I Told You So 663


In my last essay, the one video said that the CIA runs America and I am so fed up with our government corruption that I wrote that I wouldn't doubt it but I have thought that through.

Remember that I told you how Farrakhan was sending his people into the US Government and Military to be trained, he kept some in to work up into and take over those different government agencies, while bringing some out to build the Nation of Islam's own shadow government?

I realized that it looks much more like the Nation of Islam took over control of the CIA and is using it as a front group, especially with the CIA regularly building and financing Muslim terrorist groups like Al Quaeda under Billy Boy Clinton and ISIS under Mahdi Obama.

It isn't that the CIA is running the US but that the Nation of Islam is running the US AND the CIA, both as front groups for the Nation of Islam. The CIA is behaving too Muslim to not be a front for the Nation of Islam.

In this video he tells you about a number of different spy activities the illegal aliens are doing, especially the ones from China like I warned you. They are trying to gather intel on our military operations and may even be trying to find our Black Closet to see what is in it.

They are not just coming here, getting jobs and turning burgers. They are funded by China and the US lefty government so they have free time to do the things he tells you about.

At about 2 minutes into this video they tell you that Afghan Joe is "pressuring" the UK and France to "not censure" or take steps against Iran for Iran continuing to develop nuke weapons.

If you cannot see whose side Afghan Joe and his puppet masters are on with that action, it is only because you don't want to see that Afghan Joe is protecting Iran in her development of nuke weapons, hint, hint. They prove what God has shown me and my research right more every day.

Do you believe me yet that Afghan Joe is a puppet working for the Nation of Islam who is an ally to Iran? Do you get the picture?

Afghan Joe is openly aiding and abetting Iran in becoming a nuclear power and pressuring our allies to also aid and abet Iran in becoming a nuclear power, you know, because they are all on Israel's side, wink, wink. /sarc

It cannot get more obvious than that.

I think that the left doesn't even plan to have this election because there is no way they can win it so I think they are using the election to keep people distracted from what they are really doing.

Remember that the US and other Western geniuses seized control of Russian funds and decided to give them to Ukraine to show everyone how smarty pants they are?

Increasing numbers of nations, including in Africa, are now pulling their reserves out of US and other Western banks for fear those funds will be seized by the Western nations, decreasing the wealth being held by the Western banks and that will further decrease our Western economies because the Western leaders proved to the world that no one can trust them with their reserves. Wow, that worked well. Another great sounding stupid idea by the lefty upper class trash Royals backfiring on them.

Do you still think those constantly failing idiots are smarter than you?

Remember that I told you that God showed me that, after Mahdi Obama nukes Chicago, he will impose Sharia Law on the US?

This video shows you that the Muslims are already building up for it with their "Muslim Community Patrol" in NYC.

They are already preparing for it by putting together their own cops in advance so they can quickly enforce Sharia Law on you. They already have lefty judges who will enforce Sharia Law instead of the US Constitution; ask Trump.

He tells you that those "cops" are already enforcing Islam Law just like God told me and I told thee they would do. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Do you believe me yet?

Watch for it showing up in the big blue cities because this shows it has been planned out well in advance because they had to order those cars and uniforms some time ago. You can't buy those in Walmart.

Every day we get one day closer.

You just might want to pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load because it is happening now. They clearly planned this all out some time ago.


Remember that I told you that Europe, especially Spain, would use the ICJ "court ruling" to turn on Israel and unite against her?

This video tells you that is what Spain is doing. It tells you that Spain is going to try to get the EU to join with him against Israel in an "anti-Israel campaign", you know, in support of their Hamas terrorist group.

Spain has made it official that they are recognizing Gaza as a state or nation so Hamas can have a base of operation for murdering Israelis.

Spain said it is going to "FORCE" Israel to stop attacking to destroy the Hamas terrorists to protect the people of Israel from being murdered. The Spanish PM said he "will take actions, if Israel doesn't stop attacking Hamas," you know, his beloved, murdering terrorist organization.

