News 783


With more and more Royals getting sick with things like cancer and their health failing, is God punishing them for the pagan globalism and persecution of Israel?

Remember that anyone who curses Israel is cursed and many of the Euro-American Royal Family has cursed Israel and is trying to destroy her.


I am seeing signs that the US has bought out India and turned it against Russia and Israel. This change seems to have taken place after Bill Gates met with Modi so I am wondering what Billy Boy Gates paid or gave Modi to turn against Russia and Israel.

This video shows about Billy Boy Gates meeting with Modi and it looks like Gates bought India to come over to the West's side by giving India technology that will make India one of the most powerful nations in the world and more wealthy.

Remember that Gates is a globalist whacko, which BRICS was formed to fight against.

Is Gates helping to breakup BRICS?

Keep an eye on this.


Remember that I told you that Turkey and UAE purchased sea ports in the Egyptian Nile Delta to have ports closer to Israel's Mediterranean Sea Coast and her port in Eilat?

There are several important things about this that you can bet are no coincidence.

First, you can bet this is to have control over the shipping to and from Israel's 5 ports; 4 in the Mediterranean Sea and 1 in the Gulf of Aqaba/Red Sea.

Second, Afghan Joe conveniently moved the US Navy Mediterranean Fleet out of the area just before those two Muslim nations purchased those two ports. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Third, Israel has a pretty strong navy with at least 4 subs so there could be conflict between those ships and, after the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, she will definitely have to take those ports to stop those naval actions against her shipping and ports.

I am going to be watching to see how many and what types of ships both nations station in those ports along with their patrol areas in the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea. If this gets hot enough, there could easily and probably will be hostile actions between the opposing fleets.

BTW, the reason Egypt sold those two ports to Turkey and the UAE is because Egypt is in financial trouble and needs the money.

This video shows that Afghan Joe, you know, the idiot no ally can depend on, is punishing Israel for not doing what he said they must do. "Why, how dare you not obey your global dictator?"

The pump has been primed because the Nation of Islam, the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, and Mahdi Obama can now claim this denial of help as being motivation for Israel to stage a nuclear weapons terrorist attack against the US for revenge. Hey, the stupid people will believe it, especially since 55% of the people have already been turned against Israel by the left. If you nuke Chicago and blame Israel, easily 65% to 75% will believe it and turn violently against Israel, the Nation of Islam knows that, and our nation will pay dearly for that betrayal.

Every day we get one day closer.

Afghan Joe

When they were talking about his fund raiser in the future tense, they were saying he could raise billions of dollars. I heard that from a number of different conservative journalists.

I guess not too many of the rich lefties went or gave money because they only raised $26 million. That is not a huge amount of money for a campaign against Trump.

There were supposed to be 3,000 attendees with them paying from $26,000 to $500,000 for each of the tickets. 3,000 times $26,000 equals $78 million or 3 times as much as they got. Just 500 attendees times $500,000 equals $250 million or almost 10 times as much as they got.

It is safe to say that they didn't even come close to them having 3,000 attendees and they didn't give as much money as was expected and that does not bode well for Afghan Joe. That tells me Afghan Joe is just a wee bit short on support by the upper class trash.

People, that is with BOTH Billy Boy Clinton and Mahdi Obama there helping plus all of their big name celebrities. This is not looking good for Afghan Joe and his puppet masters but it is looking better for the people.


If you think the US is not under attack, watch this video because it tells you that someone is staging 1,000 drone attacks against the US border per month but does not tell us against what or who. That is more than 30 drone attacks per day.

It also tells us that the number of Chinese coming across our border is increasing by quite a bit and he said they tend to be concentrated in one area, which seems to be California.

Maybe that is part of why God told me He is going to destroy LA with a super duper earthquake storm?

It also tells you that Russia flew bombers against the US/Canadian arctic border for intel gathering.

I really want to help with the drone attacks. My hunter, killer drones would be perfect for it but I have not been able to make contact with anyone. I keep wanting to help with a lot of things but God is keeping me from doing that right now.


President Moron's tough guy talk is obviously because he is certainly about to lose the coming election and is desperately trying to save his butt. He probably is believing that, if he can get France involved in the war with Russia, his people will foolishly support him remaining in office to fight that war. "Yeah, we want you to screw that up too."

Keep an eye on this.

US Southwest

Our upper class trash have created a true crisis here in the US Southwest and not one of their fake academe crises. I realized this morning that this crisis won't just be about New Mexico but the entire Southwest US. This is going to be a massive human, animal, and plant crisis caused by greed.

