Remember that I have been warning you about the corruption of the Royals and that they sack their own nations?
This video should make it obvious to you what is going on. The nations are getting further and further in debt, the people are getting poorer and poorer, and the rich upper class trash Royals are getting richer and richer.
Gee, I wonder where the rich are getting all of that money from? You don't think they are laundering tax money from the nations into their greedy pockets to steal from the people and increasing the debt of those nations, do you?
That is the only place that much wealth could possibly be coming from. They have turned our governments into a money laundering racket to steal your tax dollars and you watch them tell you that you have to pay off the debt they ran up for you or else. It is coming and it isn't if but when.
They belong in prison but they own the government and the law so they won't go to prison, you will for their crimes against you.
They are now having elections in most of the West, including the US, UK, and all of the EU with the globalists taking heavy losses. Their chances at having their global dictatorship are getting worse and worse so you know they are going to get desperate and turn to violence so be prepared.
Remember that I have been telling you that you can't trust scientists who are owned by the government or chemical companies?
I just found out that the scientists for the NIH collected at least $710 million, probably more, in royalties from the chemical companies during the COVID pandemic. They may have also received another $400 million or a total of $1.1 billion. That is just a wee bit of a conflict of interest.
I told you that Fauci and company were taking bribes from the chemical and other companies for the lies they were telling. I want to see Fauci's offshore bank account.
Do you believe me yet? Do you believe me that you should NEVER trust any scientists who gets government money or works for the chemical companies? Are you getting tired of being betrayed by people who are supposed to be protecting you? Are you getting as furious as I am?
They knew they were killing people with their lies for money AND they were working for BOTH the government and chemical companies.
Why should they be allowed to live?
We also need to find everyone who bribed them and prosecute them for crimes against humanity and murder too.
We need to bring back the death penalty for these criminals.
I am really getting tired of doing the news but you need to know these things.
Remember that I told you years ago that Turkey was playing both sides of the fence and you better keep an eye on them?
This video shows you what I figured would probably happen with Turkey looking to join BRICS instead of the EU, you know, turning towards being buds with our enemies instead of with us.
This creates a wee bit of a problem because we do have US forces in Turkey along with nukes and how are we going to get Turkey to let us take those nukes out of Turkey? The smarty pants couldn't see that coming when I did?
That was a really smart move, guys. Why that move almost took an IQ.
You better keep an eye on this because we may have just armed Turkey with about 50 or 60 nukes that will probably be taken to use to invade Israel. You better bet that Turkey really wants those tactical nukes bad because it will definitely change the game against Israel.
Yep, they proved that no intelligence is required to be a world leader right now and I warned you about those nukes years ago.
BTW, of course Muslim Erdogan sees potential in BRICS when most of the members are also Muslim nations. Gee, what a magic coincidence.
I just realized that, when Mahdi Obama and the Nation of Islam take over the US with their Sharia cops already in place, it is very likely they will chase the remaining patriots out of the US Government and military to give themselves complete control. That is why they will enforce the Sharia Law.
From what I am seeing and God has shown me, that is what will cause our government to split in two with the blue and red zones.
Remember that I told you that, when everything goes wrong for tyrants like the left, it increases the probability that they will start a war to maintain control of their nation and to distract their people from the mess they made?
Things are right now going terribly bad for the left and getting worse. Do not be surprised if the left starts a war to maintain control of the US Government and you. Keep an eye on this because it looks like they already are working on it.
Remember that I told you years ago that God showed me that we would annex the Western part of Canada with our new nation?
I just found out that increasing numbers of people are fleeing Canada to the US because the lefties are destroying that nation so bad. The people are not just fleeing to the US but to other nations such as the Chinese living there are fleeing back to China.
This shows that, if we set up a new and better "US", most of Western Canada will gladly flee to or join our new nation.
Remember that I told you that these international control organizations would breakup and either become meaningless or just disappear?
