News 793

China and Europe

China's trip to Europe is China trying to split the US and Europe to make the US and Europe easier to conquer. It is the old divide and conquer thing. Keep an eye on it.

I can't believe that none of the MSM and even most conservative media do not address the problems China has with her weapons systems. I have never seen a military that has as many problems with ALL of their weapons systems like China does. Their military industry is more corrupt than any I have ever seen, selling out their own nation for more money.

If a nation goes to war with China, all they have to do is position so China will start up all of her weapons to stage them and just watch half of them fall apart.

With China being so aggressive militarily, I can't believe so many nations are so eager to do business with China and it is because China always gives the leaders big bribes to sell out their nations. If you have enough money, most of those political whores will do whatever you tell them to do. They just can't wait to shake Xi's hand and get their bribe for millions of dollars. It really shows how corrupt the political leaders are around the world.

Hey, at least we know from Bible prophecy that, in ten years, they will all be burning in Hell. We won't have to worry about any of them screwing up the Millennial Reign of Jesus with their corruption.

The love of money has destroyed our nations and planet. God is right, "The love of money is the root to all evil," and our nation's governments have become political brothels with almost everyone for sale.

Every day I see more and more how corrupt the US Congress is and can't help but believe that God is going to use Mahdi Obama to clean up that mess.


What is the real reason for the US to stop weapons deliveries to Israel?

So Israel won't have those weapons to use against the US and its allies when they invade Israel for the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39?

That would be the logical thing to do just before you invade another nation.

I have been wondering how they were going to stage their troops in Syria against Israel without getting blown up the way Israel is doing to Hamas and Hezbollah. This answers it because, with much more limited weaponry, she is going to want to wait until all of her enemies are staged to maximize the number of troops destroyed by each weapon. She doesn't want to have more enemy troops coming into the battle after she has used up most of her weapons.

Another reason Afghan Joe is doing this is to encourage other nations, especially weaker nations, to unite with the US against Israel. Note that, right after the US stopped those weapons shipments, they formed the beginning to their group of nations united against Israel and that was no coincidence.

Those nations know that, if Israel doesn't have any bombs, she can't drop bombs on them.

Just remember that the Bible teaches that, if you bless Israel, you will be blessed and, if you curse Israel, you will be cursed.

With Afghan Joe and Congress cursing Israel, I have to believe they will soon be burning in Hell, probably because of Mahdi Obama.

Remember that I taught you years ago that Muslims like Mahdi Obama will sacrifice ANYONE to get what they want?

They will murder anyone and everyone they feel they have to murder to get what they want.

Remember that I have been telling you that the West and Islam are uniting against Israel?

This video shows that even more European nations are joining the union against Israel and they even set a date of May 21 for rewarding the Arab Muslims for staging a massive and brutal terrorist attack against Israel by establishing Gaza as a nation under the guise of the "Palestinian State".

Hey, if you want to be rewarded by the West, just murder a bunch of Hebrew women and children. /sarc

That video shows that Ireland, Spain, Slovenia, Norway, and Malta will recognize Gaza as a sovereign nation on May 21 but remember that US, France, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and others have already united just yesterday, with Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Greek Cypriot Administration, Sweden, and Romania already recognizing Gaza as a sovereign nation. Then it tells you that 139 out of 193 UN member states have united together against Israel and the list is growing. It is working just like I told you it would.

Keep an eye on May 21.

Keep in mind that they are all rewarding Hamas for butchering Israeli women and children by giving Hamas their own sovereign nation and telling Israel to stay out. "How dare you defend yourself and protect your people from our Muslim terrorists?"

Then that video tells you that "the nations" took the first steps in rewarding Hamas terrorists for murdering Israelis.

Do you believe me yet that this is the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39? Do you get the picture yet?

They are right now all but staging troops in Syria to invade and destroy Israel and that will happen soon.

Note that today is May 9, 2024 and May 21, 2024 will be on Tuesday, following the last two Mondays that are not US holidays and a little less than two weeks or 12 days from today. Keep an eye on this because every day we get one day closer. We are right now so very close to them staging troops in Syria to invade and destroy Israel.