If you want to know what the US Southwest is going to look like by the time these ignorant, arrogant idiots finish mismanaging this environment, just look at the Sahara Desert. Most of this area will be sand dunes or rocks and the medium to large cities will look like the ancient ruins within the Sahara Desert or what we would call "ghost towns".

This is the worst biological and geological crisis in the history of the US, easily. They are literally destroying the ecosystems in the Southwest US to make more and more and more money.

I have not found ONE politician, bureaucrat, judge, attorney, or journalist who is intelligent and knowledgeable enough to even begin to understand the crisis here. They are all about to be extremely surprised.

The worst criminals are the ones who got degrees in the soft sciences and think they are smarter than they are and the people who migrate here from places like Commiefornia, Chicago, and New York. They arrogantly and ignorantly believe that everyone should live the way they think everyone should live and it is the worst way to live in this Southwest desert. Their arrogance and ignorance is causing this crisis.

I will use the State of New Mexico as my example because I have studied it the most and I have been waiting for this to happen but not this soon because my estimates are always conservative.

This state has very limited water resources and the idiots running the cities, counties, and state are severely drying up all of those water resources AND sucking water from neighboring states because they have grown the population for New Mexico beyond this state's carrying capacity and are mismanaging the use of those resources more than should have been allowed; all so the rich can make more money faster.

All that those rich morons are doing, by destroying this state faster and faster so they can make more money faster and faster, is increasing the amount of wealth they will lose when this state goes water broke because everyone will lose everything.

That is because people cannot live without water and, without water, you can't give land away. Just look at the Sahara Desert and ask how much it would cost you to buy one of those sand dunes. They are free because you can't live there without water.

When this disaster matures, it will happen very quickly and they will have to quickly just walk away from everything they own to survive. They will only be able to take what they can stuff in their cars and trucks because there won't be enough moving trucks and vans like U-Haul and Penske. We will run out of those really fast like they did during the big exodus from Commiefornia in 93.

I told you that I found out a few years ago that they have completely drained the aquifer under the City of Albuquerque and are starting to get sink holes, they have almost completely destroyed the Rio Grande River, Pecos River, and other rivers in the State of New Mexico and are helping dry up the Colorado River.

A really great example is Claunch, New Mexico. At its height, it was a thriving mining town of 15,000 and then, one day, they turned on the tap and there was no water. They had to quickly grab what they could and just walk away from the town. There are now about 8 to 10 people living there and the mines are still rich with ore but it is worthless because no one can live there to mine it. They turned it into a state park.

The State of New Mexico has a little over 2 million people living here right now growing at about 1,000 people per year and already exceeded carrying capacity decades ago. If we conservatively use the math for Claunch to determine how many of those 2 million people will be living here after the disaster, there will only be about 1,400 people left in the entire state but I conservatively estimate that there could be from 5,000 to maybe 50,000, with almost all of those living in small isolated areas with their own local private springs or oases like in the Sahara Desert.

Every medium to large size city in the State of New Mexico will be a ghost town just like those ruins in the Sahara Desert, where land will be free, even with a house on it. You won't have water and probably won't have gas or electricity but it will be free and worthless.

Hey, New Mexico is about to become a future archaeological site to study the effects of the stupidity of man, especially the upper class trash.

Remember that I told you that their greed causes better than 90% of the problems we have?

You are about to witness or be part of a mass migration from the US Southwest of tens of millions of people fleeing that crisis they helped make. You can bet that all of the politicians, bureaucrats, judges, attorneys, academe, and journalists will be among the first to leave.

It is not if but is when is this crisis going to blow up in all of our faces?

Listen, any area only has X amount of water and, if you are using X+, you WILL eventually run out of water and the Southwest is running out of water right now. When your area runs out of water, everyone will quickly flee to where there is water, though, today, many will wait around too long for the incompetent mother government to save their butts but even almost all of them will eventually have to flee to survive.

If you don't believe me, go to any place on this planet that has no water and you will find it has no humans, plants and animals.

If you want to see the future of the Southwest US, just look at the Sahara Desert with its ruins and occasional oases because we are finishing destroying the ecosystems in this area. When you destroy the ecosystem, the area is no longer habitable.

The wealthiest people, the corrupt politicians, corrupt bureaucrats, the real estate companies, the construction companies, and all of the rest made a fortune over populating this area beyond its carrying capacity over the last 60+ years and causing this crisis and soon everyone will lose everything because of their greedy, reprobate minds.

And God said, "The love of money is the root to all evil."

Keep an eye on this.

I am so sick of greedy stupid humans. They destroy everything they touch.


Russia is destroying the energy sources so the military cannot use those energy sources for housing of troops and for officer meetings. That forces them to either leave the area or bring in generators.

