News 805


Get this, the globalists were failing at everything and losing their opportunity for setting up their global dictatorship over you and then, in the UK election, Starmer, who was knighted by King Chuck and is a globalist, didn't get the most votes but he still ended up being the new PM (gee, what a magic coincidence, it must have been a family thing) and, in France, the conservatives were about to win but the left pulled a fast one with a rigged election, getting their globalist elected, again, without getting the most votes.

Keep in mind that the West is ramping up militarily for war with Russia and they have painted themselves into a corner to where they MUST go to war soon to get what they want or lose it for at least decades. You know they would rather die than quit.

They are making a last and desperate grab for power to set up their global dictatorship.

Are they obsessed psychopaths or what?

Then the US globalists are losing, their party is tearing itself apart, and Jill has staged a coup against Mahdi Obama and the nation of Islam taking control of Afghan Joe. Now the globalists really have to kill the Bidens and stage an insurrection because the West needs to US to be able to set up their global dictatorship.

Then I found out that some Commierats are going to permit the illegal aliens to vote so they can still win. The Commierats will do anything and everything to win and keep their power.

Then I found out that some groups are planning coups.

There is also a rebellion by big donors to the Commierats. They are withholding donations until Afghan Joe is gone and he is not leaving.

Gee, do you think that is part of why the Commierats have been flooding in illegal aliens?

Keep an eye on this.

Then I found out later that the Commierats have been having meetings, where they are trying to force everyone to support Afghan Joe running for president with there now being less than a dozen holdouts.

And you think your politicians represent you? Really? What democracy?

No, they do what they are told to do by their puppet masters. They are just fronts, puppets, and stooges just like I have been telling you for years. They don't run anything but their mouths.

Then I found this video that shows that almost all of the Commierats are even afraid to mention that they think Afghan Joe should go. They are all "standing behind Joe" just like their puppet masters told them to.

Do you believe me yet that they are all owned by the upper class trash Royals? Do you believe me yet that the Royals have plans for using Afghan Joe some more?

They don't work for you, they work for the Royals.

Then I found this video telling that many of the Commierat donors have organized an insurance plan to keep Trump from having enough power to stop their globalist plans by moving most of their money from Afghan Joe to getting more Commierats elected in the House telling us that they may be "supporting Afghan Joe" in word but are making moves telling us they believe Afghan Joe will lose so they are not supporting him in deed.

People, all of this should tell you that another one of their great sounding stupid ideas is failing and backfiring on them.

They are telling you that they plan to do the same things to Trump they did following his win in 2016 to tie his hands and keep Trump from destroying their sick dreams. They never quit.

Mahdi Obama and the Nation of Islam are going to nuke Chicago on August 19 during the DNC conference to take out all of those top Commierats that are not going to give Afghan Joe money and still want to remove him, Afghan Joe, and Kruela, blame Israel, and seize control of our government with the help of their deep state like God showed me they would do. That video shows that Mahdi Obama and the Nation of Islam have all of the motivation in the world to do that because it is blowing apart right now.

Mahdi Obama and the Nation of Islam MUST either get Afghan Joe reelected to maintain control of the US Government or seize control of the government themselves or their dreams of a global Caliphate will vaporize and by August 19 they will realize they are not going to get him reelected with everyone financially jumping ship on Afghan Joe.

Remember that I told you years ago that the British Royal Family had Harry and Megan come to the US and she stated she was going to run for president but Trump won before she could run?

I just found out that the British Royal Family has been ordered to sever all ties with Harry and Megan.

Are they doing that so Megan can be president without it looking like the British Royal Family is taking back control of "the colonies"? Is that to fool the stupid people?

We know that Afghan Joe was setup but not by whom or why.

Was he setup by the British Royal Family, of which Mahdi Obama is a member, to show how bad his health is to get the left to get rid of him at the DNC convention in Chicago this August 19 to 21 so they could put Megan in his place? That would make sense, wouldn't it?

That is the first thing I have seen that does make sense about setting up Afghan Joe like they did, especially with the British Royal Family right now, by magic coincidence, of course, being ordered to sever ties with Harry and Megan and they made it known years ago that she was coming here to be president.

If that is true, you can bet that all of this panic about replacing Afghan Joe is just show and a distraction from what they are really doing. "Why, they were not in on doing these treasonous things and exposing Afghan Joe to get Megan appointed."

