Hint: These very large asteroids whizzing harmlessly past Earth are just bow shots to warn you of what is coming in the next decade, you know, during the Tribulation. The Bible very clearly tells us of a number of asteroids striking Earth during the Tribulation and not just whizzing harmlessly past. There is going to be a lot of damage and death.
Don't believe me?
Read the Bible about the "stars" that will "fall from the sky".
What do you think those are, birds pooping on you?
Those are real asteroids that are out there in space right now on a collision course with Earth and you but even NASA has not found them yet. God knows where they are.
Between the Muslims conquering the entire planet and slaughtering better than half the people in the first 3 years of the Tribulation and the listed judgments of God during the Tribulation, most of the people on this planet will be dead with maybe about one or two billion people left just before the Battle of Armageddon some time in 2032.
You just might want to repent of your crimes against God's Laws and accept the amnesty for those crimes God paid for in the form of His own Son, Jesus, or you won't like the results.
We are quickly running out of time for you people to make up your minds in choosing between God and Paradise verses Satan and eternal damnation so you just might want to get your act together because to not choose salvation is to choose eternal damnation. It is like someone offering you an ice cream, when you refuse it, you don't get an ice cream.
Pay attention to those bow shots because they mean time is getting just a wee bit short.
Remember that I have been telling you that the left is getting increasingly desperate and determined that EVERYONE should get vaccinated with their murder vaccines as quickly as possible?
This video shows how increasingly desperate the left is getting at forcing everyone to get their worthless murder vaccines that do not keep you from getting or transmitting the virus and you will soon find out that it also does not keep you from getting as sick either, the evidence is already starting to mount on the latter with increasing numbers of fully vaccinated people being hospitalized and even dying.
The left is increasingly determined to force everyone to get their murder vaccine as quickly as possible and the only possible reason cannot be science or medicine but to depopulate their planet like they have been telling us for more than 30 years.
One of the biggest problems we are having with the vaccines is that even our idiot conservative media are accepting the lefty lies about the vaccines as fact and acting like they are true when they clearly are not. They don't have enough guts to take a stand for the truth concerning the vaccines.
I am watching this current US Supreme Court about these government mandates concerning vaccines and even masks and I am concerned that the justices are even considering whether the mandates are "for the good of the people". That is not what should be at issue here and it is NOT the job of those justices. That should be the job of your MDs and only your MDs.
What should be at issue should be a slam dunk case. These mandates are just plain unconstitutional, period. They give the corrupt politicians too much power because the leaders should NEVER be allowed to say, "You WILL obey my edicts or I will punish you!"
THAT is not a republic, that is a dictatorship and the primary job of those justices is to protect the integrity of the Republic by upholding the US Constitution.
Listen, people, there has not been one dictator who got into power in the last 100+ years by telling the people, "I am going to oppress you, enslave you, rob you into poverty, and murder you!" They have all LIED and said that they were doing it, "for the good of the people", the stupid people fell for it, and then the leaders oppressed, enslaved, robbed, and murdered. Dictators ALWAYS claim they are doing their evil for your good and then do the opposite when in absolute power.
Whenever any leaders tells you that they are doing something for your good, you better grab your guns and lock your doors.
That doesn't even take into consideration that the corrupt politicians probably couldn't even pass one freshman level biology course, much less have a medical degree and SHOULD NOT be allowed to practice medicine without a medical license, EVER, for any reason. That is your MD's job.
That doesn't even take into consideration that the corrupt politicians and even the bureaucrats don't know one thing about the medical history of one of those people.
That doesn't even take into consideration that the corrupt politicians have ANY training in handling a medical emergency the way your MDs are trained and regularly handle medical emergencies.
I wouldn't hire any of them to manage an outhouse, much less your medical care. Just look at how much they screw up that is not as critical as your health care.
The only thing the US Supreme Court should be considering right now is whether the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats should be allowed to unconstitutionally play dictator just because there is a medical emergency. They should NOT even be allowed to consider whether it is medically for the good of the people because EVEN THEY are not trained in biology or medicine; they are only trained in LAW and are responsible for upholding the law of our nation, which is the US Constitution. They should NOT be responsible for your medical care in ANYWAY.
The fact the justices are even considering deciding what is medically best for you when most of them probably couldn't even pass freshman biology, should be terrifying to you.
Who do they think they are?
