I Told You So 671

Fake Christians

I recently saw a video channel that said that maybe, just maybe Chernobyl was one of the Tribulation judgments and people believe that crap because they DON'T READ THE BIBLE!

The Bible tells you that all 3 sets of 7 judgments will take place DURING the Tribulation and that the Tribulation is 7 years long and that the Battle of Armageddon will end the Tribulation AFTER all of those judgments have taken place. It also tells you that all of those judgments are in order because the 7th judgment of the first set starts the first judgment of the second set and the 7th judgment of the second set starts the first judgment of the third set. God did that for a reason.

If anyone tells you anything other than what the Bible tells you, they are not true Christians and are being used by Satan to deceive you.

Now, can a true prophet provide you with new information that adds to and compliments the older prophecies?

Yes, the prophecies in the Bible do just that by one later prophecy providing more information about an earlier prophecy but they never take things out of context or distort the earlier prophecies.

ALL of the judgments for the Tribulation will take place DURING the Tribulation and they must ALL be fulfilled before the Battle of Armageddon can take place with Jesus returning. Pay attention to the details. God gave you those details for a reason.

I just saw another video that said, "Jesus is coming soon" and they often tell you He can come at any moment, which is pure satanic bull crap.

The war that is developing in Israel right now is CLEARLY the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 and CANNOT be the Battle of Armageddon because the Tribulation has not even begun yet and none of the judgments concerning the Tribulation can take place until the Tribulation has started and the prophecy details don't match. Jesus is NOT coming for at least 7 more years. The Bible says so in considerable detail. READ THE BIBLE!

That satanic sensationalism crap is why God told me to tell you that the Tribulation will begin sometime during 2025 and will end sometime during 2032 so these people can no longer deceive you with their lies. Just like Jesus said, no one but God, the Father, knows the day or the hour but God told me to tell you the year so you won't be deceived by these fake preachers. God knew they would lie to you.

Jesus CANNOT come at just any moment because the Bible says He will come at the end of the Battle of Armageddon just before hostilities begin at the end of the Tribulation, AFTER all of those Tribulation judgments have taken place, HINT, HINT, HINT.

READ THE BIBLE and these spawn of Satan cannot fool you. God gave you the Bible for a reason.

You know, that is why God sends prophets or messengers to warn you about coming events so the spawn of Satan cannot use those events to distract you, control you, or fool you.

God sent me to warn you about the coming events, expose Satan's lies and evil plans, and help you prepare for those events along with getting you to turn back to God so He will take care of you. That is my job; I am a witness for God concerning the truth.

BTW, based on what I have been seeing with Prince Harry being rejected by King Chuck, it is very likely that King Chuck and Prince Billy Boy will die in the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, leaving Prince Harry to become the King of England. Keep an eye on that.

I am also very convinced that Europe is about to die with many of its nations breaking up into the smaller nations I told you about more than a decade ago. You can bet that the 4 big power houses of the UK, France, Spain, and Germany will cease to exist as nations and may even become the imperialistic property of Africa with their Royals either dead and taken away as slaves.

The pagan Royals have so completely screwed up pagan Europe and made it vulnerable to conquest just like their greedy ancestors did to Rome but keep poking ye ole bear. A lot of Europeans are going to die because of the bad Royals and that is written all over ye ole European wall.

Also remember what God told me what the US will go through and be broken up because we turned our backs on Him. I will not be surprised to see our upper class trash Royals and their puppets die in the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 and that will definitely make the world a better place with them all burning in Hell.

People, those nations are waging war against Christian Russia and trying to help destroy God's Israel so just what do you think God is going to do to those people and nations?

US Supreme Court

I told you that the left is working to destroy the US Supreme Court because, if they can do away with the US Supreme Court, no one will enforce the US Constitution to protect you from the abuses of power by our corrupt government and that government will be able to do as it will to you.

They are trying to finish off this Constitutional Republic they are right now destroying so they can set up their dictatorship or monarchy over you to have absolute control of you.


I keep seeing people posting crap about how engravings and statues from different parts of the world showing men carrying a purse and some are even saying they must have been spacy aliens.

No one seems to be able to figure out that they used coin money back then and they didn't have pockets in their clothes so guess how they would have carried those coins? In purses, maybe? Gee, that was so hard to figure out, wasn't it?

