I Told You So 658

News Channels

I am seeing a trend on YouTube, where a news channel will start up putting out the truth, they will get quite a few subscribers, and then they start putting out lefty propaganda.

It looks like someone is going around buying out or bribing growing channels to lie and put out lefty propaganda, after they get reasonably established.

For example, I subscribed to a number of news channels putting out the truth about the war in Ukraine and, after a while, they started making it look like Ukraine had already conquered Moscow a hundred times with everyone else talking about how concerned the West is about Ukraine losing the war.

After Ukraine finishes losing the war, those channels will be dead just like is happening to lefty news media. No one will believe a thing they say. They better save all of that extra money they are getting to lie.

Keep an eye on that.

And God said, "Be not deceived, your sins will find you out."


Remember that I have been telling you that evolution is a fanatical pagan religion being falsely pushed on us as science because the evolutionists ignore the scientific evidence that disproves their millions and billions of years they want you to believe so you won't believe the Bible?

This video shows one example of them just blatantly ignoring the evidence that disproves what they WANT to believe so they can continue believing it. I have been watching this kind of "science" for more than half a century. Evolution is all lies and they know it because they make up those lies every time their previous lies get publically disproved.

People, if you have to keep changing the fairy tale, it ain't the truth.

People, the soft tissue they have found in dinosaur bones is absolute proof their bones are not millions of years old, I don't care what fairy tales they make up but these high priests just keep ignoring the science and preaching their fanatical pagan cult, while falsely claiming to be scientists.

But, hey, their chosen god, Satan, is the father of lies.

Upper Class Trash

I forgot to tell you that a few days ago, I found out that a number of upper class trash super yachts set sail. What is really interesting is that once outside US waters, they turned off their AIS, which is used to tell other ships they are there so they don't run into each other and is supposed to be kept on for safety by international law.

In the military, we would say they are "running dark" so no one can tell where they are at, you know, with the upper class trash escalating the wars in Ukraine and Israel and the increasing probability that Putin will kill the upper class trash Royals who are poking the bear. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

What, don't they want the Russian and Chinese naval ships and submarines to know where they are?

For example, Zuckerberg sent out two yachts in different directions with no stated plan of destination or anyone knowing if he was even on either of them.

Hey, maybe he went into hiding somewhere else and is using the yachts as distractions?

I don't think that would fool the Russians and Chinese because they can track those yachts with satellites.

Keep an eye on that.

Remember that I keep sharing how the upper class trash corruption works to control nations and people to steal from nations and people?

This video will be a little difficult to follow but you can watch it a few times to at least get the basics for one method the upper class trash use to control and steal. I have told you about other methods they also use but I simplify it so it is easier to understand.

Remember that I was told that there are 300 families, you know, the Royals, who control most of what goes on in this planet?

He is showing you some of how they work with the CIA designing things to make the upper class trash owned businesses a lot of very quick money. The Royals got rich by stealing and they are not going to quit until they all die and go to Hell.

Note that the CIA is now running things in such a manner that they "don't get their finger prints on things" because what they are doing is illegal. Therefore, they are using those organizations he mentioned as shells and front organizations for the CIA and others to hide behind, you know, ye ole curtain. He tells you that they are running a cartel or criminal organization.

This guy is really good because he has the details on how they are doing things right now but he doesn't simplify it so it is easier to understand.

Do you understand why I have gotten so sick of their insane crimes after more than half a century of learning about them? How many of you want to go with me to a Christian planet under the protection of God and His Laws?


French President Moron said that Europe can't let Putin win the war in Ukraine and, if Russia goes too far, you know, they win too much, they will have to intervene and said they don't want a war with Russia, wink, wink.

Nah, he wouldn't be bluffing some more, would he?

They never quit.

I hope you remember that what is going on right now is what I said would happen more than a year ago. Remember that Russia would sucker punch Ukraine by giving up a little ground to draw more troops into an encirclement to slaughter them with massive losses by Ukraine and it worked again and again; every time. I told you that, as soon as Russia got Ukraine's forces, weapons, and munitions depleted enough, she would start her offensive to punch through the Ukrainian lines, which is exactly what she has done and is doing.

Remember that I told you in my last essay I had some questions as to why Russia has not nuked the West yet?

I found an answer or two. This video shows that Russia has not finished developing the African nations to invade Europe yet so my guess about Africa is at least part of the answer to that question.

It tells you that he just sent even more weapons and advisors into Africa and they have to be trained up on the use of those weapons but, every day, it gets one day closer. Putin will wait until he is ready.