I just found out that it has caused Ukraine to shut down all power plants to keep them from being destroyed by Russia but Russia is likely to continue to destroy them so they can't be turned on during the invasion.

Then the next day, I found out that Russia is continuing to destroy them.

This video gives us some important intel. First, it tells us that Russia is about to take both Kharkiv and Odessa just like I told you would happen.

Second, it tells us that the Ukrainian front is crumbling and Russia is getting ready to blow right through it. Z Boy has even told the West that he will have to pull back troops to save those troops from being completely destroyed leaving Ukraine with nothing to fight with.

This is the video in which it says Z Boy has announced his troops will have to retreat because they are "short on weapons", you know, not on troops, wink, wink.

Then I found out that he is already starting to pull his troops back to keep from completely running out of troops.

Keep an eye on this.


Remember that I have been teaching you that life is too complex to happen by accidence and coincidence?

This video shows just one more example of the extreme complexity of our cells that could not possibly happen by accident and coincidence that has to be ignored to believe in evolution without a god. It is one more of many proofs that God MUST exist. There is no other possibility.

Don't believe me?

Objectively study molecular biology and DNA.


I am seeing increasing numbers of simple minded libertarian isolationists being created by the problems the globalists are causing. They get tired of trying to solve the problems of the world the globalists are causing and want to just focus on the problems the globalists are causing within their own nation.

Their simple minded insanity is, "Forget about the problems the globalists are causing those people in those nations. That is none of our business." They have forgotten the lessons of WWII caused by isolationism that was being successfully promoted by the Commierat Party.

When Nazi Germany annexed Austria, that was their problem.

When Nazi Germany took Czechoslovakia, that was their problem.

When Nazi Germany took Poland, that was their problem.

When Nazi Germany took France, that was their problem.

When Nazi Germany started taking North Africa, that was their problem.

When Nazi Germany took Greece, that was their problem.

When Nazi Germany started taking Britain, that was their problem.

When Nazi Germany started taking Russia, that was their problem.

When Nazi Germany got caught planning with Mexico to invade the US, they ignored it.

When Japan took Mongolia, that was their problem.

When Japan took Korea, that was their problem.

When Japan invaded China, that was their problem.

When Japan took Indochina, that was their problem.

When Japan invaded India, that was their problem.

When Japan took Pacific Islands, that was their problem.

It is only because of the US Military knowing that Japan, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Mexico, and Spain were planning to take everyone else and then gang up on the US, after we were alone and easier prey, that the US Military suckered Japan into attacking the US at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines to get the moron libertarians to accept going to war against the Axis before it was too late.

If the idiot libertarians had gotten what they wanted during WWII, they would have spent the next 50 to 75 years living in a Nazi dictatorship because they can't be bothered with other people's problems, you know, under the control of the Commierat Party.

Learn from history?

No, the idiot libertarians can't be bothered with learning from history either.

The idiot libertarians are doing it again because they refuse to learn from history.

The correct thing to do is for all of us to unite against the globalists before it is too late to stop them.

What a power mad group is doing to others matters to us because that power mad group will ALWAYS eventually get around to you, if you don't intervene with the others to stop the power mad groups because power mad people can never be satisfied with their power and will always want more power. History proves again and again and again that is true.

Being an isolationist is the stupidest thing you can do with power mad people because they love it and see it as your weakness so it encourages them. The power mad people can never be just their problem because it will always eventually become your problem. You nip that problem in the bud and eliminate it early.


Remember that I have been telling you Christians that you better pray for your fellow Christians around the world because they are being persecuted?

This video shows that Christians are 1) the most persecuted group of people in the world and even the US and 2) that persecution is increasing in the US. He gives a number of examples in the many ways the lefty pagans are persecuting or committing hate crimes against Christians.

That persecution is going to cause all poser Christians to convert to Islam, after Obama imposes Sharia Law on the US, which persecutes Christians, you know, God culling out the poser Christians and only leaving true Christians.

You better pray for your fellow Christians around the world because you now need them to pray for you.

Hey, you were brainwashed by many of your preachers, the media, teachers, professors, and others to be tolerant of all of these pagan people who are not tolerant of you and the Bible says we are not supposed to be tolerant of pagans so now you have to pay for your sins or the crime of tolerating sin.

Wow, that worked well didn't it? Have you learned yet?

If not, the lessons will continue until you do learn. Tolerance of sin is a sin.

Your tolerance of their sins has permitted the pagans to gain control of this nation in many ways so they can persecute you in many ways. That means your tolerance is persecuting you.

The biggest problem with the US right now is that the demons of Sodom and Gomorrah have seized control of the US and are persecuting you to make the US more and more like Sodom and Gomorrah, which will cause God to destroy the US too.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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