I Told You So 651

US Universities

The GOP is now talking about defunding universities that permit protests supporting Hamas and against Israel along with tossing Hamas supporting student protesters from other nations out of the US.

For it to pass, it will have to receive the support of the Commierats so we will see.

This video tells us that many of the terrorist supporting protestors at these universities "would actually join Hamas" and kill people, you know, men, women, and children. They would also join the Nation of Islam's Army to invade Israel and murder all men, women, and children in Israel. This is part of the Army of the Nation of Islam but they are not as well trained as the core of that army but they will make good front line cannon fodder to clear mine fields and absorb machine bullets for the better trained troops.

The people he talks about murdering people and staging terrorist attacks in the US during the 1970s were members of the US communist parties and they were Commierats, many of whom got a slap on the wrist by the lefty controlled government and let go following their crimes, with only a few of the worst really going to jail. He tells you the names of a few of them and they will murder men, women, and children.

I have heard that Mahdi Obama is being quiet about this crap.

Keep an eye on that.

It really amazes me that the Nation of Islam is so successfully hiding behind the curtain on all of this.


Israel is saying they have already eliminated half of the Hezbollah leaders in Southern Lebanon. They said that half of them are dead, fled, or in hiding.

I found out that Israel has made it public that they are tracking Hezbollah's supreme leader, Nasrallah, to kill him. That announcement will tie up Hezbollah troops and resources to protect their leader and will diminish the effectiveness of their forces against Israel.

I have been sitting here wondering when Israel is going into Rafah?

I just realized they are going to wait until Passover is finished and then they will go into Rafah.


Russia is making big progress in Ukraine with the Ukrainian forces falling back and just trying to slow the advance of the Russians. They clearly are not really trying to hold ground, just slow the advances of the Russians.

When Russia attacks, increasing numbers of them just cut and run without being told, usually in small groups. They just had to break up a battalion because the entire battalion cut and ran from Russia.

That is in spite of the fact that the Russian summer offensive isn't even supposed to officially begin until May, you know, for at least a few more weeks.

Do you understand why the West is working to get the Muslim nations behind them in fighting Russia to destroy Russia to set up their global dictatorship?

The West knows they cannot defeat Russia on their own because they destroyed or weakened their own militaries by sacking them because of their insane greed and are losing ground quickly without Russia's summer offensive even having begun so they have to get their Muslim armies together quickly or their insane dream and obsession with their global dictatorship will come to a screeching halt.

Every day Russia is making ground faster and faster and gets closer to a compete breakthrough of the Ukrainian lines and a complete stampeding route.

What he doesn't seem to get in this brief video is that Russia is using a very old form of strategy to penetrate or puncture through the enemy lies far enough to break through behind the enemy lines, create a panic, and cause a stampeding route.

If they push that offensive far enough, Russia will break through enemy lines and be behind all of those troops, which will panic those troops into a full blown stampeding route for Poland, especially after the route at Avdiivka. Keep an eye on this.

A top Ukrainian official said that the $60 billion the US is giving to Ukraine "won't make a difference" and that the only thing that will stop Russia is a united front of Ukraine and all of her NATO allies, hint, hint, and, oh yeah, bring all of your Muslims pals with you.

Remember that it was the US, CIA, UK, and MI6 under Mahdi Obama that started this war in 2014. Wow, that worked well.


Remember that I told you years ago that, if people have too much to lose, they will not risk losing what they have to revolt?

I was watching this video and realized that the increasingly angry Gen Z people are going to be a big part of our soon coming revolution and they will be more likely to start it because they have much, much less to lose.

It is also important to keep in mind that they are increasingly turning against the Commierats, who are causing most of their problems.

Revolutions do not happen when the people have too much to lose like I have been seeing of our older generations. They are incredibly wealthy with lots of stuff they might lose in a revolution so they are very unlikely to revolt and risk losing it no matter how angry they get. I have been wondering what was going to cause them to lose enough stuff to revolt but it is looking like they won't be the ones revolting that much.

It is this increasingly angry younger generation that has much less to lose that is much more likely to revolt.

