Remember that I have been telling you about government corruption and they have turned our governments into money laundering rackets?
This video shows you a tiny bit of that corruption and the majority of the politicians and upper level bureaucrats in Washington DC are involved in it.
Please notice how these criminals and traitors give millions to businesses owned by the Royals and get back kickbacks or bribes in the thousands and tens of thousands telling you they are cheap and easy. They are selling out your nation to the upper class trash and even other nations like China for thousands of dollars, not even millions, except on a rare occasion. These evil criminals are doing this every day and he explains a little of it. They don't care who they are selling you out to as long as they get their money.
Do you believe me yet that greed destroys common sense?
Then I found this video that tells us that God has opened the people's eyes so the corrupt upper class trash Royals and their puppets are losing the trust of the people and it is backfiring on the upper class trash and their puppets. Even their governments are failing terribly with some resigning to save what is left of their butts.
This video is an example of the upper class trash Royals, their academe, and their puppets thinking they are smarter than they are and screwing stuff up for immediate gain and long term loses.
The lying lefties love to tell you that their god, FDR, pulled us out of the "Great Depression", when the truth is he caused it and caused it to last longer than almost all other depressions in the history of the US because of his socialism with WWII and the death of FDR being largely responsible for getting us out of the Great Depression.
Look, the Stock Market crash that is purported to have caused the Great Depression was in 1929, by the time FDR was elected in 1932 and took office in 1933, four years later, the economy had recovered from that crash and was growing at a rate of 3 to 4 percent of GDP. It was a good, strong, healthy economy until FDR forced his beloved socialism on the US and caused the crash in 1933.
The Great Depression lasted from 1933 until we got into the war in December of 1941 and into the spring of 1942.
The thing that most pulled us out of the Great Depression and did the most to build a strong economy was all of those soldiers returning from WWII, who had a massive amount of back pay because they had not been paid their full amount and started buying a lot of nice homes and cars and started businesses, most of which the upper class trash has been working to destroy for decades now to impoverish everyone and they are destroying our economy the people built.
The lefty academe knows that FDR caused the Great Depression with his socialism, which is why they lie and blame it on the Stock Market crash of 1929. They falsely use the Stock Market crash as a cover for the damage done by their beloved socialism because they want the power and control their socialism gives them, you know, when the government controls everything.
Remember that I have been warning you that the upper class trash Royals and their puppets are moving to finalize their dictatorship over you? Remember that I told you that COVID was just a dry or test run to see how far they could go in seizing control of you?
This video gives you more details and tells you what I have been telling you. They are working right now to finalize their complete control over everyone to set up their global dictatorship and they are starting by finalizing their dictatorships over their own nations and planning to use that control to finalize their control over the planet because their previous plans to just grab control of the entire planet just failed.
If they can't do it militarily, they will do it economically, financially, and any other way they can. They will never quit and leave you alone.
Do you believe me yet that the ONLY thing that can stop these monsters is death?
Remember that I have been telling you that the upper class trash Royals are corrupt and increasingly don't know what they are talking about or doing?
In this video they call them the elites but you need to remember that the Royals were always the elites, oligarchs, ruling class, and other such names; they have just stopped calling themselves Royals.
He tells you that most of them do not know what they are talking about or doing and people are waking up to the reality of their corruption, ignorance, and stupidity. They are quickly losing the people's trust because God is opening the people's eyes like I have been telling you.
But these arrogant, ignorant, greedy, power mad, and corrupt elites or Royals refuse to quit doing what is not working, in part, because they are too ignorant and stupid to realize it won't work.
I am seeing people in more and more nations not fighting the cops in the street but going to the homes of the upper class trash. It is only a matter of time until the people start dragging them out in the streets and killing them. Of course, the arrogant, cocky Royals and their puppets will just order the cops and military to better protect them so they can continue with their crimes against the people until the "elites" start losing their heads again.
They won't learn and they won't quit. They will force Bastille II on us. "Why, dey just gots tuh habs der monarchy and steal more money from you", none of which will do them any good burning in Hell. Just go ask all of the Royals who ruled over, robbed, oppressed, and murdered everyone hundreds to thousands of years ago and are burning in Hell now.
Then I found this video showing a US Congress woman recognizing and trying to stop even more of the Clinton corruption on the international level with a new bill.
