I Told You So 564

Bill Gates

The idiot with more money than brains they call Bill Gates wants to block out the sunlight and that tells me that either he is very scientifically ignorant or a murdering psychopath that plans to kill most to all of the plants, animals, and humans on this planet.

Most gardeners understand that we have plants that are full sun, partial sun, partial shade, and full shade, depending on how much sunlight they need for growth and reproduction (to produce fruit), but most of them don't understand the science why and I explained quite a bit about that in my essay about colonizing Mars.

All plants have photosynthetic cells that require so many light photons per second to activate them to create nutrients for plant growth. Without enough nutrients, you don't get plant growth. The full sun plants require more light photons per square millimeter per minute than full shade plants to grow.

If Billy boy Gates covers the sun, decreasing the amount of light photons hitting the earth per square millimeter per minute, then the full and partial sun plants just won't grow and, if Bozo Gates covers it enough, then no plants, not even algae will grow. That will kill all life on the planet, every living organism will die.

This is critical because almost all of the plants humans need to live on are full sun plants and won't grow and bear fruit with less than full sunlight hitting the Earth.

Look, they made up the global warming/climate change lie to scare you into submitting to them, the intellectually superior elites, taking care of you to save you from their lies. I have told you that 1) there has been higher levels of CO2 in the recent past than we just had and the planet survived and 2) high CO2 levels cause more plant growth, which increases the conversion rate from CO2 to O2, problem solved.

We have also known for more than half a century that solar energy increases heat production, which warms the area and the planet, causing heat waves and droughts.

We have also known that decreasing vegetation is what causes deserts because, when sunlight hits plants, it generates photosynthesis, and when it hits the ground, it is absorbed by the ground and turned into heat, heating up the area and the planet.

It looks like the upper class trash royal strategy was to lie about the higher than normal CO2 levels being a problem so they could scare you into letting them make more money from your tax dollars to build solar and wind energy farms that wouldn't solve a thing and would actually heat up the planet more, causing heat waves and droughts, so they could block sunlight hitting the planet to prevent plant growth, which will decrease plant ground cover, which will increase the amount of sunlight hitting the ground and turning to heat to heat up the planet more so they can do what is planned next, which probably won't be necessary because blocking sunlight will kill off the plants and all life on Earth.

They are not solving any problems, they are creating the problems and they are the problem, just like the royals have been for thousands of years.

So, my question is: "Are Bozo Gates and his accomplices scientific morons or psychopathic murderers or both?"

If this idiot and his upper class trash friends have a death wish, they should keep it to themselves. I do not want to share their death wish with them. I pray that God will save us from these demented, arrogant spawn of Satan.

We may need to colonize other planets after what these human demons finish doing to this one.

France Riots

Remember that I told you that a Muslim was killed by French cops and the Muslim community is rioting in protest?

This video shows several things. First, Muslim nations are condemning France for the riots and, if you understand Islam, that will only encourage increased rioting by those Muslims.

Of course the Muslims are hiding behind the "Islamophobia" lie to intimidate the French Government into backing down and making submissions to Islam. The Muslims are using the woke name calling crap the idiot lefties dreamed up to get what they want.

Second, note that the media are NOT pointing out that this is Islam rioting because a Muslim was killed because they would be called names and their mommies would have to hold their widdle heads heads on their laps while they cry.

Third, check out the comments and you will see that people are waking up to the truth even without our worthless media pointing it out.

BTW, this particular medium is Hindu biased and the Bible tells me they will pay for this betrayal and not pointing out that this is really a war between Islam and the rest of the world. The Bible tells us that, during the Tribulation, the Muslims will raise up an army of 200 million east of the Euphrates and conquer everything to the east, you know, including India.

Then the next day I found this interesting video that tells me about a very interesting magic coincidence.

Remember that France is getting ready to jump ship on NATO and is trying to get other European nations to join them because they don't want to be dragged into a war with Russia by the UK and US?