In other words, the excessive greed of the upper class trash Royals impoverishing Gen Z is about to bite them in the butt.

I am seeing increasing numbers of lefties confronting rich people, especially Commierat politicians, and it is only a matter of time until one or more of them kill some of these Commierat politicians, especially with those lefties saying, "I am Hamas". They are identifying as terrorists and angered that the Commierat politicians are not giving them everything they want.

They are having a big stink about presidential immunity. The lefty idiots don't realize the precedence they would set by not allowing presidential immunity. They would have to prosecute Afghan Joe, Benghazi Obama, Al Quaeda Clinton, and Iran Carhtuh and probably hang them all.

But lefties are too simple minded to think beyond what they want right now. They want to take down Trump so they cannot even think about future repercussion of their great sounding stupid actions today.

And God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they have made themselves fools."

For example, they passed laws for "hate crimes" and "hate speech" and DAs are now using those lefty hate speech laws to prosecute the lefty protestors. You see those simple minded lefty college professors thought the only people who would use the hate speech laws were the left when anyone tried to tell the ugly truth about the left. They were too simple minded to realize that, what you can do to others, others can do to you.

And God said, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

That is one reason why their great sounding stupid crap keeps failing and backfiring on them.

Now, I want you to pay attention to something here. Notice all of those violent protesters saying, "We are Hamas." The Nation of Islam has their terrorist army spread out all over the US in every state to support Mahdi Obama seizing control of the US to send a Nation of Islam Army to invade Israel. That is what we call a strategic deployment of troops by the enemy. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

I know that the lefty pretty much controls Congress with all of the Commierats and RINOs running things but the US Supreme Court had destroyed most of the left's efforts to finish setting up their dictatorship. I have become convinced that, when Obama nukes Chicago, they will at least destroy the US Supreme Court but will probably also destroy Congress, killing some of their puppets they will no longer need. Hey, it will make good PR and will be used to convince everyone that it wasn't the Commierats that nuked Chicago.

Remember that I told you to keep an eye open for the Nation of Islam nuking Chicago on the Monday that will be the first day for the DNC convention in Chicago on August 19.

I have realized that, with the DNC blowing apart into two or more groups fighting each other, that would definitely cause the Nation of Islam to want to nuke them to get rid of them and give Obama more of an excuse to seize control of the US "until they rebuild the DNC." "Why, we can't have a fair election if the leaders for the DNC have been turned into radioactive dust."

Note that, right now, I take anything and everything about the 2024 election with a bucket full of salt. These greedy and power mad lefties would be even dumber than they seem to be to let it happen because they will lose power for at least a few decades.

Self Checkout

A number of major stores like Walmart and Amazon are abandoning self checkout because they are losing money on them because of "theft".

They deserve it and I have told about how it angers me because they were doing it to get you to do the job of their cashiers for free so they can put that paycheck and taxes in their greedy pockets, you know, the super duper greedy rich stealing from the middle and lower classes; as usual.

They have come to the realization that they are losing more than they are saving so they are getting rid of the self checkouts and bringing back cashiers.

And God said, "Be not deceived, your sins will find you out," you know, them stealing from you. God didn't lie. Also remember that man plans, God laughs. I thank and praise God for causing these greedy criminals to lose money stealing from you.

These evil upper class trash Royal greedy criminals deserve to be stolen from because they were stealing from you. That news made my day.


Remember that I told you more than 2 decades ago that China's goal was to conquer the world and murder off all non Chinese?

Watch this video and convince me otherwise.

Look, they are planning to conquer the world and murder off all non Chinese INCLUDING all of the other upper class trash Royals, their puppets, and their thugs, giving China permanent dictator control of the planet.

He tells you that China has been collecting DNA data from more than 50 other nations, you know, to wipe out those nations, you know, kill everyone including the rich, the poor, and the middle class or you.

That should tell you that they are planning to murder all of the traitors they have bought and own including lefty college professors, the media, bureaucrats, politicians, and others. Hey, that is one way to get rid of all of that slime.

