Why is Russia "bogged down" in the Ukraine War?
Because Putin is still giving the soldiers a chance to surrender instead of just killing them all off and they are refusing. At some point, he is going to have to say, "enough" and just kill them all off to get on with everything else.
The best example is Mariupol where about 1,000 surviving Ukraine soldiers have taken shelter in a large industrial complex and Putin is still giving them a chance to surrender. At some point, he has to just start dropping 2,000 bombs with delayed detonation (there are tunnels) and finish the job.
You have to keep in mind that Russian agents are working throughout Europe trying to get the different nations to lay down their weapons to prevent a European invasion. One thing I am keeping an eye on is France's election on April 24th. If Le Pen wins, Putin could hold off a while longer to see if France will work with him for peace but, if Macron wins, I would expect Putin to go in unless there are other irons in the fire, which there probably are.
BTW, I just found out that Russia is attacking targets all the way across Ukraine to the city of Lviv, which doesn't sound like what the lying lefty media are telling us about Russia restricting her military actions to the city of Mariupol and the South Coast of Ukraine "because she has been defeated".
Wow, that really sounds like Russia has been defeated by Ukraine, doesn't it to you?
You know, while building up his military with troops from other nations for a European invasion.
BTW, note in this video that Tim says that a Russian TV station said that WWIII has already begun for the reasons I told you it has already begun. I think Putin is just allowing nations that are not hostile towards Russia to get out of this and stay out of the way.
Keep an eye on the April 24th election in France.
I am so tired of this upper class trash crap causing harm to so many people.
Remember that I told you that we should not pick a fight with Russia because it won't end well?
I warned you about us only having a one front military and getting even part of that front tied up in a war with Russia and then having to also fight Iran, China, and North Korea.
I also warned you about the under armed European nations giving some of their limited weapons to Ukraine to continue the fight for us while we are trying to start WWIII.
It gets better because the US is weakening itself and becoming vulnerable by selling weapons to Ukraine. Just read this article and think about several things.
First, the US depleting some of its best and needed weapons while starting a war with Russia, causing Russia to invade Europe. We could easily find ourselves in a war with Russia and not have enough weapons to win that war.
Second, only having a one front military, tying that military down in a war with Russia in Europe, and having four more fronts break out in war against the US and her allies against Iran, China, North Korea, and inside the US with us not having enough weapons in inventory to win a one front war.
People, the US troops and weapons are not infinite in number. They are right now quite limited and dwindling.
Yeah, there is no way you can make that end well but the vast majority of our corrupt upper class trash and their puppets don't understand such things about the military. Their simple minded logic is "We will win" without even knowing what a strategic analysis is.
The night of April 18, Russia started a massive offensive hitting more than 1,200 targets all over Ukraine and as far west as Lviv, but, hey we know the Ukrainian military is crushing Russia, right? Well, that is what all of the highly dependable lefty media, x-spirts, politicians, military industry, and others are saying, right? /sarc
The left just can't quit lying even when it becomes so very obvious they are lying.
Based on what I am beginning to see right now with Russia's "second wave", her new military policy is "scorched earth" and she is tired of playing the "nice guy", you know, giving them more than enough time to surrender or flee. She gave Ukraine and the West more than adequate chance and they just kept getting worse so she is now fed up and ticked.
They give interesting information in this video but contradict themselves talking about Russia having failed. 2 minutes into the video it states that Russia is hitting everywhere and across Ukraine and "there isn't anywhere Russia cannot attack".
Really? Hold it, if Russia was crushed and defeated by Ukraine how can Russia reach anywhere and there isn't anywhere she can't attack? Does that make sense to you?
They keep talking about Russia's flag ship being sunk by a land based missile but why is Ukraine not having big sea battles with Russia?
Oh yeah, because Russia sank the entire Ukrainian Navy in the first few days of the war including Ukraine's flag ship.
BTW, the Russian Navy was so devastated by the loss of their flag ship that they just delivered a frigate to Indian on time without hesitation. They didn't even think of keeping the frigate to make up for the loss of their flag ship. Think about that.
They keep showing you individual planes, helicopters, and tanks being taken out by shoulder fired rockets and making a huge deal about it, you know, because Ukraine is defeating Russia, but where are the great air and tank battles?
Oh yeah, Russia destroyed better than 60% of Ukraine's Air Force and tanks in the first few weeks so the Ukrainian military is keeping most of them hidden to keep from losing the rest and Ukraine is begging for more tanks and planes from the West.
And Russia lost the war? Really?
