I Told You So 672

Upper Class Trash

Remember that I have been telling you that the inbred Royals are not as intelligent as they think they are and they have taught you they are?

To show you the stupidity of the upper class trash, the CCP just released intel about a new Chinese law that provides the death penalty for anyone who tries to keep Taiwan separate and free from the oppressive rule of China.

Of course, the arrogant and simple minded fools of the CCP are trying to use psychological warfare terrorism to scare the people of Taiwan into submitting to the tyrannical rule of the CCP.

What it will do is cause most of them to not want to be under the rule of the CCP for fear they will be falsely blamed for such crimes and killed. This will cause more of the people of Taiwan to fight and fight harder.

This is just going to fail and backfire on China because all of the upper class trash around the world are so out of touch with reality. They do not understand most people.

This video tells you that another great sounding stupid idea by the lefty upper class trash Royals and their puppets, you know, Afghan Joe's handlers, has almost completely failed and they are about to stop it. It tells you about the failure of the Gaza Pier for bringing food into Gaza.

He does a very good job of showing and explaining the pier and what went on. He shows you how inefficiently they managed this project. The entire operation was a joke and just show to impress the stupid people.

It failed because the pier was not built for that ocean swell situation and nobody asked about that. You know that, without thinking it through, someone just said, "Hey, let's do this," and they did it without further thought because it just sounded so good.

My thought is, "Can the Royals and their puppets do anything right?" Do you still believe those inbred, over educated, morons are smarter than you? Really? Do you understand why I would never hire any of them to manage an outhouse?

Their ignorance and stupidity amazes me. They should never be allowed to be in charge of ANYTHING outside of their bubble world. They should ALL crawl off into a corner and find something shiny to play with.

Do you believe me yet that this planet will be much, much, much, much, much better off with all of them burning in Hell?

They screw up everything they touch.

Now something else you have to keep in mind here is that this operation was carried out by the US Pentagon, which proves that too many of the top officers there were promoted because of butt kissing and not because of military competence.

THOSE OFFICERS, who could not even manage a pier, will be in charge of us fighting a war with Russia and that should scare the crap out of you. They are in control of our nukes and they are losing the war with Russia in Ukraine. Think about it.

Do you believe me yet that you BETTER pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load? Do you understand why God has to kill so many of our civilian and military leaders in the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, you know, before they get you killed?


Remember that I have been telling you for years that Louis Farrakhan started building a "shadow government" (he said so) in the 1960s and how he built it, he had it functioning under Billy Boy Clinton and offered to stage an insurrection to save Billy Boy from impeachment and removal, Mahdi Obama became a very big part of that shadow government leadership and would spend entire days with Farrakhan at Farrakhan's home, when Mahdi Obama was president?

In the first few minutes of this video she tells you that Mahdi Obama and his group "have a shadow government" running our nation. Super Duper surprise, surprise, surprise!!!

Gee, who would have figured?

They finally figured out what I have been telling you for years but they still don't seem to know that the Shadow government belongs to the Nation of Islam partly run by Mahdi Obama. Always remember that Mahdi Obama is a very big part of the leadership for the Nation of Islam.

Do you believe me yet?

Keep those dots connected, people, because they explain a lot. They just keep proving me right because I pay attention, God shows me a lot, and I do my homework.

Then I found this video of a top level Commierat that worked for Mahdi Obama saying that it is totally Afghan Joe's decision to withdraw or not, telling me that they believe that the only way to get him out against his will is to kill him.

Keep an eye on Chicago because they are clearly using these lame excuses to cover for them killing Afghan Joe to stage an insurrection of our government to finish setting up their dictatorship. "Why, we didn't kill him, we supported him.", wink, wink.

It is all about them controlling you with their party and not about the nation.

Then I found this very critical video telling you that the ONLY way they can remove Afghan Joe from the ballot for this election is if he RESIGNS and he isn't going to resign; his wife, greedy Queen Jill, will make sure of that.

Mark doesn't tell you this but the ONLY other way they can remove Afghan Joe from the ballot is if he dies. Keep an eye on Chicago because the Nation of Islam and Mahdi Obama don't have a choice any more. If they do not kill Afghan Joe, he will lose this election, they will lose control of the nation, and definitely will not be able to set up their global dictatorship for decades after. If they want their global dictatorship soon, they have to kill Afghan Joe and Kruela soon.

Then Mark went on a tirade about the treason being committed by the lefty MSM like I have been telling you for years. He does an excellent job of that.

Then he really laid into the treasons of every part of our government involved in these crimes against the people and the nation.

This below is super duper huge.

Remember that I have been telling you that the reason for Iran using proxies to attack Israel was to draw more of the Muslim nations into uniting against Israel to invade and destroy Israel, causing the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39?