This video shows increasing tensions within NATO.
I love it where Salvini told President Moron concerning sending troops into Ukraine, "Put on a helmet and go."
I mean, why would Moron need a helmet, there isn't anything to protect up there?
I think they need to give the whackos some BB guns and water balloons and send them to the front. They would make really great target practice for the Russians.
Remember that I told you that, after Russia forced Ukraine to reposition troops from the former battle line to the Kharkiv area, they would start making bigger moves where those troops were repositioned from?
This video shows that the Russians are making much larger gains along most of the battle line but, at the end, he tells you that quite a few forces were transferred from Kherson to Kharkiv so Russia is making a number of big advances all along that battle line to take Kherson and then Odessa. That is a big move I have been waiting for Russia to make because it will completely cut off Ukraine from the Black Sea, which will really hurt Ukraine and reunite Russia with their Transnistria.
In a nut shell, Ukraine is pretty rapidly falling.
Concerning whether Putin is bluffing about attacking the West, this video tells you what I have been telling you. Putin is not going to just sit there and let the West destroy Russia and, even if he did, there would be a quick coup by his staff and military to stop that destruction.
It is the arrogance of the Royals that has them believing that Putin is only bluffing like the Royals do. In a war with Russia, it is the West who is weak because of the Royals sacking their militaries and Russia has the strategic and tactical advantage, especially when you calculate in Russia's growing number of allies.
I just found out the absolutely fantastic news that France is going to give Ukraine some Mirage 2000-5s but not telling how many or when they will be delivered.
I also found out that they are now giving Ukraine more than 40 F-16s and are now giving them 85 beat up, used, and refurbished F-16s. 85 will last a little longer than 40.
With France giving Ukraine "a couple dozen" Mirage jets that are probably used junkers, Ukraine will now be able to conquer the planet, the solar system, and the galaxy. Hey, they will only be fighting against a few thousand Russian planes plus thousands of missiles so it might take a few days to get them all plus it will give Russia a chance to learn how to more easily destroy the Mirage planes.
Remember that I have been warning you about our corrupt leaders poking the bear too much and too hard?
The US Military is down playing this intel too much in this video with the West poking the bear harder and harder right now, posing more and more of a threat to the continued existence of Russia, and Putin threatening more and more.
It tells you that Putin is deploying a naval fleet plus aircraft to Cuba "for military exercises", you know, that just happen to be near the same border that is now encouraging Z Boy to attack into Russia with US weapons. Think Cuban Missile Crisis II with nukes.
Let's see, that will put the Russian navy and aircraft at the US soft underbelly AND off the coast of Alaska at the same time plus she has a fleet patrolling in the Atlantic and a nuclear weapons force aimed at us over the North Pole from Russia (all four sides), with who knows how many troops from different enemy nations infiltrated into the US, with Afghan Joe and the other nut case leaders in Europe telling Z Boy to launch their long range weapons at targets inside Russia.
Nope, nothing to worry about here, folks. Putin will just sit on his butt and let us destroy Russia without fighting back because we are so wonderful and magnificent even though the US Military is no longer even a one front military, troops from China and other nations have infiltrated we don't know how many millions of troops inside the US, and our military has also been sacked by our upper class trash Royals and their puppets.
Is there any sanity among the Royals and their puppets?
Hey, so what if they anger Putin by being a threat to Russia's continued existence. Putin won't fight back like he is in Ukraine. /sarc
People, our enemies our idiot leaders anger on a daily basis have gathered their troops inside and around our nation and there is no threat? Really?
I just found out that Russia is sending 3 ships and a nuke sub to Cuba, you know, just off of our southern coast, along with weapons to sell to nations and groups in Central and South America that don't like the US to use them against the US, you know, like hostile groups in Mexico.
Hey, you let your government start a war in a country next to Russia and attack deep into Russia so Putin is going to start a war in countries next to the US and attack deep into US but they have also infiltrated the US already, with the help of our idiot upper class trash and their puppets so they can make more money with slave workers.