Spain declaring war against Israel tells me Spain will be breaking up into at least 4 parts soon. It will be the Muslims taking control of about the southern half of Spain, the Basques taking the northwest, Catalonia in the northeast, and what is left of Spain in the center.

More and more nations are uniting against Israel for destroying their Hamas terrorists to protect the people of Israel. It won't be long and those little groups will begin to unite.

Years ago I told you that China would join the invading force for the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 and they just announced that they support Gaza being a sovereign nation at a meeting with most Muslim nations.

Remember I told you that Egypt will be against Israel in this war but will just be a holding force that will kill any Israelis trying to escape being murdered by the international invading army?

Egyptian forces just opened fire on the Israeli forces across the border in Gaza, the Israeli force returned fire and killed at least one Egyptian soldier and maybe as many as four. They just can't wait to invade and destroy Israel. They are chomping at the bit.

I hope you realize that it took a lot of time, decades, for the Muslims to build all of those tunnels in Gaza so it will take time for Israel to find and destroy them all.

Remember that I told you that the people turning against Israel and supporting Hamas are encouraging the Hamas terrorists so they are aiding and abetting those terrorists?

This video tells you the same thing, then the Muslim terrorist leaders thank those people plus the pro-Hamas protestors for aiding and abetting the terrorists in trying to destroy Israel. They say it will help Hamas destroy Israel.

Then he lists evidence that the pro-Hamas protests are put together and financed by someone to aid Hamas in destroying Israel.

Of course those protests are planned and funded by someone. They are planned, funded, and managed by the Nation of Islam and shell companies for them and some Muslim nations. We know they setup those shell companies back in the 1970s.

Then I found this VERY interesting video showing that Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, UAE, and other Muslim nations that have been at war with each other for a quarter of a century are now making buds with each other, you know, uniting against Israel. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Who would have guessed?

Every day we get one day closer.

Then I found this video in which the Spanish PM says in English (no translation required) that Spain is joining 140 other nations that recognize Gaza as a sovereign state or nation. Most of those other nations had joined this group before the Gaza War started on October 7, 2023. We are almost there and my estimates were conservative as usual.

That is 141 nations blatantly refusing to acknowledge that Gaza is a failed two state solution so their two state solution cannot be for peace but to protect Hamas from being destroyed by Israel so Hamas can continue to murder Israelis until they have destroyed Israel. But, hey, they are all outnumbered by God, I don't care if it is 141,000 nations or even planets.

Man plans, God laughs.

Then in this video she tells what I have been telling you about Hamas trying to inspire all Muslim nations to unite to destroy Israel.

It wasn't just Hamas who planned this out but also Iran and all of her proxies AND also many other Muslim nations and organizations, which is becoming more obvious by the day. All of this was planned out but Israel fighting back has been causing their plans to fail but the Muslims and their allies don't learn and don't quit so they just keep modifying their plans and keep ramping up the war, determined to destroy Israel this time so they can unite and finish the rest of the world to set up their last Caliphate ruling over the entire planet.

I am not the only one seeing these things, others are seeing some but not all of the parts to this picture because they have not spent the last 57 years with God showing them what is going on.

She shows you that their plans are failing but they refuse to quit trying to destroy Israel, which is why Israel MUST destroy Hamas and the other terrorist proxies but Israel has to also destroy all of those other nations that are planning and funding the terrorist organizations to destroy Israel, Israel won't, so God is going to use the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 to destroy them to protect Israel.

THEN she said it was the West who rose up in support of Hamas destroying Israel just like I have been telling you. She makes it very clear that those protests and support for Hamas were organized before the attack even began on October 7. It is blatantly obvious this was all planned out and financed by someone in the West in advance.

Gee, I wonder who it could have been? Maybe the Boy Scouts? Or a local fishing club? Gee, you don't think it was the Nation of Islam with Mahdi Obama, who financed this war by giving Iran a lot of money and then had his puppet, Afghan Joe, give them a lot more money, do you?

