With all of the crimes and corruption in our governments in the US, the Bible says that God MUST judge and punish those involved and that is going to happen very soon. Don't be surprised if a bunch of them end up in slavery.
Most of them will soon be burning in Hell but God will keep a few to tempt and test some that are still here for a little while. By the end of the soon coming Armageddon, they will all be burning in Hell.
God is dragging this out because life is a test and everyone must be properly tested, therefore, God must let some of these criminals live long enough for the last of those being tested to be tempted to choose evil.
All of these arrogant people who think they are getting away with their crimes, won't.
When that is over, all Heaven will break loose on this planet.
I am now seeing that the media like YouTube are starting to censor conservative shows in a bigger way. The simple minded idiots don't realize that will just anger more people to vote for Trump. The upper class trash Royals and their puppets are so out of touch with reality that it is mind boggling. They really do believe they are smarter than they are and that you are dumber than you are.
The traitors are starting to make their moves to consolidate their dictatorship and we are about to find out that there are probably more RINO traitors than most people think.
BTW, the idiots in the House sent the Mayorkas impeachment to the Senate and, surprise, surprise, the Commierat controlled Senate dismissed all of the charges.
What did the idiots think, the Commierats would remove the criminal?
Of course not, they protect their own.
All Hell has been breaking loose for years and now all Heaven is starting to break loose. A lot of bad people are about to get punished. You are right now being betrayed by your governments that you put so much faith in to protect you and take care of you. Wow, that god, democracy, is really working so well.
I have not seen much of anything about the good guys in the US Military so I am wondering if the traitors at the top got rid of those good guys or are they still secretly lying in wait?
I am putting my faith in what God told me about 80% of the people in the Military and other key agencies being good guys. I really pray so because we are going to need them soon.
You BETTER pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load.
It looks like Israel got approval from the US and UK to stage a counter attack against Iran so you can bet they both told Iran what Israel's plans are.
Instead of Israel giving in to pressure from their traitor allies, it is the allies giving into pressure from Israel to try to stop Israel from attacking the West's ally and front organization, Iran. The US, UK, and a few others are so desperate to protect their ally and front, Iran, they are going to place "fresh sanctions against Iran for attacking Israel" to keep Israel from attacking Iran.
But you know what is going to happen because they never quit and the upper class trash are such arrogant super duper smarty pants they think they can easily fool Israel in spite of the fact they have never fooled Israel or Russia. They will place worthless sanctions against Iran that will mean nothing, thinking dem supid Jews will just fall for it and not attack Iran. /sarc
The only people other than the stupid people, who vote for them, that they fool is themselves. They actually believe their own bull crap about other people all being super stupid and can be easily fooled by whatever the upper class trash say. "Why, dey caint tink for demselbs. Why, dey is as supid as our boters."
One thing they are probably doing by placing sanctions against Iran for attacking Israel is to set it up for them to justify placing sanctions against Israel for defending herself against those attacks. "Hey, we sanctioned Iran so we have to sanction you." Keep an eye on that.
Then I found this video pretty much telling us those sanctions against Iran are going to pretty much be smoke and mirrors with no bite. "But, hey, it will fool Israel because dey is dummies. Dey ain't super duper smarty pants like us."
Or maybe it is just to fool the lefty voters because dey is dummies?
Then I found this video that shows a few things.
First, it started by showing Iran having a victory military parade after getting all but 4 of its more than 350 projectiles shot down, that would have made a great target for Israel to humiliate Iran, you know, with a few cluster munitions.
Second, it showed Netanyahu in a meeting with the UK trying to keep Israel from destroying the UK's terrorist ally.
Third, it showed Netanyahu telling us that they will decide what to do and when to do it.
So, when do you think Israel is going to attack Iran?
I really wish this would hurry up and be over with so I keep reminding myself that 75 years have already passed for me and this will be over in less than a decade.
I just imagine how much more wonderful this planet will be with these evil things burning in Hell, where they can never cause the horrid problems they cause so they can have more wealth and power at everyone else's expense. That will be absolutely magnificent. Just imagine having NONE of the problems they cause forever.
You want even more proof that Afghan Joe is a Nation of Islam puppet working with Iran?
This video shows that is exactly what is going on except they are missing the part about the Nation of Islam. When you add everything about the Nation of Islam to this picture, it gets very clear.
It tells you that Afghan Joe gave the go ahead for Iran attacking Israel. Surprise, surprise, surprise.
I told you, I told you, I told you they are working together, why, and what their goals are. This is definitely the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39.
Then he tells you that Turkey is joining with Hamas (gee, I wonder why they don't want Israel to destroy the West's terrorist organization?) and that should be no surprise. I have been warning you about Turkey for years and this is a significant move that will bring other nations into this against Israel.
Is that also why Turkey recently purchased that port city in the Nile Delta from Egypt, you know, so they can more easily provide Hamas with weapons and munitions?
