I have noticed an interesting phenomenon. There are people who like to post pictures of all kinds of plants and animals and their friends ASSUME that they know all about biology.
I have one such person on my friends list with his friends treating him like he was some kind of expert on biology so I asked how much biology did he study in college. He got extremely defensive (telling me he didn't study any biology in college) and asked, "What does that have to do with this post (about an organism)?" I told him that he was always posting biology stuff so I was curious about how much biology he studied. I never got an answer confirming he didn't study any biology even though he purported himself to be knowledgeable about biology.
Over the decades, I have noticed that these people put out a lot of bad information about science with most of their friends believing it.
This is especially true for people who are involved in health food or some form of mystical health care.
There are some easy predictions concerning the rampant looting problem started by the lefty upper class trash.
First, increasing numbers of their businesses will shut their doors and move out of town to where the law will protect them. This will cause the people who want those jobs to also flee.
Second, the loss in businesses will decrease the bribes going to the corrupt politicians so they are shooting themselves in both feet.
Third, when the looters, who are making very good money looting stores and then selling the stuff, probably online, no longer have stores to loot, they will turn on the upper middle and upper class neighborhoods, which will cause those people to flee the cities and then states.
Here is a video that shows you some of this. The blacks doing this looting belong to the street gangs who belong to the Nation of Islam and answer to Farrakhan and Obama. BTW, Muslims are require to tithe 20% of their income, including what they steal, to their leaders. Think about it.
This will be the army that will seize control of blue cities after Obama nukes Chicago and seizes control of this nation's government to take an army to invade Israel causing the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39.
He also confirms what I just told you that this is killing the blue cities. I told you before that the lefties are turning those blue cities into archaeological sites for the future and they sure are working hard at it.
You are about to watch the big blue cities die. They are in their death throws right now.
Black Muslim Army
I have been telling you about the black Muslim army under the Nation of Islam and, in this video at the beginning, he shows such an army stating that there are thousands of members, which is a conservative estimate. Note that they are all armed and carrying "assault rifles", you know, "for me, not for thee" because the lefties and Muslims don't want you shooting back when they try to murder you.
Three and a half minutes into this video tells you that 82,000 of the people who were brought into the US from Afghanistan were not vetted to see whether they are terrorists.
Gee, I wonder why, do you think the upper class trash made a deal with the Taliban that the Taliban could have Afghanistan back if they sent us almost 100,000 terrorists? It kind of looks that way, doesn't it?
Pay attention to what was said about this because Congress was briefed that this would happen months before, you know, it was planned out.
Corrupt Legal System
I have been telling you for years that our legal system is corrupt and this is another video that proves it.
BTW, the attorney says that the reason they don't do a good check to see whether a person is probably innocent is because almost everyone who goes through the system today is a repeat offender and no one points out that the reason for that is because they have become too easy on criminals because we have been taught they are victims and keep turning them loose in spite of the fact that almost all of they return to crime again and again and again.
The obvious solution to that problem is to lock most of them up and keep them there but then we wouldn't need as many of the employees in our criminal system, you know, DA's and judges, so it comes down to job security at your expense.
Here is another video that explains a little about our broken system.
I am trying to put together an essay that will connect a lot of dots I have been gathering for more than half a century. I just pray that God will help me put this thing together to expose just how bad the upper class trash and their corruption really are. Pray for me that I can get this written soon because it is going to be pretty extensive.
I work on this crap so much I am beginning to suffer burn out and get to where I just can't read, watch, or write any more about this evil crap and just have to take more and more breaks. I can use your prayers for this.
Harry and Meghan
I have been telling you that Meghan is going to be running for president in 2024 partly because she said so but remember that I was telling you that she was here to run for president before she said so.
I just found this video about them planning another TV interview with Oprah.
Hey, I thought they said they came here to get out of the public eye? Then why have they been in the public eye since before they got here? It is kind of obvious, isn't it?
Remember that I have told you that the left will NEVER stop committing their crimes against you?
They are talking about trying Kyle Rittenhouse for federal crimes even though it is obviously self defense.