Do you believe me yet that the upper class trash Royals and their puppets cause better than 90% of our problems? Is it getting obvious yet?

I wish the greedy stupid people would wake up, pull their heads out of their butts, clean their propaganda crap out of their eyes and ears, and pay attention to what is really going on in this world.

If you have been paying attention to what I have been teaching for almost a quarter of a century now, you should know that China plans to conquer the world and murder all non Chinese, Islam plans to conquer the world and murder all non Muslims (and the Shiites and Sunnis plan to murder each other), and the West plans to conquer the world and murder off better than 95% of you.

Gee, what nice satanic monsters. /sarc

BTW, the West was involved in research for those types of genetic bioweapons at the end of the Cold War. They are well ahead of the Chinese and the Chinese probably got the idea from the West. Heck, they stole everything else from the West.

He tells you that civilian hospitals were doing this type of genetic specific research with lab rats in 2002 but I know they were doing it in the US Military a few decades before that.

Remember that we were trained in biological warfare by SAC during the Cold War? Remember that I told you that my first bicycle racing coach was doing biowarfare research developing bioweapons at Lovelace Labs in 1968?

It is going to be so wonderful when all of these evil human demons are burning in Hell where they can never again cause harm to any of you. "Dear Lord, how much longer, please?"

From what I am seeing it won't be too much longer but may still be a little while. The big trigger event will be the Nation of Islam nuking Chicago then they are all going to go totally ape on us.

When that happens, you will clean your pants out, pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load because this planet will turn into a very violent mental institution with at least millions and probably a few billion people dying because of the greedy upper class trash Royals and their puppets.

Do you believe me yet that they are all nuts?

The Lake of Fire is about to become the greatest mental institution in history.

Paradise just can't get here soon enough. I thank God that I was not born a horrible Royal and raised up to be a devouring brute beast of a monster.

Eyes Opening

Remember that I have been telling you that God told me that He is opening eyes so people can make an informed decision between God and evil?

This video tells you at the beginning that millions of Muslims in just Iran are converting to Christianity.


Because God let the devout Muslims get their Islamic dictatorships they want to show people the ugly truth about Islam and they prefer Christianity.

This is happening all over the world in all pagan cults including the occult and atheism. People are finding out the truth about their chosen religions and turn to Christianity by the tens of millions. There is a massive revival and conversion to Christianity, which is causing the failing pagan war against Christianity to fail massively.

Before I became aware of this massive conversion to Christianity, I told you not to be surprised if half of the 2 billion known Christians converted to Islam leaving only about one billion Christians but, with this massive conversion taking place at the same time, we could end up with 3 to 5 billion Christians before the Tribulation begins. Keep an eye on that.

The pagan war against Christianity is failing miserably because the pagans are seizing control and showing the ugly truth about their various forms of paganism, which is driving more people to Christianity than are leaving Christianity. These people have grown up under the influence of various forms of Christianity and are not wanting to live under the brutal, cruel, and barbaric paganism.


Probably the biggest lie the left tells right now is that capitalism is so bad and is keeping the lefty voters poor, when most of them are very wealthy when compared to the rest of the world.

This is the first time in history that we had a middle class that was more than 1% to 3% of the total population. I told you that, in the 1850s, just before the US Civil War did away with slavery, which was suppressing wages and preventing the growth of a middle class, only about 1% of the population were actually middle class with 1% of the people, you know, the Royals, controlling better than 95% of the wealth.

It was only after the US Civil War did away with slavery by the Royals that our middle class was actually able to grow and it exploded under free market capitalism. By the 1960s and 1970s, better than 60% of the people were considered middle class with a record of 20% of the population controlling 95% of the wealth in the US, which was up from a historic norm of only 1% of the upper class trash Royals controlling 95% of the wealth.

Because of free market capitalism, it was the best economy and distribution of wealth in history but ye ole commies wanted their communism so they can steal everything from everyone else and you will own nothing. The Royals want to own everything again and have you as their slaves again and all forms of Marxism will do that.