While we are busy fighting them, Russia, Africa, and other nations are going into Europe.
Oh, I bet now you understand why we will have to not only fight the commies inside the US plus their infiltrated friends inside the US but also other nations in the Americas and Caribbean like I have been telling you for years and that is about to start just like God told me and I told thee.
Do you believe me yet that you BETTER pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load because it just got real? Do you believe me yet that we are going to need God to save our butts?
It is about to get very real so you better get very ready.
I also just found out that "most likely Z Boy will be removed by the Western countries in the near future", you know, just like I have been telling you.
I saw that someone thinks these upper class trash are getting ready to flee this chaos they have created but where to, Mystery Babylon?
Hey, I told you two decades ago that they already bought land to build their mansions in Mystery Babylon and God said they would rule out of Mystery Babylon so keep an eye on that. They will just be fulfilling prophecy. This planet is about to get turned on its head.
You better pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load because our insane leaders have completely lost it.
One of the big problems we are having today is that you have been taught to think based on race or racism, especially the left or non Christians. They tend to see you as a genetic group and think that everyone in a group is all the same so that, everyone in that group is either good or bad.
No, the only thing that everyone in any group shares is that they are all human and there are both good and bad humans.
For example, the lefties have been brainwashed to hate all Hebrews but there are both good and bad Hebrews the same as there are both good and bad Gentiles. There will be plenty of both burning in Hell and living in Paradise because God is not racist.
Learn to judge each person by their own actions and know that the only groups you can judge as per the group are groups made up of either good people or bad people because they CHOOSE to be together because they like each other because they are all the same.
Anyone who teaches you anything else is the racist.
Afghan Joe
I just saw a headline that said that Afghan Joe is not up for the job telling me that they have no idea what Afghan Joe's job really is. Get it straight, Afghan Joe's job is not to make presidential decisions. His job is to be a front man and fall guy for his puppet masters so they are not the ones who lose their heads when things get really bad for you.
His job is to be their curtain to hide behind and to distract you from the criminals causing all of these problems and are hiding behind him because they are bully cowards. He is doing that job perfectly, which is why most people, even at the top have not yet realized that the real "brains" behind what is going on are not in Afghan Joe's head.
What really amazes me is that, with it being so obvious that Mahdi Obama is his puppet master, most of the people never blame Mahdi Obama for what Afghan Joe is doing, much less blame Mahdi Obama's puppet masters in the Nation of Islam. Most people cannot figure out or even just understand something that complex.
This is at least four layers of curtains the real criminals are hiding behind. The first layer is Afghan Joe, the second layer is Mahdi Obama, the third layer is some shells the Nation of Islam is hiding behind, the fourth layer is the Nation of Islam and then the people running the Nation of Islam being the biggest criminals and they are the ones who must be hung to stop this insanity but most people have trouble dealing with Mahdi Obama being involved and can't even get to the Nation of Islam, much less to those running it. That is why the upper class trash Royals play their shell games.
Another example is George Soros. I proved to you years ago that he is a curtain that a British Lord is hiding behind and that Lord is a curtain the King of England is hiding behind with Soros hiding behind his foundation that is hiding behind the NGOs, nonprofit corporations, and other groups the Soros foundation funds and many of those groups fund even smaller groups to hide behind with all of that being called "a shell game" to keep you from finding out who is really running and ruining this planet.
For most people, these satanic shell games are working because they don't spend the time and pay the attention to be able to dig through them to the real criminals, you know, those mega rich Royals, who own everyone. Hey, with things getting worse and worse and worse, they don't want to lose their heads; let Afghan Joe and Mahdi Obama take all of the blame and lose their heads.
Afghan Joe is doing his real job just fine and keeping the real criminals secret to save their heads. If you people get mad enough to rebel and take off Afghan Joe's head, the puppet masters will just hire another puppet to replace him and keep on destroying your lives.