Then I found this video that tells you what I told you about not sending weapons to Israel will embolden her enemies.

Then they stated that Afghan Joe and Afghan Austin are not just withholding 3,500 missiles and rockets but also artillery shells Israel needs to survive.

This is just one more lefty smarty pants great sounding stupid idea that will backfire against the left because it is going to decrease the number of Hebrews and Israel supporters who will vote for Afghan Joe. I expect his poll numbers to drop even more but I think Mahdi Obama will take care of Joe before the election.

One of Israel's top officials publically stated that, "Biden loves Hamas." I am wondering if he realizes how true that is?

Another thing this is doing is destroying dependability of the US as an ally with Afghan Joe in control. Fewer nations will be willing to depend on his support because, if Afghan Joe can throw Israel under the bus, he can throw any of them under the bus with Israel.

Then I found out that Iran has threatened Israel with nukes again, making it sound like they don't have any yet but no one threatens anyone with weapons they don't have. Two threats concerning the use of nukes should tell you that Iran has an arsenal of nukes and you will soon find out that is true.

They have already let it slip twice and talked their way out of it but they will slip up big time soon; they always do. Keep opening that yap and you eventually get both feet in it.

BTW, they are also still trying to bring charges against Netanyahu for genocide for protecting Israel from genocide.

"Why, how dare you not let our terrorists commit genocide against your people?"

This is all showing how evil Satan's spawn are. They are doing everything they can to destroy Israel.

Mean while, the EU is encouraging Ukraine to attack Russian cities to kill Russian civilians. "Don't do as I do, do as I say."

Listen, when everything else fails to stop Israel from finishing destroying Hamas to protect the Israeli people from being murdered by Hamas, that is when, in desperation, they will unite to invade Israel and they are very close to that right now, which is why, right now, they are officially uniting against Israel.

Christian Preachers

I keep poser Christian YouTube channels on my list to see what they are teaching.

I keep seeing them teaching about the end of the world. "The sky is falling, the sky is falling; the world is going to end tomorrow!"

If you read the Bible, you will find the planet is not going to end for more than 1,000 years.

First, we have to have the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 and then the Tribulation will begin and last 7 years with the very last event being the Battle of Armageddon, when Jesus will return with the Hosts of Heaven. After which, Jesus will have to heal our planet, our sun, and what will be left of our cosmos to set up His Millennial Reign for 1,000 years of no crime or wars, at the end of which Satan will be turned loose on Earth "for a little while" because everyone MUST be tested and there is no way we can tell how long that "little while" will be.

How long will it take Satan to corrupt most of the untested people on the planet enough to get them to form an army to invade Israel and depose Jesus from His throne in Jerusalem?

Based on my studies in history and human nature, I conservatively estimate it could take anywhere from 50 to 300 years, at which time, God will destroy that army with fire from Heaven, He will take us to Heaven and empty out Hell into Heaven for Judgment Day then destroy both Earth and Hell so the only two places still existing will be Heaven and the Lake of Fire.

That should tell you that Earth is going to last at least 1,100 to 1,300 more years so it isn't going to end next week, next month, or next year. Anyone telling you the Earth will end soon is either ignorant or lying to scare you to make money from you so they are probably not a true Christian.

Read the Bible.


This video shows you how sick the West, especially the EU, is by saying that Ukraine has a "right" to attack the Russian bridge in Crimea so I guess Russia is not supposed to try to protect the bridge and is supposed to just like Ukraine destroy it.

Hold it, by the same standards, doesn't Russia have the right to attack London, Paris, Bonn, Warsaw, and any other European capitol it wants and they can't defend them either?

The insane EU just keeps poking the Russian bear believing that they are too wonderful, magnificent, and elite for the Russian bear to dare attack them.

Do you believe me yet that the lunatics never learn and never quit until they are dead?

Because of the West refusing to stop, Putin is going to eventually be forced to stage a nuke attack against the US and Europe. They are leaving him no other choice because they foolishly believe Putin won't dare use nukes; he will just sit there and let the wonderful and magnificent Royals destroy Russia.

Pagan reprobate minds blow my mind. Just when you think they cannot get any dumber, they always do.

