As the world is panicked over energy and prices are soaring because of the Western sanctions on Russia to break ye ole Russian bank so she can't defend herself in a war, with the Western nations being the ones in economic free fall, I just found out that the price of coal is "soaring" to a record high and guess who sells lots of coal to the West; yeah, Russia. Wow, that worked well.
"But, hey, it is Russia's fault!"
And you think the lefty upper class trash, who are causing all of this, are smarter than you?
This sounds like a dream I had and I told you about. We had defeated the lefty commies in the US and they had retreated to a small commie sanctuary in the northeast of the US with third world poverty and the lying upper class trash telling all of the impoverish lefty commie stooges that the rest of the nation was even worse only to find out that the upper class trash were lying because the economy for the rest of the nation was booming.
Yep, the left telling you that the Russian economy is crashing when it is booming and the Western economies are crashing sounds just like something the upper class trash would do. You know, it is like the left's political polls that make the right look like they are losing and are always wrong.
But, hey, what do you expect from the left, when their god, Satan, is the father of lies; the truth?
Queen Elizabeth has croaked so it is now King Charles and, maybe soon, King William. We will see how things will change under them.
Will they be more aggressive and less patient in grabbing for power and control? Will they give up on their global dictatorship or keep pressing for it until they cause a global war?
I am getting the feeling they poisoned her with something like mercury, which caused her health to fail over months. She and her stooges were failing and they wanted to get her and them out of their way.
"Dey just gots tuh habs der global dictatorship, people!"
It is like I have always told you; the greedy and power mad can never be satiated and will always want more wealth and power, which is why they can't even trust each other.
Don't be surprised to see a bunch of her stooges like Soros die to get them out of the way. It is possible that they got rid of PM Boris Johnson for that reason.
Then I saw a video which answered all of those questions. In that video, they show Liz Truss, Britain's new Prime Minister, in a clearly choreographed stage show where she was fed a question that, if you get rid of all of the window dressing, asked her how she would feel about having to use nukes against Russia in self defense.
Her pre determined answer was, "Yes, I will use nukes against Russia." She didn't answer the actual question but definitively stated she would use nukes against Russia and didn't include the phrase "for self defense".
And you think the upper class trash royals are not psychopaths? Really?
Words cannot describe how significant this upper class trash showboating was and you have to understand perspectives in relation to situations.
They just told you that the upper class trash perspective is that Russia is clearly crushing the West in this economic war the West started against Russia to get Russia out of the way of their global dictatorship and is very close to causing the defeat of Europe and the rest of the West, ending the royals' dreams of a global dictatorship. In their sick, twisted, demented, power mad minds, these upper class trash can justify using nukes to stop Russia from winning this war to stop the West because they see Britain using nukes to stop Russia from defeating them as "self defense".
See, it is just like I have been telling you. If you pay attention and connect the dots, the upper class trash tell you what they are planning and doing. There is very little guess work.
Do you get the picture? Do you believe me yet that the upper class trash royals are as evil as you can get?
What clearly happened was that the Queen and Johnson refused to use nukes against Russia to stop Russia from winning the war the West started against Russia with the majority of the British royals, especially Charles and William, so obsessed with their evil global dictatorship that they are willing to use nukes against Russia to get their dictatorship. They probably don't think Russia will retaliate in kind with nukes or won't have any nukes left to use against them because they are completely out of touch with reality. Hey, smoke enough dope in that upper class trash echo chamber and you can believe anything you want.
So, they probably poisoned the Queen and got Johnson out of the way so Charles and Truss could take over and use nukes as a last resort, which all they have left is a last resort, in getting Russia out of their way to set up their global dictatorship. These evil things just told you that they don't care who or how many of you they kill.
Hey, everything else they have tried is failing, why wouldn't a nuke war succeed?
They will probably "have some negotiations" to make it look like they tried to stop their war peacefully and then just nuke Russia. You have to understand that they got rid of the Queen and Johnson TO nuke Russia.
"Hey, you do what we tell you to do or your butt goes under ye ole upper class trash royal bus!"
Remember that I told you that the lefty upper class trash will not quit, will not back off, and will do ANYTHING to get what they want?
I was hoping, with as bad as Putin is making things for Europe, that Europe would quit and back off to prevent a Russian invasion of Europe and it was really beginning to look like it but the British Royals are even more nuts and out of touch with reality than I figured.
Hey, what do you expect from thousands of years of inbreeding?
The crazed British Royals in that audience applauded Truss for saying, "I will nuke Russia." It is what they want and they had all agreed on before they committed to getting rid of the Queen and Johnson.
Now you have to understand this from Putin's perspective because, with his spies I told you about, you can bet he knows what is coming. What Putin heard was her saying to him, "You better nuke me before I nuke you." Putin KNOWS that they put her in power to nuke Russia.
People, you have to understand that Truss is King Charles' front person to do the ugly things for him so that, if things go south, it isn't Charles who gets hung. That is all the British Parliament and PM are for the British Royals.
