News 711


Remember that I told you that it looked like Putin "exiled" Prigozhin to Belarus to station him near Poland's border to invade Poland and Europe?

I am seeing that more and more people are suddenly waking up to that probably being what happened. In this video it tells you they are now positioning NATO troops near Belarus just in case. Once again, it looks like the last laugh is on the Western upper class trash royals. Once again, Putin used their tactic against him to beat the West. The idiots never learn and refuse to admit they are not as smart as they want to believe they are.

BTW, they have figured it out and, at the current rate of advancement, it will take Ukraine 60 years to removed Russia from Ukraine. Wow, that is working well. I don't think there will be anyone left by then.

Then I found this video that makes it look like they are shoving Z boy under ye ole bus and giving up but how many times have they made it look like they were giving up to only escalate the fighting?

That makes this especially questionable with them talking about starting negotiations next month after very recently shooting their mouths off about how they would never "freeze the war".

I am going to keep an eye on this but a leery eye.

Did the West just suddenly become sane? Nah, that couldn't be, right?

Did you know that NO ONE knows where Prigozhin's Wagner army is?

The idiots are so fixated on Prigozhin and Putin that no one is trying to find the missing army. It is like their own activities are being used as a distraction by Putin. Then I read this morning that Nepal's famed Gorkhas are joining Wagner and Russia is recruiting and training them for Wagner.

My first thought was, "Kiev or Poland or both?" They know where Wagner is? Do you get the picture yet?

Remember that this is where you get tomorrow's news today.

I also read that there are at least 8,000 Wagner troops in Belarus with Prigozhin, probably more. Remember that he had at least 25,000 troops under his command during Bakhmut and no one knows where they are, well, except for 8,000 of them.

The media keep talking about the "mutiny" or "rebellion" because it makes them money and causes the stupid people to believe the media were right and not lying to them. Why, the West is winning because Russia's Government is divided, dead and imploding just like we have been trying to do.

If they are winning, why do they have to keep lying about them winning?

They are also focused on how Putin might use those nukes against Ukraine in spite of the fact Putin has told them a number of times that he is not going to use nukes against Ukraine, hint, hint. He doesn't need to use nukes against Ukraine, only against the US and UK. Putin using those nukes against Ukraine is their wishful thinking. The idiots still have the mindset that, in spite of the fact the West is causing this mess and escalating it, Putin would never use nukes against the West because we are so magnificent, wonderful, and intellectually superior to the Russians, in spite of the fact that everything we have done to the inferior Russians has failed and backfired on us, while making things better for Russia.

I am convinced that the inbred stupid upper class trash royals and their moron puppets are just one command by Putin from Hell and they don't get it.

You know that the idiots have no plan on how they will cover that lie after it becomes obvious, you know, like all of their other lies became obvious. All the arrogant fools can think about right now is making this lie last as long as possible, you know, like they are stupid enough to believe this lie will win the war the way they believed all of the previous lies would win the war. I can't wait for Judgment Day to see and hear everyone laughing at these arrogant fools.

This is not sounding like what the West is telling us.

This continuing stuff about Prigozhin and the Wagner Group is a distraction away from the fact that Russia is crushing Ukraine to get you to believe that Russia is almost defeated to make it sound safe to send NATO troops into direct, open conflict with Russia, which they are talking about right now. "Let's go in and finish Putin off!" You just know you are going to hear that lie soon and the scary thing is that they already believe that lie themselves.

"Why we is too stupid to beat Putin in Ukraine but we is going to crush Putin in Ukraine even though we have already disarmed ourselves." And you know that Putin is sitting there saying, "Here kitty, kitty, kitty."

Then I found this video that shows a Wagner base in Belarus not too far from Ukraine. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Spacy Aliens

Congress is debating a bill that will give money to people for evidence concerning things like UFOs. I am watching this to see where it is going.

Is it to get people to bring in "evidence" for money? So let me see, they are going to pay people to bring in stuff the government can "claim" is evidence proving there are spacy aliens so the government can fool you into believing there are spacy aliens?

You just know there will be a stampede of greedy people wanting free government money for stuff that "proves" there are spacy aliens. The upper class trash royal cons are so obvious anymore.


It is looking like the Ukrainian Super Duper Galaxy Conquering Offensive is stalling out without even conquering Mars yet.

If you have been paying attention, it should be obvious that it would because, with the Ukrainian forces being butchered like they have been for weeks, they now have significantly fewer troops, weapons, and munitions so they would not be able to attack with the original intensity and frequency. That should be common sense but no one seems to be pointing it out.

I have been watching and Ukraine is holding most of its remaining "offensive units" in reserves now or what is left of them to keep them from being finished off by Russia and is mostly fighting with even less than they were fighting with before they even moved their offensive forces into the area. It is only a matter of time until their offensive efforts will be forced to stop and just set up defenses to hold ground or just get run over. You cannot lose more troops than you have.

I don't see anyone addressing that issue. They are acting like the Ukrainian forces are infinite in number and can continue to suffer such huge losses forever, while continuing with the same intensity of attacks.

Look, if you start a campaign with 100,000 troops and lose just 10%, your forces are now 10% smaller and weaker so you will not be able to attack with the force of 100,000 troops. The more troops you lose, the less force you have left to attack with.

Most of the Ukrainian attacks I am now seeing videos of are pretty pathetic with just a dozen or more troops with a few (about 3 to 5) armored vehicles. Some of these attacks are so small that Russia is not even using artillery to stop them to conserve on munitions.

That is not a significant military assault, which would require at least a few thousand troops with at least hundreds of armored vehicles. These are just suicide missions to appease the idiot Western leaders, who belong in Hell for sending those troops to their inevitable deaths, proving that the West doesn't care about its troops so their troops should turn on them.

