People are getting ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus, a Hebrew, born in Israel 2,000 years ago while believing that the Hebrews began "occupying the Muslim land" in 1948 even though Islam was not started by Muhammad until 600 years after Jesus was born.
I think they flunked math.
Remember that I told you that Israel will have to take everything on both sides of the Red Sea from the Suez Canal south to the Indian Ocean to protect her ships and shipping from attacks by Muslims?
So I have been waiting for what this video that tells us about Somali pirates attacking an Israeli ship.
Yemen is on the east side of the Straits of Eden and Somalia is on the West side so that Israel and Israeli shipping have now been attacked by both nations, which means they have both committed acts of war against Israel. Now the southernmost tips of Sheba and Cush are at war with Israel just like the Bible said will happen.
BTW, Iraq has now threatened Israel to stop trying to destroy Hamas to protect Israeli citizens or the war will expand. Now all of ancient Persian has taken a hostile stand against Israel just like the Bible said.
This video shows that Afghan Joe is stepping up his efforts to stop Israel from destroying Afghan Joe's terrorists army of Hamas with threats.
Remember that I have been telling you that the academe and media are a huge part of our problems?
This video shows the insane ranting of lefties who have been brainwashed to believe lies about Israel and know nothing about the history in the Middle East. They have turned these people into raving lunatics and you have to understand that they have been brainwashing these nuts for decades.
This also shows you why I keep telling you to question everything you hear. If those people had questioned the lies they have been told and did their homework, they would not believe those lies. But, hey, their academic, media, and other gods said it so it has to be true and to question them would be blasphemy.
Remember that 400 million people converted to Islam in 2012 under Obama?
Many of those people have spent the last 11 to 12 years brainwashing these people to hate Israel and want to destroy her.
Listen, we are getting ready to celebrate the birth of an Israeli named Jesus who was born in the Land of Israel 2,000 years ago and Israel began "occupying" that "Muslim land" in 1948, when Islam wasn't even created until 600 years after Jesus was born? Really? That makes their lies kind of obvious, doesn't it?
You can see why I write this blog to provide and teach the truth the academe and media do not teach or want you to know; at least for some of them because they have also been brainwashed to believe this hate propaganda. Most of those people are lost and will never find or admit the truth and, if they do see the truth, they will reject it because they have been taught to hate the truth.
When the next terrorist organization butchers people, the blood will be in part on these people's hands and the hands of those who brainwashed them.
Note that she points out that this problem of moral depravity does not just have to do with terrorism but with everything else. That should tell you this is a God issue where these people have been taught to hate God's Laws, morals, values and ethics, which leaves them with NO morals, values and ethics so they feel free to do as they will, you know, Satan's one law.
Do you better understand why God is punishing this nation now and this nation MUST now be judged? Do you understand why God is going to use the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 to get rid of many of these people so they can't make things worse years from now like they were saying?
I hope you understand that the Nation of Islam, Obama, and Iran started this war to create this propaganda war, so they could use the propaganda war to get people to support them invading and destroying Israel. This was all planned out so that, no matter which way this war goes, they will make an excuse to invade and destroy Israel.
I wish someone would tell Netanyahu to flood those tunnels with sleeping gas and send in his troops using air tanks to pick up the sleeping bodies with carts. They will get all of the hostages.
You just put it in their ventilation system, wait a few minutes, and send in the troops to remove everyone. They should take additional gas with them in case they find an area the gas didn't get to or it starts to wear off.
Lefty Conspiracy
Remember that I have been warning you about the lefty conspiracies with China, Iran, and others?
Watch this video about a secret Chinese bio-lab in Commiefornia and the CDC and FBI refusing to do their jobs, you know, to cover up what was going on and then tell me about it.
If you know ANYTHING about biology and how the government works, you know that was a cover up so, what were they hiding? Well, we know they were obviously hiding bioweapons but why? To depopulate the planet, maybe?
They kept refusing to do their jobs because they knew it would expose what that lab was for.
That is how evil the people at the top of our government are. I am really tired of this evil and insanity by the lefty upper class trash Royals and their puppets.