Oh yeah, just like all of the arrogant upper class trash leaders, who got the right degrees from the right universities, they think they are smarter than they are and that you are dumber than you are because of their academe supremacist arrogance.
By them considering anything other than the constitutionality of this matter, they are thinking about destroying our Republic and are right now the greatest threat to our national security. They are right now in a position that, with just one ruling, they can make it possible for the leaders to do as they please without any regard to what the US Constitution says, destroying our Constitution and the Republic.
For you and this Republic, this is the most dangerous moment in the history of this nation.
You better pray long, pray hard, pray often, and lock and load.
I have been wondering if God is going to permit your government to completely fail because you have been putting your faith for protection from the evil people of this nation in your government instead of in God, where it belongs.
Your corrupt executors have failed you, your corrupt legislators have failed you, your corrupt bureaucrats have failed you, many of your corrupt courts have failed you, your corrupt media have failed you, your corrupt professors and teachers have failed you, and now your Supreme Court may be about to fail you so that your entire political system may be about to finally and completely fail you and finish dying.
Maybe you should be putting your faith in God and not in a political system that has failed every time in history?
You better get right with God and pray that He not permit the US Supreme Court to fail you because, if they do, your Republic will finally be dead and will very soon stop kicking with you paying the price.
It isn't the Republic that has made this the greatest nation in history because there have been other republics, none of which ever came close to being as great as this nation. It is God who has made this the greatest nation in history and only God.
I may have to sit here and watch the nation I love and served die because too many of the people in this nation have turned their backs on God, are no longer getting the wisdom of God, and have gotten brain dead stupid. Those stupid people make my brain hurt.
Where is the wisdom of this once great nation?
Oh yeah, you lost that wisdom of God when you turned your backs on God, thinking you are smarter than God, and stopped getting the wisdom of God so that now all you get is the foolishness of Satan, that will destroy you and your nation.
You arrogant fools said, "I am smarter than you God and don't need your great wisdom," and God said, "Really? Let's see." Behold the back of God for you no longer see His great face! If you turned your back on God, all you will see will be His back until you turn back to Him.
Just look at the mess we have created by thinking we are smarter than God. Wow, I am so impressed.
Maybe we are not as smart as we like to think we are and God is much smarter than we want to believe He is?
Arrogantly thinking ourselves wise, we have made ourselves arrogant fools!!!
Our Biggest Problem
Right now our biggest problem in fighting back against the lying lefty commies is they control the mainstream media, the stupid people insist on believing the mainstream media in spite of their persistent lying, and most of our conservative leaders are afraid to stand up to the mainstream media because they are afraid of being called names by the mainstream media.
The conservatives are just submitting to the lies of the left and permitting those lies to become "fact" in people's minds. This winning the psychological warfare by the left is the left winning this insurrection by default because no one will take a solid stand against the lies allowing the lying lefties to control the conversations and win the fight. This cowardly surrender to the lies is sickening.
Listen, if everyone submits to the lefty lies and permits them to be recognized as facts, then no one will be willing to fight the lefties in the courts or the battlefields so the left will win the insurrection and get their dictatorship. If you cowardly surrender to their lies, you cowardly surrender to their dictatorship and you die.
Cowards deserve to be oppressed, enslaved, robbed, and murdered by a dictatorship. I so much better understand why Jesus is going to spew cowards out of His mouth, you know, people who are neither hot nor cold. No spine; no freedom.
Therefore, the greatest threat to our national security is the mainstream media, the stupid people, and our cowardly conservative leaders.
Bogus Science
Remember that I have been warning you about bogus science that is done just to get government grants and has nothing to do with real science?
In this video pay attention at about 17:30 into it and they name off different government research projects and the amounts of money the government pays for that bogus research. These scientists get government research grants in the tens of millions of dollars to pay fat 6 digit salaries, benefits, perks, bonuses, and expenses that destroys the integrity of science and makes scientists political slaves to the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats because, if they don't tell the lies they are supposed to tell, they don't get any more government money.
Bogus science is a money making racket that makes fake scientists with degrees a lot of money and their research is not designed to prove anything because, if they did prove anything, they couldn't get more grant money to further research the same topics, which they do all of the time. Any time, you hear a scientist say that their research is "not conclusive" that is them saying they plan on getting another fat government research grant to "study" the same thing again and again and again. Government research grants are just fast, easy money.