Russia wants Africa to succeed with invading Europe, especially France, to enslave arrogant President Moron.

Note that they have given the name of the "Africa Corp" to the pan African military unit Putin is building in Africa that does not belong to any African nation or nations but is under the control of Russia just like the Wagner Group so you should keep an eye on that. Gee, what a magic coincidence that Russia is training up and arming an African Wagner Group under Russia's control.

I bet that opened an eyeball or two.

That explained a lot, didn't it? Can you guess where they will invade into Europe?

Hint: they all speak French and they want their loot back that France stole.

He also tells you about some of the Western nations that have recently pulled their troops out of different African nations, you know, the way Rome pulled its forces out of areas like England when she fell. Gee, what a magic coincidence.


Remember that I warned you that the Muslims hate and are at war with true Christians? Remember that I told you that, in Islam, for the Mahdi to PROVE he is the Mahdi, he MUST stand on the Temple Mount and give the order for all Muslims to murder all non Muslims but especially Hebrews and Christians, you know, just like the Bible says the Antichrist will do?

This video shows the head of a Muslim organization in the US declaring war on all Hebrews and true Christians. He clearly wants to murder us all, you know, to earn guaranteed salvation.

When Obama imposes Sharia Law on the US, these people and organizations will be empowered a lot so you just might want to pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load. You BETTER get ready!

Do you believe me yet that, when this happens, the poser Christians or Christians in name only, will QUICKLY convert to Islam to not be their hated enemy, you know, to keep their heads?

You can bet it will happen at the speed of light and God is going to do that to get the poser Christians Satan has infiltrated into the church out of the church. Everything works for the good with God.

Note that he did not mention the Nation of Islam but he did mention that Muslims "in our government" and in control of our government just like I have been telling you have been put there by the Nation of Islam, Mahdi Obama, and Afghan Joe.

Do you believe me yet?

Chinese Junk Weapons

Remember that I have been telling you about China's junk weapons?

This video is one more disclosure of another weapon that is junk. It tells you that China sold some tanks to Bangladesh, one was tested, and it blew up when it fired its 31st shell. Now those are some great tanks. You fire 30 shells, get out, and walk home. /sarc

Note that he tells you about some of the cheap construction for parts of the tank.

I keep seeing more and more and more reports on Chinese weapons that don't work or don't work right, you know, like the guidance system for their missiles that will take their missiles as far as 100 miles off target (you hope their missiles are aimed at you /sarc) or their stealth J-20 fighter plane that can be easily tracked by Indian fighter planes from over the border.

Oh and let's not forget about the Chinese nuclear missiles that had water instead of fuel.

It is all because of greed. The companies making the weapons keep making them very cheap so they can stuff more money in their greedy pockets so they keep turning out junk.

Rome II

Remember that I have been telling and showing you that Rome II or the US and Europe is falling?

This video tells you that the US Dollar is imploding and disrupting global trade and it is being confirmed by the IMF or International Monetary Fund, which pretty much helps control international transfer of funds. It is now official that the West is imploding financially and economically as well as militarily.

Hey, we Westerners can start singing the chorus to the Dave Clark Five song, "Glad All Over", with is, "I'm in pieces, bits and tiny pieces..." because of our greedy upper class trash Royals and their puppets.

Part of what she is telling you about the plans and methods of the upper class trash Royals and their puppets failing and even "backfiring" is that they are not as smart as they like to think they are and keep screwing up with great sounding stupid ideas just like I have been telling you for years.

The simple minded idiots keep thinking that they can do this magic thing, that magic thing, and some other magic thing and everything will magically go the way they want, arrogantly not considering that other people can think and counter the Royal's great sounding stupid ideas. They never learn and they never quit.

Do you believe me yet that the West's global dictatorship is failing in every way possible and they are getting desperate?

The arrogant Royal fools have pretty much handed control of the planet back to the rest of the world because of their insane greed.

But, no, it can't be their fault and they cannot be wrong or fail so it has to be someone else's fault, you know, Trump, Putin, Bugs Bunny, or the Coyote and Road Runner.

Listen, their wars in Ukraine and Israel are acts of desperation that are BOTH failing. Wow, dey sure is are be smarty pants. I wouldn't publically admit I am a Commierat right now for all of the money in the world.


I woke this morning knowing I have to further explain the pagan gods.

Remember that I told you that a standard con for Satan in paganism is to create new gods with different names to keep people worshiping him, you know, the way today's lefties keep changing the names of things like communism to Marxism, socialism, progressivism, and woke so people will keep worshipping their cult of communism? Remember that I told you that, with all pagan gods, you are worshipping a real being; either Satan or his demons?

