In watching this war, I keep seeing people like the lefty mainstream media and politicians supporting Hamas against Israel and condemning Israel for fighting back and defending her people.
You don't think the left converted to Islam in 2012 under Obama, do you?
"Why, look at all of the damage Israel is doing to Gaza," while ignoring the damage Hamas did to Israel first. They also keep pointing out the people, mostly terrorists, Israel is killing in Gaza while ignoring the people, mostly civilians, Hamas killed with their invasion and ignoring that most of the people Israel is killing are terrorists. They are slanting their "news" to make it look like Israel is the bad guy and Hamas are the victims.
Gee, you don't think these lefties hate Israel, do you?
In Washington DC some people showed up to show support for Israel and a bunch of Muslims and lefties showed up attacking them with the media not putting down the violent Muslims/lefties or supporting the peaceful Hebrews.
Remember that I told you that Israel failed to arm and train their citizens into local militias to protect them?
This video explains why. Israel has very strict gun control laws that caused this slaughter to be so bad because very few citizens had guns. You just might want to keep the right to bear arms to protect yourself and your family because we just found out what can happen when you can't.
The reason why the lefties keep trying to take your guns away from you is because they want to be able to do the same things to you that Hamas did to Israel without you being able to defend yourselves. Hint, hint.
A few days late and a few hundred Hebrews short, they finally decide to do the right thing by permitting every law abiding citizen to own guns instead of the idiot lefty wrong thing of having gun control.
Gee, I wonder how many of those dead 800+ Israelis would still be alive if they had been allowed to own guns, were trained, and organized into militias?
So many innocent men, women, and children died in this invasion because the lefties got their way with their gun control so the Israeli people were not properly armed to defend themselves.
That explains a lot of why Hamas was so successful.
I realized that those lefty people will gladly support Obama seizing control of the US, blaming Israel for nuking Chicago, and leading a lefty army to invade Israel to murder every man, woman, and child without question. It proves what I said years ago that the lefties in Israel, even the Hebrew lefties, will join the invading army and die with them.
It will be much easier than I thought for Obama to seize control of the US with these criminals' support and them controlling the deep state within our government.
It is coming together but in a slightly different way than I had thought it might happen. All I know is that God said it is going to happen.
If Obama, Farrakhan, and the Nation of Islam gain control of the US Government and take just a makeshift army of Antifa and BLM to invade Israel, it will embolden the rest of the Muslim nations and probably even a few others, plus massive numbers of lefties from everywhere, to join them because, after all, the US won't be able to fight against them, if what is left of the US is fighting for them.
You better pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load. Every day, we get one day closer.
This video is something to keep an eye on because it raises the question as to whether some of the weapons used by Hamas come from the US via Afghanistan or Ukraine and a Congresswoman is demanding an investigation into how Hamas got those weapons.
They already know that some of the weapons came via Afghanistan but there are others that may have come via Ukraine. This is something I warned you about years ago and now it is happening.
Illegal Aliens
Remember that I have been warning you about the illegal aliens coming into the US? Remember that they say that better than 90% of them are young, military age men?
This video warns you with a very conservative estimate that is certainly low.
Notice that it confirms what I have been telling you about them coming into this nation in groups from the same nations. That is no coincidence and the way you would infiltrate troops into an enemy nation so those troops would maintain contact with each other for obvious reasons.
We are literally being invaded by other countries and you are soon going to have to fight these people to maintain control of your nation.
Have you noticed that the idiot media always give people the benefit of the doubt?
we were trained in espionage that you cannot do that unless you like getting bad surprises. You have to question everything and assume the worst until proven other wise. That way you only get good surprises.
He tells you like I have been telling you concerning joining a local militia to protect your communities and families. You need to work with the good cops and good military.
I am not the only one seeing most of these threats because others are paying attention too.
Do you believe me yet that you are living the fall of Rome II and it will only get much worse?
