I Told You So 562

Wagner Coup

I am watching this "Wagner Coup" thingy wondering what is going on and there are at least 2 possibilities.

1 It is possible that the CIA got to the Wagner leaders, bribed them to stage a coup to get rid of Putin, and the Wagner leaders were stupid enough to take the bribe, then they are staging a coup. I could see this for several reasons with A) being that this would not be the first time the CIA staged a coup and B) the West has realized that they cannot defeat Russia in a war so you take them out from within.

2 Putin and the Wagner leaders are faking a rebellion and coup because they figure the West will back off and let Russia rip itself apart because that is what they started out trying to cause. If Russia is ripping itself apart with a coup, then it would not make sense for the West to keep pumping weapons, munitions, and troops into Ukraine to let Russia finish winning the war faster or for the West to stage a preemptive nuclear strike against Russia, buying Putin some time.

It would be a brilliant idea for Putin to stage a fake coup and make it possible for Putin to have more time to set up for staging his own preemptive nuclear attack against the West. It would definitely cause the West to drop their guard concerning a nuke attack by Russia because, after all, they are having a coup and would not want to use troops starting a war with the West until that coup is over, which would make a surprise nuke attack against the US and UK easier.

So I am watching, gather dots, and connecting dots to see what is really going on. Keep an eye on this.

Right now, most of what I am seeing on both sides is just sensational bull crap put out by the media to increase viewership to increase profits. You have to look for little signs the idiot media always miss to tell you what is really going on.

Is this really a CIA orchestrated coup or is Putin pulling off another one of his sucker punches against the West? What do you think?

I can't discount a coup but I kind of lean more towards it being another Putin sucker punch, you know, old habits die hard.

I found some other videos that made it look like it was just show but then I found this video explaining that this has been turned into a coup by a small part of Wagner.

What seems to have happened is that the head of Wagner left with a fraction of the Wagner troops to take out two top people in charge of the military, they got away, and had Russian forces attack Wagner.

Then Putin decided to side with his heads of the military and called the Wagner action treason.

Then Wagner decided to march on Moscow to take out Putin too so now a small portion of Wagner is at war with the Russian Army with the Russian Army already taking out some of the Wagner troops. It could easily be over by morning.

According to that video Ukraine and the UK intelligence set this up to split Russia in two so they could bring down Putin, which has always been their stated goal. They conned the head of Wagner into going along with their plan and now some of the Wagner troops are going to die.

The West couldn't defeat Russia on the battlefield in Ukraine or in WWIII so they decided to do it from within and it looks like it will also fail, you know, like everything else the West has done but they will still fool the stupid people into believing they are winning. Note that he said that the Russian FSB (used to be the KGB) caught the British agents in Moscow, who were part of this, just days before. They know who did this.

You can bet that Putin knows about this and it tells me that Putin is definitely going to nuke the UK because you know he is furious about this coup attempt by the UK intelligence turning a friend of Putin against Putin so that Putin has to kill that friend.

The West are now saying that Putin knew about this but did nothing, which is a lie because Putin rounded up those Ukrainian agents and had his troops ready to intercept Wagner but he had to let Wagner show he was making a move against Putin or it would have been even worse for Putin.

The West is also saying that Russia had to pull troops out of the trenches to stop Wagner, you know, the third layer of defense Ukraine/NATO have not even gotten near.

What the West is doing is that they are using this to show they are achieving their goals of destroying Russia so they can set up their global dictatorship but this will just tighten up the Russian military.

I have been warning you that the US and UK would push Putin too far and the UK just did. Do not be surprised if Putin stages a preemptive nuclear attack against the UK soon to put an end to this insanity because the upper class trash royals just won't quit, especially the British Royal Family in England. You can bet this was at least partly dreamed up and approved by the King and Sunak.

Do not be surprised if the entire British Royal Family in England, their Parliament, their MI5 and MI6 intelligence units, their few hundred nukes, and the parts of their military than can retaliate soon get vaporized because of the insanity of their royals. Hey, dey just gots tuh habs der global dictatorship.

When Putin nukes the UK, at least the EU will back down but will he also have to nuke at least part of the US, especially certain of our upper class trash?

In the last part of that video Putin gave a speech in which he was clearly furious and note that he said people were coerced and persuaded to commit this crime. Putin KNOWS who is causing all of this insanity and he will only take so much. He proved that by going into Ukraine.

