I just saw a headline that stated that an "Exorcist believes the US is under demonic possession" and I realized "they are right because our leaders and deep state are being run by a bunch of demon possessed pagans. That would cause a nation to be demon possessed."
Do you believe me yet that you better pray long, pray hard, pray often, and get right with God?
It is just a suggestion.
The CIA warned Israel that Iran is planning an attack against Israel and Israel should listen because the CIA is probably helping Iran plan the attack.
Benny Gantz visited the US and is now calling for snap elections in Israel to get rid of Netanyahu, of course, with the blessings of the US.
Gee, I wonder how much the US bribed him to get rid of Netanyahu and put a good little puppet in his place? How much did Satan pay for that soul? Will the people of Israel tolerate this treason?
This video shows that Afghan Joe is working against Israel and helping her enemies just like I have been telling you. He tells you that Afghan Joe is a hypocrite and doing the exact opposite of what he should be doing, if he were really helping Israel.
Do you believe me yet that the entire Afghan Joe administration is only pretending to help Israel, while working to help the Muslim terrorists destroy Israel? Do you believe me yet that Afghan Joe is just a puppet for Mahdi Obama and the Nation of Islam?
Have you noticed that this is April 5 and Netanyahu still has not started his Rafah invasion? When do you think he will start that invasion?
My guess is he will start it the day after Ramadan ends or April 10.
You do realize that Netanyahu is using the UN orders against the UN by not attacking into Rafah during Ramadan just like the UN said.
Have you noticed that Afghan Joe and his herd of traitors are demanding that Israel not finish destroying Hamas to protect Israel? "Why, how dare you kill off all of our Hamas terrorists so they cannot murder, rape, and kidnap more Israelis?"
Then Benny Gantz calling for elections with Netanyahu increasing in popularity because he is winning the war is either real stupid or he is playing Afghan Joe for a sucker because Benny will lose seats and Netanyahu will gain seats, making Netanyahu more powerful.
Everyone got wise to the fact that a cease fire in Gaza makes it possible for Hamas to continue to murder Israelis so they have changed the verbiage to "bring the war to an end", which sounds better but means the same thing, you know, bring the war to an end with a cease fire, which is exactly what they really mean. It is just another way for them to try and get a cease fire to cause Israel to lose the war by fooling the stupid people.
How about we let Israel win the war by destroying Hamas so Hamas can't murder, rape, and kidnap any more people?
That will bring the war to an end.
Talk about a con job, they really believe that Putin is so stupid and they are so brilliant that Putin will fall for their con job.
These NATO nations are training their own people, arming them, financing them, and transporting them into Ukraine but they are not those nations' soldiers, they are only mercenaries from those nations. Yeah, that is the ticket, Putin will let us get away with sending our own soldiers to destroy Russia as long as we call them mercenaries.
Then they tell you that there is a "similar" mercenary group already fighting and dying in another part of Ukraine, you know, more NATO soldiers.
Mean while, Putin is saying, "Go ahead, arrogant fools, send your troops in here for me to destroy them too and then, when you don't have many troops left, I will easily and quickly invade your nations, round your evil butts up, and execute you for your crimes against my people."
Do you still think the arrogant upper class trash Royals and their puppets are more intelligent than you? Do you believe me yet that they have been inbreeding too long and need to stop breeding?
This video shows that those "mercenaries" are from the Baltic States, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, France, and Georgia and probably some other NATO nations too.
You really better pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load because the ONLY THING that will stop these upper class trash Royal lunatics is their deaths. Dey just gots tuh habs der global dictatorship no matter how many of you get killed off getting it.
I am more convinced every day that Hell is too good for them and they really do deserve the Lake of Fire forever.
Do you believe me yet that they really do believe they are more intelligent than they are and that everyone else is less intelligent than they are? Do you believe me yet that the ONLY THING that will stop them is their deaths? How much longer, Lord?
Their arrogance and stupidity make my brain hurt.
Even most Ukrainians are so tired of the death and destruction that they refuse to fight.
