News 565


I have been watching and I am convinced that the left is intentionally spreading COVID 19, especially in red zones.

They learned from their first or trial run and are doing a much, much better job of spreading it this time because it is spreading much, much faster and in red zones. Hey, they are waging biological warfare against us. I know because remember that I was trained for biological warfare and am going to recognize it when I see it.

Keep an eye on this.


I am wondering whether the left has intentionally caused the mess in Afghanistan as a distraction so they can do other things they have not been able to do like pass their fake infrastructure bill, gun control, and impose mandatory vaccinations.

Keep an eye on this because the left is really good at causing distractions to get things done they otherwise would not be able to get done.

I would not even be surprised to find out that the Christian hating lefties worked out a deal with the Taliban that the Taliban gets Afghanistan if they eradicate Christians in Afghanistan. Hey, kill a few Christians here, kill a few there, until you get them all a few at a time.

Does this mean that the Taliban will now start staging terrorist attacks against Christians globally?

After all, the left is waging war against Christians throughout the West so why not make such a deal or hire the Taliban to do it for them so people won't realize it is the left killing off Christians? I mean, the left has openly been saying for three decades that they plan on murdering off almost everyone on the planet and are openly waging war against Christianity right now, right? So they get the Taliban to help them, right?

Hey, get someone else to do it so the left won't look bad.

BTW, I am seeing more and more Christians and Christian groups that are helping Christians get out of Afghanistan. Keep up the good work, people.

Also, on FB, I see people concerned about the Taliban getting "top secret" weapons systems.

No nation, not even the US, gives or sells their best stuff to other nations. The buying nation always gets the selling nation's second, third, or next best stuff.

That is because, if the buyer tries to use the seller's weapons against the seller, the seller will have the advantage in battle. That is standard practice and we know how to beat our own stuff.

If anything, the Taliban shouldn't try to use that stuff against the US because it may very well have tracking or targeting devices on it that can be remote activated to send out a beacon signal that our missiles will lock onto and follow that beacon signal right to the weapon system.

Even our best allies don't get our best stuff and we wouldn't expect to get their best stuff.

The only nation that might come close to having our best stuff is Israel because we do quite a bit of weapons R&D with Israel inside of Israel.

The Taliban got some of our second and third best stuff at best, not our top secret stuff.

What about the stuff our troops left behind?

It is normal US policy that we leave stuff behind that is not worth the cost of bringing it home. You don't want to spend good money bringing home stuff that will be less expensive to replace than to bring it home, especially if it will require significant and expensive repairs.

I am more concerned about the people who are now going to have to live under the oppressive Taliban rule.

Am I concerned about those weapons being used against good people?

Yes but those weapons are all used and are going to wear out and break in the not too distant future and I am sure they got a pretty good inventory of replacement parts but many parts will have to be ordered and from whom? The US or our allies who are also concerned about those weapons being used against them?

My greatest concern would be the small arms weapons because the more sophisticated a weapon is, the sooner it will break down and need more replacement parts, especially when you abuse those weapons the way all armies do.

One reason some governments give sophisticated weapons to other nations is because those other nations will have to purchase lots of parts from the manufactures in the nations giving those weapons to the other nations, which will make those nations more money.


Remember that I told you that big tech has changed their search software to bring up lies about Islam and 666 they wrote on their sites instead of what the Muslims are really saying?

This video tells you about an old story of Google being ratted out by a former engineer for changing their search engines to bring up bad things about Trump instead of good things about Trump. Also note that Google is covering for the Taliban or Muslims.

And you think they won't change their search engines to protect Muslims from the truth about 666 being Islam's most holy number? Really?

I think it is obvious that they have done that. I also think it is becoming even more obvious that the left converted to Islam in 2012 for the reasons I have already told you about.

People, big tech KNOWS what problems will be caused for Islam by Westerners finding out that 666 is Islam's most holy number, therefore, they will do what they have to in order to prevent those problems.


This is huge and you really need to keep an eye on it.

This video tells that the rest of the world is feeling so let down by Biden's mess in Afghanistan that our allies are turning to Russia to keep Afghanistan from turning back into a staging area for terrorist attacks against the West.

This is diminishing America's power and influence and increasing Russia's power and influence, which you know will really tick off all of the American upper class trash. You can bet that all of the upper class trash are talking to Obama about what is going on to see if he can do anything about it, that this could end up with Putin or Russia getting Ukraine back under their control (it says they are talking to Putin about Ukraine so you better keep your eyes open for the upper class trash making a deal with Putin concerning Ukraine, they will sell out anyone to get what they want), and it looks like Putin has gone from being the villain to being the good guy world leader and savior for the West.

