News 731


Remember that I have been warning you that Africa will invade Europe to get back what was stolen from them and more?

This video shows you that is already happening. These military age young men are invading Italy and setting up barricades to secure the island.

He tells you that most of these young men are coming from North Africa, which is all Muslim. The Muslims control about the northern third of Africa.

This looks like a Muslim invasion of Europe already starting, especially when he said that some of those young military age men are coming from Afghanistan, which is also Muslim. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Do you know why I keep telling you that some of those African nations will invade Europe?

Because God showed me in some dreams that, after the Tribulation begins, those northern Muslim nations in Africa will sweep to the south to conquer the non Muslim nations in Africa, while some, along with the Muslims in Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Turkey, will invade Europe, and then they will all invade North, Central, and South America, conquering all of those nations, you know, the thingy about "wars and rumors of wars" at the beginning of the Tribulation. They will conquer all of the way to the Pacific Coast of North, Central, and South American. Then they will "raise up a 200 million man army east of the Euphrates River" and conquer everything to the east to the Pacific Coasts of North, Central, and South America. Then the Antichrist will turn his armies on Israel, break their 7 year treaty with Israel, after only 3.5 years, and tell all of the people in Israel to submit, convert to Islam, or die. The Bible tells us that most of them will submit and convert to Islam but that a "remnant will flee into the wilderness", where God will protect them until the Battle of Armageddon.

Right now, the Muslims are trying to invade Europe but they may only partially succeed and have to wait until after the Tribulation begins in a few years to finish. Though this could even be them making the preparations for that Tribulation invasion in a few years.

Greedy Corporations

It really shows me how deceitful people are, especially the media, when they use the term "greedy corporations", you know, it's those big businesses and not humans causing our problems. It is called "transference of guilt".

Somebody needs to learn some business management. All greedy corporations are owned by greedy share holders who own the controlling shares in those businesses and call the shots, you know, the upper class trash royals, oligarchs, ruling class, and elites. They are the problem.

They appoint the greedy, power mad people they want to the board of directors for those greedy corporations, who are also mostly upper class trash royals, who hire the greedy, power mad CEOs for those greedy corporations, who hire the rest of the greedy, power mad mid to upper level management for those greedy corporations, all of whom cause those greedy corporations to do what they want them to do.

The corporations are not greedy on their own and don't do anything on their own.

The corruption of those businesses is caused by the corrupt people running those businesses and not just some inanimate businesses but it makes a great front and cover for the greedy, power mad upper class trash royals. They can always just blame the business and the stupid people will believe it.

Also, if the business gets caught committing crimes, the royals owning those businesses can legally hide behind the "corporate veil" unless the prosecutors "pierce the corporate veil" and go after the controlling share holders and members of the board, which is very rare, especially if the prosecutors take a bribe.

The Wizard of Oz didn't have 1% of the curtains to hide behind as the upper class trash royals do in committing their crimes, which is why very few people actually figure out that it is the royals and not the fronts for the royals. You should all read "West's Legal Environment of Business", which is a college text that lists and explains the structure and function of those curtains used by the upper class trash royals to hide them from their crimes and protect them from prosecution or even just public scrutiny. I was trained to manage those curtains.

That is right, their system is so complex that it takes a college text book to list and explain the use and function for all of the public businesses, private organizations, and government organizations they use to commit their crimes and to not have to pay the taxes they force on you. I am trained to manage those organizations with my M.B.A. and it is pretty sickening. I am glad God kept me out of it but that is another story.

The businesses, nonprofit corporations, trust funds, and governments are all just fronts for the royals in doing their evil so people don't realize that it is the royals doing that evil. Just a few examples are the Clinton Foundation, the Bill Gates Foundation, and the George Soros Foundation, none of which pay any taxes and are used to launder money to other nonprofit corporations or foundations to do things like organize huge caravans of illegal aliens to invade nations like the US, hire thugs like Antifa and BLM to riot, bribe corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, and other things. "Why, it was this, that, or some other foundation that committed the crime, not me. My foundation just gave them money."

