News 574


The lefties are crying because dey don't gots as much money as yuze without working, therefore, in their simple minds, we should take from the rich and give it to them.

Really? What would happen?

The answer to that is staring everyone right in the face and no one on the left gets it.

What happens when middle class people win millions and even tens or hundreds of millions in a lottery?

Answer: two thirds of them are bankrupt within less than one year and are worse off than before they won the money and that is a well known fact.

What would happen if we just gave millions to all lefties?

Most, if not all, of them would spend it all in less than a year, be bankrupt, be worse off than before they got the money and be crying for more money because they are so stupid and ignorant that they believe more money will make them happy and it never does. No matter how much money you give a lefty, they will always want more because they will always blow more than they get.

The very fact that the lefties are Marxists should tell you they know nothing about financial management and will miss manage any large sum of money and this problem is not unique to just the middle and lower classes. Every year, rich people go broke because they either miss managed their money or something went wrong that cost them a lot of money like a medical or legal problem.

Remember that I have taught you that attitude is one of the most important things in life?

I have learned that most people, especially on the left, have the attitude in dealing with large sums of money that there is no bottom to the well so they believe they can spend forever and will never run out of money only to find out the hard way that every well has a bottom and can only hold so much money.

Because of this simple minded attitude, they don't budget and try to manage their money so they just spend until they are so far in debt they will never be able to pay it all off and are forced to declare bankruptcy. I don't know how many times I have seen this happen in the last 72 years and even read about people doing this in history.

You see, they think, "Wow, I have a million or billion dollars so I can spend forever."

What they should think is, "Wow, I ONLY have a million or billion or trillion dollars so I must make a budget and manage my money to keep from spending it all."

Do you see the difference?

The first people can't handle large numbers or amounts of anything so they think large numbers or amounts mean it is infinite so it can never run out and they are wrong so they go broke. You would be amazed at how fast big amounts of money can disappear, especially on expensive toys. Hey, just look at how fast our corrupt government makes even trillions of dollars disappear, you know, in less than a year.

The second people KNOW that any and all amounts are finite and can be used up so they set up a budget and mange to keep it from being used up just like any good steward would do.

Even the entire universe is finite and the only thing that is infinite is God, well, except for lefty stupidity, which is never ending. Therefore, you can run out of everything except God...and lefty stupidity.

Plus you have to understand that taking money from the rich and giving it to simple minded idiots takes away the ability for the rich to create or expand businesses to increase the number of jobs for you, your family, and your friends.

Taking money from the rich and just giving it to simple minded, lazy lefties won't solve anyone's problems and will just make things worse for everyone else.

Besides, better than 95% of the wealth for the very rich is not in cash but is already tied up in businesses or investments so that they would have to sell those businesses or investments to someone to raise the cash to give it to the simple minded and ignorant idiot lefties and you have to ask, if we take all of the money from all of the rich, who will be able to buy those businesses or investments so the rich can have the money to take from them?

That should tell you that it is impossible to take all of the wealth from the rich in cash and give it to the simple minded stupid lefties and their idiot college professors so what those college professors taught those idiots is really stupid. Anyone preaching "redistribution of wealth" is either dumber than rocks and don't know what they are talking about or lying their butts off.

Hey, I know, why don't we take the businesses from those rich people and give the businesses to those stupid lefties so they can make the profits from those businesses?

Because you can bet that none of those lefties know how to manage those businesses, they would miss manage those businesses, those businesses would go broke, they would end up poor and put a lot of other people out of work. I have seen that happen too over the last 60 years.

During the hippy movement in the late 1960's and early 1970's a bunch of stupid, simple minded lefty hippies believed their idiot lefty college professors, who knew nothing about business management, and they went out on a crusade to show the world the right way to manage businesses, you know, the ignorant lefty way that their ignorant lefty college professors told them.

For example, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, because of the booming interest in bicycling at that time, dozens of them started bicycle shops to show us other people how to do it right, you know, the way their ignorant lefty college professors told them. All but one of them went bankrupt in less than a year, just like I told you they would because I already saw it happen. When you see it in the past, you recognize it in the present.

God said, "Nothing is new under the sun." People don't really change how we behave as a species, we just keep doing the same stupid stuff over and over, especially the stupid people who believe great sounding stupid ideas.

The one person who didn't go bankrupt told me that he learned within the first month or two that his lefty college professors didn't know what they were talking about because they knew nothing about business management and found out from conservatives how to save his failing business. 20 years later he was still in business.

But lefties will never learn and change because they are too stupid to learn and change and will always look for simple minded solutions to complex problems that will always fail.

I quit asking decades ago how stupid stupid people can be because they proved to me decades ago that their stupidity is infinite because it is never ending because they never learn.

People, I do not believe that most of these stupid people are stupid because of genetics but because they choose to believe things that are not compatible with reality and scripture and, therefore, they refuse to accept the things from reality and scripture because those things disprove what they WANT to believe. Those people are willfully stupid because of what they want to believe and refuse to learn because of what they want to believe.

That is a very big part of the reason why their great sounding stupid ideas keep failing. Reality is very hard on stupid people's fairy tale dreams.

At 72 I am convinced that, if you had two identical planets, put the stupid lefties on one planet and put the conservatives on the other planet, within less than one year, the stupid lefties would be living in caves beating their food to death with clubs and the conservatives would be building farms, ranches, businesses, and cities.