"Hey, if everything goes south, blame democracy."
This means that now Putin MUST stage a preemptive nuclear strike against at least the UK to take out her royals, nukes, and the most important parts of the UK's military and any other nation planning to nuke Russia such as maybe the US and France. They are not leaving Putin a choice and are forcing his hand.
Do you see how evil this royal insanity is?
Their evil insanity could involve all of Europe, the US, and Canada in a nuclear war with Russia, China, North Korea, and Pakistan but may only involve Britain because, if Russia takes out Britain with a first nuke strike, the rest of those countries might start singing a different song, after all, I have shown you before that Putin knows it is the British Royals who are controlling this insanity.
I can't wait for this insane, satanic lefty upper class trash soap opera to be over with. "As the World Burns" by the lefty upper class trash. I want my own planet with God in control and not some sick, inbred psychopathic upper class trash.
That scum could destroy Heaven, after all, their god, Satan already tried so why wouldn't they?
Keep an eye on this.
Civil War
Right now the left is threatening to start a civil war, if they don't get what they want, you know, like the Democrats did in 1860. This is extortion and meant to scare you into submitting to their demands.
And God said, "There is nothing new under the sun."
I do hope you remember that the British Royals backed the US Democrats during the US Civil War and still do.
Replace Afghan Joe
If the Commierats want to replace Afghan Joe to keep the GOP from impeaching him to replace him with Trump or any other conservative, they don't have much time left. Look at this schedule that shows the House will only be in cession to replace the Speaker of the House with the following schedule:
September |
11 days |
13-16; 19-22; 28-30 |
October |
0 days |
(off for the November election) |
November |
7 days |
14-18; 29-30 |
December |
10 days |
1-2; 5-8; 12-15 |
Total |
28 days |
For more time, they will have to have an emergency session.
They don't have much time left to hold onto the presidency.
Remember that Pelosi has to resign and then they have to make it look like, "Surprise, surprise", so it won't look planned out. Then they have to do a fake debate for at least a few days to appoint someone with a clean enough record they probably can't be impeached by the Republicans. Then they have to get Kruella (who can be impeached) out so the new Speaker of the House can move up to Vice President AND have another fake debate to appoint another Speaker of the House. Then they have to get rid of Afghan Joe so the new Vice President can move up to President and the new Speaker of the House can move up to Vice President and they can have another fake debate to appoint another Speaker of the House.
Note that they do not want to wait late enough that the Republicans can get a conservative in as Vice President because just one event like an accident, you know, like the Queen had, could put that Republican in as President.
If they are going to prevent the Republicans from replacing Afghan Joe with a conservative, they have to start their moves soon.
I am seeing more and more cartoons and animated movies involving the Antichrist. These are purely satanic and put out by the lefty pagans, who belong to the occult and have taken over almost everything, especially the media. This is showing just like I told you that the US is no longer a Christian nation but is more pagan than Christian and the pagans are running and ruining it so it is a pagan nation, which explains everything going south. Satan's spawn don't create, they just destroy everything.
The lefties are infatuated with the Antichrist and can't seem to get enough of him. Some of these animated movies even portray the Antichrist as a girl or woman.
You have to understand that members of the occult are really looking forward to the coming of the Antichrist just like the Bible says because they see him as their messiah, you know, the same way the Christians are looking forward to the second coming of Jesus. The lefties also hate God, the Bible, and Jesus because they know God/Jesus is their enemy and it is because they chose to be His enemy.
The Bible tells us that, when the Antichrist comes, most of the people will worship him. When I was young and this nation was still Christian, I used to wonder how that could happen and I have watched this nation gradually change so it will happen.
Man, did that happen fast or what?
Man, I can't wait for all of this evil crap to be over with.
Remember that I told you that I am watching and waiting for more and more of these sailboats installing lithium batteries to run electric motors instead of gas engines to burn to the water?
I just saw a video about buying boats that I am sure most of you wouldn't be interested in so I decided to not post it. When they talked about insurance for boats, they said that some insurance companies will not cover losses caused by lithium batteries and those that do charge a lot more. They said that, if your boat is registered in some countries, it is not legal to put them in your boat. That lefty virtue signaling can cost you.
Gee, I wonder why?
Basically, the insurance companies are seeing many more boats burn to the water because of lithium batteries than I have been seeing. I would never put them in anything because they are very dangerous.
Here is an easy prediction.
Silicon Valley in Commiefornia makes most of their living over the Internet, which requires electricity. If the power problems the left is causing continue with "rolling blackouts" in Commiefornia, many of those companies will have to move out of Commiefornia to continue their business and doing more damage to the Commiefornia economy.
And then watch, stupid Newsom won't be able to figure out why those businesses are leaving Commiefornia, you know, because of him, his lefty pals, and their lefty agenda.
Keep an eye on that.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....