Hold it, don't those evil people have reservations in Hell? What are they waiting for? How much longer, Lord?
They keep telling you that Jesus spoke Aramaic all of the time but there is one verse in the Bible that proves that is wrong. This was pointed out by a group of rabbis.
When Jesus was hanging on the cross, he called out, "Eli, Eli", and a Pharisee asked, "Is he calling God or Elijah?" Remember that verse?
You have to understand that in Aramaic, Eli can only mean God. It is only in Hebrew that it could mean either God or Elijah. If they had been used to Jesus speaking Aramaic, they would have assumed he was calling God and would have never thought he might be calling Elijah.
It is only if they were used to him speaking Hebrew all of the time that they would have wondered whether he was calling God or Elijah, proving that Jesus spoke Hebrew all of the time.
That one verse proves that they were used to Jesus speaking Hebrew and not Aramaic.
As always, they are lying to you, probably because they hate Hebrews.
Did he speak Aramaic?
If you study the history, culture, and sociology at that time in the Land of Israel, you should realize that he also spoke Aramaic, Greek, Egyptian, and Latin but mostly Hebrew.
When Jesus was a young man working for this father as a carpenter, they regularly did work for Greeks, who lived in nearby villages, so they learned Greek. Since the Romans ruled over and controlled the Land of Israel (before the Romans named it Palestine to insult the Hebrews for rebelling in 70 AD) he learned to speak Latin. There were relatively few Arabs living in the area so he would have also spoken some Aramaic. Since he lived in Egypt from the time he was about two until he was 12, he would have also spoken Egyptian.
But that one verse tells us that they were used to him speaking Hebrew most of the time. Gee, I wonder why God put that verse in there? Did He know they were going to lie to us today?
BTW, if you hate Hebrews, then you hate Jesus because Jesus is a Hebrew. You cannot love Jesus and hate Hebrews.
Why did the Church of Rome make up the lie that Jesus spoke Aramaic and not Hebrew?
Remember that I told you that the Christians were converting members of the Church of Rome into Christianity and, to regain control of their former members, the Church of Rome pretended to convert to Christianity in 312 AD and Christianized their paganism to assimilate those members back into their church and under their control?
To prevent those Christian members from going back to Judaism, you know, the synagogues, which they would have been tempted to do, they made up some lies to turn the people against the Hebrews (you know, like they have been doing since.) The first lie was that "Them dirty, rotten Jews murdered our God, Jesus."
The truth is that the Hebrew Sanhedrin (not all Hebrews) only sentenced Jesus to death and the Gentile Romans under the Church of Rome tortured and murdered Jesus. God did it that way so that both Hebrews and Gentiles were involved in the murder of Jesus so His payment covered all of their sins and not just the Hebrews or just the Gentiles.
Another lie they told to distance Jesus from the Hebrews was that "Jesus didn't speak Hebrew like them dirty rotten Jews, He spoke Aramaic".
They also told a bunch of other lies you could probably write a book about, you know, like the Apostles founded the Catholic Church, that didn't exist until the Roman Empire split in 474 AD, about 400 years after all of the Apostles were dead and existed as the Church of Rome hundreds of years before they were born.
The real truth is that the Church of Rome murdered Jesus and at least two Apostles, Peter and Paul (they were both crucified for teaching Christianity.)
The Church of Rome used psychology to discourage their Christians from even considering returning to Judaism and under the control of the Hebrew church and it worked.
Third Temple
I was watching this Christian video and realized that these Christians don't know a lot of what I have learned over the last 60 years and I teach you. It blows my mind. I guess God didn't prepare them the way He prepared me.
One thing I got from this is that God has the people of Israel ready to build the Third Temple and they were not ready a few decades ago.
Remember that I told you that, because of the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, Israel will build the Third Temple and I did not know whether building it would cause the battle of whether the battle would cause them to build it?
I am still watching that because they could still go either way right now. It is looking more like the battle will cause the building of the Temple but not for sure.