They just keep proving me right because God doesn't lie to me. The 22 members of the Arab League just took Hezbollah off the designation of being a terrorists group so they can justify invading Israel in the event that Israel invades Hezbollah to stop Hezbollah's attacks against Israel. "How dare you defend yourself against our Muslim terrorists?"

Which nations belong to the Arab League?

The members of the Arab League include Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen plus you can add Turkey and Iran because they have both committed to invading and destroying Israel.

That group of nations uniting to invade and destroy Israel fulfills the Bible prophecy for the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39. It is happening RIGHT NOW just like God said thousands of years ago it would happen. God didn't lie.

Keep in mind that prophecy also said, "and other nations", you know, like the Nation of Islam and all of North Africa.

It is all coming together right now because the Nation of Islam and Iran just succeeded in uniting at least 25 Muslim nations (others will follow) to invade and destroy Israel just like I have been telling you, including every nation mentioned in the Bible for the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39.

Gee, what a super duper magic coincidence that, at the same time the Nation of Islam and Mahdi Obama will have to kill Afghan Joe and Kruela by nuking Chicago to seize control of the US like God told me, at least 25 Muslim nations unite to invade Israel, fulfilling Bible prophecy.

Do you believe God yet?

Hang on because this ride just got wild. The Bible just got real! Right now, you are living the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

Mark of the Beast

I get so sick and tired of people coming up with new super duper technology that "will be the Mark of the Beast". GARBAGE!!!

READ THE BIBLE, it very clearly tells you what the Mark of the Beast will be. The Bible says that the Mark of the Beast will be the number 666 that will be placed on the back of the right hand and/or forehead.

Does that sound like a chip, AI, a super duper computer program, or anything else?

It WILL NOT be chips placed under the skin, AI, super duper computers, robots, or any other super duper technology. People who purport that such things will be the Mark of the Beast are ignoring the Bible and just lying their butts off, sensationalising, to sell books and videos and they are the spawn of Satan confusing you and distracting you from the truths of the Bible. It is all about the money and they are playing you for suckers and fools. READ THE BIBLE!

The Mark of the Beast was prophesied in the first century AD and it came into use in the seventh century AD, when the Muslims, especially the Shiite Muslims, began tattooing the number 666 on the backs of their right hands and/or foreheads just like the Bible said, HINT, HINT, HINT! It is even in the Koran and is the most holy number in Islam.

Satan is using this to get you to not read the Bible so you will believe his lies, after all, when Satan's Muslims take over the planet and start forcing you to use the Mark of the Beast to buy and sell, Satan does not want you to realize that is really the Mark of the Beast.

The Muslims have been using the Mark of the Beast for 1,400 years and idiots keep telling you it will be this, that, or something else so they can make money from you and distract you from reading the Bible.

During the Tribulation, when the Muslims conquer the world and set up their one world government based out of Mystery Babylon, they will require everyone to have the number 666 tattooed on the backs of their right hand and/or forehead to be able to buy or sell anything just like the Bible says. READ THE BIBLE!!!

God did not lie and Satan has done nothing but lie.

Father, open everyone's eyes, please.


Remember that I have told you a number of times to pray for your Christian family because many of them are being persecuted?

This video tells you that one in seven or 365 million Christians on the planet face persecution for their faith in Jesus, often being killed.

They really need your prayers and, someday, you will probably need their prayers. All Christians should pray for and help all Christians.

Note that he tells you that 10 years ago, you know, in 2014, when Mahdi Obama was president, ISIS, which was formed by the CIA under Mahdi Obama, took over that town and told the Christians that they could convert to Islam, run for their lives, or die and Mahdi Obama's terrorists murdered a bunch of the Christians.

And Mahdi Obama's puppet, Afghan Joe, is letting their ISIS terrorist group bring at least hundreds of their people into the US? DO YOU GET THE PICTURE YET?

Do you now believe me that you BETTER pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load?


Remember that I have been teaching you truth about creation and evolution?

This is a great video that just flat tells you what I have been telling you about the evolutionists KNOW they cannot prove evolution and science actually disproves evolution but they keep ignoring those many, many disproofs so they can continue to believe what they want to believe, which is completely unscientific and can only be a fanatical pagan cult of evolution.

He tells you he has thousands of questions the evolutionists cannot answer and they just ignore them like any fanatical pagan religious leader would.

He tells you that NO ONE has ever made even just one cell and they have been trying for almost 200 years and they don't even know how to begin to make a cell. I have known and watched that for almost half a century.

Scientists cannot even make a strand of DNA or RNA from scratch and he tells you that. He tells you that they can't even make the enzymes inside cells and those are comparatively simple.

Then he tells you that their fairy tales about time solving the problems is wrong because time is their biggest problem. They would have to be able to get these changes done in very little time for them to work. He tells you they don't have millions and billions of years but only have hours before those tiny cell parts fall apart and new ones have to be made by the cell.