That is why I told you decades ago that to solve these horrible problems the upper class trash Royals are intentionally causing, you have to kill from the top down. You can't just take out some stooge in the middle and stop it. They will just hire another stooge and keep on murdering you.
Also, I keep hearing about this war, that war, and other wars but you need to know that the upper class trash Royals will cause whatever war they need to distract you from what they are doing to you, while making money from the wars.
Do you believe me yet that, on Judgment Day, when you find out who really did everything to you and how insanely evil they are, you will sing praises to God when He has His angels herd them off into eternal damnation, where they will never cause you harm again?
Oh, and you will really belch that song out, loud, clear, and long because it will finally be over forever. No more insanity forever.
You want to know how deceptive the lefty upper class trash Royals really are?
Did you know that the word Niger is Latin and later became Spanish?
In Latin it is pronounced nee-zare and in Spanish is I pronounced nee-zure and in English it is pronounced nig-gur.
Do you know what that word means?
Niger means black. That is right, when you are calling a black man Niger, you are saying he is black and the upper class trash have convinced almost everyone in the US, including most blacks, that it is derogatory to call black people black, which means that being black is derogatory and is an insult to all blacks.
The upper class trash Royals have tricked you into believing that calling a black person black is an insult, meaning that being black is an insult, derogatory, and beneath the Royals because the upper class trash Royals are racists, think blacks are inferior to them just like they think you are inferior to them, and hate blacks so they use that to deceptively insult all blacks, you know, being called black in Latin or Spanish is derogatory or an insult.
They and their academe have been fooling most people about that for at least 50 to 60 years now. They have been insulting black people by saying it is an insult to be called black for at least 50 to 60 years now.
Have you noticed that it is OK to call them black in English and in German they are called Schwartz, which means black, but in Italy and Spain they are called Niger, which also means black?
You would be amazed at what else the upper class trash Royals and their academe have fooled most people about for decades and even centuries now.
Every time I see a transgender, I realize I am looking at what it was like in Sodom and Gomorrah just before God destroyed them. The left is what it was like in Sodom and Gomorrah and pre-flood Earth just before God destroyed all of them.
That should tell you that God is getting ready to destroy these cultures right now and it won't be much longer.
You better pray long, pray hard, pray often and get right with God unless you want your butt destroyed soon. God is not going to take much more of this. If He does, He will have to apologize to pre-flood Earth and Sodom and Gomorrah and He is NOT going to do that.
That is part of what God is going to use the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 for, to get rid of most of these pagans destroying our world and lives.
US Military
Remember that I have been telling you for more than a decade that the left is intentionally destroying the US Military to replace it with the Nation of Islam Military?
This video shows you they are succeeding and how they are doing it. Keep in mind that the Nation of Islam is certainly still recruiting their Muslims into our Military.
The military they take to Syria will be their military with the remaining patriot units resisting them taking complete control of the US later and God fighting on our side like He told me and I told thee.
Note that at about 1:53 into that video, they show you a board that shows the strengths of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Space, and Nuclear and it is not pretty. They say that the Army is "marginal", Navy is "weak", Air Force is "very weak", Space is "marginal", and Nuclear is "marginal". You also need to know that the Marines CANNOT be strong without good air support.
That is not going to defeat Russia, especially with the Air Force being very weak and the Navy being weak just like I have been warning you. With the Air Force being weak, it cannot provide adequate air support for anything else so everything else must be no better than marginal to weak.
I warned you about our nuclear capabilities being weak and now you know it. Our nuke war cannot stand up to the Ruskie nuke war.
Remember that we have not had a "one front" military for more than a decade. That means we cannot take on and hold against a major power like Russia, forget about kicking their butts.
Note that they said that increasing numbers of career military are leaving in the middle of their careers taking experience away from our military.
Where are they going?