Then we find out in that video that the rioters in France are using Western weapons given to Ukraine that is being run by the UK MI6 and US CIA, both of which stage riots to overthrow nations' governments to put puppets in power so the UK and US can control those nations just like Ukraine.

Gee, you don't think the MI6 and CIA gave some weapons they gave to Ukraine to those rioters to topple French President Moron to replace him with one of their puppets, do you? It kind of sounds like it, doesn't it? Gee, you don't think Moron's butt is going under the bus, do you?

Remember that those riots are being staged by Muslims and both the MI6 and CIA have plenty of contacts within the Muslim terrorist community?

Gee, what another magic coincidence.


NATO is "revamping" to take on Russia. This means they are reorganizing in hopes of defeating or bluffing Russia into submission. They have to know that, with the way they have destroyed their militaries, including the US and UK militaries for money, they can't beat Russia.

But, hey, bluffing has not worked yet against Putin so keep doing more of it until it magically works. They are insulting Putin's intelligence because he knows how weak each and every nation in NATO is.

I get so tired of reading and writing about the upper class trash royal insane delusions of grandeur but God wants me to keep informing and warning you.

I wasn't going to post this video but you have to see for yourself how delusional and out of touch with reality the upper class trash royals and their insane puppets are.

They claim that "Russia's land forces have been depleted" when they have actually increased to about 2 million. Russia's land forces are stronger now than before the war started.

The trouble is that they actually believe their own lies because they want to believe them. I think these raving lunatics need to check their bodies' warranties to see if they can get replacement brains.

Because of the idiot claims of the "unnamed NATO top officer" I was only able to watch the first few minutes of that video. These people are really sick.

Then I found this video confirming things I have been telling you. First, Scott says that NATO is a mess.

Second, he talked about them replacing the head of NATO and it came down to what the UK wanted and what the US wanted because, just like I have been telling you, the UK and US are running the West with everyone else submitting to our will for any number of reasons.

Third, he tells you that the UK has no military. They couldn't last 3 days against Russia because their upper class trash royals have sacked their own military to fill their greedy pockets, just like the rest of Europe.

Fourth, remember that I told you the American branch of the British Royal Family is standing up to ye ole King Chuck because the UK doesn't have a military, economy, resources, or anything else required for international power?

Scott showed you that the US royals stood up to ye ole King and refused to back down. What the British Royal Family spent more than 200 years working on to regain control and power over all of their former colonies plus the rest of the world just failed and backfired on them. Once again it was started by the American branch of their royal family standing up to them.

Scott also tells you that people are increasingly wanting their militaries to step in and stop the insanity and they will probably have to in order to save their nations and the first thing the military will have to do after seizing power will be to try and hang most of our upper class trash royals, politicians, and upper level bureaucrats for their many crimes against the people to permanently get rid of them to protect themselves and their people.

They will also have to seize the wealth stolen from the people and use it to finance building a new government.

He tells you that Europe is destroyed and falling apart and I told you years ago how even the different nations would tear themselves apart based on different cultures in each nation such as Catalonia and the Basques breaking away from Spain and France breaking up into at least 3 or 4 new nations. I expect the main British Isle to break apart into England, Wales, and Scotland again with the entire Common Wealth ceasing to exist. Europe is way down the same road that Babylon, Assyria, and other such nations went to die because of their royals.

There is no hope for Europe, which is why the remainder of the royals will have to join with the Muslims in rebuilding Babylon to have any power or control in the future. They will be the iron that will be mixed with the clay feet of Nebuchadnezzar's figure.

He tells you that Europe is extremely desperate and looking for a solution, including nukes. The truth is that none of their leaders are intelligent enough to find a solution to the problem they created because of their stupidity and you know they will just screw things up more with nukes.

The idiots drove their car off of a cliff, are trying to make a parachute before it hits bottom and they just don't have the time. They need to roll with the crisis they created, get up, dust off, clean up the mess, and start over but with much more intelligent and rational leaders.