I am right now wondering if the left has ever heard the term "strategic analysis" and can they spell it?
BTW, remember that I told you that Russia pulling back was them keeping their word but, since Zelensky won't keep his word, Russia is setting up another encirclement trap?
That is why Russia pulled back to the Donbass area and is concentrating on fighting there, you know, to pull the Ukrainian troops into that area while Russia has already moved at least one major unit into where that unit can make the "pincer move" to encircle the last of Ukraine's troops when they move into that fight for the Donbass area.
Putin and his generals are outsmarting all of the Western upper class trash because the upper class trash arrogantly keep believing their own lies they told to make themselves look great and Putin look inferior.
NEVER underestimate your enemy, NEVER!
Keep an eye on this.
Get this:
The US and its paper tiger European allies are militarily very week with the US only having a one front military, to make a quick buck, they are selling the weapons systems they do have to Ukraine knowing it will take at least 1.5 to 3+ years to replace most to all of those weapons and others longer, committing acts of war against Russia, Europe is so dependent on Russia for oil, gas, coal, and other resources that, if Russia just cuts those resources and sells them to Russia's allies, the European economy will all but cease to exist, with the US economy right now doing a deep six down ye ole toilet, if Russia also cuts any of the very vulnerable oil and gas lines from Africa to Europe, Russia, China, and Iran cut commercial shipping from the Suez Canal to the South China sea going to the West, China stops shipping goods to the US and Europe and sells those goods to her allies, what Western economy?
Mean while, Russia has troops and weapons poised to invade Europe and has clearly been probing Europe's incredibly weak defenses that are about as solid as toilet paper, while building up her economy, the Ruble and Yuan, and trade with other allied nations, her military with troops and weapons from allies clearly for an invasion of Europe, she just started clobbering Ukraine with a massive assault against more than 1,200 targets in just the first night, after having already destroyed better than 60% of Ukraine's planes and tanks and completely wiping out Ukraine's Navy, including Ukraine's flag ship (how long do you think Ukraine's remaining 40% will last in this current escalation?), Russia, Iran, China, North Korea and all of their allies have been ramping up for war, Iran has already increased her activity on her war path, Russia is showing a willingness to use at least tactical nukes to take out at least the strongest of the US and other forces in Europe and probably use a few strategic nukes against top cities and military targets in the West, Russia's media are saying that "WWIII has already started" for the same reasons I told you they would say WWIII has already started, and our inbred, idiot, moron, evil upper class trash just can't wait to escalate this war more so they can turn a quick buck and remove Putin from power to set up their insane global dictatorship.
Right now, Australia is fit to be tied by China setting up a base in the Solomon Islands that can be used to invade and conquer Australia.
Remember that I told you that Russia and China would attack Japan together?
This video shows very intensive intel being gathered by both nations concerning Japan's defenses in obvious preparation for war and they have been doing this for some time. Note that, in 2021, China took such espionage actions 722 times or almost twice a day and Russia did it 266 times or almost once a day. Think about that.
China is doing the same thing in Taiwan.
They are preparing for war in the places I told you before Russia went into Ukraine and the US only has a one front military? Do you get the picture yet? Do you believe me yet that the US should stage a strategic withdrawal from Europe, get the European upper class trash to make nice with Putin, and ramp up our military for war in at least 4 other fronts?
This war is not just about Ukraine but is a war by the upper class trash to set up their global dictatorship and the rest of the world to stop it. You have to understand that patriotism is not about supporting your leaders regardless of whether they are good or bad people but defending your nation and people from ALL bad leaders including your own.
And right now I am betting that you are also thinking, "Wow, my farts are smarter than that because they would never do anything that stupid," aren't you? Are our intellectually superior, natural elite, criminal upper class trash the stupidest people in history? Hey, everything else they are doing or have done has failed so why not also fail at the greatest war in the planet's history? Hey, don't you want to be conquered by China, Iran, North Korea and even Cuba?
BTW, Saudi Arabia has said that they will sell less oil to China and India so they can force up the price of their oil so they can make more money per barrel of oil.
"Why, that will teach the Eastern Alliance!"
Except that now Russia's oil is worth more money and more nations like China, India, and others will be willing to pay more for Russian oil, which will put more money in the Russian banks for Putin to use in a war against the West AND it will strengthen the Ruble even more because they will have to pay for Russian oil in Rubles or Chinese Yuans, which will strengthen the Russian economy even more.