Just check out the clothes for even the Romans and, for a long time after in Europe and you will see that no one had pockets to carry their coins in. Pockets in your clothes are a relatively new invention and, even after they invented pockets, for quite some time the men still carried their coin purses in their pockets like my grandfather did.


This video proves what I have been telling you about Afghan Joe only pretending to be supporting Israel, while working to help Iran and her proxies destroy Israel. This is what we call sabotage because the US is intentionally delaying the shipment of weapons to Israel that Israel has purchased from the US.

The only reason for that is to cause a weapons and munitions shortage to keep Israel from finishing off Afghan Joe's proxy Hamas terrorist force so that force can cause more harm to Israel.

Netanyahu tells you in that video that Afghan Joe began delaying weapons and munitions to Israel about 4 months ago in a war that has only been going on for 9 months.

Gee, you don't think that maybe, just maybe this is also meant to cause a weapons shortage in Israel by the time the US and its allies send troops to Syria to invade Israel, do you?

Of course it does because you try to disarm the enemy before you engage them in combat.

You can bet that, after the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 Israel will learn to become completely independent of any other nation and will build their own weapons stock piles.

I used to wonder how the US was going to keep Israel from attacking and destroying the US (Nation of Islam) and other troops while they deploy inside of Syria to invade Israel and this is it.

What Israel will have to do to try to survive is she will have to quit attacking her enemies until the full force gets deployed so she can take out the maximum number of enemy troops with each attack. She is going to have to maximize the efficiency of her attacks.

This all tells me the Nation of Islam is about ready to make her move. Afghan Joe's handlers, you know, Mahdi Obama's people, have been systematically bleeding down Israel's weapons and munitions for about 4 months now so she is getting a little low on weapons.

Mean while, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis continue to escalate their attacks against Israel to force Israel to use weapons and munitions faster, while the US is "being defeated by the Houthis and withdrawing US troops in defeat".

Talk about staged, coordinated, and planned combat against Israel by Afghan Joe's handlers, Iran, and Iran's proxies with NO ONE coming to Israel's aid but God.

I just found out that Israel has destroyed more than 40 munitions bunkers in Lebanon like I told you they would do but they rarely report that. They make it sound like Israel has only destroyed half a dozen bunkers.

That is important because, if they average destroying 1,000 missiles per bunker, then Israel has destroyed more than 40,000 missiles but she has probably already destroyed at least twice that.

It is so hard to get good and important intel right now.

In spite of all of that, Israel is now saying she has almost finished the war in Gaza against Hamas and is preparing for war in Lebanon against Hezbollah.

Mean while, our intellectually superior Royals and their puppets are losing a war in Ukraine against Russia, you know, the ones who know how best to fight the war in Gaza. /sarc

Watch this video and you will see why they did not want Israel to go into Rafah and cut off the weapons, munitions, and supplies to Hamas. That is why they made such a big stink out of Israel going into Rafah.

People, all of those weapons and munitions were being smuggled into Gaza by way of Egypt and you think Egypt didn't know that many weapons and munitions were passing through Egypt?

Of course she knew and so did everyone else. Below, under the heading "Hamas" I show you that the UN, US, and others were financing those weapons they were smuggling into Gaza. They ALL knew about it and didn't want Israel to cut off the weapons and munitions being smuggled into Gaza for Hamas by them.

Do you get the picture yet? Do you believe me yet?

Now Jordan is claiming they didn't know that Iran and the West have been smuggling weapons to Hamas through Jordan. They insult our intelligence with their claims just like Egypt.

These nations closely control what their citizens have access to but don't know what is moving into and through their nation to terrorist organizations? Really?

And the stupid people just blindly believe it.

US Corruption

Remember that I have been telling you about the upper class trash Royals' and their puppets' corruption but there is just so very much corruption I can't seem to expose it all?

A few minutes into this video he shows you that almost all of the government subsidies, free government money, for the green energy thingy went to the rich.

Gee, who would have figured the corrupt members of the upper class would use this global "crisis" to launder your tax dollars into their pockets?

That is just one of a number of ways the rich have been using this fake weather crisis to launder your tax dollars into their greedy pockets.

Do you see what their fake crisis is really all about?

It is all about the money and it always is.