Then she told you that a big part of it was with the Muslims and there was a "massive migration of Muslims to the West in 2015," you know, when Mahdi Obama was president. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

She gives you very good details in this video proving what is going on.

Do you believe me that, with everything she says and there being so many lefties in bed with the Muslims, almost all of the lefties in the West converted to Islam in 2012 under Mahdi Obama and they have been brainwashing those new Muslims to hate and destroy all Hebrews, Christians, and other non Muslims? Do you get the picture yet?

It is all coming together RIGHT NOW!

Then, she tells me that she doesn't understand that the real reason the Muslims hate the Hebrews AND Christians is because they are Satan's people, they hate God, and they hate everything and everyone that has anything to do with God. Why, that would be bringing religion into a war with a fanatical religious group.

I only watched the first 14+ minutes because she got off into psychobabble about why the Muslims are doing what they are doing and doesn't know why. I already told you why years ago. At least she figured out the first part but she needs to keep digging.

God shows me and I show thee.

Remember that I told you the God haters would use the ICJ and ICC statements to unite other nations against Israel to invade and destroy Israel?

Mostly Muslim Spain is hosting a meeting with Arab nations concerning Israel. Gee, what a magic coincidence. They keep getting closer and closer every day.

Then the next day I read that Israel's allies are turning on her in the UN Security Council. Hey, with allies like that, you better have God on your side.

I am also seeing that Egypt is becoming more hostile towards Israel with her troops being told to return fire against Israel, if fired upon. That means that, if some stray bullets go flying by Egyptian troops or Hamas intentionally fires on Egyptian troops, those troops will "return fire" against Israel. Keep an eye on this.

They are saying that the war in Israel will last at least 7 more months but the West can't wait that long.


Remember that I have been telling you that evolution is a fanatical pagan religion?

This video shows a number of finds within dinosaur fossils that prove dinosaurs could not be even one million years old but only thousands of years old.

I have been watching this stuff for more than half a century and their millions and billions of years is garbage. It is all lies and he tells you that evolutionists ignore these findings to continue to believe what they WANT to believe, which makes evolution a fanatical pagan religion just like I have been telling you for years.

Something I have been watching for decades is that T-Rex is a really big creature that stood about 30 feet tall and its eggs were the size of the American football, which is just a wee bit of difference in size, but they have not found any remains from the size of the American football up to the 30 foot tall for T-Rex.

If they find anything smaller than 30 feet tall that looks like a T-Rex, they say it is a different species and not maybe a younger T-Rex? Do they think that 30 foot tall T-Rexs magically hatched out of eggs the size of an American football? Why?

Because, if they admit that not all T-Rexs were 30 feet tall, that would explain how God got plenty of dinosaurs on Noah's Ark, you know, by using younger and smaller ones because all known dinosaurs started out about the size of an American football or smaller.

The lying evolutionists love using the size of animals like T-Rex as a proof that Noah's Ark could not be true so you will not see them showing you pictures of younger and small T-Rexs and any other dinosaurs that would have been easy to get and keep on Noah's Ark.

People, right after they hatched, you could pick up and hold several T-Rexs because, if you could carry a couple of footballs, you could carry a couple of very young T-Rexs. Think about that. You could keep a couple of those in your bathroom.

This video shows you how insanely stupid evolutionists are because they have found numerous T-Rex skeletons for different ages but they don't have exactly the same structures like head shape and other things so "they must be different species".

If you study the physiology of everything from a baby human to a really old person, you will find that their bones change shapes as they grow so that, using the insane logic the evolutionists are using for such things as T-Rex, all of those different aged humans would be different species and not just the same species for different ages or growth cycles.

I studied the growth cycles and changes for humans and animals. It is very interesting.

That video shows you that evolutionists really are that stupid and fanatical.

Do you believe me yet that evolution is a fanatical pagan cult or religion?

The real problem is that, just like any high priests for any fanatical pagan religion, they like to believe they are smarter than they are and you are so stupid they can make up any lie they want and you will just blindly believe those lies. They really hate it when people learn enough and are smart enough to question their lies and learn the truth.

