Like God

The first, the greatest and the most consistent lie in history is that we can be like God, if we rebel against God and.... You see it throughout history and in all pagan religions and it always results in downfall. It was the first lie Lucifer created, told himself and believed, that he could be like God, if he just rebelled against and overthrew God. It caused the downfall of Satan, Lucifer, the Devil.

If you study the consistency of Lucifer's lie, which he has coerced man with throughout history, it becomes obvious that Lucifer almost certainly coerced 1/3 of the angels to follow Lucifer in rebellion against God by promising the angels that they could be like God, if the angels helped Lucifer rebel against and over throw God. It caused the downfall of 1/3 of the angels.

It was the lie Lucifer coerced Eve with in the Garden of Eden, that she could be like God, if she just rebelled against God and ate the forbidden fruit. It caused the downfall of man and man being expelled from the Garden of Eden.

You will see in this essay that it is most likely that the lie which caused the downfall of man again and the Great Flood of Noah, was that man could be like God, if he just rebelled against God and did this, that, or something else. It led to the downfall of man again.

Right after the Great Flood, when man was still gathered together in Babylon in Eastern modern day Iraq, the Bible tells us that the people decided to believe Lucifer's lie again. They believed that they could be just like God, if they just rebelled against God and built a tower or ziggurat which reached to the sky or heaven, where God lives. The Bible tells us that it lead to the downfall of man again when God destroyed the ziggurat, gave different languages to the people to confuse them, and scatter the people throughout the world causing the downfall of man again.

If you study the history of pagan religions, you will see again and again that the people believed that they could become gods just like God, if they rebelled against God and did this, that, or something else. Almost all ancient leaders were deified as gods and goddesses because of their desire and belief that, if they rebelled against God and did this, that, or something else, they could become gods just like God.

Buddhism is based on the belief in being reincarnated until you eventually become gods, just like God, if you rebel against God and live increasingly better lives. The pharaohs, the Incas, the Aztec leaders, and almost all other world leaders were all considered to be gods, just like God. It has always led to the downfall of their societies and man again and again and again.

Today the New Agers/Luciferians believe that, if they rebel against God (murdering off and oppressing Christians), set up their beloved communist one world government, and murder off more than seven billion innocent people, that their god, Lucifer, will cause some miraculous thing to happen which will cause man to "evolve" into gods and become just like their god, Lucifer. Many are trusting in science for that miracle believing that scientists are on the verge of a break through which will make them immortal, you know, just like God. What do you want to bet it will lead to the downfall of their evil society and man again? Bet on it.

But don't worry, we humans are consistently stupid in believing this lie of Satan's. We want so bad to be gods so we can do whatever evil is in our hearts and not have to answer to God for our crimes against His Laws. We won't give up, even after facing God on Judgment Day. The scriptures tell us that some of the people will rebel against God right up until they are cast into the Lake of Fire. If you were to empty out the Lake of Fire trillions times trillions of millennia after Judgment Day, you would find that the very first thing those same evil people would do would be to rebel against God and try to be like gods....again. Their evil hearts will never stop being evil.

Since most humans are determined to rebel against God and try to be like gods so they can do whatever evil they want, it is always time to....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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