I Told You So 593


Remember that I have been telling you that there are ways using science and technology to detect underground tunnels?

This video alludes to that at the very start when it talks about using drones to detect underground tunnels. You can use today's drones to detect just about anything.

They could be using sound waves because sound travels through solid ground and open areas differently exposing tunnels. It is called seismic research or espionage and scientists use it all of the time to study the structure of the soil under the ground, especially looking for fault lines.

They could be using heat sensors because heat sources such as human bodies, electrical flow and uses, decomposing munitions, and other things they will have in those tunnels generate heat and heat "conducts" through soil so that it will eventually show hot spots on the surface of the ground where the tunnels are.

For example, if you are living in a cave with a fireplace inside that cave, the heat from that fireplace will warm the top of the cave and move up through the mountain to form a warm spot on that mountain above the cave and we will find you.

They could be using microwaves in a number of ways such as any and all devices using electricity generate microwaves, which travel through the solid ground and radiate up into the air.

There are a number of different ways to use each of those methods.

They are at least in part delaying the invasion to find all of the tunnels and destroy as many as they can to decrease the number of terrorists shooting at their soldiers to increase the mortality for the enemy and decrease the mortality for their own troops.

BTW, headquarters are pretty easy to find because there are always a variety of forms of electronic communications to and from the headquarters that give off a variety of electronic and heat signals that are easy to detect in a number of ways. So you just delay your invasion until you find almost all to all of their leaders and kill them so there will be insufficient to no command and control, making the troops easy prey.

Let me give you a funny hint about what we can detect from a spy satellite. Let's say you are watching a person on the ground and they fart. You can tell when they fart, how much they fart, and how bad it smelled from your satellite.

There will suddenly appear a warm gas cloud coming out of their butt at body temperature or 98 degrees F. The size of the gas cloud tells you how much gas they expelled and you can determine the chemical makeup of the gas cloud by color, which will tell you how bad it smelled.

It will take a while for the gas cloud to expand and mix with the air so you can track it quite a ways downwind, pending the temperature of the air and air movement for as long as the gases in the expelled cloud are at least one degree F hotter or cooler. If the person is wearing an electronic wrist watch, they can tell what time it was when he farted by the microwave signal the watch gave off at the time.

Now, that should tell you that, if we detect a rapidly expanding fart cloud, we can follow upwind to find you based the volume of the cloud, rate of expansion, and wind direction and velocity to use infrared to find your body heat and you. You can't hide from good science.

As a matter of fact, the heat from your body is warming the air that is blowing down wind and we can detect that heat trail and follow it right to you. All we need is a temperature difference of less than 1 degree F and we will find you.

You think we can't find those tunnels? Really?

She also tells you that Hezbollah has officially declared war on Israel just like I told you before. Hey, we might get to see some really big and neat fire balls when Israel blows up her massive munitions underground storage facilities or ammo bunkers. You know they will get a bang out of that.

Note that she then tells you about a series of tunnels that have electrical and phone lines running through them that Israel knows where they are, you know, just like I just told you. Those lines are giving off microwave and heat signals, which tell us voltage, current, and modulations so we can tell what information is being transmitted so we can either monitor you to get more intel or destroy you.

You should study physics and all of this stuff gets pretty clear and easy to understand. If you toss in some electronics, biology, chemistry, and other sciences, then the world gets pretty amazing.

BTW, EVERYONE who is trying to stop or delay Israel destroying Hamas is aiding and abetting the terrorists, is complicit in their crimes, and is an accomplice to their crimes. Many are using blatantly obvious lame excuses such as them pretending to be humane to save the terrorists or civilians but they are committing crimes against humanity by aiding Hamas in being able to continue to slaughter humans.

These people are hoping enough people will be stupid enough to fall for their "humanitarian" excuses so don't be a sucker.

That is what every nation like the US and UK are doing by trying to "delay" Israel destroying Hamas so they can buy time to get Israel to stop trying to destroy Hamas so Hamas can continue to kill Israelis. It's a great sounding con that stupid people fall for.

This video is a fine example of that. It is really nothing but a meeting of nations, mostly Muslim, to get Israel to stop trying to destroy Hamas to protect her people with the fake excuse of protecting and caring about the people of Gaza, who they will not take into their own countries to protect them from the war.