Always remember to ask, "Where are the baby, infantile, young adult, and other T-Rexs?"

Because there is no way that they just magically appeared out of nothing at 30 feet tall.

There should be many times more remains for younger T-Rexs than older T-Rexs because most of them would have died much younger just like happens today. They didn't all get to be 30 feet tall.


Remember that I have been warning you about how stupid traitors are?

I am amazed at how stupid most of the traitors are. They are taking bribes to help destroy the West, especially the US, with many of them already making quite a bit of money because of our capitalism, and they don't have enough brains to realize that, after they have helped destroy the West, 1) they are not going to keep making big money from the capitalism they helped destroy and 2) after the upper class trash Royals have gotten rid of 95% of the people, they won't need those traitors any more so they won't keep bribing them and will kill them next because no one can trust a traitor, not even another traitor.

Why would the greedy upper class trash Royals keep bribing people they don't need any more?

They are destroying their own futures and killing themselves for bribes and too stupid to see it coming.

And God said, "The love of money is the root to all evil."


I hope you realize that, if they send Trump to prison, they are going to kill him in prison. He won't survive.

Something the people need to wake up to is that, if Trump can't get justice in our courts, you can't get justice and they can do whatever they want to you so you will be living in a commie/Muslim dictatorship. That means the US Constitution is dead. Right now, it is barely breathing.

Listen, if the good guys in the military are smart and Trump gets convicted, they should seize Trump to hold him in a secure, secret cell for life to make it look like they are getting rid of Trump, while protecting him.

The moron lefties are hoping that, if they can get Trump branded as a "convicted felon", no one will vote for him with the lefties being too stupid to realize it will give people even more reasons to vote for Trump by showing everyone how corrupt the government has become and how bad it needs to be cleaned up by someone like Trump.

The lefties are so simple minded and brain dead they cannot understand conservatives, which is why they keep failing. They think conservatives are as simple minded and stupid as their lefty voters.

"Why, conservatives can think for themselves and not just blindly believe everything we tell them like our voters do?"

This video is very encouraging because it shows that his people know what is going on, who is doing it, and the crimes they are committing and should be prosecuted for committing those crimes. I would love to see that man and his team in charge of the DOJ for at least 4 years. We would have to build some new and larger prisons.

Now you can bet that the lefty commie traitors know all of this and they know that, if Trump wins this election, they are all going to prison for a long time. This means they are very desperate, determined, and will do ANYTHING to stay out of prison, including murdering Trump or anyone else. No crime is beneath them.

That is one more reason to believe there probably won't be an election and those very desperate criminals will stage a coup of some sort, you know, like nuking Chicago, to stay out of prison.

Then I found this video showing that someone is litigating to have hundreds of government officials removed from office, especially in Congress, because they did not do their job of insuring that the 2020 election was fair and valid, denying him his Constitutional right to vote in a fair election.

This shows that people are fighting back against the lefty commie traitors and those traitors' sins are finding them out. These people know that you have to get the bad guys out of the government to regain control of the government.

BTW, the US Supreme Court turning his suit down tells me Mahdi Obama may not have to nuke the US Supreme Court. I am going to keep an eye on that.

Then I found this video showing that Elon Musk is working with other rich people to turn more rich people against Afghan Joe. This is another case of the good guys fighting back to stop the bad guys from setting up their dictatorship.

Remember that I told you years ago that God told me that He is opening eyes so people can make informed decisions?

This video shows that is true. They keep pointing out that people's eyes are opening and many are changing.

I literally found those last 4 videos back-to-back, with God showing me what He is doing with other people to fight back against Satan's left. Keep praying, people, it is working. God is our hope.


Remember that a couple of decades ago I told you that China's "one child" policy would backfire on them big time and why?

Boy, is it ever backfiring on them massively. This video explains some of it.

