Remember that I have been warning you about fake prophecies by poser Christian preachers?
I just saw a headline that said, "New Mexico Wild Fires Apocalyptic", you know, they are fulfilling end time prophecy and the world is coming to an end because there is a wild fire.
Show me the prophecy.
People, use some common sense. We have had wild fires for thousands of years and not one of them brought Jesus back to set up Paradise, darn it.
Read the Bible and pay attention to the details.
Besides, most of the wild fires in the US are being caused by the ignorant, emotional based, and stupid conservationists. They have been taught to believe by our lefty academe and media that every square inch of the planet must be covered by trees, which is destroying most areas.
When I studied wild life management in college, we knew that only an AVERAGE of 20% of wild areas should be covered by trees and 80% of that land should be covered by grass and brush for a number of reasons but there are people making a fortune, you know, millions of dollars a year, convincing conservationists and the media that the only plants we should be growing are trees and that is wrong for a number of reasons.
I have seen the damage caused by over forestation caused by certain people and groups making more and more and more money at the expense of nature.
First, trees are huge water pumps that pump a lot of water up out of the ground and respirate or breathe it out into the air to be blown away by the winds, drying that area up. If you have too many trees in an area, they will dry up the aquifers, streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes, plants will die from dehydration, they will become kindling for fire, and a little heat can quickly turn that area into a massive fire.
Too many trees in an area for too long destroy the riparian areas or the plant and animal life along the shores for bodies of water like rivers and lakes. Just in the US, conservationists have killed off thousands of miles of riparian areas and we have no idea of how many hundreds of species became extinct because of them.
Having too many trees in an area also stunts the growth of the trees and the few other plants growing in that area because there is not enough water for them. I have seen trees whose trunks should have been 3 to 4 feet in diameter that were only 10 inches in diameter and they were not healthy.
Also, having too many trees in an area blocks out the sunlight so you don't get enough sunlight reaching the ground to grow enough grass and brush to provide food for herbivores or planet eating animals like rabbits and deer, which decreases those populations because of a lack of food, which decreases the food for carnivores like lions, bears, and wolves, which causes the carnivores to go into our cities, towns, and villages looking for food.
Also, it is important to understand that tree roots don't hold top soil in place because most of their roots go too deep in the ground and it is grass and brush to keeps the top soil from washing and blowing away. Therefore, without enough sunlight reaching the ground to grow grass and brush, you are going to have massive erosion of the soil between the trees, damaging that soil.
And that is just the nutshell version because proper forest management is far more complex than even that. I have never seen a lefty conservationist member of the academe making millions of dollars in book sales, who knew enough about biology or was intelligent enough to understand something that complex.
I studied wild life management in that area near Ruidoso, New Mexico that is a fire crisis and we knew it would eventually become a massive forest fire and why but we were not allowed to saying anything about it because the lefty government, lefty academe, lefty media, lefty conservationists, and lefty organizations making millions planting more and more and more trees would have silenced us and defunded our professors, who knew what they were talking about.
Hey, you can't kill those lefty cash cows because, to them, money is more important than anything on the planet, including the planet. Ye ole lefty bank accounts are their gods they religiously worship.
And God said, "The love of money is the root to all evil."
Now we have sensationalist poser Christian religious idiots going around making lots of money (worshiping their true gods, you know, their bank accounts) claiming everything the left causes to go wrong is an apocalypse and will bring Jesus, causing people to lose faith in Jesus coming to save their butts.
Jesus will come when the Bible says He will come. Read the Bible.
Hey, Jesus was right; all of those rich people making all of that money making all of those false claims will definitely burn in Hell.
"Hey, Afghan Joe cut himself shaving; it is an apocalypse!"
Afghan Joe
Afghan Joe used to be a friend of the very racists KKK.
I just found out that some blacks are calling him "Jim Crow Joe". That is just too funny, especially with him driving blacks away from himself.
And God said, "Be not deceived, your sins will find you out," and Afghan Joe's sins are mobbing his evil butt. It is a veritable sin stampede.