Russia just signed a mutual defense treaty with India so now, militarily, Russia is contractually aligned with China, North Korea, India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, most of Africa, and nations throughout Central and South America and the Caribbean. That pretty much leaves North America and Europe isolated.

Wow, great job, Western leaders.

I think the US just crossed a Russian red line when Ukraine used US weapons to attack, kill, and injure more than 150 civilians in Crimea. Putin and his people are saying "there will be a retaliation against the US for that crime against humanity."

Our insane leaders are determined to get a bunch of you killed off so they can set up their global dictatorship over you.

I keep wondering where is the red line for the good guys in our military and government because tyrants only succeed when the good people do nothing.

Now the West is moving to include Ukraine in the EU as justification for going to war against Russia, with the morons thinking they can keep the war contained within Ukraine so their nations won't get overrun even after their troops all die in Ukraine.

The morons are blatantly ignoring that Russia just finished putting together its own NATO/EU with its allies AND that they could not have defeated Russia without those allies. But, hey, the US military umbrella, which can't defeat Russia because our upper class trash Royals and their puppets sacked our military, will save their stupid butts; eeeee, eeeee, eeeee.

You know, I am convinced the human race has been inbreeding too long so that we have too many super duper stupid people called lefties.


With the French elections soon taking place, Marine Le Pen, who is looking like she will win, is saying that she is against sending French troops into Ukraine.

God is definitely taking care of Russia to the chagrin of the Royals. For the Royals to get French troops into Ukraine, they have to make it happen before the French election next month. Their time, satanic dreams, and chances are getting just a wee bit short.

President Moron is threatening that, if he loses the election, there will be a French civil war.

What should that tell you?

He is telling Le Pen that, if she wins, his people will stage an insurrection to topple the government and put him into power called treason.

This entire election he called is just show and a front or excuse to stage a coup of the French Government. They are making their move to turn France into a dictatorship. This entire little trick of his will fail and backfire on him and this could be the event that causes France to breakup into 3 or 4 smaller nations.

He may be trying to intimidate Le Pen by bluffing but, if they start this war because they lost, they should be facing the gallows. Keep an eye on it.


Increasing numbers of Asian nations are moving towards joining BRICS, you know, becoming allies with Russia. Thailand and Malaysia just applied to join BRICS and Japan is dumping US treasuries, further isolating the West from the rest of the world.

Do you believe me yet that you are right now living the fall of Rome II because of the insane greed of our arrogant upper class trash Royals? But, do you think those arrogant fools will quit trying to take over the entire planet and steal everything from everyone?

No way, they are too stupid to cut their losses. They are determined to lose absolutely everything, including your lives, to keep trying to steal everything.

Do you believe me yet that they are all bonkers mad?


Remember that I have been telling you that the West is ramping up to go to war with Russia in Ukraine to destroy Russia the way they are trying to destroy Israel so the West can set up its global dictatorship?

I just found out that NATO has 500,000 troops "on high alert" for going into Ukraine to fight Russia. Gee, that sure sounds like a lot of troops but let's do the military math on this.

The standard rule of thumb for an invading force is that it must be AT LEAST 3 to 5 times larger than the defending force to have a chance at succeeding.

Just in the West near Ukraine, Russia has 1.3 million troops, it is getting larger, and that doesn't include the troops she has in eastern Russia. That would require that NATO have a force of at least 3.9 to 6.5 million troops to succeed with the invasion, especially since the NATO generals have spent 2.5 years proving they are really terrible at commanding troops against Russia because Russia has already destroyed almost 500,000 Ukrainian and NATO troops in the last 2.5 years, while Russia has tripled the size and strength of its military.

Do you now understand why the West is trying to help the Muslims destroy Israel so Mahdi Obama can prove he is the Muslim Mahdi so all Muslims will be required to unite behind him to conquer the world starting with Russia? Does that also explain why the Royals are starting up the draft in increasing numbers of their nations?

The West needs at least another 6 million troops to finish off Russia so the lunatics can rule the world and the only place they are going to get that is from 1.4 billion Muslims and that does not include them fighting Russia's allies too, you know, the ones Putin just signed mutual defense treaties with like 1.4 billion Chinese, 1.5 billion Indians, and then millions of others in places like North Korea, Iran, Africa, Central and South America, and the Caribbean.