Geeze, did the left screw up super bad this time by getting Biden in as president with a rigged election or what?

God let the arrogant fools have what they want and it is destroying them.

If you watch that video to the end, you should realize that the US upper class trash must realize that they must soon get rid of both Biden and Kruella and it has to happen soon for damage control reasons. Don't be surprised if they both die soon and Pelosi becomes your dictator-in-chief. I bet that opened an eyeball or two.

The American upper class trash are failing at everything they are trying and losing respect and influence globally. Their lefty world is imploding with all of their great sounding stupid plans going down ye ole toilet.

Man plans, God laughs.

Do you think that will cause them to quit?

No, it will just make them more desperate and cause them to get more violent just like they have been doing for years and are doing right now.

A day or so later, I found this video showing a Russian plane evacuating people from Afghanistan. Oops!!!

Gee, who would have thought of Putin as the knight in shining armor coming to save our butts?

Putin is very intelligent. He is making his move on Afghanistan and is getting to play the hero while Biden is making the US look like the bumbling bad guy.

That didn't take long.

It won't take much of this and Russia will pick up most of our allies. They will flee to Russia for security and protection from the bad guys. That is normal human behavior.

Eyes are definitely opening concerning the lefty upper class trash and their great sounding stupid ideas failing.

Studying military history has taught me to respect my enemies and I have to admit that this is a very smart move by Putin to take advantage of a very stupid move by Biden. You better respect Putin.

The ugly truth is that, the way things are going with the lefty upper class trash, some day, Putin may have to save our butts from our own evil lefties.

The Jab

How much is our government paying per jab for ye ole vaccine?

I got this from Managed Healthcare by Deborah Abrams Kaplan and Peter Wehrwein:

"The EU is also paying less for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine than the U.S., $14.70 per dose versus $19.50, according to figures reported in BMJ. On the other hand, the U.S. is paying less for the Moderna vaccine (about $15) than the EU (about $18), according to the BMJ piece. The contribution governments have made toward vaccine research is the explanation for the price differences. Moderna is charging the U.S. less for its vaccine because the U.S. government funded research that led to the vaccine's development. Similarly, the EU supported research that led to the development of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, thus the lower price for that vaccine for the EU."

So at $15 per jab for 320 million people in just the US, that comes out to $4.8 billion and remember that, with the annual booster shots, that will be every year or $48 billion for the next 10 years, if the price of the boosters doesn't increase, which you know they will.

Yeah, I wonder why they are trying to force everyone to get the jab, EVEN CHILDREN. /sarc

And God said, "The love of money is the root of all evil."

Nah, you don't think everyone pushing for mandatory jabs is taking a bribe, do you?

Of course they are.

Why would they stop taking bribes now?

People, if you think this corruption is new, you simply have not been paying attention. The ugly truth is that, if you dig deep enough into history, the British royals who came to the colonies and were given big land grants by ye ole King of England, some were true Christians, who became our founding fathers, and others were Tories or corrupt. The corruption from the British Crown never stopped in America and is exactly what caused our slavery and the US Civil War. That upper class trash corruption has caused almost every problem this nation has had and has been covered up by ye ole royals who are our academe because those royals are the ones who write the history you are taught in public schools, which is why most of what most people believe is wrong. Hey, they lied to you about everything.

For example, the Great Teddy Roosevelt you are taught to look up to was the father of socialist FDR and he wasn't a socialist?

Of course he was, that apple didn't fall far from that tree. It was under Teddy's presidency that conservationism was started and he grabbed a lot of land for the government "to protect that land" (sound familiar?) but it was really because the upper class trash has been using controlling the land to control the people for thousands of years and they are still using conservationism to grab and control land to control you today.

People, almost all of our presidents came from the upper class, almost all of whom were royals going all of the way back to Washington. Some were good royals and some were bad royals but they were almost all royals.

The lefty "Great FDR", who is purported to have saved us from the Great Depression, is really the one who caused the Great Depression and not the Stock Market crash of 1929, which was also caused by our royals. The economy had almost completely recovered by the time FDR got into office in 1934, 5 YEARS LATER, and was growing at a vigorous annual rate of 3% to 4% when he crashed the economy with his socialismt worse than any president in history, well until the recent corrupt socialist lefties turned COVID 19 loose on us to terrorize the stupid people into absolute obedience.

The lefty "Great Truman" caused many of our current problems by letting Mao stage a very violent insurrection against our ally, China, we fought side-by-side with in WWII, then he let the Soviet Union take over North Korea, and those two are two of the causes for most of our international problems today.