There is something kind of fishy about this entire thing that I am trying to nail down.

It turns out that a deal was made and was negotiated by Belarus to where Prigozhin was "exiled" to Belarus and charges were dropped against Prigozhin, where Putin is building up his forces and arming Belarus to invade Poland. I noticed that Prigozhin left for Belarus at the same time and in the same caravan as his troops, you know, the best fighting troops in Russia. I also noticed that those troops AND Prigozhin left with their tanks on trucks for long distance travel, with their other weapons, and as a unit.

Did the Wagner troops go to Belarus with Prigozhin, you know, near the border of Poland, where they could stage an invasion into Europe? Hold it, why didn't Putin disarm troops that just tried to stage a coup against him? What does this look like to me?

It looks like some MI6 agents contacted Prigozhin to talk him into staging a coup, who contacted Putin, and they had a wee bit of a chat deciding that Prigozhin would fake a coup, Putin rounded up the MI6 agents in Moscow who were involved in it, getting rid of them, Belarus would "negotiate a peace deal", and Putin would use it as cover for moving his best fighting unit, Wagner, into Belarus to invade Poland AND no one in the West, not the MI6 or CIA, realized they had been played to cover Putin moving troops to the Polish border to invade Europe.

I can just see King Chuck sitting in his castle laughing with his top MI6 agents about how they pulled a good one on Putin, with the idiot traitorous lefty media having a hey day with their story, while Putin is using their tactic as cover to move his top troops to the Polish border to invade Europe.

I am trying to find out where they sent the Wagner troops and no one seems to know. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

If that is true, then Putin and Prigozhin fooled EVERYONE. They ended their "mutiny" after just one day. Wow, they sure were willing to die fighting for their ideas. /sarc

Just one day of mutiny and they all peacefully went home after they all just blindly followed their leader in an armed revolt against their government they all just blindly followed their leader in a peaceful settlement?

Then I found this video that tells us at about one minute into it that the deal provided "safety guarantees for the leader and his men", which tells me that the men were also given sanctuary in Belarus, you know, next to Poland's border. (Note that an add starts at about 2 minutes into that video.)

Putin and Prigozhin played everyone and everyone bought it lock, stock, and barrel. You have to admit that was brilliant.

I want you to notice 2 things in this video; first, the Wagner Group is much, much bigger than they have been making it look in Ukraine. It is a global organization, which would make it easier for MI6 to make contact with a leader to set up such a plan.

Second, how much the journalist and retired general bought into the story everyone is going with and none of them are questioning Prigozhin and, possibly, his troops moving into Belarus next to Poland's border. It went right over their heads.

Look, you have to know that the West, especially the US and UK will use their fairy tale of this causing a split in the Russian Government to prove they are "succeeding" and to justify them sending more and better weapons to Ukraine "to finish Putin off" and get rid of him. You watch them start sending everything they have left (because they believe their own lies) to finish off Putin. That is an easy prediction.

Keep an eye on this.

Upper Class Trash

Remember that I have been telling you about how brutal the upper class trash royals have always been?

This video shows you only a little about that. He names 25 leaders who were considered by him and some others as being the most brutal in recent history but, if you pay attention to the crimes they committed against the people, you can see those same crimes being committed today by our Western leaders.

Note that not one of those leaders rose up from the lower class and they all came from the upper class or the royals for their nations. The upper class trash royals have ALWAYS considered you peasants beneath them and not worthy of even caring about. They have been savages for thousands of years, just go study some archaeology.


I saw this news item and quickly realized that this position was just part of the deal the royals are making with Iran to get more members on the 10 member Caliphate council to rule the world. This is also meant to isolate Putin from his allies such as Iran, India, and China. It is called "divide and conquer".

Hey, they give Iran a high seat at the UN and Iran gives the royals high seats on the Caliphate council.

Keep an eye on this. Every day we get one day closer.


Remember that I have been telling you that you can't believe anything the left tells you about Ukraine, it is all lies and deceptions?

This video tells you some of that by pointing out a few things. He said that he believes there have been no real gains in Ukraine and why.

This video gives you an idea of how bad Ukraine has been battered in this war. Her loses have been massive because she has lost hundreds of planes and choppers each and more than 10,000 tanks, almost as many tanks as Russia had at the start of the war.

