I Told You So 661


Remember that I have been teaching you how evil the upper class trash Royals and their puppets are?

This morning between 2 and 4 am I lay awaking thinking about Raisi and God said, "Carl, use what I have taught you and common sense."

The following is what is at the top of my most probable list concerning the death of Raisi.

First, we know that Raisi was a raving lunatic who bragged about murdering women and children. He helped plan the murder of women and children in Israel by his thugs called Hamas terrorists. He is the leader of and funds at least 6 or 8 different terrorist organizations that murder women and children every year. He was a brutal savage demon and certainly demon possessed.

Now, he was also a power mad whacko and first in line to be the Supreme Leader and you think he would not also murder Khomeini to get that power sooner?

Of course he would. He probably got tired of being Khomeini's front man, wanted to be the Supreme Leader giving the orders instead of taking the orders and Khomeini found out about Raisi plotting to murder him to get that power sooner. THAT is very probable and inevitable sooner or later and sooner probably got here.

Remember that I told you that I couldn't understand why Raisi was threatening attacking Israel directly from Iran again, after how bad it turned out for Iran last time?

Now I understand. He knew Israel would counter attack Iran again and blow up a bunch of places so he could use that as cover to blow up Khomeini and blame Israel to turn his people even more against Israel so he could take an army to invade Israel. That is very, very probable.

Why else would he threaten to attack Israel from Iran again after how bad it turned out last time?

It was probably a typical power struggle that has been going on among the upper class trash Royals for thousands of years.

Why would the lunatics stop now?

So Khomeini probably found out that Raisi was plotting to murder him and ordered someone like the vice president or his own son or a close general to murder Raisi in such a way they could blame someone else Khomeini wanted to murder like Israel, the Kurds, and any number of other groups.

So they probably arranged for Raisi and his cabinet to attend those ceremonies on the border with Azerbaijan, which is in very hostile territory, hint, hint, and used one of two probable methods to kill him.

The first would have been to place an explosive with a remote detonation device on the chopper so it wouldn't be noticed and them take the remote detonator into their other chopper. When they got over Kurd land, they activated the detonator and killed Raisi.

The second way would have been to have a contact with someone like the Kurds, of whom he has murdered thousands, tell them Raisi would be in the middle chopper, which would be normal procedure for protecting him, and have those people shoot him down with some kind of missile.

Both of those explain why the chopper broke apart before hitting the ground and they could easily blame someone else to justify attacking those people again.

Now Khomeini can better justify his son taking over as president to be the first in line to be the next Supreme Leader. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

It is also very likely that Raisi had plans to murder Khomeini's son, after becoming Supreme Leader, to eliminate him as competition, which has been very common throughout history and Khomeini probably found out about that too. In their world, walls have ears.

Listen, Raisi used to brag about murdering women and children and hung them very high in public to show everyone how powerful he was, you think he would not have also bragged about murdering Khomeini and his son, probably his entire family?

He would have hung them very high in public. It was certainly a typical Royal power struggle that has happened thousands of times throughout history.

And God said, "There is nothing new under the sun."

Do you believe me yet that the upper class trash Royals are nuts?

Someone will leak the secret about what really happened and don't be surprised if Khomeini's son murders him to become Supreme Leader sooner. It wouldn't be the first time that happened in history.

Believe me, on Judgment Day, after EVERYTHING has been made known, you will thank God for incarcerating these human demons in the Lake of Fire forever so they won't be doing this insanity in Paradise to ruin it too. On that day, this insanity will finally be over.

BTW, leaders from around the world attended the butcher Raisi's funeral, which will tell you who is on Iran's side.

At the time I am writing this, there are five contenders to replace Raisi but I believe four of them are just for show because it has already been stated that Khomeini's son, Mojtaba Khomeini, will probably be that replacement. It is likely that Khomeini killed Raisi so his son could be the next Supreme Leader.

Keep an eye on that.


Remember that I have been telling you that I am surprised that the lefty upper class trash Royals and their puppets have not already murdered Trump?

It was just leaked that the FBI was ordered...uh...I mean, given permission to murder Trump, when they raided Marlago, but he wasn't there, probably because he knew they were coming to murder him. Someone probably leaked it to him. Remember, walls have ears.

You have to understand that, when an agency like the FBI is "given permission" to kill someone, that is almost always an order to kill them because they are always allowed to kill in self defense or when they are resisting arrest.

So, they have tried to murder him AND we just found out that Trump just received vials of blood, which is a Mafia type warning that they are going to murder him, you know, just like I have told you. What they are doing with the vials of blood is trying to intimidate him into quitting running for president. It is a psychological terrorist attack.

I told you they would try to murder him, didn't I?

I just found this video and posted it and the following to my friends on FB:

"This is the truth about Tricky you will NEVER hear from the left.

Before Nixon and under LBJ the Commierats were making millions in blood money selling weapons to the US Military and murdering US troops in Nam, which is why I left the Democratic Party. General Westmoreland tried to win the war to put an end to it and save lives, destroying the left's cash cow and LBJ fired him.

BTW, LBJ increased his personal wealth by better than tenfold from the Vietnam War and murdered 58,000 American soldiers and we have no idea how many civilians. Yeah, the Commierats really care about civilians.