People, this is just another terrorist attack by the left to bully and intimidate judges into helping convict you for defending yourself against the lefty thugs when those thugs attack you in order to intimidate you into being afraid to defend yourself against the lefty thugs so you will just lie on the ground and let them beat you to death.
The left is using psychological warfare as a terrorist attack against you and the judges. It is the left who should be going to prison for acts of terror.
One thing you need to think about, especially if you live in a larger blue city, is that cops almost never protect anyone from attack except for the coroner, when he shows up to pick up what is left of you because you didn't protect yourself. The cops almost never get there in time to protect you from an attacker. I learned in Los Angeles.
If you let the left take away your right and ability to defend yourself, you will be completely at the mercy of the bad guys, they will know it, and they will increase their deadly attacks against you. When that happens, you can expect the murder rate in the US to explode to more than 10 times what it is now and that is a conservative estimate.
People, if the lefties take away your right for self defense, just think about those street gangs openly raiding businesses and then being free to do the same thing to you and your neighborhoods. Those street gangs will own you, you will become their terrorized slaves, and many of you will die, which is exactly what the upper class trash want, you being 100% submissive to their criminal thugs and their globalist dictatorship.
Hey, that is what the upper class trash meant when they said, "You will own nothing and be happy." After those street gangs, you know, their thugs, loot, burn your homes down, and murder many of you, if you survive, you won't own anything and will be glad you are alive. Note that the thugs don't stop and ask whether you are a Commierat or Republican before they kill you.
Believe me that the upper class trash are your worst and most deadly enemy. They easily cause better than 90% of your problems. If you don't want your life to become such an indescribable living hell or you soon dead, you have to quit voting for the Commierat criminals.
Fighting Back
Remember that I have been telling you about people fighting back against this communist tyranny?
This video shows more fighting back against the Pentagon and other government tyranny.
For example, you can't sue the corrupt chemical companies making billions with their useless murder vaccines because they are protected by the lefty government but, in Oklahoma, you can sue any business or government agency that forces you to get the murder vaccine. That is a smart move that will discourage businesses and others from forcing people to get ye ole murder vaccine because they are now liable.
You watch other states follow suit really fast.
Unfortunately, all the Pentagon has to do to counter the governor's counter to their move is to send the Guard on deployment so they will return to being under the command of the commie Pentagon.
Keep an eye on this.
Remember that I have been telling you that the left keeps loosing with their efforts to seize control of the US Government to set up their commie dictatorship?
This video shows that Biden just suffered another and very big loss, which will cost him imported terrorists and guerilla fighters to bully and terrorize the American people.
But note that Biden is doing everything he can to keep from having to comply with the court order.
Keep an eye on this.
Remember that I have been telling you that these "intellectually superior" upper class trash who keep taking their businesses to China for their slave labor to increase their short term profits are really, really stupid?
Watch this video and see a few of the reasons why they are so incredibly brain dead stupid. They are handing their business secrets over to China while China is using their own cheap slave labor and prices to drive those businesses out of business so China can take over those industries with a government owned monopoly and the "intellectually superior" fools just keep taking their businesses to China because of the slave labor saving them money for the short term even though it will put them out of business for the long term.
Do you believe me yet that 1) greed makes you really stupid and 2) they are not more intelligent than you?
People, that has to be the dumbest thing I have ever seen any business owners and managers do in the history of this planet. Talk about inbred stupid.
One thing I did not see them point out is that China's products may start out cheaper to the American worker but, after China has driven down our wages, things will actually become much more expensive to the same workers because they will have less money to spend on the same products. How expensive something is depends on how much "disposable income" you have because the less you have, the more expensive that something will be to you.
You learn that lesson when studying the economics of poverty verses the economics of great wealth. To a poor man, $20 is a lot of money for product A but, to a rich man, $200 for the same product is nothing but pocket change.
Think about that as the upper class trash continue to impoverish Americans, who are their primary customers, and think about just how stupid the upper class trash are to impoverish their primary customers so they won't even be able to purchase their products. You have to be dumber than rocks to do something that stupid.
Where are the upper class trash going to get future incomes when their primary customers can't even buy their products in the future?