This video shows that Afghan Joe's puppet masters, ye ole Royals, want to create a much worse "Great Depression" than they created in 1933 with FDR and his socialism. They want to cause a super duper great depression with their communism that will impoverish all of you and give them everything in just a few years.

What is really amazing is that the over educated fool lefty college professors teaching Marxism don't realize that it will also impoverish better than 90% of them.

After all, after all of their students except the elites are impoverished and can't go to college, why will the upper class trash Royals need those moron lefty college professors?

Nuke Weapons

The US just tried to get a bill passed at the UN to prevent any nation (other than the US) from having nukes in space, which would require Russia and China to pull their nukes down from space, while pretending the US, the UK, and France don't have nukes in space.

Russia vetoed it.

Of course, the US and Japan were pretending to want the bill to prevent a nuke weapons race in space but we and Russia have had nukes in space since at least the 1960s regardless of what anyone tells you. I know, I was trained in the 1970s to know how they work.

Anyone who tells you anything else is either ignorant or a liar.

We have all kinds of crap in space you don't know anything about, I cannot tell you about, and I have told you that again and again for decades.

What Afghan Joe is trying to do is fix it so the West is the only one that will be able to stage a quick nuke strike from space.

They are also trying to set it up so the US will be the only nation with an armory in space.


Remember that I have been warning you for years about Turkey putting together an army to invade, conquer, and destroy Israel?

This video shows it is happening right now. Turkey is putting together an army of Muslim Arabs to infiltrate into the West Bank and Gaza and the video says he was working on that in the first few months of this war, you know, like all of this was planned out in advance the way I have been telling you. Gee, what a super duper magic coincidence.

Who would have thought?

They are using the same strategy the upper class trash Royals and Muslims are using to destroy the US, infiltrate troops into the nation to attack from within at the same time you attack from without. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Look, if the West and Muslims infiltrate armies inside of Israel and Israel attacks the assembling troops in Syria, those troops inside Israel can attack to distract Israel from attacking the assembling troops until they are assembled.

More and more they are moving troops a little at a time into Israel and to the north of Israel. Hey, Erdogan has been openly making it clear for decades that he wants to rule the last Caliphate to rule the world and the other Muslim leaders are not too happy with that because they want to rule the last Caliphate to rule the world.


I don't know which is funnier, that they keep proving me right again and again or they are so stupid they can't see how it will turn out.

Remember that I warned you that, if they deployed NATO (read US) nukes in Poland, it would just make Poland a target for Russian nukes?

This video tells you that is what Putin is now saying. I guess the idiot running Poland wants to turn Poland into a nuclear dump site. "Hey, I don't want any of my people to survive to vote for me because I am going to be dead too."

These intellectually superior leaders are so stupid they make my brain hurt.

Why would Putin not nuke Poland with US nukes staged in Poland?

Of course he would and they would be on Putin's first strike list.

If you Europeans keep voting these idiots into power, they will get you killed.

Is it a requirement in Europe that all voters must use their heads for suppositories?

I am losing hope for Europe right now.

Western International Bodies

Remember that I have been telling you that these Western created and mostly run international bodies that were created to control people around the planet are going to fail and many already are failing?

WHO is now backing down on its "Pandemic Treaty" set up to control the planet in the advent of another staged pandemic.

They are all failing and losing support with increasing numbers of people and nations rising up in opposition to those bodies. Most of the people are rebelling against these bodies.


Remember that I told you years ago that God told me today's Europe will not exist long enough to become the one world government and one world church of the Tribulation and that is happening right now with all of their lefty nations rapidly declining in every way because of their lefty insanity and greed?

French President Moron is telling everyone in Europe that Europe "could die," if they don't rebuild their defenses, you know, like God told me and I have told thee.

It is not that it could die but that it is dying and will soon finish dying.

The European Royals conquered, ruled over, oppressed and sacked Africa into becoming a continent of third world nations and, now that Africa is driving them out, especially France, Europe is becoming a continent of third world nations because of the insane greed of their Royals.

Europe will finish kicking soon.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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I Told You So 652