Gee, do you now understand why Putin has been traveling around the world getting his ducks in a row to fight against the West?

Russia's allies probably have more than 5 billion people and the West might have one billion people. Yeah, that is going to work well for the West but you just know that the arrogant moron Royals won't quit because day just gots tuh habs der global dictatorship.

Why do I feel like I am sailing on the Titanic towards a giant iceberg?

Do you get the picture yet? Suddenly 500,000 troops doesn't sound so big, does it?

Always do the math.


Remember that I have told you that what caused this mess is Christians becoming tolerant of paganism and those pagans came rushing out of their closets and taking back control of their nations?

Peru just staged an ancient pagan ritual to their pagan god, the sun, to celebrate their southern hemisphere winter solstice, you know, the rebirth of their sun god.

They probably didn't murder any children to their god this time, at least not until everyone else had gone to bed, but it will only be a matter of time until they murder them by the thousands like they used to, which is why they were so easily conquered by the Spanish because they had murdered off too many of their future troops to their pagan sun god. Wow, that worked well.

This pagan crap has been popping up all over the place since the Western pagans subjugated their Christians. I have been seeing more and more of these pagan religions and rituals come back out of hiding for years and you know God will punish them AGAIN for their paganism.

These are the people and nations infiltrating troops into the US to destroy us from within, which is why you better pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load.

Do you better understand why God is going to cause you to defeat our pagans and their pagans within our nation and then defeat their nations again to stop this pagan insanity and then have us annex their nations into our Christian nation to remove any future threat from them?

It is all coming out in the open and coming together really fast now.

You watch; it won't be long and you will see them butchering their children to their pagan gods in the open just like they used to and then they will want to butcher your children to their pagan gods.


Remember that I have been telling you that evolution is a fanatical pagan cult because the scientists who teach it knowingly ignore evidence proving evolution is not true so they can keep believing and teaching evolution to keep "disproving the Bible"?

I just remembered something I read about more than half a century ago concerning evolution. They have some caves in France that have been sealed off so no one can see the cave art of dinosaurs the people made who lived in those caves a few thousand years ago.

They don't want you to know that evolution is a lie and I have been reading about the evolutionists hiding evidence that proves it is a lie for more than half a century. The evolutionists have proved to me that they are lying and the Bible is true about creation by them covering up evidence disproving evolution.

About the same time, I also read a number of articles in the regular media telling that the evolutionists are hiding evidence disproving evolution in the basements of museums and in warehouses, where they keep quite a bit of such evidence.

I was taught by evolutionists that evolution was founded to disprove the Bible and God and they keep using its lies to disprove the Bible and God so it is all about religion so it is a fanatical pagan cult that hates the Bible and God in spite of the evidence proving the Bible and God.

Remember that I told you I am waiting for them to find the trillion year old man?

They are getting closer really fast. I just found out that they have found evidence of man being here 500 million years ago.

I told you how they work it. You follow the money. If you want to make more money selling your book about something you found, you pay to get it dated as being the oldest of that something. When you send it to the lab for "dating", you tell them you want it dated between years X and Y so it will be the oldest and you will make a few million extra on your book sales and for giving lectures.

This has gotten so out of hand that they are now increasing the dates for stuff by really huge leaps and bounds. Hey, you gotta get rich before you retire.

God said, "The love of money is the root to all evil." Too many people love money more than they love people and the truth.

I keep seeing less and less integrity in science but most people don't know enough science to tell when they are being lied to. It is easy to fool them because they don't know better.

Remember that scientists, MDs, politicians, journalists, college professors, and other "professionals" are humans and there are both good and bad humans in all professions. Some humans just suck.

BTW, be sure to research your medications because a friend of mine told me that, if he had not checked out his wife's medications before giving them to her, they would have killed her because two of the prescriptions are not supposed to be taken together or they can kill you. You have to take them hours apart and the idiot MD, who wrote the prescriptions didn't tell them that.

I first studied genetics in the late 1960s and realized something interesting. In biology they teach that inbreeding degrades DNA and causes the organism to get less intelligent and more insane along with develop a variety of medical problems but evolution REQUIRES that inbreeding causes organisms to improve to a higher level with better DNA.