They are drawing and playing this out for a number of reasons such as to justify invading and destroying Israel, turning the people against Israel, and drawing all of the West and the Muslim nations into being part of that invasion just like I have been telling you for years.
Every day we get one day closer.
Just remember, man plans, God laughs and God will take care of Israel. I am not worried about Israel because God told me what He will do with Israel. I am worried about your butts.
I am seeing that more and more people are seeing that Afghan Joe has "turned on Israel" but they don't realize that he was never on Israel's side; he was just pretending to help Israel while betraying Israel.
Upper Class Trash Royals
You want proof that the upper class trash Royals won't quit?
This video shows that they are even censoring other Royals and anyone who is even considering questioning continuing with their failed one world government movement. It shows you how insane the WEF nuts are. They don't even want anyone talking about whether or not they should continue with their failing WEF agenda.
Remember that I told you the lefties are a fanatical pagan cult?
They are right now proving it with their actions. They don't even want to consider any evidence that goes against their globalist fantasy. "Why, that would be blasphemy and they must remain loyal to their great pagan god, Self."
I just found out that Ukraine has run out of missiles for its air defense systems and it is now completely at the mercy of Russia's missiles, drones, rockets, and aircraft. It just became open season on Ukraine for Russia. Russia could easily and quickly crush and finish off Ukraine now.
Wow, the West sure are great and dependable allies, aren't they?
School Loans
Here I am at 2 am because God told me to write about something I have been trained to manage and have known about for decades because it is now obvious that the upper class trash owned media are not going to tell you the truth about this; so I write.
I am going to expose the ugly truth about the cause of this school loan problem and it is ugly. Do NOT EVER borrow money from a lefty run government. They cannot be trusted.
The entire school loan program was rigged against the students from its inception. It was designed to be a trap.
It is designed so the colleges can inflate their tuitions and books to higher than anything even close to true market value so they can steal and stuff more of your money in their greedy pockets. It is your college professors stealing from you or committing fraud by over charging you because they care more about their bank accounts than educating you.
It was designed so that you cannot get a school loan dismissed by way of bankruptcy like you can any other loan so that, once you take out that loan, you are trapped until it and the interest are paid to the politicians, bureaucrats, and some oligarchs or for life. They will get more money from you than you borrowed to pay those inflated tuitions and books, much more money.
Then your governments, mostly state but even the federal government, use it to steal even more money from you by committing fraud and destroying your lives.
You have to understand that the program is designed so that, if you cannot get a job right away to pay the school loan, you can fill out a form called a "deferment" to prevent the government from charging you interest on your loan so it won't increase until you get a job or start a business to be able to pay that loan and this is where governments commit fraud.
You see, if they don't get a deferment from you every year, they can "default your loan" and charge you interest so your loan will grow in size so they will get more money and, to those criminals, that is too tempting to not take advantage of. What they do is, when they get your deferment, they all too often toss it in the trash and claim they did not get your deferment so they can default your loan so they can charge you interest so they can steal more money from you and that is fraud and a federal felony but they commit that crime against millions of students every year because of their insane greed. They all belong in prison.
But it is much worse than that because, when they default your loan, it completely destroys your credit so that you cannot get a good paying job or take out a normal loan to buy a home or start a business so you can't make enough money to pay off the loan, ever. Financially and economically, it completely destroys your life so you can never pay off that loan so the criminal government cannot get "their money" they stole from you by committing fraud against you.
So, how are they trying to solve them still being able to get the money they stole from your or "defrauded you out of"?
Easy, they lie about dismissing the loans but are really trying to use tax payer money from those people who can still get good paying jobs or start a business to pay for those loans you will never be able to pay for because they destroyed your credit to steal more money from you.
They are evil, evil inhumane monsters who belong in prison.
You see, they are not just defrauding the students and destroying their lives but are also trying to use the school loans they ran up illegally to steal from the rest of the people.
Most of the time, it is not the students defaulting on those loans because they are lazy and irresponsible but it is the governments defaulting those loans because they are criminals and committing fraud. The real cause of the student loan problem is the corrupt and criminal governments and not the students. The students really are the victims here and the program was designed to victimize them.
So, how do you solve this problem?
First, you imprison EVERYONE for life who was involved in this crime because they have destroyed the lives of tens of millions of people. You hold them accountable for their crimes against the people.
Did you know that more than half of the homeless people in the US before this illegal alien crisis had college degrees?
I am certain that an investigation will show that most of them are on the streets because their corrupt governments destroyed their lives by destroying their credit so they cannot get a good paying job by illegally defaulting their school loans. Therefore, the criminals who destroyed their lives deserve to spend the rest of their lives in prison paying for destroying so many lives.
Then you can dismiss the interest on those loans because, until it is paid, interest on a loan is made up or pretend money that only becomes real when it is paid for. Interest is fake money that is made up out of thin air so all you have to do is just dismiss it and no one will have to pay for it. You just hit delete.
