I was just researching news items looking for intel and found out that there is a drought in Southern Iraq, you know, around Babylon, that is causing the people, especially farmers to leave there because the "Euphrates River is drying up."
I have known for years that the reason why the Euphrates River is "drying up" is because there are a number of damns in Iraq, Syria, and Turkey and those dams have been diverting the water to other areas or rivers.
I figured it was to make dredging the Euphrates River easier and faster but they finished that several years ago and have not started dredging the massive harbor for Mystery Babylon so I figured they were keeping the water low for that.
I realized today that they are probably also using it to cause a drought in southern Iraq to drive people off their land, especially old family land so the upper class trash could just buy it up really cheap, especially with them needing a lot of that land to make their harbor.
I have been keeping an eye on how they were going to buy up the massive amount of land they needed, especially since a lot of that land has been in their families for hundreds to thousands of years and they are not going to part with that land.
So, if you are a greedy royal, what do you do?
You use those dams to dry up the river, cause a drought, and the people have to leave that land to survive with you getting that land dirt cheap. After you have stolen the land and dredged the harbor you need, you return the water to the river, the land magically recovers and the land becomes much, much, much more valuable so you turn a massive profit on any you sell.
I was wondering why they were putting off dredging that harbor. They need a massive amount of land that is covered with old family farms and are too greedy and cheap to pay market value. Now that the drought is causing them to flee the land, the land will be very cheap.
And God said, "The love of money is the root to all evil."
Keep an eye on this because it looks like that is what they are doing.
Judicial Info
I just saw this video and it reminded me that most people do not know ANYTHING about law so I thought I would share it with you. What it shows is a bunch of judges being "recused" from judicating a trial for Trump because of conflicts of interest.
Most people do not know that, if a judge has a conflict of interest in a case, they are supposed to recuse themselves and, when they don't, a higher judge can recuse them because that judge judicating with a conflict of interest will invalidate the court's decision.
Cluster Weapons
You want to know how stupid the lefty upper class trash royals are?
They are using these cluster artillery shells to soften up the Russian defense with those cluster weapons leaving "duds" lying around and then the Ukrainian forces have to either walk or drive through those duds to get to the Russian defenses, knowing that, if they make contact with the "duds", they will blow up, killing the Ukrainian soldiers.
Basically, they are mining the field before they go into the field to attack the Russians so they are adding to the Russian defenses. Wow, that will work well. /sarc
That is about like putting your own gun to your own head and pulling the trigger.
Then I found this video of Russia blowing up the ammo depot where they had received at least some of the cluster munitions. I told you that Putin would take care of them. Gee, there goes another game changing weapon.
About two thirds of the way through that video they tell you that the explosion spread some unexploded bomblets in the area. Wow, that worked well.
Have the lefty inbred upper class trash royals done ANYTHING that has worked the way they thought it would work? Do they have ANY functioning brain cells? Do you believe me yet that inbreeding causes increased stupidity and insanity?
Also, as an update, I am noticing that Russia is still playing their games of sitting still and destroy the increasingly smaller attacks by Ukraine because they have fewer troops every day so now Ukraine is doing a lot of much smaller attacks each day and they are almost always being pushed back. Every day that there are fewer Ukrainian troops shooting at the Russian troops, fewer Russian troops will get shot.
The Russians are still letting Ukraine make insignificant tiny advances in some areas to get Ukraine to send in more reinforcements to be easily destroyed, while holding the line or gaining ground in some areas for strategic reasons or to just wipe out the Ukrainian forces in that area.
It is like he says in this video, so far, the Ukrainians have not made any significant advances but they are definitely losing significant numbers of troops and weapons. He tells you that Russia wiped out/captured an entire battalion or about 1,000 soldiers in just one engagement at about 20 minutes into that video.
At the same time, I keep seeing Russia preparing to make the move to finish off Ukraine and invade Europe, the UK, and North America.
"Oh no, Putin wouldn't go to war with the mighty West, it would cause harm to Russia!"
Listen, if Putin doesn't go to war with the West, the royals will destroy Russia. Putin has to go to war with the West to save Russia from the royals.
This kind of stuff takes time so you just sit, watch, and wait until the Russians decide it is time.
At the end of that video, he tells you that Russia is planning to take control of all of Ukraine just like I have been telling you but I am sure that Putin knows he can't stop there, if he wants to stop this insanity. He has to finish the job and he knows it.