I disagree with Scott concerning NATO using technology to grind Russia down because Russia's technology is beating the West's technology right and left. The West is focused on a lot of Russians dying and forgetting that they have trained up many times more so they have a much greater military than the West plus Russia has already destroyed many of the West's weapons.

Keep in mind that why the West cannot defeat Russia right now is because Russia has improved technologically along with her increased numbers and the Western upper class trash royals have sacked our nations in every respect for their own greed, including our militaries, our economies, our resources, and changed the attitudes and knowledge of the people so they won't fight the upper class trash, which also means that most won't or can't fight Russia.

This video shows you about the US taking a stand against the UK's person to head NATO that would have given the UK more control over NATO and then proposing Ursula to give the US more control over NATO. This is the US royals standing up against the UK royals like I told you would eventually happen.

I told you for decades that greedy, power mad people can never be satiated because they will always want more and more wealth and power at even each others' expense.

The greedy, power mad, inbred US royals don't want to have to submit to the rule of King Chuck because, like all power mad people, they want to be submitted to and not doing the submitting.

I told you there are different factions within the Euro-American Royals who will all want to rule over everyone else and that is just within the British Royal Family branch because there are other factions in all of the other branches like the Spanish branch, French branch, German branch, and others.

Oh, they all agreed to work together to depose our governments to set up their global dictatorship but they all have their own fairy tale dreams about who will rule whom. The American branch of the British Royal Family is already starting to make their move now as are the French in both Canada and Commiefornia and the Spanish are in New Mexico and with Mexico invading the US with China, Russia, and other Latin American nations.

Even if the evil royals get to first base by setting up their global dictatorship, it will get bloody as they turn on each other for power and wealth so they can control the others just like they have been doing for thousands of years. Every war in history has been royals fighting royals for more wealth and power.

Do you believe me yet that they are inbred insane?

They are raving lunatics who don't care about anyone but themselves and their bank accounts.


Remember that I told you that, if the West sent weapons to Ukraine, they would just be target practice for Russia?

This video shows that I was right. Ye ole "game changing Leopard tanks" have just about all been destroyed by Russia. Gee, that was fast and they didn't change a thing in the war.

Do you believe me yet that you cannot believe anything the media tell you?

But, hey, the stupid people will never learn. They will just keep blindly believing everything the media say. I have to believe that God has given them reprobate minds to keep believing those lies because they turned their backs on God. God doesn't just give the pagan leaders reprobate minds, He gives all pagans reprobate minds.

Today Russia moved 180,000 reserves up to the lines at Bakhmut (50,000) and another longer part of the front line (130,000). They are finally starting to move reserves forward into the fight but I am not sure whether this is a defensive or offensive move though Ukraine has stated a concern that Russia is preparing to go on the offensive, which I would not doubt. If Russia is getting ready to go offensive, then she feels she has destroyed almost enough Ukrainian resources to make that move.

Keep an eye on this.

Remember that I have been telling you that the Russian ECM has gotten as good as the US ECM?

This video shows you that their ECM is neutralizing some of the US' best guided weapons like the JDAM guided bombs.

Remember that I also told you that Russia is very effectively gathering intel from Ukrainian communications concerning the number of troops and weapons Russia is destroying?

That video also tells you the Russians are intercepting the Ukrainian communications.

Since the Soviet Union fell, the Russian weapons and technology have improved a lot. They have gotten much better at developing countermeasures for weapons they have captured or are fighting against.

Ukraine's offensive is failing with no hope of it succeeding and Ukraine is very desperate so it seems to be plotting to cause a nuclear incident by attacking a nuke plant and blaming it on Russia to be used as an excuse for NATO to go to war with Russia.

"Why, how dare you?"

The problem is that Russia has no reason to destroy the plant with it providing energy for Crimea and Russia being downwind of the plant so the nuclear dust would blow into Russia.