Wow, they really care about those people, don't they?

It is a con to fool the people into believing they are doing good when they are really doing evil. This is the Royals of those nations thinking they are smarter than they are and you are dumber than you are so they will easily fool you with this little game. They are insulting your intelligence.

Remember that I told you that Afghan Joe didn't go to Israel to support Israel but to interfere in what Israel needs to do to stop Israel from destroying Hamas to protect their own people?

Hey, Joe has to keep his Muslim terrorists alive and killing Israelis.

This video tells you that Afghan Joe has always been against Israel and still is and he points out a number of proofs.

He tells you, "He is on Iran's side and he is on Hamas' side but he is not on our side." Gee, who would have guessed?

He is running interference to help Iran save her Hamas terrorist organization from eradication.

Then he pointed out the many Muslims infiltrated into Afghan Joe's administration like I showed you before and you know they influence his decisions. Everyone knows that Joe is just Obama's puppet.

It just keeps getting more and more obvious that Obama, the Nation of Islam, and Afghan Joe are a big part of causing this war with their ally, Iran.


So Obama can create a red flag event to blame Israel to get people to support him invading Israel and murdering every man, woman, and child to prove he is the Muslim Mahdi to get all Muslims to support him in setting up a global dictatorship under the control of Obama, Farrakhan, and the Nation of Islam. They are just as power mad nuts as the Royals.

Mean while, the lefty media are pushing the lie that Afghan Joe is "protecting poor widdle Israel" while they are also talking about stopping Israel to protect the Arabs, when they are really protecting Hamas.

Why, they care so much about the Arab women and children but don't care about the murdered Israeli women and children and those who will continue to be murdered?

I am sick of hearing simple minded ignoramuses talking about the two-state solution between Israel and the Arabs. "Why, it just sounds so good to us simple minded fools it gots tuh be true."

They are telling me they don't pay attention because Israel has offered different two-state solutions to the Arabs for peace 5 times and all 5 times the Arabs have turned them down without any discussion.

The Arabs have said 5 times with their actions they do not want a two-state solution, they want the destruction of Israel, and the Western media and academe refuse to listen.

People, Gaza was a two-state solution for peace that was voluntarily given to the Arabs by Israel.

Wow, that worked well, didn't it?

Pay attention or shut up but quit listing to your lefty media and academe.

I am now seeing "righteous" people virtue signaling about how they are more righteous than Israel by saying it is wrong to get revenge on an enemy.

There are two things wrong with that. First, God said, "Vengeance is mine" and there are examples in the Bible of God taking vengeance.

Are they saying with their words and actions that God is not righteous? Are they committing blasphemy against God with their virtue signaling? Are they elevating themselves above God with their virtue signaling the way Satan did?

Second, Israel is not going after vengeance, she is trying to wipe out Hamas to keep Hamas from murdering more of her people because they know what I have been telling you about the only thing that will stop evil people is death. Israel has to kill all of those terrorists to protect their people from being murdered more.

I am convinced that most of our leaders today have reprobate minds and couldn't think their way out of an empty closet with the door wide open, the light on, a road map, road signs, neon lights, and a tour guide. They would still get lost.

I am so looking forward to the coming of Jesus. I am tired of our planet being run by greedy, power mad, insane, stupid people. A gold fish could do a better job than they have done, meaning that doing nothing is better than what they have done.

Then I found this video, which shows you things no one else seems to be telling you about and gives you details concerning those battles, especially concerning the war in the north. It is very, very active and not just "tensions increasing". The media are still lying to you.

They want to keep you focused on their lie about Israel intentionally bombing civilians, you know, because Hamas and Egypt won't let them leave the war zone, instead of telling you what the Muslims are doing to Israel. Why, they don't want you to know that the Muslims are intentionally targeting Israeli civilians because, then you might remember that it is the Muslim terrorists who are bad and not Israel.

Why, it is OK for the terrorists to intentionally murder civilians, which is an international war crime, but not OK for Israel to accidentally kill civilians as part of taking out terrorists, which is not an international war crime, or all of the upper class trash would have been hung already.