The "Great LBJ" escalated the Vietnam War because he owned Johnston Transportation Corporation, which sold trucks and jeeps to the US Military and the more troops he sent to Vietnam (he sent more than half a million US troops to Vietnam), the more trucks and Jeeps he sold to the military, the longer that war lasted, the more trucks and jeeps he sold to the US Military, which is the real reason that war lasted so long, and, hey, the more of those trucks and jeeps got blown up, the more he sold to the US Military.

When I got in the Military, I found out that 5 times under the Johnston administration, even with their hands tied by LBJ to keep our military from defeating the North, they had the Northern Army within 2 weeks of being forced to surrender but good old LBJ got them to go to Paris to talk peace and "quit waging war against the North 'to show good faith for the negotiations'", which allowed the North to rebuild their military and stage a new offensive, which destroyed more trucks and jeeps and killed more US soldiers, making LBJ more money.

It was well known that he increased his personal wealth from the Vietnam War by better than 10 fold, all blood money.

The "Great Teddy Kennedy" was the straw that broke the camel's back for me and caused me to leave the Democrat Party when he went around saying "We have to stay in there and win the Vietnam War" and then I found out he didn't want to win it, he wanted it to last very long because every time a soldier was wounded and got treatment, whether he lived or die, Teddy Boy made money because he was selling those emergency medical supplies to the US Military, all blood money.

I never could find out who was selling the body bags and was making money every time a soldier got sent home in one but there is a pretty good chance that Teddy's company was doing it.

Jimmuh Cahrtuh helped the devout Muslims take Iran from our ally, the Shaw, and start the terrorism that is still going on today. The lefties lie and tell you that our ally was brutal and cruel but the Muslims who took over murdered at least 3 to 5 times the people in their first year than our ally killed for their crimes.

When I was a kid in the 1950s, everyone knew about and talked about "dead people voting" and everyone knew it was being done by the Democrat Party upper class trash royals but the system was so corrupted by the 1950s that no one did anything about it.

In 72 years, I have witnessed almost 72 years of corruption and have dug and found out about thousands of years of corruption and problems caused by the royal upper class trash and their puppets. The Bible is right when it says, "There is nothing new under the sun" because it has been the same old, same old for thousands of years, it is just that the royals keep covering it up because they write our history.

You want to know why Paradise will be paradise, other than us spending eternity with God?

Mostly because these corrupt and evil upper class trash and their puppets won't be there. If God were to ever release them from the Lake of Fire, they would very quickly turn Paradise into the living Hell we have on Earth today because of them and their ancestors because they will never stop and the only way to stop them is death with the Lake of Fire being called the "second death". The ugly truth is that they have to stay in the Lake of Fire forever or this evil crap will just start all over again.

Decades ago I came to the realization that, if they were sent to a penal planet millions of light years away as immortal beings, they would keep trying until they found a way to get to our Paradise and destroy it. They MUST stay in the Lake of Fire forever or there can never be eternal peace and happiness for the rest of us forever. They have to be so overcome by the pain and suffering of eternal damnation that they can't think of anything else forever to keep them from trying to think of a way out of the Lake of Fire to destroy Paradise.

It seems that, for some reason, God can't remain just and destroy their souls and I believe we will find that out on Judgment Day.

People, there is nothing new under the sun and these evil subhuman satanic beasts and monsters have been turning human lives into a living hell for thousands of years. It is their turn to live in Hell for the harm they have caused us for thousands of years. Hey, no one forced them to harm other people, it was their choice, not mine or yours. They forced their hell on us so soon God will force His Hell on them.

And God said, "Do unto others what you will have others do unto you." That includes God doing unto you what you do unto others.

These evil things CHOSE Hell and persisted in earning Hell. On Judgment Day, God will prove He is a good, righteous, and just being by giving them the Hell they forced on us and chose for themselves. God will hold them accountable for their evil actions, He MUST in order to prove He is just.

Listen, we are God's creation and, if you commit a crime against us, you are committing a crime against God. If I have a sheep and you steal or kill my sheep, you have committed a crime against me. By committing crimes against God's people, you are committing crimes against God.

It will be nice to finally be rid of these satanic monsters and human demons forever. They will never cause another person harm again, NEVER!!!

People, it is not so much that I will experience joy when these evil things are cast into the Lake of Fire as I will experience RELIEF in knowing we will never be caused harm by them again forever and ever and ever. That will be wonderful and that will be Paradise.

They are so greedy and power mad that they just can't leave other people alone.

I have told you that all I want is the peace and quiet of a little cabin in the woods near a stream and pond where I can grow my own food and visit with Jesus when He has the time, which would be absolutely wonderful!

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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