The absolute insanity of the pagan lefty upper class trash royals and their moron puppets is mind boggling.
"Why, we will continue to do what is not working until we have killed every Ukrainian, destroyed all of the nation, destroyed all of the weapons we have given them, and completely disarmed ourselves and, even then, we superior, greedy, power mad lunatics shall not stop until we have everything! Reality? What's that?"
Hey, they make Adolph Hitler look sane.
Does this video remind you of what I have been telling you?
Poland moved 1,000 troops and equipment to the Belarus border because the Wagner Group is training the Belarus Army just 5 kilometers from that border. Putin said that Poland has a dream of taking the Western half of Ukraine "to get their land back" just like I warned you. He also tells you that it is well known that Poland has dreams of taking land that belongs to Belarus. Putin said he will defend Belarus, if Poland attacks Belarus.
WWIII anyone?
Do you believe me yet that Putin is planning to attack down the west side of Ukraine through Lviv to keep Poland from doing a land grab there and moving NATO closer to Moscow?
Then Germany said they will help Poland defend their eastern border, you know, so Russia won't just storm right through Poland into Germany and then France.
Listen, people, 1,000 Polish troops are barely going to slow down 1.3 million Russian troops plus who knows how many Belarus troops. Germany's sacked military MIGHT be able to slow down the Russian invasion to buy President Moron of France more time to run.
Germany's Defense Minister said, "We can confidently say we are prepared."
For what? To surrender?
German President Scholz reminds me of Sgt Schulz from Hogan's Heroes; "I know nothing!"
Well, let's do the math and see how prepared they are. They have 250 tanks that may or may not run against Putin's 10,000 tanks that do run quite well. They have 90 obsolete Tornado fighter planes, half of which can't fly, against Putin's 900 fighter planes that all fly quite well. They have 4 submarines that have not been able to leave the dock for years against Putin's fleet of nuclear subs that are everywhere.
Yep, that sounds prepared to me. Why, I bet Putin is shaking in his boots. Well they will also have Poland's 1,000 troops do die with their troops. /sarc
People, tough talking Poland has 325,000 troops, 647 tanks, and less than 100 helicopters to fight Russia with. Poland and Germany COMBINED could barely slow down the Russia forces.
The US makes up better than 90% of all of the military forces in NATO and our military has been sacked by our upper class trash to increase their wealth and then disarmed by sending weapons and munitions to Ukraine to increase their wealth even more plus our nation has been infiltrated by troops from China, Islam, Latin America, and Russia to fight us from within, with the help or our traitorous lefties.
Do you believe me yet that the West is bluffing Russia and Putin knows better? Do you believe me yet that Poland and Germany combined will barely be able to slow down Russia long enough for President Moron of France to flee the nation? Do those arrogant European Royals make your brain hurt yet? Who the heck do they think their bluffing is scaring, Russia? Maybe the arrogant fools should talk peace instead of war to scare and intimidate Putin?
I keep trying to think of something to compare the Western upper class trash royal stupidity with but I can't. I cannot remember seeing this many upper class trash royals this stupid and failing at everything at any time in history.
Then this video shows that the Wagner forces are training the Belarus forces in the far southwest corner of Belarus in the perfect location to attack south down the west side of Ukraine AND to also attack west into Poland. Don't be surprised if they do both because I keep hearing that Wagner is sending reinforcements to that location.
If nothing else, they could do small probing attacks into Poland to tie down Polish forces to keep them out of Ukraine, while they quickly take Western Ukraine.
If you stop that video at about 1:14, you can see the major north-south highway going from Belarus to Moldova I told you about before the war even started, which is perfect to stop Poland and Wagner is training right next to it. Gee, what a magic coincidence.
He also shows you one more example how Russia sets up some of their traps to systematically destroy Ukrainian/NATO troops.
Note that everyone keeps forgetting about the Russian forces and nukes Putin moved into that area at the start of the war and since. That is why Putin move them there when he did.
In this video he is telling you about the "catastrophic failure" of Ukraine with increasing numbers of troops surrendering to Russia.
Upper Class Trash
Remember that I have been warning you about the corrupt members of the upper class I call the upper class trash, who own our corrupt politicians, bureaucrats, media, academe, and others and are controlling what is going on?
