News 751

A Dream

Last night I was reminded of a dream that is one of my favorite dreams I had more than a decade ago and I am sure I have never shared it with anyone so I decided to share it with you. No one said anything but the dream said a lot.

The time was at the end of time as we know it, at the end of the Millennial Reign of Jesus. I was sitting side-by-side on four brown horses with my three best friends on top of a hill quietly looking to the northeast over and surveying the most massive army in history gathered together north of Israel to invade Israel and dethrone Jesus that we are told about in the Book of Revelation.

It was the last day of time as we know it, it was the last day before Judgment Day, this was the last army Satan will ever bring up against anyone, it was the last crime that will be committed by anyone, it was the last day that today's evil people would burn in Hell before standing in judgment before Jesus, it was the last day of this planet as we know it, it was just before God, the Father, would destroy this mighty army by fire from Heaven so it would be their first and last day in Hell before they stood before Jesus in judgment, and it was a comfortably warm, sunny day for being outside, peaceful and serene.

Sitting on the horse to my left was my wife, sitting on the horse to her left was her best friend, and sitting on the horse to my right was my best friend, Jesus. It was a very good day as we looked out over that super massive army that stretched out of sight, without any fear or apprehension and that is how the dream ended. God was in control, not Satan; Satan only thought he was.

Man plans, God laughs.


Remember that I told you that, when Ukrainian forces get weak enough, they will either retreat to concentrate troops or be routed by Russia?

This video shows that Ukrainian forces are falling back in a number of areas at the same time and Russia is even being surprised in finding out that the Ukrainian troops have left some areas and the Russians can just walk right in.

If this continues, Ukraine will eventually be forced to fall back behind the Dnipro River to concentrate their forces and give them the extra protection of the river, which is part of what Russia wants.

This worries me because all of those NATO officers really screwed this up, which makes me wonder about the intellectual quality of our officers to protect us with our pending invasion.

You really better pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your Red Zones, and lock and load. This is not looking good.

Hey, maybe God is going to get rid of our stupid officers in the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 and let us only keep the intelligent officers?

This brief video shows a little about how much more advanced and controlling the Russian forces are in the area. It shows one tank moving in to take out a known target and they tell you there were a number of tanks in the same area doing the same thing throughout the day. That is a big change and situational improvement for Russia.


This video is very interesting because it shows that the Speaker of the House has made the security videos for the Congressional building public knowledge on the Internet to expose the truth about the "Jan 6 Insurrection".

This is going to disprove the lefty lies and expose the lying politicians, media, and others and probably cause more lefties to either not vote or to vote for those running against their current leaders. This will help clean things up a little bit but there will still be a lot of work to do.

Remember that I have told you that these big protests are all organized, funded, and they hire the protestors with money from the upper class trash.

This video shows you some of that. Protesting is big business making big money to con people into supporting the upper class trash corruption.

Then I found this video showing how much more dangerous the Commierats are making our nation with their great sounding stupid ideas that are intended to destroy the US. It is a form of psychological warfare in that, they know that, if they make things bad enough, people will get scared enough to submit to the absolute rule of the government for promised protection from the people the Commierats are turning loose on you.

Remember that I have told you that the lefty college professors are a big part of our problems with Marxism and now Islam and anti-Semitism?

This video tells you that it is the lefty upper class trash bribing the lefty academic whores in our universities to teach these things to brainwash your children to be their puppets in supporting the lefty agendas. Hey, for enough money, they will teach your kids to believe anything.

She especially mentioned Georgie Boy Soros working to fund anti-Semitic programs even though he is a Hebrew. Remember that I told you years ago that Soros BRAGGED on TV that he was a member of the German SS during WWII and his job was rounding up and sending Hebrews to death camps and then pillaging their homes and possessions after they were taken away to fill his own greedy pockets. He is one of those Hebrews who hates God, the Bible, and devout Hebrews so he does everything he can to murder them. He is a very evil man.

That is also why he is working very hard to destroy Christian America and has helped destroy Christianity around the world. He is a form of antichrist but not THE Antichrist.

She exposes some really big stuff like, before 9/11, Saudi Arabia was bringing in people to teach in our universities to teach lies and almost certainly Islam, which explains even more why it was possible 12 years later to get so many lefties to convert to Islam in 2012 under Obama that they got 400 million converts globally in just six months. They had already been programmed to believe Islam so it was just one more step to get them to convert.

This also tells me that this program from Saudi Arabia was throughout the West to get that many people to convert to Islam in just 6 months.

Then she points out that the Sunni Saudis work very closely with Shiite Iran in this program to brainwash Western youth and I have already showed you that Iran works with the US Nation of Islam so you can bet that the Nation of Islam and Obama were involved in this for a long time, more than a quarter of a century.

That info explains a lot, doesn't it? Wow, that picture got a lot clearer, didn't it? Do you believe me yet?

I told you that the Muslims have been planning this stuff like the war in Israel for more than just a few years and their leaders are all in on it.

The West has 400 million closet Muslims who are right now coming out of their closets to protest against Israel protecting her people against Muslim terrorists, you know, those Western converts.

That also helps explain why so many of them fell for the Osama Bin Laden letter because they are brainwashed to think like Muslims. Gee, no wonder they hate Israel so much.