Remember that I told you that I am not putting ANY faith in this election because you just know that, after 2020, the left is going to rig the living crap out of this election even worse than they did in 2020.
They are right now working to get all of those millions of illegal aliens to vote for them, you know, rig the election.
You better pray long, pray hard, pray often, and get right with God. No one else can save your butts.
I saw a headline saying that Trump needs to worry about something right now. There are two things Trump really needs to be worried about right now; 1) being murdered by the left and 2) the election being super duper rigged.
People, quit putting your faith in Trump and the election; he could be dead by tomorrow and the lefties REALLY want him dead. You MUST put your faith in God to save your butts. The lefties are trying but they can't kill God.
Look, the left has already murdered millions of people all over the world like in Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Israel, Russia, and elsewhere for money and you think they won't murder Trump to keep making that illegal blood money, you know, their pagan god?
These evil lefty things have no souls. They don't care who they murder as long as it isn't them and they get their money.
You want to know how stupid the lefty upper class trash Royals and their puppets are from thousands of years of inbreeding?
They told their voters they would do certain things for those voters, they didn't do ANY of those things, and they can't figure out why their voters don't want to vote for them again.
President Moron is making deals with greedy leaders in Africa for France to make vaccines for the people of Africa and he is finding out that all he has to do is bribe the leaders of some nations enough. These fool leaders don't have enough brains to realize that, after President Moron kills off all of their people with his vaccines, he won't need those leaders anymore and can kill them off too.
You can bet that this is chemical warfare and some of those leaders are too greedy stupid to figure it out. The upper class trash make my brain hurt.
The next day I see that French President Moron is using fear mongering for his campaign telling the people that, if the sane, rational, conservatives win, they will do sane and rational things that should scare the French.
I guess we are about to find out how stupid the French people are.
Are they as stupid as the lying lefties think they are?
China is purging large numbers of people, especially officers, from its military telling me someone is planning a coup. Keep an eye on that.
I am so amazed that so many journalists cannot figure out what is going on with Israel, Iran, Afghan Joe, Mahdi Obama, and the rest. It just seems too obvious to me. They are acting like, "Oh, Afghan Joe is just not very smart."
The lefties have brainwashed them to believe that no one is evil, they are just stupid. That way no one will figure out what evil those people are up to.
The Left
This very good video confirms what I have been telling you about the lefty upper class Royals, their puppets, their academe, their media, and the rest of them thinking they are much smarter than they are, that you are much less intelligent than you are, and that everything they keep trying keeps failing.
The lefty upper class trash actually think they are so intellectually superior and brilliant that they can do and say whatever they think sounds great and you will just blindly believe their lies.
BTW, why do they have to lie all of the time?
Because, if they told the truth, none of you, not even the super duper stupid people, would vote for them and their dictatorship.
Israel is getting ready to do Gaza II in Lebanon.
Then I found this video that shows what is blowing my mind about people not seeing what I think is obvious.
He tells you that the US, you know, Afghan Joe, is working to protect the Muslim terrorist organization called the PLO and he flat admits that he cannot understand why Afghan Joe is propping them up, you know, the way Afghan Joe is protecting Hamas from being destroyed by Israel. Gee, what a magic coincidence.
Well, let's do the math.
If the Nation of Islam is in bed with Iran, has control of the US deep state, and is hiding behind the US Government and a number of Muslim nonprofit corporations, with Mahdi Obama as one of their top people and Afghan Joe as Mahdi Obama's puppet, don't you think that might explain why Afghan Joe is working overtime to protect and prop up those Iranian backed terrorist organizations, just maybe? Can you think of another reason why Mahdi Obama's puppet might be working so hard to keep Israel from destroying Iran's Muslim terrorist organizations?
I have to keep reminding myself that God has been showing and teaching me these things for about two thirds of a century and He has not shown most people because that is my job, as God's prophet or messenger, but most people are not being drawn to read my blog and learn those things yet because God has His reasons for keeping most people from learning those things right now so I have to wait. I teach who I can.