Do you believe me yet that they need to give all of these lunatics a BB gun and a couple of water balloons and then send them to the front line to fight Russia? And you think our governments are not demon possessed?
And deese morons gots dem duh right degree from duh right u-knee-bursity so they gots tuh be right, yup, yup, yup.
The world really will be a much better place with these things burning in Hell. God's test called life is brilliant because it will prevent these evil monsters from doing in Paradise what they have been doing on Earth. Just look how fast humans corrupted life on Earth. In just the first 1,600 years they corrupted life so bad that there were only 8 people worth saving.
Red Heifer
I am amazed that so many Christians and Hebrews are debating whether or not they should sacrifice a red heifer and build the Third Temple. These people need to read their Bibles.
The Bible very clearly says that, before Jesus can come, the Antichrist will seize the Third Temple and defile it.
Now, how can the Antichrist seize and defile the Third Temple, if it has not been built? Now, if the Antichrist is supposed to seize and defile the Third Temple before Jesus is supposed to come, then how can Jesus come, if the Antichrist has not seized the Third Temple and defiled it?
It should be common sense that they MUST build the Third Temple so Jesus can come, unless you don't want Jesus to come?
If I had the health and money to help build the Third Temple, I would gladly do it in a heartbeat so Jesus could come and deliver us from these lunatics and, if it starts a war, God will win that war. I have faith in God.
Maybe they don't have faith in God? Don't these people believe the Bible? Have they even read the Bible? Do they know what the Bible is? Do you understand why I want my own planet right now?
Speaking of the Third Temple, remember that I told you years ago that the Temple Institute said they have everything they need to build the Third Temple sitting on flat bed trucks in warehouses just 10 miles from the Temple Mount and they could "erect the Temple in just 3 days"? Remember that Jesus said, "Destroy this Temple and I will raise it in 3 days"?
Gee, what a magic coincidence. Jesus didn't lie.
What is real funny is that the Hebrews, who manage the Temple Institute, are not Messianic or Christian Hebrews so they don't know that Jesus said that and they are fulfilling His prophecy without knowing it. You are living prophecy, baby!
Is God brilliant or what?
God is going to use those Hebrews to raise the Third Temple in 3 days just like Jesus said.
Here is something for you to pray about. About 20 years ago, I prayed about it and then sent the Temple Institute $400 because I want to be part of building the Third Temple. If you want to be part of building the Third Temple in just 3 days like Jesus said, you can send a donation to the Temple Institute HERE.
You can be part of helping fulfill Jesus' 2,000 year old prophecy to build the Third Temple in 3 days.
This video gives you a little insight to how Marxism got us to where we are now and their thinking. It is a good video. It gives reason to what the crazy lefties are doing and saying today.
He tells you just like I have been telling you that the lefties are the stupid people because the Marxists look for the stupid people to turn them into puppets. After all, they won't try to turn intelligent people into puppets. That wouldn't work well.
Government Puppets
Remember that I told you that, if scientists don't tell the lies the government pays them to tell, they will stop getting government money in the form of grants?
In this video he tells you that, if they want to keep getting those government grants, they must say what they are told to say.
We were very clearly told that in college so we knew how the system works. Remember, you cannot believe any scientist who is either paid by the government or chemical companies because they have to sell their souls to Satan to get that money.
Note that he proves that, what the government is telling is lies and more lies. We are clearly not in a climate crisis. He is very good at crushing the government lies meant to scare you.
This guy is very good so you should follow him.
This video shows that illegal aliens coming into the US are bringing diseases from their countries like TB, measles, and mumps. With them concentrating mostly in the big blue cities, it is only a matter of time until they start having epidemics for various diseases in those cities.
Do you believe me yet that the upper class trash Royals and their puppets cause better than 90% of our problems?
They never quit. The Royals are convincing me that Bastille was a good thing.
This is how you gather intel. For years now I have been seeing signs here and there that they have developed underwater communications we didn't have half a century ago.
You have to understand that microwaves won't pass through water so that, when subs submerge, they can't communicate with anyone else unless they release a special floating antenna with a wire running back down to the sub.