This is what always happens when you have an elitist upper class that has all of the answers and knows what is best for everyone. They get fixated on some great sounding stupid ideas that always fail and cause trouble for everyone.

It is these elites who have destroyed nation after nation for thousands of years with their great sounding stupid ideas because the elite upper class trash Royals are not as smart as they think they are and they ALWAYS screw everything up with their new great sounding stupid ideas.

Look how everything forced on the people by their elites is failing in China, the West, Iran, Venezuela, and everywhere else every day. They just have to show everyone how smarty pants they are with some new and wonderful great sounding stupid idea that always fails, you know, like the green energy thing.

Do you believe me yet that this planet will be much better off with all of the upper class trash elites burning in Hell, where they can never cause harm to anyone again with their great sounding stupid ideas?

Man plans, God laughs.

Note that the terrible mistakes the Chinese communist leaders made are the same mistakes our communists are making, you know, don't have children, women can be just like men, and such. You cannot have any common sense and be a communist.

This is just more evidence of what God told me about me accepting the job God has for me when God told me that, "me not wanting the job made me the right person for the job" because, anyone who would want that job would just screw it up. Instead of being responsible, they would be opportunistic and abuse that authority.

Just look at the elites who went after their jobs to have power and make more money. They screw everything up because of their thinking and logic. They are not concerned about what is best for the people but what will benefit the leaders the most in the short term so they make bad decisions.

I still don't want the job but I know God is right. We need people who will make decisions for the people and not just for themselves at the expense of the people like most of our leaders are doing today.

China just had a China-Arab summit in which China made it clear she is in bed with the Muslims just like I told you would happen years ago. It is all coming together right now.


This video tells that the West is ramping up for war with Russia like I have been telling you but that it will also be a nuke war with Russia.

If Russia does not stage a surprise preemptive nuke attack against the West soon, Russia will suffer very significant damage so Putin doesn't have a choice because our lunatics are not leaving him a choice like I have been telling you for more than a year. It is not if but is when because the Western upper class trash Royals and their puppets won't stop poking the bear. They have to destroy Russia to be able to setup their global dictatorship and Russia has to destroy the Western leaders to survive.

We have to keep in mind that Russia is putting off nuking the West because she knows that once she nukes anyone, she has to nuke everyone who has nukes plus a few others. She continues ramping up and improving weapons systems to make sure she will win that war.

The West has realized Russia is ramping up to stop them so they are having their front Ukraine take the risks of destroying Russia's ability to wage a nuke war with them. They can't beat Russia, don't want to give up stealing the money from their military budgets to build up enough to fight her, so they are using Ukraine in hopes of bringing Russia down to where they can bet her.

In this video he gives a list of European nations that have committed to using Ukraine to wage open warfare against Russia with the weapons those nations are providing to Ukraine and he tells you that those nations have probably already committed troops into the war against Russia inside of Ukraine.

The nations who have untied to permit Ukraine to directly attack Russia with the weapons those nations are providing include Canada, UK, Baltic States, Netherlands, Poland, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Sweden, and Estonia. Note that Germany is not in that group so I guess she doesn't want to get nuked.

What he shows you about what Russia is doing in the Kharkiv area is preparing that area for a ground invasion by destroying enemy forces and weakening their defenses. He said that Russian officials said they will be staging that offensive in the next few days.

Then he tells you that the Ukrainian forces have been so decimated by Russia that Ukraine is now using soldiers from European nations.

That should tell you that the reason these European nations are getting so much more directly involved in fighting Russia that Ukraine can't contain the Russian offensive without those European soldiers so the West is desperate and frantic enough to use their troops until they can get the Muslim troops into Ukraine and fighting Russia, which is why more and more European nations are uniting against Israel so quickly.

Then he took you down the front line and showed you how, in most areas, Russia is shelling and bombing the Ukrainian troops to soften them up just like Russia is doing in the north by Kharkiv. That should tell you that Russia now has the Ukrainian/NATO troops spread out along the entire front line and are preparing a coordinated attack to quickly crush those troops and break through to cause a route.