But, hey, the stupid people would still believe that Russia caused harm to their own people for no good reason. This is probably another MI6 plot being aided by the CIA that you know will backfire.

Z boy isn't getting his F-16s in time for his failing offensive and they have not even begun training Ukrainian pilots, which would take a year to do it right anyway (that is for already licensed pilots - if they don't already know how to fly, you can add at least another 6 months to that). Their pilots wouldn't be ready to fly the F-16s in combat until next July. I guess they couldn't get enough NATO pilots to volunteer to die in Ukraine.

Either these people are ignorant as crap about military matters of they are just lying and wanting to send inadequately trained pilots to die or probably both.

I understand why God is permitting these evil things to live a little longer but it would be nice if God just sent these evil things to Hell right now to protect us.

God will be FULLY justified in sending these monsters to Hell, it is just a matter of when. The planet will be so much more wonderful with those evil things in Hell where they will never be able to cause harm to anyone ever again.

Then I found this video and found out that NATO is building up troops on the Russian border and is planning to hit St. Petersburg in Russia with a missile attack from Estonia (about 60 miles away) as an open act of war.

Ukraine has failed and, in a very desperate act of war to get Russia out of their way so the West can set up their global dictatorship to oppress you, they are planning to just start WWIII with Russia. The upper class trash royals and their evil puppets really are delusional and think they can easily defeat Russia after disarming themselves and causing Russia to build up for this war so that the West is now much weaker and Russia is much stronger, but, hey, dey is the superior upper class trash who can't lose no war to no one.

The intel from that video tells us that NATO has 40,000 troops along Russia's border, they have 27 war ships in the Baltic and Mediterranean Seas, and are moving enough troops into the area to have 300,000 troops into the area within 30 days, you know, to face off against more than one million Russia troops, 900 fighter planes, and who knows how many other weapons in that area, including tactical nukes.

Oh, yeah, they are really going to be ready to go to war with Russia, especially with only about a month's worth of artillery ammo left. But dey is smarty pants who gots dem duh right degrees from duh right unkneebursities; dey will win it. /sarc

Do you believe me yet that they will force Russia to nuke at least the UK and US; probably along with France and Germany? Do you believe me yet that the ONLY THING that will stop the insanity of the upper class trash royals and their idiot puppets is death? Does your brain hurt yet because of their stupidity and insanity?

You better pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load.

When you see the West's leaders standing in front of cameras for group pictures, you are seeing a circus of idiot puppets trying to get you and them killed.

BTW, I have seen headlines that tell me that they have convinced themselves that Russia is now weaker because of the war, when it is blatantly obvious, she is at least 3 to 5 times stronger. They really believe their own lies. They are beyond delusional.

You are witnessing how terribly bad reprobate minds work. You don't want one so you better get right with God.

Z boy has sent quite a few of his troops to the border with Belarus and is really beefing up the defenses, you know, because of Prigozhin and his Wagner forces because they might stage an insurrection against Ukraine. /sarc

I guess they know that they have been lying about that coup and that it was really a cover to move Prigozhin and his troops into Belarus just north of the Ukraine border. But, hey, don't worry because our idiot media have not figured it out yet.

Gee, you don't think that Putin also probably moved Prigozhin and his troops there to tie down a good number of Ukrainian troops so they couldn't be used to attack the eastern front line, do you?

As a side note, Germany and Poland are arguing over who gets to make the money fixing the tanks Russia blew up, you know, make some more blood money. All the animals care about is the money.

And God said, "The love of money is the root to all evil."

These evil things belong in Hell.

Then I found this video detailing the Ukrainian losses in the last 24 hours by area. The fight is finally on and Ukraine is throwing everything they have at the Russians and losing a lot of it.

This is what Russia has been waiting and preparing for and I have been warning you about. A lot of people are dying because the vile upper class trash royals and their puppets can't leave other people alone.