In this video by Raytheon, they show devices communicating underwater without wires connecting them and the only scientifically sound possibility is modulated sound waves carrying intel. From that video, it looks like that is what they are doing.
Keep an eye on it because that would be a big technological breakthrough.
Continental Drying
Remember my scientific hypothesis about "Continental Drying" I told you about almost 2 decades ago? Remember that I told you that there was much more water on the land and the seas were lower?
This guy in this video proves my hypothesis without realizing it. He keeps telling you key aspects of my hypothesis such as there was more water on land because of the ice age but also because of places like the Sahara Desert being greener AND that they know the seas were 400 feet lower than today just like I have been telling you.
Remember that my conservative estimates were the seas were 300 to 400 feet lower?
If they desalinate several hundred feet of sea water and gradually return it similar to rain fall into our deserts and the rest of our continents that have been or are drying out, we can have more habitable land to grow more food because more of our land we currently have would be habitable and, with declined sea levels, we would have more land above sea level to live and farm on.
Then our planet would be able to support at least 20 to 30 billion people without any serious risks. We could easily double to triple the carrying capacity of Earth. That is a critical hypothesis.
With a little peer review, that would make it the "Cantrell Theory of Continental Drying", which is a real problem that I already showed you how to solve it decades ago.
His focus is on potential lost civilizations and my focus is on lost lands. Hey, we can more easily research those lands after we restore those lands.
Then, about mid way through the video, he started with the exaggerated time frame used by atheists to disprove the Bible so I quit watching. It is very likely that, what he said was 9,000+ years old was just pre flood. They tend to stretch the dates for pre-flood areas way out of context for time.
2024 Election
Remember that I have been telling you to not put your faith in the coming election because the left is doing EVERYTHING they can to rig this election?
This video shows you how they are using your tax dollars and the entire deep state government to help rig this election. It is completely illegal and everyone involved should go to jail.
Do you believe me yet that these criminals never quit? Do you see just how determined and desperate they are to rig this election so they can finish setting up their US dictatorship?
I am still amazed that Trump is still alive.
The Commierats are trying to change the subject to distract people from Afghan Joe's terrible results on everything by them trying to make this election about abortion. "Don't look over there at that, that, that, that, and all of those other things that failed. Look over here at abortion. Ignore the mess and vote for murdering unborn babies."
Hey, the left has destroyed everything else, why not also the children. /sarc
Do you want to see even more about just how simple minded and stupid the greedy, power mad upper class trash and their puppets are?
You have to understand that the idiot, over educated fool lefty academe dreamed up the concept of "profit maximization" in the mid 1980s and that started the decline of the West. You are right now living the fall of Rome II because of those insane and simple minded lefty academe and the morons will eventually put themselves out of business.
Oh, excuse me, they already are because more than half of the lefty colleges in the US have shut down over the last 20 years putting those professors out of business because of their beloved lefty communism and other great sounding stupid ideas. Don't worry, almost all of the rest will put themselves out of business too.
This profit maximization thingy is causing the lefty run businesses to be so focused on maximizing their profits right now that they are increasingly ignoring long term growth and management at the long term expense of their businesses.
A really great example is this lefty idiot self checkout by them replacing their employees with technology so they don't have to pay employees to maximize their profits for the short term. Bwahahaha!!!
Who are these morons selling their products and services to?
The idiots sell their products and services to their and everyone else's employees so that, if everyone lays off their employees and replaces them all with robots, who is going to buy their products and services, robots?
They will all eventually put themselves out of business just like the lefty academe are putting themselves out of business because, if more and more of the people become impoverished so the upper class trash can own everything and you peasants will own nothing, who can pay for their college educations and why would a college education matter?
That is why colleges are shutting their doors. Because of the lefty academe "profit maximization" fewer and fewer of you peasants have the money to go to college and it won't matter if you do because robots cost less than you do, especially with government imposed minimum wages, and the morons running the colleges also kept raising the prices for tuition and books to maximize their profits too so even fewer of you peasants can afford to go to college.