In the business world, we call those shell organizations, you know, like playing the shell game where you use shells to hide and move around a pee to fool someone. They use those shell organizations to hide and move money around to do things they should go to jail for and to fool the people into believing "It wasn't me".

The upper class trash royals and their attorneys have created a massive and complex mess over hundreds of years to hide themselves from you and commit their crimes against you.

I have told you that the royals also have invented a full variety of names like elites, oligarchs, the ruling class, and others to hide the fact that they are the Euro-American royals.

It took me years of education and digging to figure all of this out so I am trying to save you some time, you know, like half a century.

I just started a video in which they were saying that the thing running the world is trusts or Fondues (French - pronounced Fon-does) that hire, fire, organize and plan the stuff going on. They are blaming money in trust funds for doing all of this evil, you know, it is the money doing the thinking, planning, and other things, not the people managing the money. Talk about garbage but I read the comments and plenty of stupid people believed it.

They also called the trust funds the oligarchs and ruling class. Talk about a bunch of crap.

"It ain't my fault, my trust fund made me do it." The video was literally saying that.

Where do you think the royals came up with the lie that the Bible says, "Money is the root to all evil", blaming money for their evil, when the Bible really says, "The LOVE of money is the root to all evil", which blames the humans for the evil and not the money?

People, let me give you a hint, it isn't going to be money burning in the Lake of Fire forever because of sin, it will be humans. God knows better.

The oligarchs, ruling class, and elites are evil, greedy, power mad, inbred human beings called royals who have been doing most of these evil things for thousands of years.

And God said, "There is nothing new under the sun."


I am still watching and trying to figure out exactly what is going on with Sunak, the Indian, Hindu, British PM and he just snubbed Canada, who is a member of the British Common Wealth, which is a subject nation to King Chuck, who, if he declares an emergency, is supposed to submit to the rule of King Chuck.

That is a very significant snub by the British PM, especially since India is now also snubbing Canada because of Trudeau because it means that Britain and Sunak are siding with India against Trudeau. That will be interesting and could easily mean the end of the career for Trudeau, who is probably a member of the French Royal Family, you know, like President Moron and King Newsom of Commiefornia.

Gee, you don't think this might be a power struggle between the British and French royal families, do you?


India is having trouble with a number of religions such as the Sikhs, Muslims, and Christians. She is a divided nation and that is a weakness that can be exploited by both China and the West.

Keep an eye on this.

BTW, it is amazing what crap and gods pagans will believe and worship because they hate God and His Laws. "Why, we want to lie, we want to steal, we want to murder, and we want to spread STDs and kill ourselves with adultery." Hey, such is the reprobate mind.

This story is a really great example of how arrogant and inbred stupid the upper class trash royals are.

They are trying to lure Indian away from being Russia's ally by being nice to Modi, Trudeau of Canada decided to pick a fight with India KNOWING that the West is trying to lure India away from Russia and BRICS, and Afghan Joe sides with Canada, betraying India.

Now, if you were India and got stabbed in the back that soon and fast, would you even think about betraying Russia and BRICS to side with the lunatic West?

Only if you are really, really, really stupid.

Also, this betrayal sent a huge message to everyone around the world that the West has been trying to seduce back into submission that no one can trust or depend on the West. It will chase everyone even further away from the West and more towards BRICS.

Also, they just created or expanded a divide between the American British Royals and the British British Royals and I am waiting to see how that works out.

Do you believe me yet that the stupidity of the upper class trash royals makes my brain hurt? Do you believe me yet that they have been inbreeding a few thousand years too many? Gee, I wonder why everything they keep trying keeps failing? /sarc


It is possible that China may try to invade Taiwan but I think it is more likely that she will set up a blockade all of the way around Taiwan to cut off commercial traffic to and from Taiwan. She will use this to destroy Taiwan's economy to force Taiwan to submit to Chinese rule.