It is very likely that, when God causes the massive earthquake to miraculously save Israel by causing the invading armies to panic and turn their weapons on each other and kill 5 out of 6 or 83.3% of their forces, the earthquake will probably also destroy the Muslim mosques on the Temple Mount and, the military miracle in conjunction with the mosques being destroyed will cause them to build the Third Temple, especially since no one will have an army left to stop them. You know they will build the Temple then.
Then they point out that "no one knows where the Ark of the Covenant is".
I saw that man, Rabbi Chaim Richman, they talked to on that video on a Christian TV show about 20 years ago and he told us some very important things they seem to be keeping quiet now for some reason. He told us that they found the Ark of the Covenant inside the Temple Mount and he and a number of other rabbis saw it with their own eyes and, when the time is right, they will bring it out. He also said they had the Third Temple in pieces on flatbed trucks in warehouses 10 miles from the Temple Mount and could have it put together in 3 days.
The reason why they wanted to be able to put up the Temple so fast was so no one would have the time to stop them. It would just suddenly be there. That is also why they right now have everything ready to start services yesterday. When it becomes time, they are ready to hit the ground sprinting and have everything in place so fast it will be up and ready before most people realize it is going up.
I am convinced it is going to happen very soon and they will have the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies before you know it. People will be stunned at how fast it will happen.
Also, I don't know why they only used that city from the time of King David, without any real evidence, for the proof for the existence of King David, as their only proof that he did exist, when I have seen pictures of actual evidence he did exist with his name on stuff from the time he existed. There is some very conclusive archaeological evidence that he did exist.
Why don't these Christians know that? Don't they pay attention?
I am seeing the African leaders making more steps towards uniting and building a strong African alliance. This is to protect themselves from potential military moves by the weakened West. The West has weakened itself now because of the upper class trash greed so that they can no longer force a united nations of Africa to let the West continue to sack them to make the West more wealthy.
This shows how arrogant and stupid the Western lefty upper class trash Royals and their puppets are to enrich themselves by weakening their militaries and then not have enough military strength left to continue to enrich themselves by stealing from others. They are going to end up losing much more money than the fools made by sacking their militaries.
I told you they would pay for weakening their militaries, didn't I?
The inbred idiots never learn. They have been making the same stupid mistakes for thousands of years.
Remember that I told you there is only one race, the human race?
Except for albinos, there is only one color of people; brown. If you don't believe me, go to college and study biology.
Our skin color is mostly caused by the melanin in our skin and all melanin is brown. There is no black, white, pink, or green melanin, it is ALL brown.
Therefore, all humans are brown and it is just that we are different shades of brown. The ones we call white people are just a very light shade of brown and the ones we call black people are just a very dark shade of brown and those different shades fool our minds into believing that some of us are white, some are brown, and some are black but we are all brown.
There is only one color of humans and we are all different shades of brown.
There is another thing that effects the color of our skin and it is vitamin A and we all have vitamin A. Vitamin A causes a orange or yellow hue to our skin with some people having more Vitamin A and some people having less vitamin A but we all have Vitamin A so we are all the same color.
It is a combination of the different amounts of melanin and Vitamin A that causes us to look like we are different colors but we are all just different shades of the same colors because we are all members of the same human race.
For example, Asians have very little melanin and a little extra Vitamin A so they have a yellow hue to their skin but they are the same color as everyone else.
American Indians have about the same amount of Vitamin A as Asian but more melanin so they have a reddish brown hue to their skin but they are still the same color.
Africans have so much melanin you can't see the Vitamin A but it is still there and they are still the same color as everyone else, just different shades of that color.
Europeans have much less melanin and less Vitamin A (candy butts) so we look white but we are still the same color as everyone else, just a different shade of that color.
Our minds tend to think they see different colors but they don't, all they really see is different shades of the same colors because we are all members of the same Human Race, like it or not.
Don't believe me?
Go to college and study biology. There are no white people or black people, we are ALL brown.
You see, to look so different, all we have to do is for our bodies to produce different amounts of melanin and Vitamin A. It is that simple.
We are all members of the same family, for better and for worse.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....