It is a really, really, really stupid idea to impoverish your customers because then who will buy your products and services?
Over the last quarter of a century, the lefty upper class trash have convinced me that greed and a lust for power destroy intelligence and common sense turning them into over educated fools, who are destroying our nations. Their insane greed for short term profit maximization has driven them all nuts.
If you don't believe me, just watch them and see how crazy they and their students are. When they have finished destroying our nations, they won't have a nation to protect them so their nations can very easily be invaded, conquered, and them sold off into slavery. Wow, that will really maximize their profits.
If you don't believe me, just study history because that is what happened to every great nation and empire in history. Their upper class trash got greedy stupid and destroyed their nations. They have been repeating that about every 150 to 200 years because the upper class trash are too stupid to learn from history but our nation has lasted longer because it started out Christian, which is against greed. God said, "The love of money is the root to all evil." He didn't lie.
Alaric, where art thou and thy Goths? Art not our nations ripe for the picking because of the insanity of our upper class trash?
BTW, did you know that, right now, Russia and China are training up, arming, and organizing armies in Africa and South/Central America to invade and sack our nations to get back some of their loot from our upper class trash?
Putin has created the "Pan African" army he controls and is getting ready to invade and sack Europe to get some of the African loot back, especially France. Oops.
So, which African nation do you think French President Moron will be sold into slavery in?
Carl Cantrell, M.B.A.
Remember that I told you a few decades ago that, based on what I learned in geology in college, my subsequent observations, and what the Bible describes during the Tribulation tells me that our planet and sun are dying and, if Jesus were to delay His coming, there would be no Earth or sun left?
Just keep an eye on the increasing frequency and intensity of earthquakes all over the world and you will see it is true. If Jesus does not come and heal this planet and sun, when He said he would, there will not be a solar system left, much less life.
50 years ago, you did not see this kind of earth seismic and solar activity that we are seeing today.
Oh, I just saw that some people are telling Christians that the Rapture will happened during the solar eclipse on April 8, which tells me one more reason why God told me to tell you that the Tribulation will begin in 2025 AND will not begin until 2025.
It is insane what Satan's fake Christian preachers are teaching people.
To discredit the Bible. If Satan gets Christians believing something is going to happen with his fake Christian preachers and it doesn't, it will cause them to lose faith in Christianity and turn to Satan's paganism so Satan can control them. Be careful what you believe out there AND pay attention to the details in Bible prophecy.
The Rapture is not going to happen on April 8, 2024. God knew Satan was going to do this.
Satan's spawn now have some Christians, especially poser Christians, terrified about a number of things with false information. READ THE BIBLE and quit believing this satanic fear mongering crap. I teach you to be prepared, not scared.
BTW, the UN is meddling in India's elections so it is turning India against the UN. With more and more nations getting tired of the UN telling them how to live, it will just turn more and more nations against the UN and cause its demise.
Remember that I warned you a couple of decades ago that, with these moron upper class trash building businesses in China and training up workers, if for any reason those businesses left China, those buildings, equipment, and employees will still be there to continue making those products and services as lower priced competitors to those idiot businesses?
That is what is happening right now. A bunch of those businesses left China for other places like India and Vietnam and now China is flooding the markets with cheaper versions of the same products, damaging those businesses and decreasing their wealth.
That is why Janet Yellen went to China and told China, "You are making too much stuff." China is using the insane greed of the upper class trash to devastate the upper class trash.
The extreme greed of the upper class trash and them using Chinese slavery to increase their profits is back lashing on them, costing them money.
Do you think they will learn?
No, they are too greedy stupid to learn. They will just do the same thing in other nations like India, Vietnam, and others.
Listen, if those morons do that in enough other countries in places like Asia, Africa, and Central/South America, the arrogant fools won't have any businesses left.
I told you more than a year ago that, when those same idiot businesses pulled out of Russia to devastate the Russian economy, Russia just took over their businesses and their economy is now booming with those greedy idiots losing money.
They don't learn and they never quit.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....