If the leaders of Taiwan are smarter than most world leaders today, they will attack and destroy China's blockade to force China to try to invade Taiwan so Taiwan, with her allies, can destroy what is left of China's military and then invade China to free the people.

I just pray that her leaders are not as stupid as the Western leaders.

Queen Lujan

The lefties inside of New Mexico are supporting Queen Lujan's bid for more power and control, with her unconstitutional edict, which tells me that the surprising attacks by the top lefty organizations outside of New Mexico were probably because they saw her as a Spanish Royal taking advantage of Afghan Joe's unpopularity to stage a grab for power of the entire nation from the British Royals instead of just the State of New Mexico.

You think I am wrong?

A day later after writing that I found this video about how Afghan Joe is bleeding nonwhite voters to others, especially third party players. Queen Lujan could easily take all of the Latino voters plus many other lefty voters to take the Commierat presidential candidacy from Afghan Joe and the British Royals and give that control to the Spanish Royals to control the entire US and not just New Mexico at a time when the British Royals are trying to finalize control over the US and the British Royals know it.

Queen Lujan and her Spanish Royal accomplices saw an opportunity and the British Royals saw a threat. That is why the lefties outside of New Mexico jumped on her so hard and so fast for doing what they were also doing to get rid of the threat.

Keep an eye on this because this is one of those power struggles I warned you about.

You have to understand that the upper class trash and their puppets are only united when it benefits them but they all know that, when it will benefit them or others, they will turn on each other. None of them are willing to subject to being ruled over by the others. It has been that way for thousands of years.

There are different factions on the left with all of them looking for an opportunity to grab as much power as they can from each other when they can. They are not as united as they pretend in public and this was just an example of that. You would be surprised of the sick crap they are all planning behind closed doors.

BTW, the problem with Queen Lujan will not be resolved until she and all of her accomplices are incarcerated for a very long time because they are not going to stop because they got a slap on the wrist.


Something I have been concerned about and watching for decades is the Aegis computer system the military developed and began using decades ago to link all of their military units and weapons around the world together by using satellites.

It started by providing intel to all planes, ships, tanks, and other weapons systems for all of the US Military but I realized a long time ago that it has a potential of being hacked by our enemies to either neutralize or take control of those weapons systems to either put them out of the fight or even turn them back against us.

I am seeing that they are wondering whether that F35B was hacked and caused it to crash.

My concern is whether the operators of those weapons systems can and know how to turn off the Aegis to take control of their weapons and still fight with it. It is definitely a potentially dangerous weakness when fighting against someone like Russia and China, who have developed very extensive hacking systems plus, with all of those weapons systems sending intel back to the main control units, those signals could be used to locate and even destroy those weapons. We used to do that in Nam.

Listen, with my training by SAC during Nam, I could use that system against the US Military in a number of ways to beat it.

This has me very concerned right now with our idiot leaders trying to start WWIII with both Russia and China. It may very well be the single greatest weakness of the US Military right now and you better bet Russia has been watching, especially while preparing for this war for the last decade.

Gee, you don't think that might be part of the reason why both Russia and China launched a bunch of killer satellites into orbit early this year to take out those Aegis satellites, do you?

Keep an eye on this.


Remember that I told you to keep an eye on Africa because other nations will follow suit to stage coups for freedom from Western imperialism?

In this video they tell you which nations the US Government is most concerned about staging coups for their freedom from Western rule.

Note all of the great sounding garbage the left is spitting out to justify us intervening to show them how to better run their nations (under our continued control) so they will have all of the problems those same leaders are causing in our nations.

One thing that is very important here that I did not see these two mention is that those African nations' populations are much younger and growing very quickly, which will provide them with more military power to protect themselves from the rest of the world and grow their economies faster to surpass our failing economies caused by our greedy upper class trash. You want to keep an eye on that.

If those coup leaders keep their heads out of their butts, unite their nations, and do things right, Africa could become the next USA, you know, United States of Africa and global power.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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