Then you seize the wealth from these tens of thousands of criminals, who destroyed the lives of tens of millions of people and you just put in prison for their crimes against humanity, and use that wealth to pay off as much of the principles for those loans as you can.
Then you change the law so that the remaining principle for the remaining loans can be dismissed by filing bankruptcy just like any other loan can so those people are no longer enslaved cash cows by the upper class trash. You set them free from the debt the governments criminally imposed on them.
That would solve the student loan problem in about 3 to 5 years with the criminals who caused that problem paying for most of it.
People, this is just one of many crimes the upper class trash and their evil puppets commit against you all of the time, you know, in the name of taking care of you but not the way they make you believe they are taking care of you.
You should all get an M.B.A. and really study what you were just trained to do. They intentionally spent several hundred years making our governments so complex and so rigged that most people can't even see the crimes being committed against them.
This is just one tiny example how the rich, especially the Royals, got so rich. They did not do it by having more intelligence than you but by having fewer morals, values, and ethics so they are willing to lie, steal, enslave, and murder to get more money instead of working and earning it the way you work and earn it.
That is why Jesus said, "It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into Heaven." People, God does not want to spend eternity living with such horrid, ruthless, cold hearted criminals.
People, that is not even close to free market capitalism but has been better known throughout history as monarchy, socialism, communism, Marxism, or a dictatorship, where the corrupt and criminal upper class trash have absolute control and power over you so they can commit any crimes they want against you.
Don't believe me?
Wait until Judgment Day when God and the angels will expose every second of every crime they have committed against every one of you. You will be stunned when you find out exactly how evil these criminals really are. You will stand there with your mouths and eyes wide open in complete disbelief of the crimes they committed against you.
That is why I believe that, when those people are exposed for every second of every crime they have committed against you, with me understanding human behavior, when those monsters are tried, found guilty, and returned to the crowd to await their eternal sentencing, they are almost certainly going to get the living crap beat out of them by at least some of their victims. You are going to keep God's angels very busy pulling you off of these criminals.
If God permits it, I really look forward to cheering you on as you beat the living crap out of these evil things to get your justice against them, without them having anyone to protect them but the angels. We are talking major beatings because you will all be immortal beings who cannot be killed so you can beat them for decades and they won't die because they already did die and the Bible tells us they can feel pain.
Everyone is going to be butt naked with no weapons, armies, personal guards, friends, or anyone else to help them because they won't have a penny to bribe anyone. They will be completely on their own surrounded by their angry victims with every one of them knowing everything the criminals did to them.
Do you get the picture?
That will probably be the most interesting time in history and I am really looking forward to it.
Can you just see every member of every Royal Family, every corrupt puppet, every corrupt professor, every corrupt member of the media, every thug, and everyone else who will be eternally damned just getting the living crap beat out of them by the people for the crimes they committed against the people?
That will be the best entertainment you ever had. On that day, EVERYONE will find out that ALL Royals are human just like the rest of you; most of them are just really bad humans.
You will find out that the worst criminals in history are the Royals because they have committed more crimes against more people than everyone else combined and THAT is why they are rich. They are not rich because of their superior intelligence like you let them convince you. They are rich because they are the worst criminals in history, who can steal much more than anyone can earn.
I am pretty sure that I told you that I got to talk to street criminals in a number of areas and I would bring up why the lefty experts were saying they were committing their crimes being because they were victims of society. And they always said, "No, it is because of the fast, easy money," while rubbing their thumbs against the tips of their fingers.
You see, it is faster and easier to steal $1,000 from someone who has earned $1,000 than to get a job and earn it yourself. That is the real reason they commit crimes, which is the same reason the upper class trash steal from you, so the shrinks are out of touch with reality in their white palaces, smoking their dope, and have no idea what the truth is.
I can't wait for Yahweh to be my eternal King so I don't have to worry about stupid people voting wrong any more.
Do you believe God yet when He said, "The love of money is the root to all evil"?
These upper class trash Royal criminals have destroyed tens of millions of lives because of their insane love of money. Their greed has driven them so mad that they can't steal enough from enough people fast enough so they now want to set up their global dictatorship so they can steal everything that is left so they can have everything and "you will own nothing and be happy," even though they can't be happy owning better than 95% of everything.
They are so greedy stupid they cannot figure out that, once they, as a group, have stolen the less than 5% you have so they will own everything, they still won't be happy so they will turn on each other with wars, murdering each other and you, to get what the others have too.
I only want my own planet to get away from these greedy lunatics so I can peacefully have a small cabin by a stream and pond, where I can grow my own food, enjoy God's plants and animals, and spend time with God and some of his true Christians.
I don't need streets of gold and pearly gates. God's much more spectacular plants and animals will be great for me. Their molecular biology and cell physiology are much more impressive than simple gold and pearls.
You want to see real beauty?
Look at a rose, tulip, cactus, humming bird, trout, puppy, or kitten. Gold is just a shiny rock that just sits there for stupid people. Try petting or smelling gold.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....