften up Taiwan's defenses (good luck with that) before they could even begin to send their ships for the invasion, which would alert Taiwan that those ships are coming to invade so Taiwan would get target practice with very accurate missiles for 100 miles of ocean crossing by China's ships.
Most of China's ships, if any, won't make it to Taiwan because it will take those ships at least 3 to 4 hours to cross that strait in open sight without any protection from Chinese missiles and it is also very likely that the Chinese ships don't have much protection against Taiwan's missiles or planes, which is why they did their war games east of Taiwan, where they were more likely to get sunk by a sub.
This also means that China's inaccurate missiles are not as much of a threat to the US ships as we are being told and those land based forces just might be at a greater risk from our Navy than they are to our Navy.
Then he showed you that China's missile ships are not that good either (their missiles are probably less accurate than their land based missiles).
Then he told you about the lack of quality in training for China's troops. I have been wondering for years if all they can do is march in parades and would not be surprised if that is true for at least some of them.
I told you that China's weapons are inferior to the Western (Taiwan) weapons. China is a paper tiger and Taiwan will beat her.
Do you get the picture yet?
That was some good intel. He did a pretty good strategic analysis, though limited. A thorough strategic analysis would require hundreds of pages.
This video gives pretty good intel about the "US supported invasion of Russia". He shows some of the US and other weapons the Russians captured and you can bet those vehicles along with those shoulder fired rockets went straight to a research team to study for strengths and weaknesses to develop countermeasures.
That invasion was just another stupid publicity stunt by our upper class trash morons and I hope it failed completely and gets the idiots removed from office before they get us nuked.
Remember that I have been telling you that Ukraine getting 40 to 50 F-16s won't matter?
This video tells you about some of the problems they will face and it tells you that it will probably take about 18 months to get the planes and crews there ready to fight, which is 1.5 years from now and I am wondering if they are just blowing smoke up Zelensky's butt to shut him up until either he surrenders to Russia or they kill him.
They also point out that ground crews have to be trained but they will also have to provide Ukraine with trained ground crews and all of the equipment and parts to maintain those planes. High performance fighter jets break down a lot because of the stress loading and those crews will need a lot to keep them flying.
Then you have a really big problem. In Nam our fighter plane kill ratio was 12 to 1 so that our fighter planes shot down 12 of theirs for every one they shot down of ours. Let's say it is 10 to 1 and we send 50 planes over against Russia's 900+ fighter planes. We will shoot down 500 planes by the time they shoot down all of ours and they will still have 400 planes. Wow, that will work well.
If the kill ratio is much lower, which it probably will be, Ukraine will run out of F-16s within a few months and Russia will still have most of hers plus Russia will have developed countermeasures for fighting our F-16s.
Remember that I told you that Russia has built up troops and weapons in the Arctic and Pacific near to Alaska along with Chinese and other troops?
This video shows she is basing her best new nuke missile sub in that area, which should be considered a preparation for invasion of the US, if you don't want any bad surprises.
So Russia repositioned 18 nuke bombers against UK and a new nuke sub against the US in the Pacific along with who knows what other weapons in that area along with China.
And the idiot upper class trash still think Putin is bluffing about attacking the US and UK? Really?
I have noticed a slight glimmer of sanity on the part of some in the West since the UK planned Russian invasion because both the UN and NATO have backed off a little bit in supporting Ukraine.
Will that cause most of the rest of Europe to grow a functioning brain cell or two?
This is not looking good. Russia is now making moves to attack both the UK and US with nukes like I told you they would.
You better pray long, pray hard, pray often.
Martian Strategic Analysis
I have decided to do a strategic analysis of this planet because everything has changed radically in the last year. Things are no longer the way they are telling you they are.
I must be completely objective and leave out all of the arrogant, ignorant, bull crap you see everywhere about "How wonderful MY military is" so I decided that I will pretend to be a Martian general doing a strategic analysis so I can effectively invade Earth. I don't think you could be more objective than that.
First, remember that I have taught you that no military can be better than its civilian and military leaders and the West has proved that to be true.