BTW, the Sarmat ICBM is meant for the US and Canada because Putin can hit everything else in Europe with short to medium range missiles. Putin setting it up for combat is meant to be a warning to the US. He would never use an ICBM against anything in Europe.

I noticed that Ukraine has moved quite a few of their reserves back away from the front line because of extreme losses so now Russia is "losing a little more ground in a few areas" and that is obviously to draw those reserves back into the fight so Russia can destroy them before going on full offensive.

Ukraine was taking little bits of ground in a few places, encouraging her to send in more troops to finish off the Russians in those areas but then Ukraine stopped gaining ground in those areas while having extreme losses in men and weapons in those areas so Ukraine has backed troops out of the front to be reserves.

So now Putin is clearly letting Ukraine gain a little more ground in those areas to draw those troops back in. Putin is playing the West for suckers and they are doing a great job of being suckers.

It kills me because it should be obvious. Ukraine had more troops at the front lines but couldn't gain any ground in almost all areas and, in the few areas they did gain ground, it was insignificant. Then they pull troops back and suddenly smaller numbers of the same troops start gaining more ground against the same Russian troops? Really?

Also, the Wagner Group, its men, and its officers just bravely fought for months to save Russia and then they want to destabilize the same Russia to make it easier for the West to destroy Russia?

Now, if you watch the media, all of the West are falling for the lie and that is what Putin wants the West to do so they will send more troops, weapons, and munitions for him to destroy in Ukraine and they are already doing that.

Plus think about it. Putin sent Prigozhin into "exile" in Belarus where Putin has more troops and nukes and he is not concerned about a "traitor" seizing control of those troops and weapons and turning them on Putin? Really? Why didn't Putin send him in "exile" into a small village in Siberia with no troops instead of sending him into Belarus with troops and nukes, where he can invade Poland? Why is no one able to tell us where the Wagner troops went? Did they get exiled into Belarus with Prigozhin, which is what it sounds like?

Then I saw that some are thinking Prigozhin was sent to Belarus because it is much closer to Kiev and would be a better place to invade and conquer Kiev from. So there are now several good reasons for Putin to exile Prigozhin into Belarus, making me believe that it was staged to take advantage of the MI6 plot as cover to "exile" Prigozhin and his Wagner troops into Belarus.

"Hey, while you are there, why don't you take out Kiev and Poland?"

I also just found out that 8 members of Congress were briefed on this coup on Wednesday and it didn't take place until Friday. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

The truth is coming out and will continue to come out.

What kills me is that, with there being significant reasons to not exile a traitor to Belarus with all of those Russian troops, weapons, and nukes, everyone is just blindly believing the fairy tale that "The West is winning because the Russian Government is in tatters! Ahhhh, the Russian sky is falling!"

I seriously doubt it. It just doesn't look right.

The Church

Remember that I have been telling you that God is sorting the poser Christians out of our churches?

This video shows you how bad that is taking place with it now looking like only about 1/3 to 1/2 of professing Christians will remain in the church and the others going to pagan churches or nothing.

God is making people choose right now and increasing numbers are choosing Satan over God.

Jesus told us that the way to Hell is wide and heavily traveled and the way to Heaven is narrow and lightly traveled, which is what we are seeing today.

France and Germany Jumping Ship

Remember that I have been telling you that it looks like France and Germany are going to jump ship on the EU and NATO?

This video shows France is trying to get the rest of Europe to jump ship with her to get out from under the thumb of Britain's puppet state, being run by the US Democrats.

The Europeans are getting tired of living under the oppressive and destructive hand of the Commierats too, you know, just like increasing numbers of Americans.

Can you imagine that the European Royals want to be free and independent?

They don't want others to rule over them.

And God said, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." I guess the pagan royals blew that too.

Then I found this video showing that the German people want the US Military and our weapons out of their nation. They do not want to US to start a war with Russia that will be fought in their nation.

My question is, "Will France and Germany jump ship before Putin nukes the ship or after Putin nukes the ship?"

BTW, I am amazed that more people don't realize that the drag queens are homosexuals and pedaphiles who are trying to seduce your children so they can have sex with your children. That should be obvious.


Remember that God told me and I told you that most of the people in law enforcement and the military are good guys?

This video shows that more and more people are fighting back in different ways giving us some hope for the future of our nation or in building the new nation.

So far, not enough people are angry enough to stand up enough to stop the insanity before it is too late but they will eventually stop the insanity.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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