Baal is Satan, Moloch is Satan, Pan is Satan, Baphomet is Satan, the Horned One is Satan, Zeus is Satan, and so forth. The top god is always Satan and the rest of the gods are his demons.

For example, the top god in the Church of Rome was Sol, the sun god that was Constantine's favorite god, whose birthday was December 24 and, when the Church "converted to Christianity" or Christianized their paganism, they moved Sol's birthday to December 25 and called it the Christ Mass so Constantine could pretend to be worshiping Jesus, while still worshiping Satan. Hey, it has worked for almost 1,600 years.

All the Church of Rome did was Christianize their paganism so the pagans in the church could keep worshipping Satan and his demons, while pretending to worship Jesus. They Christianized Sol's birthday, Easter, their fertility and sex goddess' birthday, and kept Halloween, which is clearly worshipping demons.

After the Church of Rome split into the Catholic Church and the Christian Orthodox Church in 474 AD, following the split of Rome into Rome and Byzantium, they continued to worship their Christianized paganism until Germany developed the printing press so most people could have their own copies of the Bible to read and some began to realize what they were doing, especially the priests.

That caused a problem for the Catholic Church in that they had Christians worshipping beside pagans so they could see they were worshipping Christianized paganism, especially if they kept reading the scriptures, so some began to break off into groups.

People began to convert to true Christianity and leave the Catholic Church, join Catholic Churches, where the priests taught more Biblical Christianity, and some priests like Luther left the Catholic Church "in protest" to form Protestant (protesting) churches, more in line with the scriptures.

This caused the Catholic Church to put some new laws in its cannon that made it a capital crime to convert to worshipping Jesus as their savior that are still in its cannon today; they have 2 laws about that. They also passed a law that the members of the church were not allowed to read the Bible "because they couldn't understand it" and later that even the priests couldn't read the Bible because only the Pope could understand it, wink, wink.

That was meant to prevent people from reading the Bible, learning the truth, and converting to true Christianity. I learned that from a priest who converted to Christianity by reading the Bible and then out of the Catholic Church because of the Church's paganism.

But remember that man plans, God laughs because God used the Catholic Church Christianizing their paganism to provide a method for God to have his true Christians within the Church and in Protestant churches spread Christianity around the world.

What? You mean a great sounding stupid idea by Satan and his followers backfired on them just like keeps happening to Satan's lefties today?

You true Christians may be worshipping Jesus on the "modern Christian holy days like Christmas and Easter" but the poser Christians know better and are worshipping Satan and his demons on their true holy days of Christmas and Easter.

God is right now in the process of sorting the Christians and poser Christians out in those churches to separate them. The poser Christians will make their final move when Mahdi Obama imposes Sharia Law on the US, you know, giving them what they want to expose the ugly truth about them.

In Sabianism, they had more than 360 gods of which their top god was their war god, Allah, you know, "the god of the sword", who was married to their sun goddess and they had 3 daughters and Muhammad removed the demon worship and kept just worshipping Satan/Allah to create Islam.

If you don't believe me, wait until Mahdi Obama imposes Sharia Law on you and you find out how satanic it is. I have told you that they can earn guaranteed salvation by murdering any non Muslims and that they believe the Hamas Muslim terrorists earned guaranteed salvation by murdering all of those men, women, and children.

That is just a wee bit satanic, don't you think?

That is why pagans hate the Hebrews and true Christians, they are God, Yahweh's people, you know, the one true God.

In Greek mythology, Zeus was Satan and the rest of the gods were demons. In Norse mythology, Odin was Satan and the rest of the gods were demons. Hinduism has more than 1,000 gods and their top god, Brahma, is Satan with the rest being demons.

That is exactly what Satan was telling you when he created the New Age movement a few decades ago, where all top gods were believed to be the same god being, you know, they were all Satan, which is true. When people in the New Age cult convert to Christianity, they leave New Age and become true Christians because their eyes are opened and they quit worshipping Satan.

A common trick in paganism to make most of their gods look good, they always created one evil god like the Norse god, Loki, to wage war against their top god but none of their other gods were good either.

If you think I am wrong, you can either study these different religions or wait until Mahdi Obama imposes Sharia Law on you and you find out the truth about Islam the hard way.

In the occult, they know they are worshipping Satan and his demons and the occult being included in New Age with them openly worshipping Satan and saying all of the gods are the same should tell you they know that all pagan gods are Satan and his demons. In New Age, them saying that all top gods are the same god as Satan, should tell you that they know they are all worshipping Satan under different names.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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