They are still trying as hard as they can to convince you that Russia is STILL on the verge of collapse, you know, more than a year later and some of the stupid people are still believing it so they keep saying it.

But Putin is letting some of the NATO troops gain a tiny bit of ground to sucker the leaders into sending in more troops to "finish off Putin" so Putin can finish them off.

You have to understand that the more troops Putin kills before he starts his offensive, the fewer troops there will be shooting at his troops so that Putin will lose fewer troops and be more likely to win this war. Besides, it looks like Putin is trying to win WWIII in Ukraine by destroying enough NATO troops and weapons so NATO will be forced to surrender or die and the idiot upper class trash are helping him.

It looks like Ukraine has "run out of gas" and is making no to very little progress anymore and that should have been expected with their horrible losses early in the fighting. They just don't have much left to fight with. Little groups of soldiers taking turns attacking larger groups of entrenched soldiers and being slaughtered is just not an offensive.

Then I found this video, which shows Ukraine really is running out of gas because Russia just made a concerted effort to destroy their fuel storage facilities.

Now, the upper class trash seem to be focused on this being done to stop or slow the Ukrainian offensive but, if you think about it, without much fuel left and if Russia stages its offensive soon, just how far will they be able to run before they run out of gas? Maybe not even to Poland?

Without fuel, Ukraine can't fight and she can't get away. Think about that.

Then I found this video a few days after Prigozhin went to Belarus. Note that, at the beginning, it said that they destroyed armor in Kiev, you know, near Belarus. According to that video they are taking out all kinds of targets and this is what the early stages of an offensive look like. Putin is systematically devastating the Ukrainian forces. They can't have much left and, when they have little enough left, Putin will move.

This should also tell you that Ukraine doesn't have any significant air defense left.

Then I found this video of Hungary warning the West they are about to cause a catastrophe for themselves, you know, the way I have been warning everyone.

And the idiots just keep disarming themselves. They must have a death wish for themselves and you too. Hey, they gotta make more money before they die so they can die rich.


I am keeping an eye on new developments concerning Taiwan. Russia's Navy has just become more active in the Pacific and even sailed a couple of warships near Taiwan.

This has me wondering, "Is Russia getting ready to help China invade Taiwan by providing naval support?" If you think I was wrong about China not being able to successfully invade Taiwan, why would Russia even consider helping China invade Taiwan if China could do it?

That tells me that Russia knows that China can't do it.

You better keep an eye on this.

Cantrell Velodrome

I was watching a video by a guy who started out being honest and dependable news but is now running very deceptive "infomercials" where he starts by giving you bad news about the economy and then says that, if you will start doing business with his sponsor, they will protect you from that bad news, you know, with him getting kickbacks. The entire videos are often cons.

I realized that, with the increasing corruption and dishonesty we are seeing on the Internet, some of you probably thought that is what my Cantrell Velodrome is, a con. I have even prayed about taking it down but, if God told me to put it there, He has His reasons, which could be to test me.

I assure you it isn't a con, I have never lied to you, and won't start now and definitely not for money. I will not say any more about it or try to talk you into donating. I put that on my blog to give you the opportunity to help and will now leave that completely between you and God. If you don't want to donate, fine, if you want to, I will thank God but now we are going to move on with the horrid, dreaded, news the upper class trash royals are forcing on us.

BTW, you need to know that Gofundme reserves the right that, if I don't use that money for the velodrome, as stated, they can "withdraw" the money from my bank account and return it to you. You should read their terms. And, if I manage to outsmart them in that respect, you better bet their attorneys will come knocking on my door because their terms are a legally binding contract that says that, if they will help me raise the donations, I will use that money to build the velodrome. That means that, if they help me obtain those funds, I MUST build the velodrome or face prosecution and litigation. They are not stupid.

Besides, in the US, if I set up something like this telling you I plan to use the money for one thing and use it for something else, that is legally fraud, a felony, and I can be prosecuted and litigated for damages.

In this case, you are protected by both contractual law and criminal law.

Thank you for at least considering it. God will take care of it and I leave it in God's hands.

The West's Mirror

The West is being terrified by their own mirror because they tried to con Prigozhin into staging a rebellion and starting a civil war and then Prigozhin and Putin fooled them and used it as cover for moving Prigozhin and his Wagner troops into Belarus, you know, right next door to Europe.

This video shows the idiots have outsmarted and terrified themselves. They are running scared because they tried to bring down a Christian nation to set up their pagan global dictatorship and God is using their every move to bring them down.

You can only attack a Christian nation after they turn their backs on God because then they are no longer a Christian nation under the protection of God.

What they expected was a war between Prigozhin and Putin with at least one of them ending up dead, Russia being split in at least two and being weak enough for NATO (US and UK) to safely invade and destroy so they could set up their satanic WEF global dictatorship.

It is so funny watching them having terrified themselves with their own smarty pants great sounding stupid ideas.

Do you believe me yet that the lefty upper class trash royals and their moron puppets are inbred stupid to the maximum?

I just can't help laughing at those smarty pants idiots.

"Why, we got Putin to move Prigozhin and his Wagner Group right next to our borders! Wow, we is are be geniuses!"

Also, I get annoyed by these guys who over think the little gains Ukraine or Russia make on the Battlefield instead of looking at the big picture. They get caught up in little technicalities that mean nothing.

Bastille II

The French PM, Moron, called an emergency crisis meeting because of the riots. They have been having riots in France since he was elected and they don't get it that the people are just a wee bit upset at them. They are trying to figure out how to get what they want and the people don't want without them losing their heads.

It may not be much longer before the people drop by his house for a little visit with a guillotine and he may be beginning to see the writing on his wall.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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