Then she also reminded us that the communists have also been bribing the universities to brainwash your children concerning communism. Gee, no wonder so many of today's youth hate America so much.

That is a very important video and provides great intel explaining a lot.

Do you believe me yet that the lefty universities and professors ARE a big part of the problem?

That video and the information it provides proves that these Muslim organizations and nations have been doing this at a much higher level for much longer and have developed it much further than I have been telling you so that my comments and estimates are very conservative just like I have been telling you. This mess is much, much worse and better developed than I have told you.

She just explained to you why 400 million lefties globally converted to Islam in just six months in 2012 under Obama, why millions of young people in the West are anti-Semitic and supporting the Hamas terrorism against Israel, and how advanced their plans are to seize control of the planet and set up their global dictatorship over you. It is even worse than I have been warning you.

This planet is now ready for the Tribulation to begin just like I told you will soon happen and those people supporting Islam setting up their one world government and one world church or Muslim Caliphate with their ten leader council (the 10 horns) based out of Mystery Babylon to rule over them and every day we get one day closer.

Do you believe me yet that the Tribulation will begin sometime between January 1 and December 31 of 2025?

It is ready RIGHT NOW! All they have to do is kill off the rest of you and enslave the women and children, you know, right after they destroy Israel and Obama proves he is the Muslim Mahdi by standing on the Temple Mount and giving the order to all Muslims to murder all non Muslims, especially Hebrews and Christians. The Bible just got real.

But man plans, God laughs, which is why God is about to put this on hold for a year with the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39. The Muslims are making their power grab too early and they have to take the rest of the planet BEFORE they can turn on Israel the way the Bible says so they have it backwards too. The Bible says so.


Remember that I have been telling you that Africa is uniting to fight off imperialism by the West?

This video tells you they already have united under the "African Union" and they are working on replacing the US dollar beginning in 2024, you know, next year.

He explains to you how the African nations are building a complex and sophisticated governing and financial system to get out from under the oppressive imperial heel of the West. They ain't stupid.

What is that? Do I hear Rome II plunging to ground?

The arrogant West is now falling even faster and picking up speed. It won't be long now.


Remember that I have been telling you that Afghan Joe is hindering Israel, while pretending to be helping Israel?

This video shows that those hindering actions are driving Israel from the US to Russia for assistance. They see that Afghan Joe is actually making the war worse and believe Russia can prevent it from getting worse. Our lefty run government is a threat to and chasing away the number one ally for the US. The idiots just keep making things worse and I don't think this nation can survive another one and a quarter years of this insanity.

When Rome II hits the ground, we are going to leave one heck of a crater.

This is important because this video shows that Jordan is doing some dangerous wishful thinking that Israel won't be able to wipe out Hamas in Gaza, especially with them seeing the US and some European nations like the UK and France, also working to interfere in Israel fighting the war along with Hezbollah and Syria attacking Israel in the north and the increasing Hamas activity in the West Bank.

They are ignoring that, in spite of all of these problems, Israel is wining on all fronts.

Jordan is wishful thinking that Israel cannot wipe out Hamas because Israel is "suffering heavy losses", you know, 57 soldiers, while ignoring the thousands of soldiers Israel has killed and hundreds more she has captured. Therefore they are convincing themselves that they can defeat Israel (they tried twice before with the help of Syria and Egypt and failed). They are clearly wanting in this fight to destroy Israel and they better be careful what they wish for.

They are ignoring the simple fact that both sides always lose weapons and troops in a war and Israel really is not suffering the heavy losses the anti-Semitic media are claiming Israel is losing. By now, most countries would have lost at least hundreds of soldiers to have killed thousands of soldiers. Israel is doing an excellent job of winning this war and Jordan's wishful thinking will probably get her butt in trouble AGAIN!

There is a pretty good chance that Egypt is thinking the same thing too.

The Muslim nations are talking up their courage to join the fight, which could get their butts in trouble.

Something these Muslim nations are missing because they are really terrible at doing strategic analyses and do too much wishful thinking is that Israel depended on the US for help in the first three wars in 1948, 1967, and 1973 but she has developed her own weapons and military to where she no longer depends on the US. I think those nations may not even be able to understand the secret technologies Israel now uses.

For example, Israel took everyone by surprised by using drones and robots inside the Hamas tunnels.

What other surprises does she have for them?

Keep an eye on this.


We have these simple minded idiots and/or traitors who believe that the war of our allies is not our war and we should not come to the aid of our allies and just let them get run over by our enemies. We tried that isolationism before and it didn't work because that is exactly what our enemies want us to do so they can pick us all off one at a time. It is called "divide and conquer" and every army knows how to use it.

Just think what would happen if we needed those allies and they treated us that way by saying, "Your war, sucks to be you." No one would come to our help and we would get overrun.

Isolationists are either simple minded idiots who don't understand how war works or traitors helping our enemies destroy our allies to make us vulnerable.


The guy in this video is very good, very sarcastic concerning the crisis crusaders, and tells it like it is. He regularly shoots down this climate change crap the upper class trash, their puppets, and the academe are making so much money lying about.

I love watching this guy.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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