These bogus scientists make millions of dollars doing bogus research paid for with your tax dollars. I have been watching this for decades and almost all news reporting on recent research is about bogus science that most people, even many MDs, blindly believe and is almost always wrong. "Hey, I seen it on TeeBee, it gots tuh be true." They have no integrity or shame.
You would be amazed at how many MDs and nurses I have seen using bogus science because dey seen it on TeeBee so dey didn't eeben question it. Over the years, I have even told you stories about this.
I am so fed up with all of this corruption.
Do you believe me yet that the left has corrupted everything including science and now they are destroying medicine with their unconstitutional mandates?
Fighting Back
Remember that I have been telling you about people fighting back and the left losing?
This video is an example of one more tyrannical effort by the left that is failing because it is unconstitutional and people are fighting back.
Keep up the good fight, everyone, because there is still a lot of fighting to do.
Remember that I have been teaching you about the war between the 2 major sects of Islam, the Shiite and Sunni Muslims?
This video gives you good details on the different key states for both sects and points out that the Shiite sect is increasing its hostility towards Israel. This information is very important.
Based on my studies in the Bible, about Islam, and current events, I believe that it will probably be the Shiite Muslims who bring the world against Israel for the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, conquer the world during the Tribulation, and bring the world against Israel at the end of the Tribulation for the Battle of Armageddon.
A big part of that belief is the differences between the two sects or "the evidence".
The Sunni Muslims recognize Mecca and Medina respectively as their two most holy sites, they do not believe Babylon is a holy site, they are so against witchcraft that they kill members of the occult, and they do not believe that Babylon must be rebuilt before their messiah can come.
The Shiite Muslims do recognize Mecca and Medina as holy sites but believe that Babylon is by far their most holy site, are willing to destroy both Mecca and Medina to force the Sunni Muslims to accept Babylon as their most holy site, and is to be their global political, financial, and religious capitol, after they conquer the world, which is very Biblical, they believe that witchcraft is OK and they often practice it just like the Bible says the false prophet will practice witchcraft or do miracles, they believe that Babylon MUST be rebuilt before their messiah or Mahdi can come, which is also Biblical, and they have been actually tattooing their most holy number, 666, on the backs of their right hands and foreheads just like the Bible says.
Then I see that Shiite Islam is gaining in power while Sunni Islam is waning, that Obama dumped Sunni Islam to work with Shiite Islam, and that the Shiite Muslims have regained control of Babylon and are rebuilding Babylon to be their capitol AFTER they conquer the world, which they will do during the first 3 years of the Tribulation.
The evidence is overwhelming.
In spite of all of this, many Christian preachers still teach the Euro-centric version of the one world government and one world religion because they have not done their homework and continue to be fooled by Satan. They continue to believe really stupid stuff like the Mark of the Beast won't be the number 666 like the Bible says but will be some super duper electronic chip implanted in their hand or forehead. Because of that, they have not figured out that the one world government and one world church of the Tribulation will be Islam and not Europe or anywhere else.
Guess what?
The Bible is right!
BTW, the Shiite Houthis in Yemen is why Israel will conquer down to the Indian Ocean to regain control of the Straits of Aden from the Houthis and protect Israel's shipping, creating a separation between the two parts of Islam dividing Islam into the Western and Eastern branches, representative of the two separate feet in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar just like God told me and I told you years ago.
Note that he points out in this video that the Shiite Muslims have Israel technically surrounded, cutting Israel off from the rest of the world, just like I told you would happen.
It seems that we, the people, are winning another battle as demonstrated in this video concerning the FDA being forced to release the safety information they have concerning the Pfizer vaccine in about 8 months instead of 75 years.
Also remember that I warned you about the new COVID pill?
That same video tells you of more problems they are finding being caused by the pill such as it does genetic damage to your body and to a fetus a mother is carrying. Hey, that is a good way to depopulate the planet, you know, kill off all of the babies.
I am getting to where I am more and more having trouble trusting anything our government does.
Data v Science
Remember that I have told you that data is not science and you have to be careful because data can be manipulated to make it say what you want it to say?
This video shows you some of the problems with trusting data and how data can be very wrong and often is wrong. He gives you a number of good examples.
He points out that relying on data for decision making can be a very big mistake.
Poser Christians
Remember that I have been warning you about poser Christian preachers?
This video is about one preacher being very upset by another preacher for "apostasy" because the other preacher places man above God.
He is warning you about the same things I have been warning you about for years.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....