This shows that there are people fighting back against all of this lefty upper class trash Royal corruption and we have to pray for them. Fighting against the Royals is a relentless and frustrating battle because they never quit. I have come to the conclusion that Hell is a perfect retirement home for these evil people to protect the rest of us.
Let me share with you what I have learned from history and human behavior about why Marxism/socialism/communism/progressivism NEVER worked and NEVER will work.
The greatest flaw in Marxism under any name is that it does not include an understanding for the human behavior for greedy, power mad, arrogant whackos who can never get enough wealth and/or power and that no one can trust a traitor, not even another traitor.
You see this repeated throughout history but ye ole Royals, academe, puppets and self proclaimed geniuses, who only have an average IQ or worse, have not learned it in thousands of years.
Rule #1: ALL successful dictatorships ALWAYS purge or murder off at least 90% to 100% of the people who helped them get into power because, once those dictators gain power, those who helped them get into power can remove them from power by putting someone else in their place. Those people immediately go from being an asset to being a threat to the ruler.
Linen died young because he didn't purge enough people and Stalin, whom Linen should have purged, learned from Linen's mistake and purged 100% of the people who helped him get into power.
Therefore, it takes a babbling idiot to want to help set up a dictatorship with ANYONE ruling and, if you are the person ruling, you are now a target for those beneath you and want your power, you know, like Stalin.
That should tell you that ALL lefty college professors, teachers, media, and others, who want to set up a communist dictatorship of any kind, are all babbling idiots. Their greed and lust for power destroy their common sense and turn them into babbling idiots or fools.
And God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they have mad themselves fools."
I do not want to be your king, your emperor, your czar, your pharaoh, your fake god, your communist dictator, your socialist dictator, or any other dictator or ruler with absolute power because I learned from history and know better, unlike lefty college professors. I am not arrogant and stupid enough to fool myself into believing, "I is are be smarter dan dem and will makes it woiks."
I cannot believe all of the moron lefty college professors who are just over educated fools and want to set up a communist/socialist dictatorship and should know that almost all of them will be purged because, after the upper class trash "depopulate" better than 95% of the people on the planet, who are those upper class trash going to need them to brainwash, all of those dead people, who used to be their students?
When the upper class trash no longer need anyone and everyone, including moron lefty college professors, they always "depopulate" those college professors so the upper class trash can also stick the college professors' money in their greedy pockets and the college professors are too simple minded and stupid to learn that in more than 100 years.
Remember that I have been telling you that Ukraine/NATO are running out of soldiers? Remember that it takes soldiers to operate weapons and without soldiers no weapons will do you any good? Remember that more than 80,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed just during their "Greatest Offensive"?
This video shows you that another 10,000+ have surrendered to survive the suicide missions they are being sent on.
That does not even include at least 100,000 wounded and that is almost another 100,000 people that are no longer in the Ukrainian Military fighting.
Let's do the math. They only had about 350,000 when they sent in the magic offensive force of 60,000 that was going to conquer the galaxy for a total of 410,000 at the start of the Greatest Offensive in the history of the galaxy. They have already lost about 200,000 leaving only about 200,000, which is why the Ukrainian Military has drastically cut back on their offensives and are fighting almost completely defensively with only probing attacks in most places.
They are losing about 4,000 plus per week just killed plus at least another 5,000 to 10,000 wounded and surrendering so that in one month, they will lose 35,000 to 65,000 more troops. That can't last forever.
Let's say they are losing 50,000 troops per month, they will run out of troops in four months and won't even be able to hold a sandbox during a kindergarten recess. So, anywhere from about 4 to 6 months and Russia will be able to dance her way to Lviv on the Western border.
They pointed out in the video that the troops surrendering will get much worse during the coming winter like it did last winter.
Then they tell you that Ukraine is now preparing to draft women.
Do you better understand why Russia is holding her position to protect her troops while slaughtering the troops the Ukrainian Government and West want to slaughter with their suicide missions?
Russia is already starting to test the waters with offensive moves and I expect them to cut loose soon. Russia told us that they expect to bring this war to an end before 2025, you know, during next year.
They need to round up all of these heartless war criminals who caused this horrid mess and are murdering these people, try them, and execute them to prevent them from regrouping, reorganizing, and trying again at your expense.