I am beginning to wonder if the Western leaders have figured out yet that they have an insane death wish? Maybe they need to leave the dope alone for a while?

So, who do you think will kill the Western upper class trash Royals and their puppets, Russia or God in Syria? Either way, they are going to burn in Hell soon.

2024 Election

Remember that I have been warning you to not put your faith in the 2024 election because of corruption and vote rigging, plus it may not even happen because of the left?

This video shows some of the vote rigging and corruption at the beginning and she just quickly runs down a list of things they are fighting.

Listen, they are already rigging the vote by trying to put Trump in jail, planning to murder him, putting out propaganda about Trump, and just about anything and everything they do in relation to the election so don't be surprised when they rig it even more.

The lefty commie traitor lunatics just have to have their communist/Muslim dictatorship to have absolute control over you so they can take everything you have for themselves. They are way beyond nuts and raving mad lunatics. They will do whatever they have to do in order to get their insane dictatorship over you.

Russia & China

I have already shown you why Russia will not join the US and Europe, his current enemies, to invade Israel for the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39.

Watch the start of this video concerning Putin being revered by the Russian Christian Orthodox Church and it should tell you that, after the leaders and army of Turkey are destroyed in the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, leaving a power vacuum in Turkey, which will put the Bosporus Straits at risks of cutting Russia off from the Mediterranean Sea, Putin will take Turkey north of the Euphrates River to regain the Christian Orthodox cathedrals in Istanbul that were turned into Muslim mosques back for the church, and rename Istanbul Constantinople for the church and you bet they will give him sainthood.

Then he tells you something very interesting about China going through a Confucian revival, which is in violation of communism and in line with old Imperial China. It looks like Xi might be trying to establish his permanent control over China by becoming an Imperial Chinese emperor, who cannot be voted out of power by the CCP. This looks very much like a power move so keep an eye on it.

Will he soon become Emperor Xi Jinping of the 21st Century Dynasty?

This is interesting.

Then he told you that Russia and China are working together to begin building a space research facility on the moon starting in 2026, just two years from now, and then he went off into some philosophical rant about why.

I am more concerned about more realistic reasons why, you know, like weapons deployment, secret weapons technology development on the back of the moon the West won't be able to spy on, the ability to spy on the entire planet from the moon, or what?

Keep an eye on this, though, it probably won't happen because of the Tribulation.


Remember that the left is always calling everyone else Nazis, telling us that they are the Nazis?

This brief video tells you about 1 minute into it that some pro terrorist kids are saying things like "Bring back Hitler and kill all of the Jews," which is just a wee bit Nazi.

People, Hitler worked with the Ottoman Empire, which was Muslim the same way the left is working with today's Muslims and they all hate Hebrews and want to kill them all. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

This video shows you that the lefty teachers are teaching the hatred of Hebrews and their lefty supervisors are refusing to fire those lefty teachers for their hate crimes.

Note that teaching those children to hate Hebrews, those teachers are committing hate crimes against the Hebrews and their supervisors not firing those teachers is those supervisors aiding and abetting those teachers in the commission of their hate crimes, which makes the supervisors complicit and accomplices in those hate crimes.

I want to know why none of them have been arrested, investigated, and prosecuted for their hate crimes? Where are the attorneys?

The Hebrew parents need to file charges against the teachers and their supervisors and litigate the schools for hate crime damages.

Remember that I have been telling you that the lefty college professors are a very big part of our problems?

This very brief video shows lefty college professors publically aiding and abetting the students and professional protestors in their hate crimes against Hebrews.

Someone needs to start bringing hate crimes charges against these people, after all, it was the lefty college professors who dreamed up the hate crimes laws to suppress the free speech of conservatives. They also need to be investigated as to whether they helped these hate crimes in any other capacity.

They should be held accountable to their own standards.


I had seen Netanyahu talking to members of the Temple Institute, who are going to build the Third Temple, which caused me to start keeping an eye on whether he will be involved in building that Temple.

His statements about God in this very brief video tell me that he certainly will. He clearly loves and trusts in God, which is why God is guiding him.

When the moment is right, he and the Temple Institute will build the Third Temple and it will not be too long from now.

Keep an eye on that.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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