Then the next day I found this brief video that tells me that 1) Ukraine has launched their all-out final attack on July 6 and 2) Russia has drawn enough NATO forces into its trap and completely cut loose. The video tells us that Russia is crushing Ukraine's/NATO's best attempt against Russia and Ukraine is probably not gaining any ground. The slaughter has begun in earnest.

Note that the targets Russia is hitting with this barrage should tell you what Russia's plans are and where her troops will soon go, after most to all of the troops in those areas have been destroyed. This is what a real pre-invasion bombardment looks like.

Then I found this video showing some of the key actions Russia has made.

Remember that I told you that one Russian move you should watch for is Russian forces attack south from Belarus through Lviv to Moldova to stop reinforcement, resupply, and retreat from and into Poland and NATO troops moving into Western Ukraine?

At about 8.5 minutes into that video, he tells you that Russia has started hitting key targets in Lviv. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Then I found this video that tells you even more about the missile attack on Lviv. They call it the biggest attack by Russia on Lviv since the war started.

I later saw that 60 people were killed in that attack and not just 4. From the looks of the damage, it doesn't look like Ukraine shot down 7 out of 10 missiles and a lot more people had to die. At 1:47 in that video they list the damage done to 37 homes, an office complex, a school, and 50 cars.

Yeah, sure, only 4 people were killed and Ukraine shot down all but 3 missiles. /sarc

Keep an eye on Russian movements heading south in the west from Belarus to close the border with Poland and Romainia.

Because of egos, I expect the biggest initial battle to be in the area of Bakhmut because Ukraine made such a show of trying not to lose it, then lost, and now wants to get it back more than any other location and it looks like that battle has started.

I am seeing a lot of contradicting news for several reasons. First, Ukraine almost never tells the truth. Second, Ukraine needs the West to believe they are making ground, whether or not they really are. Third, Russia lies sometimes but not often because she doesn't need to lie; she is winning. Fourth, people can be wrong, especially in the fog of war.

If I have to choose between believing the West or Russia, I will believe Russia while waiting for confirmation. That is the safest bet because our leaders lie to us all of the time.

Remember that I have been telling you that Russia gives up some ground to encourage NATO to send in more troops to help finish Russia off so Russia can destroy those troops?

At about 2 minutes into this video he tells you that, as the NATO troops are moving across open fields to reinforce their troops making ground, it makes it easier for Russia to destroy those troops.

Gee, who would have figured?

Remember that this is where you get tomorrow's news today.

Note that he also points out that Russia is already staging counter attacks in areas where they just crushed the NATO forces just like I said they would do. Russia is already trying to break through in different areas.

Remember that I told you that sending weapons to Ukraine makes it possible for Russia to capture those weapons to study them for weaknesses and to develop countermeasures to those weapons?

This video shows that Russia just captured a mostly intact super duper galaxy conquering British Storm Shadow missile and is going to study it for weaknesses.

Gee, who would have thought? Do you think the inbred stupid lefty upper class trash royals will learn from this?

Oh no, they are too inbred stupid to learn anything from their mistakes so they just keep doing things that are not working stupidly thinking that it will eventually begin working.

Have you noticed that my predictions keep coming true?

Remember that this is where you get tomorrow's news today.

I found out that Putin is planning just in case NATO sends it forces into Ukraine following the destruction of the Ukrainian forces like I warned you and you can bet that has already been decided. He seems to believe it will happen following the NATO meetings on July 11 and 12, next week. Remember that NATO is already building up their troops in that area to 300,000.

If that happens, Putin won't just fight to destroy the NATO forces moving into Ukraine but this will go full scale WWIII and global and I have already explained what is most likely to happen in that case.

This video tells you about that and it tells you that Poland is wanting to deploy troops in Western Ukraine, which is why Putin is planning to invade south out of Belarus, through Lviv, and to Moldova.

Don't you just want to use a baseball bat on our idiot leaders to beat some sense into their heads?