Example 1, Most of the EU nations are run by complete idiots who had already severely sacked their militaries before the Ukrainian War because of their insane greed to the point that, combined, they don't have anything worth fighting with. They would not only be useless in a fight but would be a severe liability because, if you form a battle line with them to fight anyone else, they will be quickly overrun, permitting a breach in your battle line, and causing a route of your forces. With them as your allies, you would lose that war.
Their idiot leaders have almost completely disarmed their militaries but they are stupid enough they continue to disarm their militaries more by giving more of their very limited remaining weapons and munitions to Ukraine, while trying to start a war with Russia, which is just beyond brain dead stupid. There simply cannot be a functioning brain cell among the lot of them and it is not possible for any of them to have an IQ but it gets worse.
Example 2, The UK military has openly admitted that they have given enough of their munitions to Ukraine that they could not last 2 weeks in a war with Russia and the arrogant fools are disarming themselves even more by giving even more to Ukraine, while trying to start a war with Russia. The inbred insanity runs deep among the British leaders.
Does your brain hurt yet?
Example 3, The US openly admitted that they have given enough munitions to Ukraine that they have disarmed themselves to the point to where they cannot sustain a war against Russia for one month, their idiot leaders have sold off enough of their oil reserves so their military couldn't possibly sustain combat for a year, they have sacked their militaries so bad that I am seeing rumors that many of the weapons systems cannot work because of a lack of parts and maintenance, and they are disarming themselves even more by giving more of their remaining weapons and munitions to Ukraine, WHILE starting a war with Russia.
This should tell you that any nation that can sustain a war with the US for just two months, can defeat the US because, after the first month, the US will have to resort to throwing rocks and calling you bad names because of their greedy, power mad, lunatic upper class trash leaders and their stupid puppets.
I am now officially declaring the US, Europe, and Canada to be a mental institution for crazy rich people.
Do you believe me yet that NO MILITARY can be better than their civilian and military leaders?
The greatest threat to any nation's security is its own leaders and the Western leaders have destroyed their own national securities and should be hung for treason because of their insane greed and arrogance. They are the worst criminals in the history of their nations.
The only reason that the US, UK, and France could be considered a threat at all is because of their nuclear weapons and their stupid civilian and military leaders would screw that up too. They do have some of the best weapons in the world but also have some of the worst leaders in the world.
You think not?
Then you have to explain Afghan Joe, Afghan Austin, Afghan Milley, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Libya, Syria, and other military failures by the West.
As a Martian general, I predict that Europe and North America will be very easy prey because of their leaders and should be our first beach head on Earth. Besides, you could probably buy those arrogant fools off.
Russia has to now be considered the greatest military power and threat on Earth because her leaders are intelligent enough to ramp up their military instead of sacking it, while buying weapons from other nations to conserve and grow their own weapons stock pile, they can last longer than 2 months in a war, they know how to fight defensively to protect their troops while destroying the enemy troops, and they also have nuclear weapons.
Basically, while the West has been destroying their militaries by sacking them to fill their greedy pockets, Russia has been building her military and surpassed even the US.
The really tough question right now is, "Who is the second best military power in the world?"
I have to at least consider the US to be the second best military power for a little while longer because she has so many nuclear weapons and top quality conventional weapons but she has even more stupid civilian and military leaders, who insist on continuing to destroy the US as quickly as possible. She is in rapid decline because of her greedy and power mad upper class trash so I don't expect her to remain number 2 much longer, especially if the idiot upper class trash continue to destroy her to put more money in their greedy pockets so that, when their nation is conquered and sacked, they will have more money to lose.
I have already shown you the many weaknesses of China so I cannot consider her the second or third best military power in the world or even in the top 5, even though she also has nukes, because her leaders are also idiots, who have almost finished destroying China with their beloved communism. China is not standing on her last leg, she is standing on her last toe.
If you want to neutralize the threats of China and North Korea combined, all you have to do is give a few dozen tactical nukes, with a throw weight of 50K to 100K to each of Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan because India already has nukes. That will put 4 powerful enemy military nations on China's borders with nuclear weapons and will be a more than adequate deterrent until the CCP finishes destroying her.