In this video Macgregor tells you the same thing calling them "the ruling class" and even names a few of them. They are the evil idiots destroying everything and murdering people to benefit themselves. They and their ancestors have been doing this to our ancestors for thousands of years and won't stop until they die and then their kids will take over.
He tells you that Lindsey Graham is what we called an academic whore who is saying what his "donors" or owners want him to say.
The really terrible thing about these evil academic whores is that these academic whores will say anything they are paid to say and don't care anything about who it harms because ALL they care about is themselves and their bank accounts.
And God said, "The love of money is the root to all evil", and these academic whores are the epitome of evil. They are traitors to mankind because they will sell out any and all of mankind for money and for surprisingly little money compared to what their owners and puppet masters make from their lies so they are cheap whores, who have ZERO integrity. You cannot believe anything they say and too many university professors teach their students to lie and be academic whores. I have watched lefty college professors teach their students how to lie better.
People, if you have to lie, then what you are doing or supporting CANNOT be good and must be evil. There is no such thing as a good lie.
Then she asks him how can we stop these problems our government keeps causing?
Easy, make it an act of treason for politicians and bureaucrats to take bribes from the greedy and power mad upper class trash royals because, what they want is only good for them. Both the bribe giver and taker should be prosecuted for treason.
If you are taking a bribe, you are selling out your nation, your people, and mankind, which is treason and should be a capital crime requiring the death penalty for both the bribe giver and taker.
I told you that, when Billy Boy Clinton was in office, they told us that better than 80% of the politicians and upper level bureaucrats in Washington DC had offshore bank accounts for taking bribes and it is probably worse today. If they are a politician or bureaucrat, it should be classified an act of treason just to have an offshore bank account because there is no good reason for any politician or bureaucrat to have an offshore bank account. The only reason for them to have offshore bank accounts is to hide crimes.
Also, no politician should be allowed to accept campaign donations from individuals, organizations, or companies because the rich will always own them and rich people should be limited to how much money they can spend on their own campaign with everyone getting a small government grant for their campaign.
Also, no person or organization should be allowed to campaign for any politician because then the rich will always own them. No one should own the politicians but the voter.
Also, for ANYONE, including politicians and bureaucrats to lie should be fraud and potentially treason.
Also, no government should be allowed to have any tax other than a 10% income tax and the government should be required to manage its business on just that one tax. There should be no land taxes, sales taxes, gas taxes, or any other taxes and the government should only be allowed to operate on a minimal debt and only in an emergency with that debt being paid off as quickly as possible following the end of the emergency. That will limit the size and potential corruption of the government.
There should be no tax deductions or other cons to keep ANYONE from paying that 10% income tax so that EVERYONE, from the richest to the poorest, should pay that tax in full and only that tax.
That may sound harsh for the poor to the untrained person but, with the current system of many different taxes, the poorest people are spending better than 50% of their income on taxes. A flat 10% income tax would be better for the poor than what we are doing now and everyone but the greedy politicians, bureaucrats, upper class trash, and other criminals would be better off with more money to live on.
That is just for starters, which means we should live by Biblical Law that was given to us by Yahweh to prevent the corruption and mess we currently have to protect us from evil people, especially the rich.
Don't believe me?
Go to college, get an M.B.A like me and then study the mess the upper class trash have turned our lives into because of their greed in relation to what Biblical Law would do and prevent. You will become a true devout Christian really fast because Biblical Law was written to protect us from the greedy and power mad upper class trash royals, which is why they hate God, the Bible, and Biblical Law. It oppresses them from doing to you whatever they want.
Back to that video, he tells you that our military is at "a low end" and that spending more money than the next top ten militaries in the world combined has not produced a better military but has produced a weaker military because the upper class trash royals have sacked our military with their overpriced weapons systems. Plus he tells you how the US Military wastes money and he barely touches on the reality of it.
Then he tells you about other problems caused mostly by our lefty academe dreaming up great sounding bull crap that keeps failing.
He said that something has to give and it is giving right now with the failure and destruction of our Republic and the West. It is because of the greed, corruption, and other lefty nonsense that the West or Rome II is failing right now.
You better pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load.
God has shown me a lot about what is coming our way because of the upper class trash royals and their puppets and it isn't pretty. This is going to get worse before it gets better. I was hoping it wouldn't get this bad but we really screwed up by supporting the pagan left and turning our backs on God. I hope it was worth it, people, because it is going to cost you your nation.