Remember that, at the end of WWII, Hitler began recruiting children into his Nazi Youth program and a lot of children died fighting in that war. These people are no better. They are just as evil.
That is why the West has started a war in Armenia and is trying to start wars in Georgia and Africa to destroy Russia and is also trying to start wars with China, Iran, and North Korea, after being stupid enough to sack their own militaries for money.
Do you still think those inbred upper class trash Royals and their idiot puppets are smarter than you because they stole more than they can earn? Do you believe me yet that the ONLY thing that will stop those savages is death?
But, hey, BRICS is about to give the Western monsters more war than they can handle, especially now that the Royals have disarmed us. This is not going to be pleasant.
Remember that I told you some time ago that it looks like Russia is setting up a trap to where, if her troops breakthrough in the northern part of the battle line and fight west, they will trap all of the forces south of that breakthrough in the rest of the battle line?
Then I found this video which shows in the first few minutes that Russia is building a trap for the forces east of that river by blowing the bridges they need for reinforcements, resupply, and retreat. It is a Russian cauldron and I would be surprised if the military leaders of the Ukrainian/NATO forces are smart enough to see it building.
Then he showed you the Russians de-mining a field. They are preparing the battlefield for their offensive. That is the only reason Russia would de-mine that field right now, making it easier for Ukraine to attack Russia across that field.
Remember that the Russians moved 100,000 reinforcements into the north along with tanks a few months ago. They are clearly ramping up for their offensive and keep in mind that it takes time to properly position troops and prepare the battlefield.
Jumping Ship
Remember that I have been telling you that more and more EU and NATO nations are jumping ship and, since they only have so many nations, if enough nations jump ship, then the nations controlled by the UK/US Royals will lose control and the US and UK must either behave or they will be easier to invade and conquer by BRICS because they will stand alone?
This video shows that, if this party wins in the Slovakia elections tomorrow, they are going to jump ship next. The UK/US majority keeps getting smaller and that is one reason why Putin is delaying his offensive to also decrease the number of nations he will have to invade and conquer to stop the insanity. From what he has said, Putin would love to get down to no more than the US and UK.
You better bet that Putin has FSB agents keeping an eye on all of our nations and watching to see what it is going to take to stop this insanity.
Keep in mind that, as the US/UK majority gets smaller and becomes a minority, the US and UK will become more desperate and desperate nations do desperate things like start nuke wars, which is what they are trying to do right now.
Remember that I have been telling you that Russia has almost completely destroyed the Ukrainian air defenses?
This video shows you just how much of the Ukrainian air defenses Russia has destroyed. They have almost all of their remaining air defenses protecting a few areas such as Odessa and west of Odessa, Kyiv, and a few places in the western Ukrainian area where Ukraine has massive weapons and munitions storage and their most important air bases and they are running out of the air defenses in those areas too because more missiles are getting through to targets in those areas.
It is only a matter of time until all of Ukraine has no air defenses and the only reason they still have any air defenses is because the West keeps sending new units to Ukraine but even that is quickly running out.
Remember that I have been telling you that the upper class trash Royals never quit?
France is still trying to bluff Niger and the other nations that are run by juntas against France back into submission. President Moron won't quit.
If you understand human behavior, this continued aggression by France to regain control of her former slave states will result in a group of them invading France to put an end to this aggression, when Russia also goes into Europe.
I am wonder which of those African nations will take President Moron as a slave?
Keep an eye on this.
Royal Stupidity
Remember that the Royals and their idiot puppets won't quit doing what is failing?
Now, I realize that McCarthy is a member of the GOP but is not a true conservative and they have all been educated with the same basic ideas from the same universities. The important thing is that he shows the irrational logic the upper class trash and their puppets use to keep doing what is not working. His comment explains it all.
At about 38 seconds in this very short video he tells you their reasoning as to why they keep doing what is failing or not working, when he says, "It is only a failure, if you quit" and you know he was quoting a respected member of the academe and note that the media did not question him on it because they all believe it.
In other words, just because it is not working, does not mean it is a failure as long as you keep doing what is not working and it can only fail if you quit trying to do what is not working.
They constantly prove again and again that they really are stupid enough to believe that and now they finally tell you why.