BTW, I do hope you know that Soros works for, is funded by, and answers to a British Lord who works for, is funded by, and answers to King Chuck? I do hope you remember that it was Soros who helped fund and get Obama elected and that Obama is Afghan Joe's puppet master, right? Therefore, that would ultimately put King Chuck in control of Afghan Joe, right? Do you get the picture yet?

Food for thought: If Megan gets elected president and appoints Harry as king so she can be queen, then Mahdi Obama and the Nation of Islam lose control of the US and the planet and King Chuck takes control.

Just how do you think those power mad whackos are going to like taking a back seat to King Chuck? Do you think that might cause the Nation of Islam and Mahdi Obama to nuke Chicago to take out those people supporting the British Royal Family takeover during the DNC convention? Hey, maybe Mahdi Obama could become the new king of England too?

I have seen Royals murder Royals for much less.

Remember that I have taught you that there are multiple groups of power mad whackos within the group of globalists all trying to figure out a way for them to rule the world.

Mahdi Obama and the Nation of Islam will not submit to King Chuck ruling over them. They will kill him and blame Israel.

Just keep an eye out for someone to "suggest" that they should replace Afghan Joe with Megan Markel. You will know that was planned out and by whom.

Keep an eye on that.

Also, I told you a long time ago that Afghan Joe's problem was not his age but a medical condition and the left and their lying media kept insisting it was his age. They are now finally saying he probably has Parkinson's disease. They knew and were lying, while committing age discrimination.

You BETTER pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load because we don't have much time left. All Hell is breaking loose right now and, at the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, all Heaven will break loose.


There are two important things in the first 2.5 minutes of this video. First, it keeps talking about Israel and Hezbollah "might" go to war but pay attention to all of the military action between two forces that "are not at war". What garbage. They are blowing each other up, killing each other, destroy each others' weapons but they are not at war.

The second thing is that the US stated they "cannot support Israel as they have been supporting her earlier in this war," you know, after only a few months. Hey, they can support Ukraine for years for more than $100 billion but can't support Israel for just one year.

I told you Afghan Joe and Mahdi Obama would sabotage Israel.

Now the God and Hebrew haters are trying to make people believe that Israel murdered her own people on October 7 instead of Hamas murdering them in order to turn people against Israel and to cause them to want to save the "poor widdle Hamas terrorist organization." You know the stupid people will fall for it.

Satan's spawn never quit and will tell any lie and murder anyone to get what they want. Hey, they have to destroy Israel so they can confirm Obama as their Mahdi.


Do you want to know why God is judging the US right now? Do you want to know why God is soon going to destroy LA and other parts of Commiefornia with a massive earthquake storm?

Watch this video and welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah and the days of Noah 2024. If God does not punish us for this crap, He will have to apologize to everyone He destroyed in the Flood and Sodom and Gomorrah. If God is just and righteous, He MUST punish us for being that evil.

That video tells us that it is as it was in the days of Noah.

So, Christians, how is that tolerance thingy working out? Being punished for it, are you? Do you believe me yet that the lefties are evil?

You BETTER get right with God.

People, the Tribulation is going to be a tribulation because of extreme sin.


I want to give you another example about how ignorant and stupid the lefties really are with a very easy prediction.

They simple mindedly are going to solve the problem of rats in New York City by putting their trash in plastic dustbins.

And what will the rats do? Will they teleport to Mars? Maybe they will fly away on brooms? Maybe they will just magically vaporize?

No, the starving rats will desperately go into homes, businesses, and anywhere else they might be able to get food so that people's homes and businesses will be inundated with rats. They will get into cupboards, pantries, pet food, and even kill any pets they can to eat for food.

New York is going to turn into a living Hell because you have ignorant stupid people trying to solve complex problems they can't even begin to understand with simple minded solutions. They are clueless about animal behavior.

The rats will still be there and they will be starving and desperate for food. They will attack humans, especially children, especially at night, while sleeping.

You should read some of the stories written about people living with and being attacked by rats in concentration camps.

You are about to find out how super duper ignorant and stupid our corrupt politicians and bureaucrats are because they just made a bad problem much worse.

Please note that all of the media thought it was a really great idea too.

Keep an eye on this.

Christian Persecution

Remember that I regularly tell you to pray for your Christian brothers and sisters around the world because many are persecuted and often murdered?

This video shows the 10 nations in which Christians are most persecuted. Watch it and be thankful that you don't live in any of them. I also prayed for the Christians around the world who are being persecuted, while watching it.

I want you to notice several things. First, the worst nation in the world for persecuting Christians is communist because communists hate God and the Bible. The rest of those nations are Muslim run.