The one thing we really need to do more than everything else is get right with God so He will save our butts from ourselves.
Then he tells you what I have been telling you from the start that they now know that what Prigozhin did was not an uprising and it was not a coup. He believes that at least some of it may have been staged but he can't prove it and they are still trying to figure it out.
Gee, who would have guessed?
Oh yeah, I did from day one. Maybe they should read my blog. They are finally figuring it out that Putin, Prigozhin, and Belarus played them and fooled them all.
"No, no, lowly Putin couldn't possibly fool us superior upper class trash royals!"
Remember that this is where you get tomorrow's news today.
I also showed you that Prigozhin has returned to his troops training in Southwestern Belarus, right next to both the Ukraine and Polish borders.
Biological Warfare
Remember that I have been telling you that this entire COVID fakedemic, including the murder vaccine, is really a biological warfare attack against you and for making them money murdering you?
This video provides you with more evidence supporting that and this is more good, solid evidence.
Notice that they showed the government was covering up the increased death rate as much as possible.
The thing you have to keep in mind is that people are still dying who got the first shots and, from what I have seen, it looks like it is happening at an increasing rate.
The real question is, "What percentage of the people who got the murder vaccine will eventually die from it and how long will it take?" Will it be 25%, 50%, 75%, or even 100% and how many years will it take?
Remember that I showed you that they knew this would happen by sometime between 1996 and 2000 so it is pre meditated murder and everyone involved in this crime, including Fauci, should be facing criminal charges. They show you that there is a massive cover up of this crime, including by MDs.
Man, I can't wait to see these evil monsters stand before God on Judgment Day and the truth be told to everyone by the angels. You will get as mad as I am.
Understanding human behavior, I have to believe that, when monsters like these stand before God, everything is made known by the angels, and the angels return them to the crowd, that their victims are going to beat the crap out of them, keeping in mind that we will all be immortal so they can't die but they can really hurt from the beating, especially from large numbers of people. That will be interesting to watch.
Rome II
Remember that I have been telling you that the West or Rome II is falling because we turned our back on God and let the pagans seize control of our nation, businesses, universities, and everything else?
This video shows you that with formerly conservative Fox News doing matching donations to things like satanic cults on the extreme left, like the Satanic Temple.
Gee, I wonder why God is punishing us? /sarc
Speaking of Sodom and Gomorrah, maybe I should start a business selling asbestos umbrellas?
Do you understand why the West is falling? Do you believe me that God is punishing us by letting us have what we want so it will destroy us? Do you believe me yet that you better pray long, pray hard, pray often, and get right with God? Do you believe me yet that all of these lefty pagans are going to die by the end of the Battle of Armageddon or God will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah?
This is just getting worse by the day and will continue to get worse until we do get right with God.
You don't believe me that God letting us have what we want is destroying us?
The left is getting what they want with all of these corrupt and evil lefty upper class trash royals, their lefty political and bureaucratic puppets, their lefty media, their lefty academe, and everything else they want and that is what is destroying us.
Be careful what you wish for because it could be your destruction and eternal damnation.
This is very interesting and provides an easy prediction because of the intel in this video.
Remember that Turkey kept Sweden out of NATO for a while because of their anti Islam stance. Then, on July 10, Turkey decided to make a deal, where Turkey would allow Sweden into NATO under the condition the Western Royals would allow Turkey to join the EU.
Well, ye old idiot royals decided to show how tough, bad, controlling, and brilliant they were by letting Sweden in and then stabbing Turkey in the back to show who was in control by still not letting Turkey into the EU.
"Why, we superior royals will teach you to not do as we say!"
The easy prediction is that this arrogant betrayal will backfire on them because, instead of teaching Erdogan and Turkey to do as THEY, the royals, say, it will drive Erdogan further from the Western royals and closer to Putin. Erdogan just became one of Putin's best allies and it will be a warning to all other nations not to trust the West.
Just like everything else they are doing, this will fail and backlash against ye ole failing royals and their idiot puppets. They just don't get it because they are out of touch with reality and delusional about their power and control over others because they don't understand other people. They don't even understand basic human behavior and they don't get it.
This should also be a warning to everyone because these evil, power mad monsters will do the same to you whenever they want to control you too.