They are completely lacking in common sense just like I have been telling you for years and this helps explain why everything they keep doing is failing.
That is why they keep doing what is not working and why, when they do quit and admit one of their great sounding stupid ideas has failed, they blame someone else so they won't be seen as a failure.
You just know that was dreamed up by some lefty, dope smoking academe living in their white palace out of touch with reality to cover for their great sounding stupid idea failing and the stupid people thought it was smart sounding and keep repeating it.
I keep telling you that the first requirement for being a stupid lefty is to not have a lick of common sense and, if you have any common sense, you won't believe something that stupid.
Pagan Nation
Remember that I have been telling you that the US is no longer a Christian nation because it is no longer run by Christians?
I realized that began when the government did ye ole "separation of church and state" thingy more than half a century ago to Christianity.
This video shows that more pagan cults are working to grab their share of this nation.
My question is, "Why is there only a separation of church and state when it involves Christianity?"
There is no big voice or move to separate the state from other churches like Islam, Baal, Molech, and Satan Worship and now Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. This is a Congressional Caucus to promote their religions within our government with dozens of Congress people joining that caucus.
And you think the US is still a Christian run nation?
Hey, at least we humans are consistent because we insist on destroying every nation and empire with paganism. /sarc
Remember that I have been telling you that Russia is buying weapons and munitions from allies so he can increase his own munitions stock pile and not because he is low on munitions like the left is telling you?
This video proves me right. Suddenly, the lefties are all stunned because Putin now has a massive munitions stock pile and the idiots still don't get it. Yes, Russia is replenishing her stockpile really fast but part of it is because Russia is not depleting her stockpile as fast as they think because she is using the munitions she is buying from other nations instead of her own munitions. If you do that, you can "replenish" your own munitions much, much faster.
The stupidity of the left amazes me.
Do you believe me yet that they are not as smart as they think they are? Maybe, just maybe Russia is "replenishing" her stockpile because she is not using her own munitions but is using the munitions she is buying from China, India, Iran, North Korea, and others?
I keep seeing extremely ignorant lefties promoting the false idea that getting fat isn't bad for you and some are even encouraging obesity. Their lies are literally killing people and will kill many more before it is stopped.
Everyone should have to know what happens inside the human body when you gain more than 20 to 30 pounds of fat. It causes all sorts of medical problems, damage, and shortens your life expectancy by a lot.
Now, to keep other idiots from saying that you shouldn't eat ANY fat, you need to know that your body needs fat. About 8% of your calorie intake should be fat as long as you are burning what you ingest so it doesn't build up inside your body. Your cell walls are mostly fat and you regularly need to replace that fat plus you need fat as fuel to repair cell damage caused by the work during the day and that fat is burned using oxygen so it is an aerobic process.
You don't want to take in too much fat in relation to what you burn but you don't want to take in too little fat either, because both can kill you.
Excess fat doesn't just build up outside your body but also inside and it will build up on and in all of your internal organs and muscles. There is a medical industry for re-attaching internal organs that get so much fat on them that gravity and impacting causes the extra weight of the fat to pull the organs such as kidneys, liver, women's reproductive organs, urine bladders, and heart free from the abdominal walls and it will also do damage to the structure of women's breasts, especially if the person jogs with all of that fat in them.
There are many other problems excess fat causes but I don't want this to become a book.
When I first started studying science in college in the Spring of 1968, I was amazed at how much we knew, I just knew that everyone would learn at least the most important of that science and I was so hopeful that most people would learn what I learned and we would make our world a better place.
Now I am very disappointed that very few have learned that science and many who did learn it lie for money instead of telling the truth so very few people learn the truth that science teaches.
I really wish more people knew what I learned in more than half a century of studying, researching, and learning, especially when I see how ignorant people have screwed everything up because they blindly believe the lies of the ruling class because they don't know better.
That is why I started my blog 24 years ago this November to share much of what I learned to help more people, especially to help people to see through the bull crap we are being fed by our media, leaders, government, and others like Fauci.
It breaks my heart to see the crap so many people believe because they don't know better and it is all because of the greed of our upper class trash and their puppets. The lies they tell to make more money cause harm to others. I believe those people belong in prison for fraud and crimes against humanity.
It doesn't make sense to take that knowledge to the grave with me when it can help others, which is why I teach so much science.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....