Note that he tells you that the Israeli response was "very swift" meaning that they already knew where those targets were.

Then he tells you just like I have been telling you that an underground ammo bunker was hit.

Gee, who would have thought?

It ain't going to be the last one, people.

Then he tells you that the IDF has spent the start of this war gathering more intel on things like tunnels and other underground structures that Hezbollah seems to think Israel can't "see".

Maybe they should have studied physics before building their tunnels?

He tells you a lot of stuff the media and other whackos are just completely ignoring and the lefty media are dancing at the end of the tethers like the marionettes they are saying, "Is there going to be a war in the north, duh?"

He makes it very clear that war is full blown.

Gee, I wonder why those carrier fleets that were sent there to "protect Israel if Hezbollah attacks Israel" are not protecting Israel? Maybe they were not sent there to protect Israel like we were told? Do you really think those US ships are providing any deterrence to the Muslims without doing anything to protect Israel?

I am waiting for the red flag event the US will stage to make it look like Israel has turned on the US. Knowing the lefty commie traitors, you just know it is going to happen, especially since God said it will.

Are the spawn of Satan making me sarcastic or what?


Remember that I have been warning you about the evil of the Royals?

This video gives details about the savage abuses of power by one such royal for increased wealth at the expense of the people and note that he was working with quite a few other Royals.

Note that he tells you that King Leopold II claimed to do what he did for the good of the people just like all of these ruthless liars have and still do, while committing horrible crimes against the people for their own benefit.

This evil crap has been going on for thousands of years at the expense of the people and to the benefit of the Royals, which is how the royals got rich. The Royals didn't just treat the blacks this way and note that most of the enforcers against the blacks were also blacks who sold their people out for money or to keep their jobs.

Do you believe Jesus yet that it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person or royal to get into Paradise? Do you believe me yet that God does not want to spend eternity with this kind of greedy, power mad human garbage?

The irony is that they are all burning in Hell right now without a penny to their name.

From what I have studied of their history, you can easily bet that better than 95% of dead royals are right now burning in Hell because of how they treated other people to get rich and powerful.

Note that these evil people were no worse or more savage than today's leaders who have destroyed a nation and its people for increased wealth in the Ukrainian War. They all deserve to burn in Hell.

And God said, "There is nothing new under the sun."

BTW, it is very clear that King Chuck is purging most of the British Royal Family to increase his power and control under the guise of "slimming down the Royal Family" and the idiot British media are drowning in ye ole Royal Kool-aid. Either they are too stupid to realize it is a power play or know they better not tell about that, if they want to keep their jobs.

I am waiting for the backlash from the other Royals fighting back to save their butts. That should be interesting to watch. Maybe Chucky Boy will get his head cut off by some Duke or Earl.

I have been telling you for years that, when the power mad get in control, they ALWAYS purge most of the rest of those who helped them get into control to secure their power and control. King Chuck is just doing the same thing. He is no different than the rest of them.

From what I am seeing, it looks like the Royals have a Plan A (to rule the world by themselves) and a Plan B (to share the rule of the world with the Muslims) and Plan A has almost completely failed.

Speaker of the House

I checked and the RINOs are still pushing the idea of "taking it outside of the House", you know, they don't want to elect someone you voted for. They want to be able to appoint who they want and forget about you.

Keep an eye on that.


I realized that I need to explain some history to you concerning the nations that will unite to invade Israel.

Turkey did not exist as a nation until about the last 100 years. Before that it was called the Ottoman Empire and before that it was called Byzantium or the Byzantine Empire and before that it was called part of the Roman Empire.

Thousands of years ago, when the prophecy concerning the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 was written, it was made up of 5 smaller kingdoms. The central to western part was Gomer, Meshech and Tubal with the eastern area having been Gog and Magog. All five of those kingdoms combined made up approximately the area we today call Turkey so that, when Turkey joins the war against Israel, that part of that prophecy will be fulfilled.

Now, there are preachers who teach that Gog, Magog and even Gomer were part of Russia but that is not true.

