News 587

Killer Vaccines

I just found a very interesting video about these killer vaccines making the chemical companies, corrupt politicians, and corrupt bureaucrats a fortune while depopulating their planet.

If it doesn't come up, go to this addresss:

Maybe I should start calling these the murder vaccines instead.

I am wondering if the upper class trash are covering up these deaths by "officially" calling them drug overdose deaths. Keep an eye on this.

People, when celebrities get on TV and say anything, they say what they are paid to say and don't care whether it is true. They are owned by the upper class trash. All they care about is the money they get paid for lying to you.

Besides, those vaccines you see them get are "placebos", which are just distilled water. You can bet they are not getting the real vaccine just like Newsom thought he was getting a placebo but they gave him the real thing.

I noticed that, when he made his one and only public speech, that he looked pale and frail with them using really bad makeup to give his face some color.

Have you noticed that he has not made a public appearance since? Gee, I wonder why? You don't think that maybe he is dying, do you?

You can bet that anytime you see them publically giving any of these upper class trash commies "the vaccine" it is the placebo or distilled water unless they want to kill that person with the murder vaccine.


Remember that I warned you that the upper class trash are preparing to turn more deadly diseases loose on you? Remember that I warned you to keep an eye on smallpox? Remember that I told you that they found several stashes of smallpox viruses in freezers that were not supposed to be there?

Why did the US Government just buy $113 million worth of oral smallpox antiviral?

Why is Bill Gates talking about smallpox?

Gee, what a coincidence. You can bet that isn't the only thing they have planed to depopulate their planet.


Remember that I have been telling you that the lefty upper class trash will not stop until they die?

They are now talking about unconstitutionally subjecting Kyle to "double jeopardy" by trying him for the federal crime of self defense against commies.

People, these lefties are showing you more and more that they are a disgusting crime organization that is every bit as evil and ruthless as the Mafia. They are determined to get their dictatorship at all costs, including the cost of your lives. You better unite and fight back before it is too late.

You have to understand that what the DAs for that case did was unconstitutional and they committed federal felonies. They should be in prison but the Department of Justice has been taken over by fellow traitors who will not prosecute them. All commies are above the law unless the upper class trash want to get rid of them. Absolutely all of the evidence proved Kyle was defending himself and they infringed on his Constitutional right to self defense by prosecuting him anyway, while trying to terrorize you into not defending yourself against their commie thugs.

Now the Commierats in Congress want to violate his Constitutional rights even more by infringing on his Constitutional right to self defense even more by prosecuting him with absolutely no evidence he committed any crimes to also continue the terrorist attack against you to intimidate you into submission. They don't want Kyle, they want you and are using Kyle to terrorize you into submission by punishing Kyle for not submitting.

People, what the lefties are doing is punishing Kyle for daring to defend himself against their criminal thugs instead of just lying there and letting those thugs beat him to death to terrorize you into not defending yourself against their thugs so you won't resist their dictatorship over you and fight for your freedoms and rights against them. They are cowards and only want a one sided fight against you.

This is absolutely nothing more than staging terrorist attacks against American citizens to scare you into submitting to their dictatorship. It is a part of their insurrection meant to stop you from stopping their insurrection and treason against you and this nation.

They all belong in prison and, if this was still a true republic, they would have already been arrested and prosecuted for their evil crimes against you and this nation.

Do you believe me yet that the Republic is dead and just has not finished kicking yet?

This Republic has just enough kick left in it to prevent the upper class trash from completing their consolidation of power to finish setting up their dictatorship but it is already not still a true Republic because the lefties are clearly above the law you have to abide by. We are in the transition stage between a Republic and a dictatorship.

Question: Why were the media not afraid to openly and obviously slander Kyle?

Because the Royal Family is wealthy enough to easily cover all court settlements with "pocket money" in the event the media didn't get him convicted and Kyle could litigate them. It was a risk the royals could afford to take in the hopes their traitor media could cause enough anger among the stupid people to get the stupid people to scare the jury enough to convict Kyle. Their gamble failed so the royals will have to cover the court settlements to keep their propaganda machine functioning to finish their coup of the US Government.

That is why they are still continuing to slander Kyle in spite of him being proved innocent and that they are openly slandering Kyle. They are desperately and aggressively trying to turn enough stupid people against Kyle to get Kyle put in prison to scare the rest of you into being afraid to defend yourselves against their thugs so you won't resist their coup of your government.

The military calls it psychological warfare and they are good at it but still losing because man plans, God laughs.

Question: Why are the lefties so desperate?

Because they know that, with the crimes they have committed and are committing, if they don't succeed in setting up their dictatorship, they will probably be prosecuted and, if the people follow the precedences set by the Nuremberg Trials, they will be hung just like their Nazi predecessors were hung for the same crimes.

They KNOW that, for them, it is do or die. They have gone too far to quit or back out.

Listen, what I am saying should happen to Fauci because of his horrific crimes against the people is what happened to thousands of their Nazi predecessors for committing the same or lesser crimes many of the lefty upper class trash have already committed. I am being very conservative in saying Fauci should be hung.

