News 796


So far, Afghan Joe and company have not done ONE THING to Iran to control or stop what Iran is doing in this war, they have done everything they could to help Iran, and now they are telling us that they are increasing the monthly production for bunker buster bombs to stop Iran from having nukes? Why do I not believe that?

First, they could certainly just use inventory weapons to take out Iran's nuclear program, unless they have far more nukes than I have been warning you about, and they are expanding the Army production plant to triple the monthly production of bunker buster bombs? Really? Why so many, when they easily have more bunker buster bombs in inventory than Iran could have targets with nukes in them? You don't think that, just maybe, they are planning to take out not just nukes, but all munitions storage for both Russia and Israel, do you?

Yeah, that sounds just a wee bit suspicious to me too. Keep an eye on that because they are seriously ramping up for war with someone who has many more hardened targets than Iran could have and the most likely targets are their enemies, Russia and Israel, and not their ally, Iran.

Lying Lefties

I have come to the conclusion that you have to be a very disgusting person to keep making up lies to try to set up a lefty dictatorship over other people. You can't have any morals, values, or ethics or even pride in yourself.

Just think how vile you have to be to make up lies that you know are lies that are meant to cause harm to other people. They don't care who they hurt as long as they selfishly get what they want. They have to be crazy.

In this video she shows you a number of things. First, she shows you the lefties lying again and again and again and they KNOW they are lying but, hey, they are making really big bucks lying to you and that is all that matters to those human demons.

Second, she tells you like I told you that there is talk that they are waiting until the last minute to dump Afghan Joe and run someone else. The Commierats are nothing but lies and deceptions.

I have to believe that the ONLY reason why they would have Afghan Joe debate Trump is to show how horribly bad he is to turn most Commierats completely against him to justify dumping Afghan Joe and Kruella to run someone else, probably RFK, who has been testing the waters by "running as third party", wink, wink, with everyone ignoring him.

Also, you have to keep in mind that they know Trump will expose all of Afghan Joe's many failures, which will destroy Afghan Joe even worse than he is destroyed now. Hey, it is time for Afghan Joe to go under ye ole Commierat bus.


I just realized something about this recent offensive, from the north into Ukraine by Russia.

Remember that, even before this fighting started more than two years ago, I did a strategic analysis of how Russia could win this war?

I pointed out 4 key roads across Ukraine that could be used by Russia to set up cauldrons to entrap the Ukrainian troops and cut them off from supplies. They are the 3 north to south roads consisting of E105 in the east, E95 in central Ukraine, and E85 in western Ukraine and the east to west E58 road across the south from Transnistria to the Dnipro River and on to Russia.

By the strangest magic coincidence, E105 starts in Russia and goes south to Kharkiv, that Russia is now advancing on, and goes south to E58 and into Crimea and cuts off all Ukrainian troops in the front lines east of the Dnipro River.

If you go southwest from Kharkiv on E577, it takes you to Transnistria. That move would cut off all front line troops in the south AND east. If you take the W577 from Kharkiv to the E40 and take that west, it goes to Kiev.

Gee, I wonder why Putin is making his move on very strategic Kharkiv?

Gee, what a magic coincidence that, two years later, Russia is fighting down the E105 to Kharkiv.

So, where do you think Russia will go when she gets to Kharkiv; south, southwest, west, or all 3?

If he continues south, he cuts off and encircles about two thirds of the Ukrainian troops, weapons, and munitions in the east but, if he heads southwest, he gets them all except those along the Belarus border in the northwest and in the area of Lviv because Russia has troops positioned there, you know, at the north end of E85, where, if Russia goes south from Belarus, they encircle all of the Ukrainian troops and cut them off from all supplies from the West.

Putin just took his time to weaken the Ukrainian troops so he wouldn't lose as many of his own troops with his move.

You just might want to keep an eye on that.

In this video he tells you that Russia is now less than 20 km or 12 miles from Kharkiv, you know, just a day or two of fighting.

I just found out that the Ukrainian forces are now falling back to a point about half way between Kharkiv and the Russian border to build a defensive line with a rear guard fighting to slow the advancing Russian forces so they have more time to build those defenses. That will put the Russian forces within about 10 km or 6 miles of the Kharkiv.