They can't both be right. Archaeology and history prove biology right because humans have been developing birth defects and infertility for at least the last 3,000 years with no genetic improvements. King Tut had severe birth defects from inbreeding 3,000 years ago.

What? He didn't evolve into a super duper human?

But, hold it, evolution REQUIRES that cannot be true or all species will eventually inbreed themselves infertile and extinct.

So, I began doing what we call "field research" the way I am trained to do it and have been doing that field research for almost two thirds of a century keeping an eye on genetic damage and the rates of infertility. In doing my field research I have studied history, archaeology, human behavior, cultures, and everything else that could influence genetic changes, good or bad.

Now, keep in mind that, no matter whether you believe in creation or evolution, we humans have been inbreeding very heavily for at least 4,400 years, you know, since God changed our DNA following the flood. We humans have been inbreeding with humans ever since the first two humans.

There are two things you need to keep in mind. For at least the last 4,400 years, every time we humans have migrated, it tended to be close families moving to form a new village somewhere else together, which required extremely heavy inbreeding for hundreds to thousands of years because most of those villages were isolated that long.

Even within big cities like Babylon, Nineveh, Rome, London, New York, Chicago, and LA, people tend to breed within neighborhoods so they are inbreeding with family and, to a lesser extent, that goes on today because the people within a suburb tend to breed within that suburb and it only takes a few generations for almost everyone to become family.

That is also one reason why I studied the history of the Royals because they are extremely heavily inbred, which has caused a number of family lines to disappear because of infertility caused by inbreeding, of which the Hapsburg Family is most famous but there have been others.

The Royals also developed hemophilia, insanity, and other medical problems caused by their extreme inbreeding. People, they are only 1% of the global population and have been inbreeding within their areas for more than 3,500 years. That should tell you that they have one of the worst genetic pools in the world.

For example, the European Royals have been inbreeding within the European Royals, the African Royals within the African Royals, the Asian Royals within the Asian Royals and the American Indian Royals within their tribes.

That is all extreme inbreeding and has the same effect in spite of how wonderful you like to think you are.

Also, during my studies, I visited a biology genetics lab and asked them how many positive genetic mutations required to cause a species to evolve to a higher level they had found in the last 20+ years and they said, "None, not one." In decades of lab research 100% of the genetic mutation they had found would cause the organism to devolve to a lower level and not evolve to a higher level.

First, just that proves that evolution could not be true because humans would have become extinct long before they became humans. The EXACT opposite MUST be true for evolution to even be possible. That means that just biology proves evolution is scientifically impossible.

Also, the Second Law of Thermodynamics REQUIRES that everything in our cosmos, including our DNA, is constantly breaking down, which makes evolution to a higher level scientifically impossible. Gee, both biology and physics prove evolution is scientifically impossible.

During my field research, I noticed some interesting things. Infertility, cancer, decreasing intelligence, increasing insanity, increasing other birth defects, and other medical problems have been increasing very rapidly for the last 60 years, primarily because of our continued inbreeding but some of it is because of recreational drugs.

Based on my observations and research, I am convinced that mankind could not last for just 10,000 years without becoming infertile and extinct. Forget about these insane and absurd hundreds of thousands and millions of years the fake scientists and fanatical pagan high priests are telling us now.

Just look at our rapidly increasing infertility rate only after 4,400 years since God changed our DNA. There is absolutely no way that, with our gene pool, mankind could last 10,000 years. With the new gene pool God gave us 4,400 years ago, if Jesus doesn't return in the next few hundred years, we humans will become extinct before the first 5,000 years is up since God changed our DNA or in less than 600 years from now, probably less than 100 to 200 years.

Just that intel alone proves that evolution is scientifically impossible, I am convinced most scientists know it, and they are lying their butts off because of their fanatical pagan religion of evolution worshiping their Ungod. The claims they make are beyond absurd and preposterous. Question EVERYTHING you are told.

Then I found this video that tells you that their millions and billions of years is all made up just like the beliefs for any fanatical pagan cult. The ugly truth is that they don't have any true or valid scientific evidence that ANYTHING is more than 6,000 years old and they know it and they are lying to you.

Hey, if they tell the right lies, they get more money in government scientific grants and you know those pagans love their money more than the truth.