In other words, the Bible is right because it says that God created certain life forms on certain days so, for every organism, He had to create the entire organism very quickly. Science proves that God HAD TO MAKE EVERYTHING IN JUST 6 days!!! Science proves the Bible right and evolution wrong and impossible.

I have seen so much of this kind of evidence over the last half century that totally disproves any kind of possibility that evolution could be true that I would never even think of believing anything about evolution except that is couldn't happen unless God caused it to happen.

In other words, just like I have been telling you, science has proved conclusively that God MUST exist for us to exist.

BTW, he mentioned the "primordial soup model" and, scientifically, it is a massive joke. It is so mathematically improbable that it is many times less likely to happen than what science says is impossible. It could never have happened. Even the scientists don't believe it but they still use it to keep evolution alive. They KNOW it is mathematically much less probable than what they consider impossible.

Since scientists cannot make life, that should tell you that ONLY God can make life and he had to do it quickly, within days.

That is a great video.

Here is something to keep in mind. The evolutionist and most creationists try to use "natural phenomenon" to figure out how our cosmos, planet, and life began.

God did not create our existence using natural phenomenon but He created our existence AND natural phenomenon by which our existence functions at the same time. Just because our existence functions based on natural phenomenon does not mean natural phenomenon was used to create our existence. Science has proved that natural phenomenon CANNOT explain the creation of our existence, only God can.

Here is some more food for thought: "Scientists have long known that animals cannot exist without plants and plants cannot live without animals. That means they HAD TO be created together. This one single FACT destroys evolution, permanently and forever."

Then I found this video in which he starts out telling you about the different theories for both evolution and creation proving that evolution cannot be a fact.

Then he tells you what I learned more than half a century ago in biology in that it requires information to create or change life forms and explains the difference between Biblical creationists and "intelligence design" theorists, who don't want to admit that the God of the Bible exists but are willing to admit that an intelligence superior to man had to cause life to happen, you know, a creator or god being, which is why I often use that term.

People, as intelligent as man is, we still cannot figure out how to create a living cell so it had to take a much greater intelligence than man to cause life or a creator/god being.

He tells you that the information that is required to cause life has put all evolution at an impasse because natural phenomenon, accident, and coincidence are not adequate for the creation of life. There had to be a god being with that knowledge to cause life. Life is NOT as simple as the evolutionists lie to you about it being. There is NO such thing as a simple cell.

The evolutionists keep getting closer and closer to having to admit that a vastly superior intelligence or god being had to cause life. The more they learn, the more they know that the superior intelligence has to exist for us to exist.

And God said, "The truth will be made known."

I told you more than a decade ago that God gave us science to prove God and help us better understand God but the God haters took control and started using science to prove God does not exist only to prove that God MUST exist.

Every day, they get one day closer.

I have been using my studies in science, the Bible, and things God has shown me with science for more than half a century to figure things out about what God did, how, and why and I have been sharing that with you for almost 25 years now. It will be 25 years this coming November.

Let me share something with you. There is a background gravity that is being caused by matter that we do not yet see in our cosmos that has to be 90% of the matter in our cosmos so, instead of looking for the outer edge of our cosmos to see if that matter exists there, these geniuses dreamed up insane fairy tales about "dark matter" and "invisible matter", ASSUMING that matter must be inside our cosmos, when physics says it doesn't have to be.

The evidence proves both of those fairy tales to be false and I have taught you that but they keep believing in one or the other in spite of the evidence.

That matter can exist at the outer edges of our cosmos but it has to be equally spread around the outer edge of our cosmos to have an even background gravity within our cosmos like we see.

I told you years ago that God showed me in a dream that 90% of the matter in our cosmos exists in a massive ring of water surrounding the outer edge of our cosmos and the Bible teaches that God's "ball of clay" for creating this cosmos was a super duper massive ball of water He started rotating to turn it into a spinning disc of water and God started creating from the middle of that disc, which turned it into a rotating ring of water that quickly expanded to be an orbiting gravitational fly wheel around our cosmos to provide the background gravity to keep everything together inside of our cosmos. I keep waiting for them to find that ring of water and it is going to happen soon.

In 1998 science proved conclusively that this cosmos will continue expanding until there is not enough background gravity to keep things together and atoms and molecules will begin flying apart starting at the outer edge. That explains what the Bible means when it says the stars will be rolled up like a scroll. Starting at the outer edge, the stars will begin flying apart and disappear with that moving quickly towards the center of our cosmos just like rolling up a scroll.

That means that the ring of water at the outer edge will be the first to fly apart, which will quickly destroy 90% of the matter in our cosmos, which will cause 90% of our background gravity to quickly disappear, and the rest of the stars we now see will fly apart so fast it will terrify everyone.

That means that will happen during the Tribulation in less than a decade.

God also showed me He will save two galaxies, our galaxy and M31 or Andromeda and I have taught you about that so you will know that God will save our butts.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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