None of those over educated fool clowns or their over rated college professors have even thought of that because all those simple minded fools can think of is how much more they can steal right now.
What about tomorrow, dummy?
One thing that is very important about this video is that this guy details how and what China is doing in its drive to conquer, rule, and depopulate the world of non Chinese. Everyone needs to see this video to learn how and what China is doing but keep in mind that China is still quite a ways behind the US Military, though closing ground. We need to stop them now while we can and before it gets too late, especially with them stealing technology from our greedy upper class trash via their businesses by way of slavery that China can use to improve their military.
This man knows what he is talking about and this shows you what I have been telling you about the greatest threat to the US is our greedy and power mad lefties.
These greedy upper class trash fools are selling out the entire planet, including themselves, for short term increases in wealth and they are not taking into consideration that, if China succeeds with their global conquest goals because of the money China is making and the technology it is gaining from the upper class trash greed, you know China will hunt down and slaughter all of the fool upper class trash.
Why would any sane, rational person want to even risk that possibility for short term gains in wealth they will lose when China puts a few rounds in the backs of their heads? Do you still believe these upper class trash fools are more intelligent than you because they have stolen more money than you can earn?
Always remember that every great civilization and culture created by man was destroyed by the stupidity and greed of the inbred upper class trash. Never forget that.
This video is very important and kind of technical but I think he does a very good job of explaining things but remember that I studied premed biology, all of the sports sciences, and sports medicine so it would be easier for me to understand but I still believe that at least most of you can understand this by paying close attention and maybe watching it a few times. Note that he does a good job of explaining the technical terms for you.
People, he doesn't just tell you that there is a risk but how and why. I subscribed to him because he is very good and is following these potential problems AND he is very objective and professional. He is not political at all in this.
If this paper and the resultant hypothesis are confirmed with more research, it means, if you get ye ole vaccine, you could have a 25% chance of having a heart attack in the next 5 years or that 25% of you would have a heart attack in the next five years. That is really terrible, especially for a vaccine that does not keep you from being infected or spreading the virus.
Basically, if confirmed, you are being lied to and screwed for money, you know, tens of billions of your tax dollars. You might want to keep an eye on this, especially if you got ye ole jab, and this guy is pretty good.
I hope this helps you and, if you got ye ole jab, check with your doctor for at least the next 5 years for cardiovascular problems.
I suggest you subscribe to him, especially if you got ye ole jab and you might want to regularly check with your doctor, especially if you have ANY symptoms of heart problems.
This crap infuriates me because of what the upper class trash are doing to you for money and control. I pray for all of you.
Poser Christians
Remember that I have been warning you about poser Christians?
This video explains it in more detail but calls them carnal Christians. If you are carnal and not worrying about it, you ain't Christian and should be very worried about it.
Listen, when I sin, and I do sin because I am human, God holds me accountable here on Earth by making things worse until I repent and that is why we are losing our nation. Too many Christians are sinning and not repenting or are poser Christians and our sins are destroying our nation.
This mess is just going to keep getting worse until you repent of your sins and turn back to God because He isn't going to protect you from your sins, if you are still enjoying them. He will let your sins destroy you until you quit sinning.
BTW, I think God will be using Obama seizing control of our government, millions of poser Christians converting to Islam, and then those poser Christians and others being killed in the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 to purge those people who refuse to repent of their sins from our nation so God can save what is left.
This is something I just realized and you need to keep an eye on.
Biden just quarantined Africa because of "a new variant of COVID 19" flu virus.
Is this the upper class trash isolating black Africans so you won't see the upper class trash kill off most to all of the Africans and the upper class trash can blame the "new variant" of COVID 19 for killing them all off? Is this just a cover for a planned massive genocide?
If most to all of the Africans turn up dead, you can bet it was genocide and the upper class trash will be coming for you next.
The upper class trash have not been able to consolidate the power for their global coup so they may have changed their strategy from a soft coup to using COVID 19 as a cover to just murder off groups of people around the world, hoping that you won't figure it out until they have murdered off enough people so that the rest of you just won't be able to stop them.
If this is a genocide of blacks in Africa, Obama and Farrakhan better get worried.
You better keep an eye on this just in case.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....