Have you figured out yet that Israel was Obama's next victim in his "Arab Spring"?
Just look at a map, Obama and pals started in Tunisia, then Libya, then Egypt (whose military staged a coup and threw out their imposed tyrant), then Syria, but hold it, they left out Israel...until last.
And now Obama is setting the stage to wage war against Israel.
Kerry said that Israel can be Jewish or can be democratic but can't be both.
Gee, you think he hates the Bible, God, Jews, and Christians? Getting just a wee bit obvious, is it?
Finally, a Jew has gotten it. A chief rabbi said that America has forsaken Israel and they only have God.
Maybe they shouldn't have put their faith in America and should have put it in God from the start?
Just look at the mess putting their faith in America has gotten them into. Be careful who you put your faith in because humans will let you down.
Russia and Turkey just agreed on a nationwide cease fire deal that, if agreed on by Syria, will result in an end to hostilities between Syria and rebel groups followed by negotiations between Syria and the rebel groups and monitored by Russia and Turkey.
This cease fire does not including terrorist organizations and can end the "civil war" causing the remaining fighting to be considered an internationally illegal attempt to overthrow a sovereign nation making it illegal for anyone to support the terrorists.
Note that the US was intentionally left out of these negotiations and, if the recognized rebel groups come to peaceful terms with the Syrian government, the "civil war" will be over and it will mean anyone and everyone aiding the remaining hostile elements will be guilty of international crimes.
Putin just out foxed Obama and his upper class trash pals big time making it illegal for Obama to provide any support for any of the terrorist organizations by officially ending the civil war.
Suggestion: Don't play chess with Putin.
Here is a little food for thought.
If Obama plans to peacefully give up the presidency, why is he increasing the power of the president by doing things like suddenly grabbing control of more land when the next president is going to destroy everything Obama has done? Would you increase the power of the president just before you left office knowing the new president will be from the opposing party?
It just doesn't make sense.
Obama just grabbed 553 million more acres in the name of conservation.
BTW, today I saw a video of the Russian EOD people clearing munitions from the last vestiges of Aleppo to make it safe for the people to return. The area they were clearing was under the control of Al Nusra, which is the Syrian branch for Al Quaeda. Just out of one building, the Ruskies brought out quite a few US made weapons with the US labels on them that the terrorists had left behind when they were moved out. That video is photographic evidence that Obama has been supplying Al Quaeda with weapons.
Think about this.
Obama helped to illegally overthrow the government for the sovereign nation of Libya and the principle fighting force Obama worked with was Al Quaeda.
Obama told troops which were on their way and within just a few hours of Benghazi to stand down and let Americans die to cover up that he was giving quality US weapons like manpads (shoulder fired SAMs) to Al Nusra in Syria, which is the Syrian branch of Al Quaeda.
Obama illegally overthrew the government for the sovereign nation of Egypt and put a top Muslim Brotherhood official in office until the Egyptian Army staged a coup and replaced the Muslim Brotherhood official with one of their own. The Muslim Brotherhood founded and is the main body controlling Al Quaeda and is heavily sponsored by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, among others.
Obama sponsored "rebels" to illegally overthrow the government for the sovereign nation of Syria with Al Nusra ending up with the rebels Obama has been training and the weapons Obama has been providing them and Al Nusra was the principle fighting force working to overthrow Assad.
ISIS was a spin off from Al Nusra, took large parts of Syria and Iraq, and ended up with tons more US weapons and US trained "rebels". Then ISIS started stealing oil from Iraq and Syria and selling it through Turkey to Obama and his upper class trash friends.
Then Obama faked looking like he was trying to destroy ISIS while forcing better than 75% of the planes to return without dropping any of their weapons on ISIS so that, basically, Obama was protecting ISIS while just making it look like he was trying to destroy them. Don't be surprised to find out that Obama told ISIS to keep women and children near them but easily visible so Obama could use the women and children as an excuse to not bomb ISIS.
Then we see Putin go into Syria and really start devastating ISIS very quickly by actually bombing them.
Then we see ISIS start up groups in Libya and other countries with the Libya branch of ISIS stealing Libyan oil and selling it to Obama and his friends with no one really trying to stop ISIS in Libya.
Then we see Obama and his upper class trash pals insisting on bringing Muslim "refugees" into Europe and the US quickly followed by terrorist attacks by ISIS.
Then we see photographic proof that Al Nusra has been using our weapons after Obama insisted that Putin not kill the terrorists but transport them out of Aleppo so they can fight again and Obama does the same thing for ISIS fighters in Mosul and another Iraqi village, providing them with more than one billion dollars so they can rearm and sends them to Syria to help overthrow Assad.
Gee, there sure are a lot of coincidences, aren't there?
Now since we know that Al Nusra and ISIS are really just shell organizations for Al Qaeda, let's change those names to Al Qaeda and see how that reads, you know, instead of using different names to confuse everyone. Let's call a spade a spade, baby.
BTW, today I saw a video of the Russian EOD people clearing the last vestiges of Aleppo to make it safe for the people to return. The area they were clearing was under the control of Al Quaeda. Just out of one building, the Ruskies brought out quite a few US made weapons the terrorists had left behind when they were moved out. That video is photographic evidence that Obama has been supplying Al Quaeda with weapons.
Think about this.
Obama helped to illegally overthrow the government for the sovereign nation of Libya and the principle fighting force Obama worked with was Al Quaeda.
Obama told troops which were on their way and within just a few hours of Benghazi to stand down and let Americans die to cover up he was giving quality weapons like manpads (shoulder fired SAMs) to Al Quaeda in Syria.
Obama illegally overthrew the government for the sovereign nation of Egypt and put a top Al Qaeda official in office until the Egyptian Army staged a coup and replaced the Al Quaeda official with one of their own. Al Quaeda is heavily sponsored by the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, among others.
Obama sponsored "rebels" to illegally overthrow the government for the sovereign nation of Syria with Al Quaeda ending up with the rebels Obama has been training and the weapons Obama has been providing them and Al Quaeda was the principle fighting force working to overthrow Assad.
Al Quaeda, took large parts of Syria and Iraq, and ended up with tons more US weapons and US trained "rebels". Then Al Quaeda started stealing oil from Iraq and Syria and selling it through Turkey to Obama and his upper class trash friends.
Then Obama faked looking like he was trying to destroy Al Quaeda while forcing better than 75% of the planes to return without dropping any of their weapons on Al Quaeda so that, basically, Obama was protecting Al Quaeda while just making it look like he was trying to destroy them.
Then we see Putin go into Syria and really start devastating Al Quaeda very quickly by actually bombing them, which really ticked Obama off.
Then we see Al Quaeda start up groups in Libya and other countries with the Libya branch of Al Qaeda stealing Libyan oil and selling it to Obama and his friends with no one really trying to stop Al Quaeda in Libya.
Then we see Obama and his upper class trash pals insisting on bringing Muslim "refugees" into Europe and the US quickly followed by terrorist attacks by Al Quaeda.
Then we see photographic proof that Al Quaeda has been using our weapons after Obama insisted that Putin not kill the terrorists but transport them out of Aleppo so they can fight again and he does the same thing for Al Quaeda fighters in Mosul and another Iraq village, providing them with more than one billion dollars so they can rearm and sends them to Syria to help overthrow Assad.
Gee, that sure was interesting and very telling. It really made things much more clear.
Gee, you don't think Obama is an Al Quaeda mole, do you?
Osama Bin Laden didn't do one tenth of the damage to the West that Obama has done. Think about it.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....