What happened is that, when Rome split in half, becoming Rome in the west and Byzantium in the east, the Church of Rome also split in half with the Catholic Church in the west and the Christian Orthodox Church in the east and they tended to see each other as enemies and still have significant animosity towards each other today.

When the Muslims conquered Byzantium, it caused the Christian Orthodox Church to move its headquarters to Russia to keep from being completely taken over by Islam so the Catholic Church transferred their hatred from today's Turkey to Russia, which is why they started teaching the lie that Gog, Magog, and Gomer were Russia and not Turkey.

The truth is that all five of those political powers of Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, Gog, and Magog were in what we call Turkey today. Forget about the hatred between the Catholic and Christian Orthodox churches; that part of that prophecy is about Turkey and not Russia.

Also, by the time that prophecy was written, the 10 Northern Tribes of Israel had been carried off and their land had been taken over by other nations but, at that time, it was controlled by Persia but the people of Israel still referred to it as the Northern Hills of Israel.

Today, that land is under the governance of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, which are all Shiite Muslim and mostly answer to Iran or the home land of Persia, with Kuwait also buds with Iran. Therefore, when those nations go to war against Israel, which at least 3 of them already are, it will fulfill that part of the prophecy about Persia invading Israel.

Cush was the large area of land in Eastern Africa south of Egypt that Moses fled into that is today at least Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia and probably one or two other nations just west of those nations. They are all Muslim, with almost constant fighting for control and power, and will certainly join with the rest of Islam to destroy Israel fulfilling the part of the prophecy about Cush joining to invade Israel.

I am sure most of you have heard of the Queen of Sheba talked about in the Bible. Her kingdom of Sheba was probably all of the Arabian Peninsula today so, when at least the more influential of those nations send armies to invade Israel, it will fulfill that part of the prophecy.

Right now, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are giving refuge to the heads of Hamas, clearly taking the side of and aiding and abetting Hamas, while pretending to be neutral in this war. Yemen has already fired missiles towards Israel, and I expect at least Bahrain and the UAE to join in with the invasion of Israel but don't know about Oman, which has pretty much stayed to itself for a long time and may not have been part of Sheba. We will see.

Plus the Bible tells us there will be "other nations" invading with those nations, which could be any nation on this planet.

I hope that helped.

Idiot Lefties

I am certain that, if and after he gets reelected, Trump will thank the left for providing him with so much great PR, even better than any election related commercials.

Just watch and think about it. With all of these fake criminal charges against him, they are providing Trump with more free press than he could probably buy. They are proving they are very corrupt and Trump is not. They are also proving that Trump is a very good fighter and not a coward who will turn tail and run at the first serious problem.

Trump could not buy the absolutely fantastic free press he is getting. The arrogant lefty fools don't even realize they are campaigning for Trump. "Hey, vote for this guy because he is really great and not a corrupt liar like us. Just watch and see."

And God said, "Thinking themselves wise they made themselves fools."

Do you believe me yet that the criminal idiots make my brain hurt?

The big thing is that they are so incredibly stupid they don't even realize it, when it is so obvious.

I am afraid to ask whether they could be more stupid because you just know they will take that as a challenge and prove they can.


Remember that I told you that these big groups of protesters are paid to protest anything and everything they are told to protest?

These protests are all planned, the people are paid very well, the signs are premade, and everything is scripted.

In this video, Levin says he is going to tell us who they are. Note that he said the lefty government knows who they and, of course, they do so they can contact them to protest whatever the left wants them to protest.

Note that he tells you that the Muslims have organized all of their evil on a global basis, just like I have been telling you. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Note that he tells you that the head of the Muslim Brotherhood traveled to the United States in 1987, where they met with the Muslims in the US, you know, the Nation of Islam, which is the largest Muslim organization in the US. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Remember that I told you that Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam have been planning this insurrection since at least the 1960s? Are you getting the picture yet?

Somebody did his homework. This is the best video I have seen on this mess.

Then he reads a quote that explains EVERYTHING about what is going on and why, you know, just like I told you. This is clearly a global war by Islam against YOU! It ain't just against the Jews, baby. It started with the Jews but it won't end with the Jews.

I am sitting here in ecstasy about him proving in detail everything I have been telling you. Finally, someone else is telling you even more about what I have been warning you about.