Now, intel says that Ukraine knows those defenses north of Kharkiv will not stop the Russian advance but they hope those defenses will hold it for a while, I guess so they can figure out what to do next or so they can bring in the Muslim army?

Also note that Russia is gaining ground everywhere.

Remember that I told you that Ukraine is having to pull troops from the older battlefields, where Russia has been gaining a lot of ground, to slow the Russian advance in the North?

This video shows them doing that so expect to see bigger and bigger gains by Russia on those battlefields. It is looking like it won't be long before there is a complete break through and route of the Ukrainian forces.

It is looking like, if the Ukrainian war escalates into a much bigger regional war, the primary culprits will be the US, UK, France, EU, and NATO. It is like they are all trying to turn this war into WWIII. Russia's restraint, is the only thing that has kept it from already going there.

Now Russia is telling the West that he is not going to take Kharkiv right now, he is just creating a buffer zone to protect Russia...and then gained another 4 kms towards Kharkiv last night.

Is this Putin trying to draw NATO into Ukraine to destroy their forces too?

It looks that way because he didn't stage all of those troops and armor, most of which he is not even using, there to create a buffer zone though he could have done it to draw forces away from the battle line, which he has done but, still, I think he is up to something. With those extra forces and weapons, it would be too easy for him to quickly finish this war right now, telling me he is drawing it out to draw the West in.

Rome II

I am seeing more and more people saying this is the end of the US, Europe, and the Western culture like I have been telling you for years. They are even writing non Christian books about it now. God is opening their eyes to the fact that the pagans getting what they want is destroying everything.

If you study history, you will find that it is never the actions of the lower classes that cause a nation or empire to fall. It is always the corrupt actions of the greedy and power mad upper class trash Royals. They eventually destroy everything.

New Caledonia is now revolting against the imperialistic control of France and wanting freedom from their French oppression.

I just realized, when will there be a coup and Russia or China will go in to chase French troops out? Or, when will the Africa Corp invade France and force her to recall her troops from around the world to save France?

Keep an eye on that because Rome II is falling faster and faster every day. When it hits bottom, it is going to shatter just like Rome did.


Afghan Joe deciding to not send weapons and munitions to Israel has backfired on him really bad so he just suddenly decided to send Israel only one billion dollars worth of weapons and munitions instead of the full $26 billion.

Is he trying to make it look like he is helping Israel by limiting what he sends?

I am trying to figure out why the sudden change. This is just too suspicious and there has to be something else going on.

BTW, now Hamas is firing more rockets into Israel because Netanyahu held off on attacking Gaza because of Afghan Joe and his fellow traitors. It allowed Hamas to regroup and start attacking Israel again. Everyone who supported and protected Hamas is complicit in these attacks against Israel.

This video shows that the EU is also working to help Hamas and destroy Israel. These lefty leaders are the enemy of the world and its people working to destroy everything good so they can set up their dictatorship/monarchy to rule over and oppress you. They are not good people and they are showing it with their evil actions.

In my opinion, the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 cannot get rid of these evil things too soon. I will praise God when they can no longer cause harm to you.


I am finally beginning to believe in abortion, you know, the murdering of unborn babies. I now believe that all of those people supporting abortion should have been aborted by their mothers and then we would not have them murdering unborn babies today.

Hey, maybe we can talk them into post birth aborting themselves?

I doubt it. They would never do to themselves what they want to do to others.

But, hey, the abortion industry is making millions of dollars murdering unborn babies and selling their body parts.

And you think God should not judge us and destroy our nations? Do you understand why Jesus said, "It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven"?

If God is righteous, He MUST judge us for such wickedness and that is only scratching the surface as to how evil many humans are, especially the ones running our nations and major corporations.


One thing that kills me about most of the West, even most military people, is that they have never studied Islam and just ASSUME that the Muslims think like we do, why, they are all nice, wonderful, peace loving people with Christian morals, values and ethics.

ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS study other people and, especially their religions. What they believe is crucial because it determines how they will think, which determines what they will do.