The next 5 most powerful militaries in the world are Israel, India, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan and they all seem to have reasonably intelligent civilian and military leaders with some of the best quality weapons in the world and large military forces they are effectively building and maintaining instead of sacking.
I would have to rank Israel as number 3 because of the quality of her weapons and troop training and that she has nukes but India is hot on her heels and rapidly closing, also with nukes, so I have to rank her as number 4 until she catches and passes Israel. Plus both of them can last longer than 2 months in a war so they could defeat the US.
People, it won't be long and India, Russia's ally, will be the second best military in the world with Israel right on her heels.
The next 3 best militaries have to be Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea because of the quality of weapons and training with all of them still building their militaries and even militias but, if they all had nukes, they would be very close to Israel and India and they could last longer than 2 months in a war so they could defeat the US too. They are all 3 very closely matched but have their strengths and weaknesses.
For example, Japan has the best and strongest navy of the 3 and even one of the 2 or 3 best navies in the world, ahead of the UK and still building.
So, as a Martian general, the last place I want to try to establish my beach head would be between Russia and Japan because that would be the toughest fight. The best place to establish my beach head would be in Europe so I could round up all of their idiot leaders and use them for slave labor on Mars. What Africa used to be 100 to 200 years ago, the West is rapidly becoming because of their insane lefty leaders.
I bet that opened an eye ball or two.
I got this in an e-mail from Mark and some people think it is a prophecy with some believing it is prophesying concerning another war other than the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 or Armageddon. If it is a prophecy, it is prophesying the nations that will come up against Israel in either and maybe both the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 and the Battle of Armageddon.
The thing that is important about this is that the site he first got this idea from has also finally realized that the one world government and one world church are not going to be the EU and the Catholic Church but these nations, all of which are today Muslim.
I have already proved the one world government and church will be Islam based on other scriptures and an analysis of Islam.
This is what Mark sent me:
"I just read a source that may have identified the 10 end-time Islamic kings from Psalm 83. If you have time, I surely would like your opinion on this. Thanks.
'Psa 83:1-8 KJV A Song or Psalm of Asaph. Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. (2) For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. (3) They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. (4) They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. (5) For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee: (6) The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes; (7) Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; (8) Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah.
The ten kings could be the kings of: (1) Edom - Southern Jordan, (2) Ishmaelites - Arabs, (3) Hagarenes - Egypt, (4) Gebal - Lebanon, (5) Ammon - Northern Jordan, (6) Amalek - Sinai Peninsula, (7) Philistines - Gaza Strip, (8) Tyre - Lebanon, (9) Assur - Syria and Iraq, and (10) Children of Lot - Jordan,'"
Note that the list includes today's nations of Jordan, the entire Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Lebanon, Gaza Strip, Syria, and Iraq, which are all under Muslim control today. Note that those nations were not using the same borders for their countries 3,000 years ago so that Syria and Iraq would have included Turkey and probably Iran, while Egypt probably includes at least further south than today to at least Ethiopia and maybe to the coast of the Indian Ocean. It includes the Middle East, North Africa, and Western Asia, which is all Muslim controlled today.
This could even be a picture or prophecy of the world stage from the time the Muslims set up their final Caliphate following the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 until the Battle of Armageddon because it does not refer to a battle but to a situation. From mid Tribulation until the Battle of Armageddon, the Muslims will rule the world.
After all of the other idiots finish destroying their nations because of their insane greed, Islam will become the power that will control the Earth until the Battle of Armageddon, when Jesus will take back control and set up His millennial reign, which I am really looking forward to. After all of this evil crap, that will be so very wonderful.
There will be no crime, war, or government/corporation corruption for 1,000 years because there won't be any lefty upper class trash royals. You will actually be able to believe the media because God's Law says, "Thou shalt not lie" (it definitely won't be a democracy with elected politicians), and that will be an interesting experience. Don't have a heart attack over that.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....