After this, I believe more so than ever that most of these evil royals and their puppets are about to die. They will be hunted down and killed in this next war and after and absolutely no other nation will give them refuge and protection. No one can trust them so no one can be trusted by them.
BTW, this has already backfired because Sweden getting into NATO has not been made final yet so Erdogan changed his mind and returned to his old stand by requiring Sweden to stop the anti Muslim protests in Sweden.
The God and Bible hating lefty pagans took over archaeology a long time ago and have distorted it to discredit the Bible, making themselves pagan religious fanatics. Their most common strategy for discrediting the Bible is exaggerating the time of our existence on this planet and even in space to discredit the Bible time line.
It wasn't that long ago that they were saying mankind was 40,000 years old, then 100,000 years old, then 200,000 years old and now they are saying mankind is millions of years old. I am waiting for them to find the trillion year old man. They never address the obvious fact that means their first 3 guesses were wrong and we should question their fourth guess.
You have to understand that, before the car was invented in the last 150 years, people traveled over land by walking, riding an animal, or riding in a vehicle pulled by an animal and, on flat ground, their average speed was probably only about 2 to 3 mph with their average speed on rough ground being 1 to 2 mph.
My great grandmother Griffin traveled from Brownsville, TX to Roswell, NM in the 1920s by covered wagon and told me that in really sandy soil, they would be lucky to make 4 miles in one day.
Traveling just 20 miles would take you from half a day to all day, you would spend a day or more in that other community to visit people and/or do business, and then spend a day returning to your village and that was only done by merchants.
Most people never left the town they were born in and many of your small farm villages out the in the sticks and off the "beaten path" wouldn't have contact with anyone from the outside for hundreds of years. Since their technology and pottery didn't change, those communities are dated as having existed hundreds of years before the communities they cohabitated with and are placed on the time line well before the other cities in that area stretching that time line out the way I show you in the below example.
Even today in our big cities, you have people who rarely leave their city or even neighborhood and some may never leave it.
They use a number of little tricks to achieve that and fool the people. A very common trick is to place different habitats on a linear basis instead of showing them coexisting at the same time.
Let me use where I live to give you a little example. I'll just use 4 basic habitats within 20 miles of here, none of which is more than a few hundred years old. Between Alamogordo and Tularosa at the base of the mountains are a number of places where deer hunters camp every fall, there is a small Spanish farm village 7 miles north of Alamogordo called La Luz that is 300 to 400 years old, there is a larger Spanish farm village 13 miles north of Alamogordo called Tularosa that is only 300 to 400 years old, and larger Alamogordo that is about 150 years old.
Let's say this area became deserted in the next 50 to 100 years and those archaeologists came along doing research here 1,000 years from now, they would find the hunting camps and say they were the camps of "hunter-gatherers" and were 50,000 years old. They would claim that La Luz was a tiny farm village that was 40,000 years old, Tularosa was a larger farm village that was 30,000 years old and Alamogordo was a small industry town that was 20,000 years old.
For example, if you study history in relation to archaeology, you find that people often fled large communities like Babylon and Ur for a number of reasons, most commonly, because of invasions by other upper class trash royal armies. Families, extended families, and small neighborhoods would cut and run when they heard a big army was coming and they would live as hunter gatherers at the same time as those larger communities they fled for survival.
An example here is that historians have matched up the migration of North American Navajo, Apache, and Comanche Indians from the Northwest (Washington State to Alaska) down to the US Southwest (New Mexico and Arizona) with the wars and conquering in China so that it is very likely they actually migrated to North America from Asia for survival, which is why they looked very similar to Mongolians, most of whom were also nomadic.
When archaeologists find these hunter-gatherer ruins, they are trained to date them as being older than the large and well developed communities the people fled so they are usually dated as being hundreds of thousands of years old. What is very interesting is that they never find the hunter gatherer ruins for the people who migrated from those well developed civilizations to more remote areas for survival.
"But, they were hunter gatherers so they must be older."
Of course they were hunter gatherers, what do they think, that those immigrants traveling by foot stopped and farmed dinner every evening?
Guess what, all of those pioneers traveling west in the US by covered wagons during the 1800s were also hunter gatherers.
"Gee, they must have been billions of years ago."
All people who did travel up until recently were hunter gatherers. They had to hunt and gather to eat because there were no roadside stores and fast food restaurants.
You have to use common sense they do not teach in universities when studying archaeology and history.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....