Muslims do NOT believe like you so they will NOT think like you so they will NOT behave like you. That is basic human behavior. It is ignorant arrogance to think and believe that everyone else, especially from other religions, believes and thinks like you.

Let me give you a little clue; if they belong to a different religion, they do NOT believe like you. That is why they belong to a different religion.

No one in the West gets it that Islam hates peace and ALL non Muslims and they also hate ALL other sects of Islam. If you are a Muslim and believe just one thing different from another Muslim, they are taught to believe that you cannot be a true Muslim and they must kill you, when they get the chance.

Remember that I taught you more than a decade ago that better than 90% of the Muslims that are killed are killed by other Muslims?

Their god, Allah, is "the god of the sword", their words. That means he is a war god and war gods HATE peace and love war, hint, hint. Use some common sense.

If they leave ANY Muslims in Gaza, those Muslims will be required by Islam to organize into a terrorist unit and continue to wage war against Israel AND the rest of the world to wipe us all out. That is why Israel is now finding more Muslim terrorists in Northern Gaza, after wiping them all out, hint, hint.

If you don't believe me, READ THE KORAN!!! It will tell you that Islam is a ruthless warrior cult.


Remember that I have been telling you for years that China's plan is to attack and destroy the US from within?

Does this video explain a lot or what?

Suddenly, things I have been trying to figure out became clear.

Brilliantly, China has been bringing school children from around the world, you know, the West, to China to brainwash them into communism for years.

They brainwash them in China, turning them into insane lefties, and then send them back to the West to become our academe, politicians, bureaucrats, media, and others.

No wonder we have so many stupid people; because their parents were stupid enough to send them to China to be "educated", i.e., brainwashed. Those parents should be prosecuted for child abuse.

Geeze, it is much worse than I thought. When this war breaks out between you and the lefties, you will be fighting Chinese bots that are programmed to hate and kill you.

Note that she tells you some of the many things China is doing to wage war against us from within.

The Big Debate

What the Commierats are doing is I am seeing them talking about RFK can also be in this debate. If you have Afghan Joe and RFK in the debate with Trump, it will be for everyone to see Afghan Joe fail and RFK do much better so they can swap out Afghan Joe for RFK.

US Military

Remember that I told you that the top officers in our military today are there because they kissed the right butts and not because of military prowess?

This video has a SEAL who tells you pretty much the same thing but is nicer about it. He tells you that our top officers are NOT at the top because of military prowess and we need to get rid of them to rebuild our military and that is very true.

I am trying to figure out what is going on with the pier in Israel because that one very reliable video channel showed that quite a few of the Military ships broke down and couldn't make it to Israel but now the US Military is saying the pier those ships were taking to Israel has almost been finished?

Was he intentionally fed misinformation by the Military and, if so, why? Did they make it look like they were months behind on building it to throw Hamas off so they wouldn't attack the pier while they were building it?

I am going to keep an eye on this because, obviously, something is going on.


Remember that I have taught you that you need to know what people believe because what they believe determines how they think and how they think determines what they will do?

I watched part of a video that looked at what is clearly the very evil portrait of King Chuck and looking for evidence that he might be the Antichrist.

Who is the Antichrist?

The Antichrist is a person who loves themselves so much that they hate God/Yahweh/Jesus, the Bible, and God's Law and they want to rule the world forever so they choose evil and hate good. They WANT to live by Satan's one law, "Do as you will", so they can feel free to do anything they want.

What many true Christian preachers have learned is that there is one TRUE Antichrist but many lesser antichrists or wannabee antichrists, who want to rule the world and everyone in existence so they have themselves deified as a god. Satan is an antichrist, who has been trying for thousands of years to overthrow God and be god, and everyone who has tried to conquer and rule the world has been an antichrist.

Is King Chuck the Antichrist?

Probably not but the important thing is that he clearly believes he is the Antichrist and he wants to rule the world and you. That determines how he thinks and what he will do.