To me, those things are as clear as day but most people can't figure them out, which can be frustrating.
BTW, out of frustration, I have posted comments along with a link to my blog at least twice on that channel and on a few others without any results so I guess I just have to wait until God draws them to my blog for His reasons.
When God has decided it is time, He will draw them to my blog and take care of it but it is still frustrating to see them not being able to figure it out.
I quit watching that very good channel video a few minutes into it because I just can't stand the frustration of them not seeing what I see and they won't listen to me yet.
BTW, remember that I told you that increasing numbers of Hebrews want to resettle Gaza?
The Israelis know that Gaza is a failed two state solution so they want to prevent it from happening again by resettling Gaza themselves.
Climate Change
I keep seeing even the conservative media talking about climate change like it is real because they are either stupid or gutless about telling the truth.
I just saw that they are talking about the heat wave in Southwest US, you know, where I live. "Waaaa, Waaaaa, it is so horrible and hot heat! The planet is melting, the solar system is melting, the galaxy is melting!"
Actually, the normal for this high altitude desert at this time of year is 115+ degrees F in the shade but our weather today is so cool that we are expected to get up to 87 degrees.
"I don't remember, will my water lines freeze? Where did I put my winter coat? In this high altitude desert, is my land allergic to rain water? Oh yeah, am I going to have to put antifreeze in my 71 VW Bus air cooled engine?
Panic, panic, panic; we are having weather change and I am so stupid I don't know what to do.
Where are my plans to build an ark for coming rain?
Why, the lying lefty media have me in such a confusion and panic I don't know what to do other than to quit watching and listening to their lies and I wouldn't want to do that because then they couldn't scare me about nothing. /sarc"
This has to be the nicest summer I have seen in this desert in 25 years. I am really enjoying this weather change crisis they have the stupid people in a panic about.
But all of the simple minded morons who blindly believe everything they see on TeeBee just keep believing blatant lies because 1) they don't pay attention, 2) they don't question anything they are told, and 3) they are just ignorant and dumber than rocks.
I have decided to ignore those fools and just enjoy the nicer weather.
Then I saw a video where a conservative journalist said that Hezbollah and Israel might go to war.
Just how stupid are these people? Israel and Hezbollah have been shooting each other, blowing each other up, and killing each other since October 8, 2023 and they are not at war? Really?
I got this definition for war from Google: "A state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state," and these journalists don't know that? Israel and Hezbollah have been waging war against each other for more than 9 months and the media don't know it? What do they think Israel and Hezbollah have been doing, playing strip poker?
Do you believe me yet that most journalists are some of the most ignorant and stupid people with a college degree I have seen?
They can't even tell when two entities are at war with obvious explosions, fires, destructions, and deaths everywhere.
Upper Class Trash
Remember that I told you that, as soon as they are close enough to having complete control over the planet, they will turn on each other in groups and factions to fight for that absolute power?
A great example is in this video of those same power mad whacko groups already fighting over the power and control of the EU.
And you think those power mad lunatics won't draft you into their armies to fight each other for the absolute power for their global dictatorship just like their Royal ancestors have been doing for thousands of years? Really?
The only reason they are not putting together armies and fighting for control of the EU is because it would turn you against them setting up their global dictatorship so they have to wait.
Remember that I have been showing you how stupid the upper class trash Royals and their puppets really are?
I am going to show you just how stupid they are from God's perspective, you know, thinking themselves wise, they have made themselves fools and you can add "eternal fools".
They will commit any and all crimes for more and more and more wealth right now in this life, failing this test we call life, condemning themselves into eternal damnation for more money.
What the arrogant fools are doing is selling out their eternal future for more wealth right now in this incredibly finite present we call life. I have told you that, if you lived 100 million years, that would not even be a bat of an eye in the face of eternity and none of them will live even one thousand years.
Just look at how fast your life is passing right now. I am 75 and it doesn't seem like I have been here that long. This life is almost over for me.