Then I found this video that shows you the threat of the Muslims in this nation that you live with on a daily basis.
This is another good video explaining that threat and the risks. It is like God told me and I told you, eyes are opening. People are realizing that the lefty commie traitors are intentionally destroying this nation with the help of anyone who will help them, including Muslim terrorists, you know, like BLM, which is a black Muslim terrorist organization.
Remember that I have been warning you that Russia is going to have to stage a surprise preemptive nuclear attack against the US, UK, France, and Germany to stop this insanity?
Israel has the best intelligence agency in the world and the terrorist organization, Hamas, just pulled a really big surprise attack on Israel. If Israel can be taken by surprise, so can everyone else and an organization as sophisticated as Russia's FSB can do it better than Hamas, especially since the Royals have themselves convinced that lowly Putin would not dare attack them. That arrogant assumption makes it very easy for Putin to surprise them.
It just got real, didn't it?
In this video they tell you what I just told you and more.
Note that he said that old warriors like me are saying that today's intelligence agencies are gathering too much intel and not properly sifting through it.
We called it collecting dots to draw pictures by connecting those dots and the first thing we were taught was to be discerning as to the importance of all dots before connecting them to keep from getting the wrong picture. The first thing you have to do when collecting dots is to tell which dots are important and which dots are not because the wrong dots will cloud up your picture so you won't be able to see the important things in a picture.
According to that video, they are not doing that now, which will make anyone like Hamas, Russia, Obama, or anyone else capable of muddying the water so you can't see the fish and be able to pull a surprise attack on anyone, including Israel. It will be VERY easy for Russia to pull a surprise preemptive nuclear attack on the US, UK, and Europe.
I spend most of my day sorting through tons of dots and tossing out the bad ones to make sure I don't get the wrong picture. I see too many people chasing wrong pictures all over the place, especially fake pictures created by using fake dots put out intentionally by the left. That is what propaganda is.
Concerning the Israeli "Iron Dome", they taught me a long, long time ago that any weapon system can be overwhelmed and we used to use that in ECM. Listen, there are only X number of missiles in any missile defense system and, if you launch X+ missiles at it, some are going to get through and that is exactly what Hamas did. They just fired more missiles than the Iron Dome could counter. I have seen a number of videos showing the Iron Dome taking out lots of Hamas missiles but Hamas had more missiles than the Iron Dome could take out and they did that on purpose. I recognized that strategy when I first saw it.
Note that Ray McGovern shows at about 17:30 into the video that he is anti-Israel and pro "Palestinian", ignoring true history.
The true history is that there never have been any Palestinians because, after Rome conquered and destroyed Israel in 70 AD, they changed the name of Israel to Palestine to make it more difficult for Israel to reestablish their nation, which is why I never call it Palestine. Those people calling themselves Palestinians so you will feel sorry for the poor widdle victims are just Muslim Arabs, who invaded and conquered Israel/Palestine in the 600s AD, after the fall of Rome in 474 AD. Those poor widdle victims took the land away from the remaining Hebrews about 1,600 years ago.
The Palestinian victim thing is just propaganda and a lie to keep Israel from reestablishing herself as a nation. Basically, it is a hate crime against Israel and I just lost a lot of respect for Ray.
He is CIA, didn't he check out that story to see if it was true?
No, he knows it isn't true and is lying to you because he hates Israel, God, and the Bible and, if he can convince people that the Hebrews unfairly took that land from Muslim Arabs calling themselves Palestinian victims, then he can justify destroying Israel and giving that land to those Muslim Arabs to discredit Israel, the Bible, God, and Christians and the land would belong to Muslims, who took it away from the Hebrews they are now killing to retake that land from the Hebrews.
Every now and then people will sneak out of their closets and show you their true color and Ray just did that and that was when I quit watching that video.
Do you want to bet that Ray will support Obama taking an army to invade, conquer, and destroy Israel?