When you consider the scope of their crimes against you and the number of criminals involved in those crimes, if you followed the precedences set by the Nuremberg Trials, at least tens of thousands of the lefties would be hung. That is how horrific their crimes really are, how many of them are involved in those horrific crimes, and the lefties know it. They are failing and running scared so they are very desperate because they are trying not to get hung.

That is exactly what William Barr meant when he said he was bringing back the death penalty. He was getting ready to follow the Nuremberg Trial precedences and hang thousands of them for their horrible crimes against you. That is why the left was so panicked to get rid of Trump so they could get rid of Barr. They didn't want to be hung and they know they should be hung.

One of the first things they did after they got rid of Trump was to get rid of Barr.

That is also why Biden and the DOJ requested that all Trump appointed attorneys resign this last February, right after Biden took office. The lefties don't want to hang and they know they all should hang.

That is also why the left keeps bringing false charges against people like Bannon and O'Keefe. These are terrorist activities to terrorize the good guys in the upper class to not fight against the lefty insurrection.

If they ever really investigate Congress, they could probably hang almost all of the top people, especially on the left. The same is true for many state and city governments.

You should study law and the Nuremberg Trials because they set the precedences to where they can hang people all of the way from the top of the upper class trash down to and including the Antifa thugs for the crimes they have already committed. Believe me, they could easily hang Fauci for his horrific crimes.

BTW, Fauci is now saying they should start giving the murder vaccines to babies, you know, to murder them off too. "Hey, we gotta murder off the babies too." That man is so evil. Satan must be very proud of Fauci.

Them making you afraid to defend yourself against their thugs is the same crap that was used by Linen, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Che, Maduro, and all other Marxist tyrants. Gee, what a coincidence.

The royals KNOW they have to intimidate you into not fighting their thugs because they KNOW that, if you do fight in sufficient numbers, you can beat their thugs, they will lose, and they will hang. So they are trying to terrorize you into being too afraid to fight back against their thugs. That is most of what this is all about.

Listen, you beat the Royal army in the Revolutionary War and then again in the War of 1812 and they don't want to have to fight you again but they are obsessed with having absolute power over you and owning everything you have.

You don't have much time left to get involved in a global prayer vigil. You have to start calling on God's name before it is too late and we are getting closer to "too late" every day.

Man, I can't wait for God and the Oath Keepers to make their moves to get this over with. Just remember that, if everyone else fails, God can still succeed. That is why we need a Global Prayer Vigil because God may permit everyone else to fail so you can see just how horribly evil the lefties are, especially the upper class trash.


Note that Biden is literally trying to FORCE this dictatorship on us with his mandates but increasing numbers of people and organizations are fighting back and winning.

Biden is increasingly trying to stage the final part of their coup with his unconstitutional and illegal mandates RIGHT NOW!!!! We have just enough of our Republic left to stop him for now.

Complete Genocide

Most people don't realize it but what the left is doing with their "cultural appropriation" thing is they are trying to wipe out evidence of the existence of the races and ethnicities they are also murdering off right now.

They removed blacks like Aunt Jemima from things like products and are removing all American Indian words, names, and symbols from everything to wipe out any evidence that those groups of people ever existed so they can finish murdering them off and, within a few generations, there will be no evidence or memory of those "inferior races" having ever existed. They are working to set up their "Superior Aryan Race Paradise".

Hey, how can they be prosecuted for genocide if those people never existed?

This should tell you that they do not plan to let anyone who is not a pure Aryan survive and they intend to completely wipe them from history for a complete genocide and the idiots belonging to those races and helping the upper class trash are too stupid to see the writing on their own walls.

You know, the upper class trash like to slander conservatives by calling us white supremacists but the ugly truth is that they are doing ye ole lefty self projection thingy to throw people off by claiming that other people are what they really are and they are racists Aryan supremacists working to murder everyone else off.

Don't believe me?

Look at all of the people at the very top in the US and Europe. They are all white European members of the glorious Arian race. The "people of color" in power like Obama are their puppets. Remember that Obama answers to Soros (white), Soros answers to a British Lord (white), and the British Lord answers to the Queen (white). There is quite a bit of distance between Obama and the top of that power hierarchy.

Also look at John Kerry, Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Schiff, Nadler, Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, Scott Morris, and many others at the top. They are all white Aryans.

They allow just enough people of color in the lower levels of their upper level power structure to fool you.

That is no coincidence.

Today I read that they are now starting to "replace derogatory names of all federal lands", you know, Indian and other non Aryan names. Gee, what a coincidence. I bet ye ole lefties wish I would quit pointing out all of their "coincidences".

Global Prayer Vigil

I got this e-mail from Mark:

"I am already praying every day for all Christians around the world and have been doing so literally for years. So count me a part of the prayer vigil."

This is what we need, all Christians around the world praying for all Christians around the world every day to bombard God 24/7 with our prayers.

I thank God for this prayer warrior and we need hundreds of millions more for our Global Prayer Vigil. You don't have to contact me and let me know; just pray for everyone everyday and see if you can get your Christian family, friends and churches to join in this prayer vigil.

I personally try to say a little prayer for all of you every time I think about it.

If Satan's spawn want globalism, we will give them Christian globalism.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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