When Nixon got into office, he started Operation Line Backer that quickly defeated North Vietnam and forced them to sign the Paris Peace accords in February 1973; bringing peace and saving lives.

That video shows that Nixon was the first president to visit the Soviet Union to make peace and decrease the money the Commierats were making in blood money selling weapons to the US Military.

Then I believe he also became the first US President to visit China to make peace with them.

Because of him being a peaceful president saving lives and costing our corrupt Commierats blood money, the left framed him the way they have been trying to frame Trump and forced Nixon to leave office, then they passed a bill in 1975 giving South Vietnam to North Vietnam and have been telling the lie since about the US Military losing the Vietnam War so long that everyone now believes that lie except those of us who won that war.

The US Military DID NOT lose the Vietnam War, the greedy Commierats did.

Now, those same Commierats are trying to get rid of Trump the same way they got rid of Nixon, who was also making peace and costing the Commierats millions in blood money selling weapons to the US Military for the same greedy reasons.

That is true history I have lived through and this video helps confirm it."

I have studied these evil monsters and their ancestors for more than two thirds of a century.

The good guys in the US Military just might want to get Trump and his entire family to a safe and secure place soon, just saying. Trump better grow eyes in the back of his head and he and his entire family better learn to fight mean to survive.

Hey, the lefty upper class trash Royals and their puppets are just as evil, vile, disgusting, and monstrous human demons as Iran's Royals and their ancestors have been throughout history. They all belong in Hell and God showed me they will be soon. You would probably be more likely to find ice water on the sun than one sane person in the lefty upper class trash Royals.

There are some good Royals but they know to stay out of sight and out of mind to stay alive.

Oh well, here we go, another day of pagan insanity.

Do you believe me yet that the lefty commie traitors have corrupted and destroyed the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America?

BTW, they are trying to murder Trump, Netanyahu, Traore, Putin, and others getting in their way, telling me they are fed up with not getting their way or are failing and are very desperate. Don't be surprised to find out that Raisi was one of those they murdered because he had his own ideas and wouldn't follow orders.

I am sure I told you that God told me that there will be 4 attempts on my life, probably for telling you the truth. God told me He will take care of me but, to make people laugh, I tell them that the good thing about knowing there will be 4 attempts is that the first 3 have to fail or there can't be 4 attempts. Hey, there is a silver lining to every cloud and I believe God.

It is possible that the good guys in the Military are keeping Trump alive now.


I keep seeing that they may have found this, that, and something else such as the Ark of the Covenant.

People, the Temple Institute told us more than 25 years ago that they found and are concealing ALL of the original Temple instruments including the Ark of the Covenant. When it is time, you know, the Third Temple has been built, they will bring it all out in a very obvious ceremony and everyone will know it.

When God is ready, He will take care of it.


Remember that I have been telling you that this war in Israel is going to end up being the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39?

This video shows that Satan's people have taken it to the next step to get other nations to unite against Israel. Ireland, Norway, and Spain have united in support or "recognizing Gaza as a nation" and against Israel.

I expected Spain because I told you that at least one third to half of their population is Muslim.

What they are doing is deceptively uniting for Gaza to be in opposition to Israel so that, if they can get others to unite in support of Gaza, then they will also be united against Israel and be more willing to go to war against Israel to protect Gaza, you know, the Hamas terrorists and save them.

They are faking saving civilians to get people to support them actually saving Hamas. It's a con. Hey, the stupid people will fall for it and we are finding out that there are plenty of stupid people today.

They tell you in that video that they didn't fool Israel.

The question is how many more nations will join this con against Israel and who will they be?

Still, no one is openly recognizing that Gaza is a FAILED two state solution so they can feel free and get people to support them forcing Israel back into the same failed situation or what is really aiding and abetting Hamas in their war against Israel and they know what they are doing, proving to you they are evil with evil intentions.

Hilariously, at the end, they show you that Afghan Joe's pier idea is failing and it will backfire on them just like everything else they have done. They can't even get the food from the pier to the people.

And you think these idiots, who obviously didn't even think this great sounding stupid idea through, are smarter than you? Really? Hey, what do you expect from reprobate minds, intelligence and common sense? Do you understand why I wouldn't hire them to manage an outhouse?

I might want to be able to take a crap. They just keep making fools out of themselves and are too stupid to realize how foolish they look. It blows my mind that there are enough stupid people who keep voting for these arrogant fools and getting them elected to screw things up more.

I just hope God doesn't bust a gut laughing at them too hard.

Remember that I told you that they were going to use the death of Raisi to blame Israel and turn everyone against Israel?

This video shows them doing just that. They even used his funeral to rile up the people against Israel. Evil people are so easy to predict.

Of course Haniyeh delivered a Eulogy to his former boss who funded and directed all of Haniyeh's criminal actions. They were partners in crime for decades.


NATO nations are now having to increase taxes to pay for their funding Ukraine and you just know that will go over well with their people.

How long will it take for there to be open rebellion and the overthrow of governments?

At the very least, soon coming elections will change those corrupt governments because their leaders never learn and never quit so the people have to force them to quit. Keep an eye on this.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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