If you really study and dig deep, one important thing you will learn is that everyone who is a member of the WEF or most people who are in the upper levels of any government organization like a nation, the UN, NATO, the EU, WHO, the Vatican, or anything else today believes they are the Antichrist and wants to rule the world. They are all dangerous in that, if they get what they want, most people will suffer and many will die.

They have chosen to be evil and they are very evil.

Even thousands of years before the Greek term, Antichrist, was thought of, every Royal who went conquering believed they would be the Antichrist and rule the world. That is and has always been the dream, desire, and fantasy of every Royal who went out conquering other people; murdering, robbing, enslaving, and raping. They were all crazy psychopaths wanting to have control and power over everyone and to steal everything everyone has worked for and earned.

You can bet that King Chuck believes he is the Antichrist and will rule the world and you can bet that Klaus Schwab thinks he is the Antichrist and will rule the world and you can bet that Bill Gates thinks he is the Antichrist and will rule the world and you can bet that Gruesome Newsom thinks he is the Antichrist and will rule the world and you can bet the Queen Hillary thinks she is the female Antichrist and will rule the world and you can bet that Queen Lujan thinks she is the female Antichrist and will rule the world and on and on and on. They are all mad psychopaths who are obsessed with ruling the world and you. Why, it is their god given right or so they believe.

On Judgment Day, you will find out just how evil and crazy these psychopaths are and it will stun you beyond your wildest imagination. You see, when the angels read everything they thought, you will find out how horrible and evil their dreams and fantasies really are. Their dreams and fantasies are your worst nightmares.

If you dig even deeper, you will find that every member of the WEF and those other organizations WANTS to believe they are the Antichrist and will rule the world AND they have developed a following of from a handful to thousands of followers who support them, mostly because of the dream or promise they will benefit from supporting them. They have all sold their souls to Satan for free stuff.

They all have their own group of followers who plan or conspire for THEM to seize control of the world from all of the other psychopaths and you can easily see that, when you study the history of the Royals, where they murdered immediate family members for power and control.

Because of that, with them believing that, when they conquer and destroy Israel they will only be one step away from setting up their global dictatorship by destroying Russia, they will all be driven to go to Damascus to wheel-and-deal for a position of power they can use to seize control of their global dictatorship so THEY can rule the world; not the others. That is why God will destroy Damascus, to get rid of that human garbage and give the good people a chance to regain control of our nations and the TRUE Antichrist won't die there.

You have to understand the different in perspective for them and for responsible people concerning authority, power, and control. They see authority as an opportunity to steal and gain more power, control, and wealth. Responsible people see authority as a responsibility for the people they have authority over.

I don't want any of that. I want you to grow up and be responsible for yourself but I do my best to help others, who need it, in any way I can. I pray for everyone every day. I don't want a huge mansion to rattle around in that will take a million servants to maintain. I don't need a big super duper yacht with a million servants to manage and maintain.

All I have prayed for all of my life and, even today, is a nice, quiet little cabin in the woods near a stream and pond, where I can grow my own food, enjoy God's beautiful plants and animals, visit with Christian friends, and spend time with God, when He has the time to spend with me.

Instead of a yacht, a nice little Hobby cat or kayak that I can manage myself will do just fine. Instead of a Lamborghini or Roles Royce, I would love to have a nice bicycle to go on long rides with friends and God through God's plants and animals.

I love the old saying, "Keep it simple, stupid."

People, we are not going to Paradise for streets of gold and pearly gates. We are going there to spend time with God and be His eternal companions and family. He wants to spend eternity with humans who will accept and return His love voluntarily and not just love themselves at everyone else's expense.

People are in awe at massively big palaces and castles but those don't impress me as much as the incredible plants and animals God designed and created. If you study biology and learn what I have learned about molecular biology, cell physiology, ecology, and everything else to do with life on this planet, absolutely NOTHING can impress me as much as God's creation of life; NOTHING.

When I look at plants and animals, I can see in my mind the extreme complexity of their life functions and ecological requirements. They are amazing and are absolute proof that a magnificent creator being called God MUST exist and that I am NOT and CANNOT be a god. I look forward to going for walks and bike rides through all of God's plants and animals with God. That will be wonderful.