When I studied Islam and read the Koran, I saw that Muhammad ordered that Christians and Jews convert to Islam or be murdered, usually by being beheaded but, after he died, Muslims would either convert, kill, enslave, or charge a special and very high tax to Christians.

Remember that, during the Tribulation, the Muslims will conquer and rule the world. Remember that the Book of Revelation tells us that the Antichrist will tell Israel to convert to Islam or be murdered at mid Tribulation and most will convert while a "remnant" will flee into the wilderness, where God has a special place for them.


I am seeing more conservatives realizing that the left "wants our children."

That is why the left staged the women's rights movement in the late 60s and early 70s "giving women the right to work men's jobs." They want the women to work full time so they can't stay home to raise the children so the state can raise and brainwash those children to be good little commie slaves and activists.

They were planning ahead generations into the future and now they want to rest of the slaves. That is one reason they are destroying our economy right now to force mothers to go to work to provide for their family so they cannot stay home and raise their children so the state can finish brainwashing all of the children.

The way the left's commie traitor teachers have almost completely taken over most of our schools, I would never send my children to a public school today because they would come home as God hating and eternally damned commie activists. I would rather the church raised my kids but prefer raising them myself.

Today, you can't believe or trust anything the government does or says.

Euro-centric Prophets

What really kills me is that these Euro-centric Christians are still believing, teaching, and understanding everything based on Euro-centric end time prophecies that don't even fit with the prophecy details, while Europe is rapidly collapsing and cannot possibly be the one world government and one world church of the Tribulation. What they believe and teach is imploding before their eyes and they can't even see it.

The only thing I can think is, "Maybe they are not true Christians and don't have the wisdom of God?"


I just realized that, with most Republicans (not all) tolerant of what the lefty Commierats are doing and not fighting back, when Mahdi Obama nukes Chicago and seizes control of the US Government, those Republicans won't fight back against the left's insurrection. They will either be part of it or just go along with it, permitting Mahdi Obama to take control of the US.

There will be a few who will probably fight back but not enough to matter. If anything, most of them will distract you to believing it was Israel who nuked Chicago so they can justify going along with the left's insurrection.

No, the Republicans are not going to save your butts. Only God will save your butts and only if you repent of your crimes against His Laws and turn back to Him. If you don't, you are super duper screwed.


The West/NATO are ramping up to invade Ukraine to stop Russia telling me that they are about to make their move.

Poland just signed a deal with Ukraine to be able to shoot down Russian missiles inside western Ukraine, which will put Poland in direct conflict with Russia. Their idea is to create a "no fly zone" over western Ukraine to keep Russia's missiles from destroying F-16s on the ground and munitions factories.

Yeah, that will force Russia to take out the SAMs in Poland and bring Poland into the war completely but it will cause all of NATO to come to Poland's rescue and Putin knows that. You can bet he will stage a surprise nuclear preemptive strike into at least the top NATO nations to destroy or weaken their ability to aid Poland.

Gee, I wonder why China and Belarus are doing military exercises in Belarus by the Polish border, you know, probably arranged by Putin in his last trip to China?

Mean while, NATO is ramping up their weapons and moving tens of thousands of troops to the Ukrainian border.

Keep in mind that it takes months to move a lot of troops so it will still be a while before Hell breaks loose.

In this brief video he shows you a number of Russia penetration moves that are being used for two things. One is that they are driving deeper and deeper into enemy lines, spreading the enemy forces out until they finally get too thin and Russia breaks through causing a panicked route.

The other thing they are using them for is to create a strong potential for encirclement of nearby enemy troops that causes those troops to give up ground without a fight to keep from being encircled and slaughtered.

They are doing what I told you Russia would do and it is working.


I just saw a question about angels that is obvious to me. It is, "Do angels have free will?"

Yes, of course they do and the Bible tells us they do. They were ALL tempted by Satan to support him dethroning God and taking over, one third of them CHOSE to follow and support Satan in his insurrection, becoming demons, and two thirds of them CHOSE to not follow Satan and his insurrection and to support God in fighting against that insurrection.

They were tested before humans were tested, one third of them failed that test, and two thirds of them passed that test.

You have to understand that God is also being tested as to whether He is a righteous and just God to be able to judge all of the angels and mankind. God is testing Himself to prove that He is just and righteous. By the end of Judgment Day, God, every angel, Satan, every demon, and every human will have been tested and we will all be sorted out based on whether we failed or passed that test.

Remember that EVERYTHING will be made known.

You read the Bible and use common sense.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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