Then I found this video telling us that a Ukrainian officer tells us that Russia is getting ready to start a major offensive. It also tells you what I have been telling you about Ukrainian troops have been slaughter to where they are outnumbered by the Russian troops.


I told you some time ago that one thing I am watching concerning the volcano eruptions in Iceland is to see whether that entire island is going to get blown out of the water and it is looking more and more like that is likely because those eruptions just keep getting worse and worse.

If I were living on Iceland right now, I would be getting my butt out of there until the volcanic activity quits. It is not looking good so keep an eye on it.

Then I found this video by a volcano expert who pretty much tells you they don't know what is going on because they are "in new territory".

I would definitely be getting me and my family out of there unless they want a free trip to the moon. That island could pull a Krakatoa any minute.

For those of you who don't understand, Krakatoa was an island that blew up in 1883 and killed everyone on it and another nearby island.


Remember that I told you about the irony about how the evil rich people, who lie, steal, and murder for money, will be the poorest people in history forever because, among the lot of them, they will not have one penny in Hell and then the Lake of Fire forever?

Almost all pagan cults teach that, if they conquer the world and enslave or murder everyone not in their cult, their god will come, make them all immortal, and live with them in paradise forever.

First, remember that ALL pagan gods are just a front for Satan and then the pagans will spend eternity with their god but it won't be in paradise unless they think the Lake of Fire is paradise. But, hey, at least they will get to spend eternity burning with their god and their souls will be immortal so I guess it isn't a complete lie.


Remember that I have been telling you that the West does NOT have the military ability to defend itself from an attack by Russia because the Euro-American Royals have been sacking our military budgets so long, our militaries don't have the weapons, munitions, and manpower to stop Russia?

This video tells you what I have been warning you about. A recent NATO report saying that NATO doesn't have 5% of the air defenses it needs to defend against a Russian attack and that should tell you that my estimates have been EXTREMELY conservative because I NEVER told you it was that bad. They can't even stop 5% of what Russia can launch at them.

That makes the entire West extremely vulnerable to a surprise preemptive nuclear attack by Russia, those are NATO's words and not mine, and you can bet Russia knows it.

If Putin attacks Europe, she will blow right through Europe like the wind because Europe is every bit as vulnerable to Russian air strikes as Ukraine.

But our insane, idiot leaders just keep poking the beat so they can get their global dictatorship. They are as rational as drug addicts in that they just have to have their drug of absolute power and control over the world at all costs. There cannot be any sanity left in them.

The problem is that these arrogant smarty pants have convinced themselves and each other that they are smarter than they are, that Putin is dumber than he is, and they will outsmart Putin and beat him, when the arrogant fools have not outsmarted him once yet.

And God said, "Pride goes before the fall".

I just pray that God will soon stop the human demons before they get all of you killed so they can have their global dictatorship.

She tells you that Putin's advisers are encouraging him to demonstrate what he can do with nukes but Putin is smart enough to know that, when he uses even just one nuke, he will have to quickly finish the job with nukes so he continues to ramp up to finish the job with nukes. He knows that he has to be able to quickly take out the ability for the US, UK, and France to retaliate with nukes because he knows that the West is too stupid to quit just because Putin used a nuke.

Well, at least the upper class trash Royals and their puppets are going to die rich.


Remember that I told you that God showed me about 2 decades ago that our new nation will have to annex Mexico into our new nation?

This video shows how violent and out of control their government and the cartels are.

What most people don't know is that those cartels, who are owned by the upper class trash Royals in the US, are already inside the US and you are going to have to fight them to get control of the US back from them.

This time, when we conquer Mexico, we better annex it or it will just keep getting worse.

Upper Class Trash Royals

Remember that I have been telling you about the insane and evil corruption of the upper class trash Royals?

This video shows that they are right now selling you, your nations, and everybody else out for money. They don't care who pays them or what the end result could be, as long as they make more and more and more money right now. They are insane from inbreeding too long.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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