Hey, I know some bicycle racers who are true Christians and I would love to go for very long rides through God's plants and animals with them. That would be great.

You could create a palace taking up the entire galaxy and it wouldn't impress me as much as God's plants and animals. This entire cosmos is amazing and it had to be built by an amazing creator being, God.

You can have your streets of gold, pearly gates, and huge mansions. I will take God's beautiful forests, jungles, and aquatic life and be perfectly happy, thank you.

When I was racing bicycles, it was fantastic to go training and to come around a corner into a small group of deer, see a squirrel run across the road, enjoy God's beautiful flowers, and listen to the birds sing. That was the good life for me.

Fad Fitness Routines

I am so sick and tired of all of these fad fitness plans that are supposed to magically get and keep you fit without you having to do much work. If you study all of the sports sciences and sports medicine, they don't make sense. They are pure bull crap.

In more than half a century, I have not seen one last more than a few years because they are just a fad and will not really improve your fitness and health.

There are two basic types of fitness you need to work on and NONE of these fad fitness programs address either of them properly but they sure make the people who dream them up and run them have more fit bank accounts with lots of dollars in them.

First, is aerobic fitness and to even just begin to develop aerobic fitness (mostly cardiovascular and cardio respiratory fitness) requires to that you sustain a minimum HR of 120 bpm for at least 20 minutes and that is just to get started. The higher the HR and the longer you sustain it, the more you develop your aerobic fitness.

Research has shown that the two best activities for developing the most aerobically are marathon running and old school bicycle road racing when the amateur road championships were 100 to 125 miles (not today's candy butt 40 to 60 mile crap) and the pro racing may still be 150 to 175 miles, which develops the human body to the highest aerobic fitness level because it is 6 to 7 hours of sustained and hard exercise with a lot of anaerobic work thrown in.

Any activity in which you move your body mass over a distance like walking, hiking, running, swimming, bicycling, skating, skiing, rowing, or pushing your electric car home from work every day will provide aerobic fitness development, if sustained long enough and at least 3 times a week.

Now, of course, you have to start out low and build, pending your aerobic fitness level, unless you want to go into cardiac arrest and die. If you have never developed any significant aerobic fitness, you will probably have to start with an HR of 120 for just 10 to 15 minutes or run about a mile or ride a bicycle about 2 to 3 miles or swim a few laps.

A good test I developed for finding out where to safely start is to run, bicycle, swim, or any other aerobic activity on a circular course until you BEGIN to feel tired, cut back about 10% of that distance, and that is where you should start working out for the first 3 weeks before you should begin increasing your distance. That way, you are starting your workout based on YOUR fitness level.

When the distance you start out at gets easy, you have developed more aerobic fitness and you can start increasing your intensity and duration slowly, probably every 2 to 3 weeks.

What you are doing is increasing your cardio respiratory or lung fitness, your cardiovascular system or heart, artery, arteriole, and vein fitness, and the number of capillaries plus you are increasing general fitness including but not limited to muscles, bone strength, and even immune system.

With anaerobic fitness development, you do shorter workouts with things like weights, calisthenics, gymnastics, and other short, hard exercises like sprints and jams for running, on the bicycle, or swimming.

This develops a whole variety of things like the strength of muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage, along with hand-eye coordination, nerve functions, and other skills.

There are many types of fitness and many ways to achieve those types. For example, in bicycle racing we do a variety of anaerobic workouts including acceleration work, sprint work, jamming or sustained sprinting, recovery work, flat speed work, and climbing speed work.

A basic rule in exercise physiology is that your body can only do what you train or condition it to do. In bicycle racing, if you don't condition your body to go fast on the flats, it ain't going to go fast on the flats and, if you don't condition your body to go fast climbing, it ain't going to go fast climbing.

In bicycle road racing, the smart and very fit riders learn to attack their competition in a variety of ways and places to find out someone's fitness weaknesses so they can use those fitness weaknesses to fatigue the other riders faster to drop them or beat them in a sprint. Your weakness is your competition's strength against you.

Sorry this is so short but books have been written about this stuff and I wrote a book about it for bicycle racing.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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