Am I concerned about Satan's spawn destroying Israel?
No, because the Bible says that Israel will exist at the beginning of the Tribulation. If no one else helps Israel, God will take care of Israel.
One thing I am keeping an eye on is that the West may have caused this invasion in Israel, you know, while negotiating with and giving $16 billion to Iran, to distract us from the war in Ukraine, for which we are now seeing very little news. That was a good sleight of hand move and the timing is just a little too coincidental.
Let me see, Afghan Joe, basically in charge of losing the war in Ukraine but wanting to hide it, had negotiations with Iran, gave Iran more than $16 billion, and Hamas quickly invades Israel taking up all of Ukraine's news time. Gee, what a magic coincidence.
It will be interesting to find out how fast most voters will forget about the lefty upper class trash Royals and their puppets losing the war in Ukraine, for which there is almost no coverage now, because they got distracted by the war in Israel.
Hey, the upper class trash Royals and their puppets don't care how many men, women, and children they murder as long as they get what they want. The best thing that can happen to this planet will be those evil savages going to Hell.
Keep an eye on it.
BTW, have you noticed that, when covering wars, the media always do close-ups of the areas that were damaged and don't show the many more buildings that were not even damaged in order to over sensationalize their news to increase views and make more money?
They make it look like the entire planet was destroyed by one bomb or missile.
Have you also noticed that, "with the US munitions and weapons heavily depleted by selling them to Ukraine" to make our upper class trash more wealthy, the US is now giving military support to Israel? Where are they getting the support to give to Israel? They don't have any left to give to Ukraine but they have plenty left to give to Israel? You don't think they were lying to us or are lying to us right now, do you? Are their lips moving?
One way or another they have to be lying to us but no one is pointing that out.
Besides, they are now suddenly the good guys again; fighting for Israel, and increasing numbers of people will support them again.
Nah, you don't think Afghan Joe bribed Iran to invade Israel because of the US election and Afghan Joe doing terrible in the polls, do you?
And another magic coincidence is that Obama is clearly a Shiite Muslim, brought tens of thousands of Muslims into the US during his presidency, gave Iran more than $150 billion, Afghan Joe is Obama's front man and puppet, and Afghan Joe just bribed Iran another $16 billion. That is an interesting picture.
Why are the lefty media not telling us about that interesting picture?
I am seeing more and more evidence that the left will support Obama in raising an army of them to invade Israel after Obama nukes Chicago to gain control of the US Government and blames Israel. There will be a stampede by the left to join that army to invade, conquer, and destroy Israel and Obama and Farrakhan know it.
This video is an excellent example of the lefties brainwashed by their Israel hating lefty college professors. You know those people celebrating the slaughter of Hebrews by the Muslims will easily and gladly support and go to war against Israel for Obama.
It is like God is showing me why the lefties will support Obama in doing what he is going to do. The Israel, God, Bible, Christian, US hating lefty culture is perfect for Obama to get the support he needs to seize control of the US and invade Israel. Their evil, lefty college professors and other academe have brainwashed them to want to support such actions. For them, the destruction of Israel is an erotic fantasy.
Remember that I told you that Putin has been planning for and to win this war for several decades?
Putin said Russia resumed working on and testing their nuclear capable Sarmat hypersonic cruise missile in 2018, five years ago. He already knew by then that he would probably have to fight a nuke war to stop the Western Royals and was clearly preparing for it but is still trying to prevent it. Putin doesn't want the nuke war but will fight it.
When I was getting out of bed this morning, I was thinking about just how stupid you have to be to be a lefty leader or member of their academe and God showed me some very interesting things about this insanely fanatical pagan cult called the left in which the upper class trash Royals and their puppets, especially the lefty academe, are their gods; the stupidest gods in history.
I started out by realizing that these people, who are the leaders of this insanely fanatical cult, are so stupid they cannot realize how stupid they are because of their arrogant denial in refusing to admit they are wrong about anything or anything they have done has failed.