Shipping Problem

Remember that I told you just yesterday that this shipping crisis the upper class trash has caused would backfire on them because people would get stuff locally to replace what is being held back on those ships sitting off shore?

Today I found this video where a store is telling you they are already doing it. It didn't take them long to figure out that, if you can't get it from overseas, buy locally.

Do you believe me yet that the upper class trash smarty pants are not as smart as they think they are and you are not as stupid as they think you are?

You should because you both keep proving it all of the time by both of you working against each other and they keep failing and they don't keep failing with their sick games because they are smarter than you just because they have more money than you.

Do you believe me yet that having more money does not mean you are smarter and that all it really means is you just have more money?

Once again, this is God using what the evil lefties are doing against those evil lefties because this will destroy their international slavery system and open up businesses in the US to be able to compete. China is already having economic problems because of this idiot lefty tactic and has had to lay off slaves so they no longer have the work force to keep making that stuff so, when they finally get that stuff unloaded, it will take China time to ramp up to make more stuff.

Idiot Conservatives

I just saw a headline at Fox News saying that the Biden administration doesn't understand economics 101. They are assuming he is just stupid and not also evil.

No, it is not that they do not understand economics, it is that they understand economics very well and are using it to destroy the US economy to make it easier for them to set up their dictatorship.

The big problem here is what I have been telling you about the conservative media and others stupidly giving the lefties the benefit of the doubt about their intentions being good when the left has no good intention.

I have been telling you that you conservatives MUST stop giving the left the benefit of the doubt concerning their intentions and just believe what their evil actions are telling you, they are intentionally destroying this nation just like some of them keep telling you. The lefties DO NOT deserve and should not get your benefit of the doubt because they are using that against you.

Stop being fools!!! Pay attention and believe the ugly truth their actions are telling you. They are not good people, they are very evil people doing very evil things to you. They are not just stupid but are also very evil.

The things the left screws up are not good intentions gone wrong, they are evil intentions gone right.

As long as you foolishly continue to give them the benefit of the doubt, they will use that against you. They should all be in prison and not in control.

Wake up America!!!!

They openly tell you they are trying to destroy America and you don't believe them? Really? What, you think it is good intentions to destroy America?

People, use some common sense.

The lefties openly tell you that they hate you and hate your nation and you believe they have good intentions for you and your nation? Really? Why?

They are doing what they are telling you they are doing. They are doing EVERYTHING they can to destroy you and your nation. Get a clue, Biden is NOT failing at what he is doing when he causes harm to America; he is succeeding at destroying America. Therefore, in the eyes of the left, he is a success, they just wish he would do it faster.

More and more are realizing that he is destroying the US and turning against him but many also want him to destroy the US. What the lefties are doing is everything treason.

The same is true about all of the other nations, especially the Western nations, because the lefty upper class trash has to destroy all of the nations so the people can no longer be protected by their nations and will be forced to submit to the rule of the lefty global dictatorship.

End Times

This preacher is very good and, in this video, he gives you very impressive truths showing you that we are in the last days. Pay attention to what he tells you from the scriptures.

Note that the scriptures tell you that Israel will return to its land in the last days and not before. Israel returned to her land in 1948 so that was the beginning of the end times.

It should also be evident that Israel MUST return to the land in the end times to fulfill that prophecy. That alone should be proof that we are right now in the last days.

Billy Boy

Billy Boy just got hospitalized because of sepsis. They are saying it was caused by a urinary tract infection, which is only partly right.

I went to Mayo Clinic and got this about sepsis:

"Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when the body's response to an infection damages its own tissues. When the infection-fighting processes turn on the body, they cause organs to function poorly and abnormally.

Sepsis may progress to septic shock. This is a dramatic drop in blood pressure that can lead to severe organ problems and death.

Early treatment with antibiotics and intravenous fluids improves chances for survival."

This should tell you that his immune system is not functioning right and has turned on his own body attacking his own cells instead of the bacterium causing the infection in his urinary tract.

His body is starting to malfunction, probably caused by decades of drugs, STD's, not exercising, and other bad behavior along with aging. When it comes to your body, if you abuse it, you lose it.

You have to understand atrophy. Atrophy is when the body breaks down its own cell structures because of a lack of physical activity or use.

I am pretty sure I told you more than a decade ago that, when you exercise or work like God told us to do in the Bible, your cells build up the molecular structure and that it requires more energy to maintain the higher molecular structure so, when you decrease your activity, the cells break down the molecular structure not being used by the lower activity level to conserve energy. This is called atrophy.

The problem is that, if you remain inactive enough for long enough, the cells will keep breaking down the molecular structure until the body begins to malfunction and eventually dies because of those malfunctions.

Many doctors wrongly believe this is just normal aging but it is actually mostly because people don't continue to work or exercise six days a week the way God told us to do to maintain our bodies.

This tells me that Billy Boy is getting very little activity or exercise, which is normal for wealthy people who spend all of their time paying other people to do everything for them.

Being rich AND lazy is very unhealthy for you and will eventually kill you.

If you add this in with the recreational drugs, STD's from all of that sex (if you screw enough other people, you will get STD's, especially today), and other bad "habits", it will eventually be terminal. Billy Boy is getting close to the terminal thingy.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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