He tells you that the organizers were united by "blood ties" meaning they are royals just like I have been telling you. Hello!!!

Do not forget that the largest and best organized of those US Muslim organizations is definitely the Nation of Islam run by Farrakhan and Obama. Hello!

You are going to connect all of the dots today, baby.

Guess who was involved in ordering Hamas to stage this brutal and illegal attack against Israel? You don't think it was the Nation of Islam just like I have been telling you, do you?

He makes it excruciatingly clear that the Muslims hate the idea of having peace with the Jews. They DO NOT want peace with Israel, they want Israel destroyed and said so. Those documents he is reading from are a declaration of war against Israel by the international Muslim community.

He proves to you that the Muslims PLANNED the infiltration of the US media, universities (you know, those lefty academe), and research centers along with our government. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Keep in mind that I have been telling you for years that the Nation of Islam had already been infiltrating their people into the US Government for decades before those meetings he is reading to you about. The Nation of Islam already had that job half done and Obama finished it off, when he was president and traitor in chief.

You want an insurrection?

Baby, that is a massive insurrection and act of treason that they planned more than a third of a century ago.

People, the Muslims could not have gotten away with planning and staging this insurrection without the Royals being complicit. This tells you how long the Royals have been working with the Muslims to destroy the West to set up their global dictatorship. They are all traitors.

Please note that these lefties have been working to take your guns away from you with their gun control crap while providing weapons for terrorist organizations. Think about that.

He tells you that he has shared this intel with many US news outlets and they have completely ignored it. Of course they have, they are those traitors telling you the lies they are paid to tell you.

Do you believe me yet that you better question EVERYTHING the media tell you?

He tells you that they have infiltrated the Democrat Party but I saw the Nation of Islam doing that in the late 1960s and 1970s. It was in the news.

Remember me telling you that, following one event, Farrakhan visited Billy Boy Clinton in the White House while he was president to discuss whether the Nation of Islam should stage its coup then or wait and Billy Boy told him to wait? Do you get the picture yet? Do you believe me yet that Islam is an international terrorist organization that wants to murder all of you?

This is all about Islam waging war against the US and the world to set up their global dictatorship.

Remember that I have been telling you that some Hebrews would join the Muslims in trying to invade for the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39?

He then tells you about a "Jewish group" called "The Jewish Voice for Peace" and then he shows you that is a group of Hebrews who are working with the Muslims to destroy Israel. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Then he tells you about the Hebrew woman who was convicted for terrorist bombings in Israel.

Remember that I told you that there will be Hebrews burning in Hell with the bad Gentiles?

Did that video open an eyeball or two?

That was great intel. He did not mention the Nation of Islam but, because it was and still is the largest and most powerful Muslim organization in the US, it had to be in on everything the rest of them did.

Do you believe me that this war in Israel is the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 and that the Nation of Islam is going to nuke Chicago with the help of these Muslims and all of these Muslims will blame Israel so Obama can justify seizing control of the US Government and taking an army to invade and destroy Israel to prove Obama is their Mahdi or messiah?

You better bet that everyone of those Muslim organizations will be in on it and helping Obama succeed because they know that when the US is stopped from protecting Israel and turns to invading Israel, the rest of the Muslims around the world will be encouraged to send armies to destroy Israel and begin setting up their global dictatorship or Caliphate.

One very important thing this all proves is that my statements and estimates are always very conservative and it is always much worse than I am telling you.

This should also tell you that Obama nuking Chicago to gain control of the US Government and invade Israel will be mostly done by Farrakhan, Obama, and the Nation of Islam but will be seriously aided by the Muslims in the US Government, dozens of other Muslim organizations in and working in the US, and probably at least some assistance from international Muslim organizations and nations. This is a major international operation to set up their Muslim Caliphate to rule over and/or murder you.

This is a massive international operation or insurrection of the US.

Now do you know why the left (Muslims ) hate Christianity so much?

I bet you believe me now, don't you?

Levin just laid out the top front organizations they are using to stage this insurrection and the Nation of Islam is not a front organization, they are a controlling organization that controls the front organizations. They are the great Muslim Oz hiding behind the curtains and pulling the levers.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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