This will also increase the price of Iran's oil which will give her more money to fight her wars, help promote her economy, and give her more bargaining power with the West. Iran won't need the West's money as much as the West will need Iran's oil.
This will also increase the dependence on both Russian and Iranian oil, which will make it much more difficult for European nations to find alternatives for Russian oil and make it possible for Russia to destroy the West's economies even more by shutting down oil to those nations.
You know, this is at a time when the US dollar is imploding because the greedy upper class trash idiots are printing too many dollars, causing the Western economies to go into a recession, especially with the West having to pay those other nations more money for their oil. Oops!
I am still trying to figure out whose side Saudi Arabia is on.
BTW, have you figured out yet why Obama and company used the CIA to do regime changes in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and are trying in Syria?
Let me give you a little hint here. All of those nations in Africa were Russian allies selling oil and gas to Europe and the West wanted to run pipelines through Syria from Saudi Arabia so Iran couldn't use control of the Hormuz Strait to shut off the Saudi oil to Europe. It was all about who had control of the oil and gas going into Europe with the Euro-American Royals getting ready to set up their global dictatorship over Russia and her allies.
Now, you understand, don't you?
But all Russia has to do to shut down that oil and gas being pumped from Africa to Europe is put a few missiles into a few pumping stations along the Mediterranean Sea, they know exactly where those pumping stations are, Russia has missiles that can reach that far and, if he uses nuke warheads, they are not going to rebuild those pumping stations for at least a few years.
Yeah, the Western upper class trash royals have been inbreeding so long and are so greedy, power mad, and obsessed with their global dictatorship they are just nuts and stupid.
Man plans, God laughs and, man, is God having a really great belly laugh at the Western upper class trash fools.
Are you getting the picture about all of the weaknesses the intellectually superior, natural elite, upper class trash have built into the West and they want to start WWIII because they are so militarily ignorant, greedy, and power mad they just assume the West will win because they are too stupid to do a strategic analysis? Now do you understand why everything they do fails? And you think they are smarter than you because they stole more money than you can earn? The more I learn, the more I wonder, "Do they even have an IQ?"
Constitutional Amendment
I got this e-mail from my daughter, posted it on FB, and they censored it stating some crap about the information about Trump was not accurate so the post was not accurate but it says ABSOLUTELY nothing about Trump so they just used the fake messages about Trump as a cover to censor my post because they don't want you to know the truth so I decided to also share it with you on this blog so even more of you will know the truth. Feel free to copy and paste the information part.
"Hi dad,
I got this as a text message and thought it interesting. Isn't this already in the constitution or bill of rights or Declaration of Independence?
Forwarded message:
Please read proposed 28th amendment...and forward. This will only take 1 minute to read!
28th Amendment, 35 States and Counting.
It will take you less than a minute to read this. If you agree, please pass it on. It's an idea whose time has come to deal with this self-serving situation:OUR PRESENT SITUATION !
Children of Congress members do not have to pay back their college student loans.
Staffers of Congress family members are also exempt from having to pay back student loans.
Members of Congress can retire at full pay after only one term.
Members of Congress have exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed, under which ordinary citizens must live.
For example, they are exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment.
And as the latest example, they have exempted themselves from Healthcare Reform, in all of its aspects.
We must not tolerate an elite class of such people, elected as public servants and then putting themselves above the law.
I truly don't care if they are Democrat, Republican, Independent, or whatever. The self-serving must stop.
Governors of 35 states have filed suit against the Federal Government for imposing unlawful burdens upon their states. It only takes 38 (of the 50) States to convene a Constitutional Convention.
Each person that receives this will forward it on to 20 people, in three days most people in The United States of America will have the message.
Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:
"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the Citizens of the United States ..."
You are one of my 20.
We're asking everyone to forward this email to a minimum of 20 people, and to ask each of those to do likewise.
In three days, most people in the United States will have the message. This is an idea that should be passed around, regardless of political party.
The Congressional Reform Act of 2017
1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office. And, no more perks go with them.
2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.
3. Congress must purchase their own retirement plan, just as ALL Americans do.
4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.
5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.
6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people (i.e. NO MORE INSIDER TRADING!!!).
7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women. Congress made all these contracts by and for themselves.
Serving in Congress is an honor and privilege NOT a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work ... not get all kinds of freebies.
Just hold your finger down then hit forward and send it to everyone you know.
End of forwarded message"
Censor me so a few hundred people can't see it and I will make sure that thousands see it. Feel free to copy and share this message with your friends and let's make it so millions will get to see it. Note that you are one of my thousands so send it to thousands more.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....