2024 Election

After everything we have been through the last 7.5 years, if you have to watch this coming debate to decide who to vote for in the 2024 election, you have not been paying attention. I am not even going to watch that debate because I know who I will vote for and why so it will be a waste of my time because I pay attention.

I am not going to let one clearly rigged debate decide for me who I will vote for.

I just saw a head line on a video that said, "Biden was so good at lying to the American people," but it wasn't Afghan Joe who was doing all of the lying; it was everyone else, especially the media, that did almost all of the lying. Biden can barely talk.

BTW, the lefties think they are so intellectually superior to you and you are so stupid that they will be able to rig this debate and you won't be able to figure it out cuz dey is are be smarty pants. This is going to fail and backfire on them like everything else they have done and destroying the credibility of their media to even more people. Most people will see right through the left's corruption and turn against them even more.

They are so arrogant and brainwashed to believe they are so smart and you are so stupid that you just can't see through their corruption, they never learn, and they never quit.

That is an easy prediction.


Remember that I told you that Hamas spent over a decade building up the infrastructure or tunnels for this war?

Guess who helped fund all of that ramping up for war against Israeli civilians?

This video tells you that the UN agency, UNRWA, spent "over a decade" funding the building up of the infrastructure Hamas used for this war and you better bet they knew all about it and what it was going to be used for, you know, destroying Israel and murdering their civilians. Note that he told you they only researched back a decade so this has been going on longer than that just like I have been telling you.

BTW, Mahdi Obama got elected president almost 16 years ago.

Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Have you noticed the hundreds to thousands of magic coincidences by the left and their Muslim pals? Nah, this wasn't all planned out, was it? /sarc

Remember that I have been telling you about all of the left's money laundering crap?

Note that he said that the money was "donated" in the US to JP Morgan, you know, by rich donors using JP Morgan to launder their donations to Hamas.

Gee, that would have to be our upper class trash Royals, their puppets, and the Nation of Islam. What a magic coincidence, you know, just like I have been telling you.

Then he shows you how complex their money laundering trail is in detail to make it difficult to follow that money and the different little tricks they use to hide who is involved in it like Hamas being the money changers and taking 10% to more than 20% as a fee for changing the money.

Gee, just 10% of 20 million dollars a month is 2 million dollars a month going to Hamas plus you know they get more in other ways like taxes and other fees.

Do you get the picture yet? Do you believe me yet?

They just keep proving me right because I am trained to know how these things work and God shows me things.

Then he explains other sources of income for Hamas like Iran. Those terrorists were rolling in the dough.

He also tells you how massively UNRWA was involved in the weapons storage and smuggling along with other crimes and that, by law, "they aided and abetted Hamas in their crimes against Israel." They are criminals.

He tells you that the UN knew about it because they kept auditing UNRWA to see what was going on. The entire UN is complicit in these international crimes against humanity, genocide of Israeli civilians, and other major crimes. They were and still are complicit in capital crimes and are just as bad as Hitler and his Nazis.

The lefties cannot be more evil than they already are, which is why I call them human demons. The only way these monsters could be that evil is because they are demon possessed.

Gee, you mean I have not been exaggerating about how evil these horrible things are?

Not according to what they found out. The lefty upper class trash Royals and their puppets ARE the problem. I bet that opened an eyeball or two.

Just remember that man plans, God laughs.


Remember that I told you that I keep seeing more and more paganism slithering back out of its hole it has been hiding in since Christianity put it there because the Christians were taught to be tolerant and pacifists?

This video shows you one more pagan cult staging a comeback because we turned out backs on God.

Note that they did not butcher any human sacrifices this time but it is only a matter of time until they do and most of them will be children and babies. These Central and South American cults butchered hundreds of thousands of people per year with better than 90% children. It was common for them to butcher from 1,000 to 3,000 children a day per city.

They have probably still been murdering human sacrifices in secret for those hundreds of years but only a fraction as many. The pagan cults I have been able to get detailed intel on all have been murdering people as human sacrifices.

I learned decades ago that many of the illegal alien children brought into the US who disappear are sold to pagan cults for human sacrifices, which is why they disappear.

Take a good look at the majesty and magnificence of that pagan ritual because it won't be long before they are openly murdering human sacrifices to their gods, which is forbidden in Christianity. That raised area in the center is where they will butcher the children.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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