Common sense should tell you that your eternal future is infinitely more important than this extremely finite period of time for this test we call life but the lefty pagans are selling out their eternal future for more wealth during this very brief test we call life, which is really super duper stupid.
That is much worse than you selling out 90 years of a 100 year life for just 10 years of modest wealth only to spend the last 90 years living in prison with no wealth and being tormented. That would be a terrible deal but doesn't even compare to the deal those arrogant fools have made with Satan for eternity.
But remember that Jesus said He is going to prepare for us things or greater wealth and luxury than humans can even begin to imagine. So those arrogant fools are selling out massively greater wealth and luxury FOREVER than they can even begin to imagine for much, much less wealth and luxury for this infinitely more brief period of time, which is beyond super duper stupid. It is the worst investment anyone could possibly make.
They are making that super duper stupid investment and they are so arrogant and stupid they think they are smarter than you? Really?
Make that better investment and invest in your eternity.
I hope you do realize that the reason why the lefty upper class trash Royals are putting so many forms of monitoring everything you do and say is so they can have absolute control over you in their global dictatorship.
I have figured out what Putin is doing. He is getting all of his ducks in a row to get ready to fight a war against the West, you know, WWIII.
He just signed mutual defense treaties with both North Korea and Vietnam; he has Iran, he has the Pan African Army, now Turkey, the second largest military in NATO, jumped the NATO ship to join BRICS, he has a number of allies in Latin America like Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Mexico, and others, and he has the rest of BRICS as his allies including China, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and others. That is a lot of ducks especially with China, North Korea, Pakistan, India, and probably Iran having nukes. He has most of 4 continents on his side against Europe and North America.
Plus they have all of those infiltrated Muslims, Africans, Chinese, Latin Americans, and others inside Europe and North America thanks to Afghan Joe.
I have been thinking about this a lot and WWIII does not have to happen because it is not Bible prophecy but the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 MUST happen and soon. Therefore, it is most probable that the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 will happen, destroy armies from both sides plus their insane leaders and will probably prevent WWIII. I think it will be close but that is most probable.
Putin is arming North Korea with nukes because the West is arming Ukraine with weapons that can reach and cause damage inside Russia.
God Said, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
Russia has made it public that the US is getting ready to make Z Boy a scapegoat for losing the war and dump his butt for someone else. Keep an eye on this.
The Temple
Think about this; when the Muslims and their lefty pals take their armies to Syria to invade and destroy Israel, they are going to want for their troops to just quickly sweep through Israel murdering every man, woman, and child without hesitation so they will tell all Muslims in Israel to get out or die. That will cause all Muslims to flee Israel to save their lives and the lives of their families.
Remember the Muslims did that before the 6 Day War in 1967, when they planned and failed to do the same thing.
If Israel were to build the Third Temple, what would happen?
All of the Muslim nations and their lefty pals would bring their armies into Syria to invade and destroy Israel so they could tear the Temple down.
So, if the Muslims and their lefty pals are already going to have their armies in Syria to invade and destroy Israel, why not build the Temple anyway? What would you have to lose?
They will have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
If the Israelis build the Temple, it will bring God more directly into the fight by the Israelis showing their faith in God by building the Temple against the wishes of pagan man and God is not going to lose that fight. If anything, when that army shows up and me knowing they can finish building the Temple before that army can really begin to deploy their invasion force, I would build the Temple to bring God into the fight to save our butts.
An easy prediction is that, when Mahdi Obama and his Muslim/lefty pals show up with their invasion force, those two mosques will go down and the Temple will go up in less than a week because they have the Temple and everything ready to put the Temple up in just 3 days. That would give them 4 days to just bulldoze everything currently on the Temple Mount over the side, which is plenty of time.
It is looking like what will probably happen is that, if the Israelis don't build the Temple when that invasion force begins to show up, when God causes the earthquake that causes the invasion force to panic and turn their weapons on each other, wiping out 83.3% of their force, don't be surprised to see that same earthquake bring down both mosques on the Temple Mount. If they already have the Temple built, the Temple will stand.
God showed me that Temple will be built.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....