ABSOLUTELY 100% of everything they have tried has failed and failed miserably. They have created the worst disaster in history with their great sounding stupid ideas.
If I were Israel right now in the middle of this war with Hamas, with the US saying, "Hey, we will help you," I would say, "PLEASE DON'T!!" The lefty upper class trash Royals and their puppets would just screw it up and lose the war to Hamas, you know, like Afghanistan and Ukraine. Hey, at least they are consistent.
Their academe have arrogantly and ignorantly convinced themselves that they are smarter than they are by believing that, because they have learned some Greek and Latin words to use in describing and explaining their great sounding stupid ideas, they are super duper smarty pants. That means that, to be a super duper smarty pants like them, you only have to be as smart as a two year old.
You think not?
It was only 1,000 years ago that 2 year old children were learning those same Greek and Latin words every day, therefore, it is only logical that to be a lefty super duper smarty pants academe god, you don't have to be any smarter than a 2 year old.
Why, I have a 2 year old great grandson I should teach some Greek and Latin words to and take them to a lefty university to get them a Ph.D. in leftyism.
But it gets better.
The lefty gods called college professors will not permit you to question what they teach you so all you have to be able to do is repeat what they say to you and they will give you an A+, honors, and a college degree. If you were to take a tape recorder into a lefty class room, record their lectures, and replay those lectures, that is all that is required to get an A+ and college degree in their lefty universities.
That means that you only have to have the intelligence of a tape recorder to get a Ph.D. at any lefty university to become a lefty college professor and god.
Oh, but it gets even better.
You see, it is not that you only need the intelligence of a tape recorder to get any degree from any lefty university, it is that you are NOT PERMITTED to have more intelligence than a tape recorder to get a Ph.D., become a college professor, and be a lefty god because you are NOT PERMITTED to think or question for yourself. You are ONLY PERMITTED to remember and repeat what you are told because, if you think for yourself and question what you are told, they will flunk you and you CANNOT get a degree from their lefty universities.
Therefore, you are REQUIRED to be no more intelligent than a tape recorder or you CANNOT get a degree from their lefty universities. To be one of their lefty academe and gods you MUST be as stupid as a tape recorder. It is a requirement or they will flunk you.
People, that explains why the lefty gods can tell the lefty voters one thing, 5 minutes later tell them a contradictory lie, and the lefty voters will just blindly believe and repeat the new lie without realizing the two lies contradict each other. A tape recorder repeats the last thing that it recorded just like the lefties do. They CANNOT be more intelligent than a tape recorder to behave just like a tape recorder.
Do you believe me yet that it is required that you cannot have a lick of common sense and be a lefty?
Now here is an easy prediction that will prove what I just told you.
AI is just a stupid computer that has been programmed to do certain things. Without that program, that computer cannot "think" at all. A computer is just a high tech tape recorder they program to do certain things for them.
You watch, it is only a matter of time and they will program an "AI computer" to repeat what they say and they will be amazed at its intelligence and give it a Ph.D. to make you believe it is as intelligent as them and it will be...and also as stupid as them because, if it can think to figure out that what was programmed into it is wrong, the lefty academe will flunk it. AI MUST be as stupid as the lefty academe or they would not be pushing it on you.
That is a very easy prediction because, with them trying to force AI on you and being as stupid as they are, you know they will do that and the stupid people will fall down and worship their new AI god.
Keep an eye on that because you just know the left will do something that stupid.
THAT is how stupid the lefty upper class trash Royals and their puppets really are. They have the intelligence of a tape recorder, which is why they keep failing at everything they do. They have to be the stupidest pagan gods in history and that also shows you just how stupid reprobate minds are.
Without the wisdom of God, you can't be intelligent.
Do you believe me yet that the lefty upper class trash Royals and their puppets need to stop breeding?
And God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they have made themselves fools."
Prove me wrong.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....