Into those militias I told you the Military founded and developed more than a quarter of a century ago and you can bet increasing numbers of them are being told to get out and go into those militias with quite a few consolidated into special units remaining in the Military to hold key bases in the US to control those weapons and munitions.
Everything I have been warning you about for years is happening right now.
Here is a little hope. He tells you that, in our war games for fighting China, we lose every time and there is a reason for that. We know China is watching so we are not going to show China how we would beat them so they can develop counters to those strategies and tactics.
We have been doing that in our war games with other nations for more than half a century and I was trained to know that. We intentionally lose so we don't give away our best game to our enemies. It is called being smart.
Note that they were selling his book so that, by about a little past 4 minutes, they shifted to just selling his book.
The bad news is that the left and their allies have almost destroyed our conventional and nuclear military and are trying to finish it off. The good news is that our good officers knew this would happen more than a quarter of a century ago and began planning and working to counter it, much of which I will not compromise because you are going to need that. You will find out about that the hard way soon enough. I wish I could tell you but I can't because then I would be telling your enemies so they could use that intel against you.
You BETTER pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, join those militias, get trained, get organized, and get ready.
All of the bad guys are making their moves and the good guys are making their counter moves. You are about to find out who all of the traitors are the hard way.
Remember that I told you that Israel will take everything from the Euphrates River to the Nile River to the Arabian Sea?
Not only have Egyptian soldiers fired on Israeli soldiers but now the Houthis are coordinating attacks on Israeli ports using long range missiles with Iraq.
Clearly, to stop these insane attacks on Israel, Israel is going to have to take everything I told you she will take or the attacks will clearly continue. That makes it very obvious that, to protect her people, Israel has to take it all.
Remember that I told you that the EU and other such Western international control organizations would fall?
This video shows that the people's eyes have opened to the corruption and wickedness of the left and people are rebelling just like God told me and I told thee. God let the left have what they wanted and most people are not liking it.
The EU is being turned on its head because the arrogant corrupt Royals and their puppets have made everyone else more poor, while making themselves more wealthy with their insane and evil policies. They are stealing enough to anger the people just like the Royals did before Bastille and getting the same results.
Gee, who would have figured?
If you have seen it in the past, your recognize it in the present.
Definitely not the intellectually superior Royals and their puppets, who think they are so brilliant and the people are so stupid they can just lie to the people and fool them forever in spite of the people's increasing poverty.
The video shows there are already 7 of the EU nations now under the control of the conservatives fighting back with more about to be under their control. It looks like most of Europe could be under conservative control by Christmas and they will take back power being abused by the EU leaders.
If they are smart, when the conservatives get into power, they will investigate, prosecute, and imprison the lefties for the problems and harm they have caused for their greed.
The lefty upper class trash Royals' and their puppets' fantasy of a global dictatorship with them owning everything and you owning nothing is kind of vaporizing right before their greedy and insane eyes.
Man plans, God laughs.
Bird Flu
The lying lefties are trying to terrify everyone with the (gasp) bird flu! "Waaaa, waaaa, the sky is falling!!!"
If you go to college and study biology, you will find that better than 90% of flu viruses that infect humans come from birds and are "bird flues". If you have had the flu, you have had a bird flu.
Did you die?
Less than 10% of flu viruses that infect humans come from pigs so you have probably also had a pig flu.
Did you die?
Do they kill people?
Yeah, if your health is bad enough when you get sick. They won't kill normal healthy people.
That is the true science. Let's see if you will listen to it this time.
Quit believing the lies and sensationalism of the media because they know that, if they terrify you enough, you will watch their medium more, making them more money in advertising and they also make more money from things like the Chemical companies for scaring you into using their chemicals. It is all about the money and nothing else.
Hey, when all of the liars are burning in Hell, all of the lies will stop. Just imagine all eternity without one lie being told because all of the liars are burning in the Lake of Fire.
Won't that be wonderful?
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....