It won't do any good because they have reprobate minds. They will still be just as stupid after you beat them and they will keep thinking they are smarter than they are. Once they chose to be stupid by hating God, they chose to be stupid forever.

White House Dope

Remember that they taught me in espionage that, what is most probably is probably right?

Everyone is in a ditzy trying to figure out where the dope they found in the White House came from, the ding bats. They know and are just putting on a show.

If you understand human behavior and just watch the Bidens, you know that Afghan Joe is PROBABLY, almost CERTAINLY, using the same dope his son is using but he has been using it longer. Big surprise. People, he acts like a burned out old doper who is sometimes stoned.

As a matter of fact, biologically, that explains a lot. Most likely, Afghan Joe probably fried too many brain cells on his dope, which is why he is so dysfunctional, and his being worse sometimes than other times is probably Joe being stoned out of his mind sometimes. If you don't believe me, go watch stoners because they make a great clown circus, you know, like falling down on stairs or just suddenly walking around like they don't know what is going on or they can't talk worth crap.

Them "finding" afghan Joe's dope in the White House explains a lot and one thing it helps explain is the lefties don't want Joe to run for president again so they got a stash of his dope (they knew where it was all of the time and probably used some with him) and are using it to get him out of their way, just like they are using other things to get rid of Afghan Joe and others.

Don't be surprised if they kill Afghan Joe to get him out of their way. It wouldn't be the first time the left has murdered someone to get them out of their way, you know, like JFK or Bobby Kennedy. I wouldn't be surprised to see the left take out the entire Biden family because they have all become a liability.

All you have to do is use some common sense.

Russian Magic Coup

Remember that I told you that Prigozhin did not stage a coup against the Russian Government but he and Putin used the MI6 trying to get Prigozhin to stage a coup to cover for moving Prigozhin and his Wagner troops into Belarus?

This brief video tells us that Prigozhin is now in Russia.

What? Didn't Putin's FSB know he went back to Russia and arrest him the way they arrested those MI6 agents?

If it had been a coup, they would have because you can bet their agents in Belarus were keeping an eye on him.

Gee, you don't think he went back to Russia to get instructions from Putin do you?

You can't believe a thing the left tells you. If they tell you the sun is going to rise tomorrow, you better check to make sure. Question EVERYTHING they tell you and think for yourself.


Remember that I have been telling you that Taiwan is building a military coalition in Asia to take a stand against China?

This video shows you that they are building a closer relationship with India just like I have been telling you. They also realize that India is becoming the new America and they are increasing trade with India because of its growing economy and markets.

They also know that India is more likely to come to the military aid of Taiwan than the US, especially with the left in control of the US.

More and more the lefty upper class trash royals are isolating the West, especially the US and UK, making us weaker in every way.

Georgie Boy Soros

It looks like I get to end this essay with some good news. Take a look at this video and see a number of good things. First, pay attention to Soros trying to read something that the lefty media hid from us. He is so old and decrepit that he can't live much longer so he won't be able to cause harm to other people much longer. He may even spend another decade sitting in a room staring at the wall and regularly falling asleep.

Since he turned his foundation over to his oldest son, I have been waiting for news of just how much trouble he will cause with that foundation.

Will he cause more harm, the same amount of harm, or less harm than his father did with that foundation.

Also, remember that Georgie Boy answered to a British Lord who answered to the Queen/King of England and he got his funding indirectly from the Queen/King.

In that video, he tells you that things are not doing as well for ye ole evil son, which tells me that the King either cut back on funding or stopped funding because he is going to have to lay off 40% of his employees and that is kind of upsetting ye ole upper class trash, which will probably decrease donations and funding even more, eventually bringing an end to the evil foundation.

Ah, do I see ye ole sun setting on ye ole evil global dictatorship even more?

I am also wondering how many more of the donors will cut back on funding the sick dream of their global dictatorship when they finally begin to realize it isn't going to happen?

By the grace of God, we are winning for our children. God's hand is moving in this so keep praying and fighting.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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